
24 Reviews
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Under Fire (2021– )
26 August 2022
I started watching this series as at the moment not a lot else to watch. I am only on episode 4 and I'm waiting to see if I can give it more stars along the way. I do find one thing really disturbing. This show is about firemen, I have the greatest respect for these people, but Orlando who seems to think he always knows best, drives himself and his 5 yearold(?) son around without seat belts!!!!!! I'm sure this is something someone in this job, in real life, would not do. Maybe the producers should think about what a terrible example they are showing.
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
Hard to say goodbye
20 November 2020
I have been a fan from day. I have never felt it necessary to write a rewieiw as this was my show. I watched it for me, I grew old with this show, now 65, my kids are more or less the same age as Sam and Dean, my daughter got married on the same day as Jensen and Danneel. There has not been a tv series that has given me so much excitement, fun, love, great characters, beautiful people and most of all the feeling of being a part of something, without actually being there. I know sounds a little crazy. Looking at the last 2 episodes I will always remember the tears I cried having to say goodbye, to these 2 boys, for that is always what they will be to me, and all the others I wish to say thank you to everyone who made this show, from the lowest to the highest I am eternally greatful .I'll be watching them over and over, they will never get boring, they'll keep making me laugh. I wish everyone a wonderful future.
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Hawaii Five-0 (2010–2020)
Shame they ruined it at the end
19 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Faithful viewer for ten years, fan of Alex since his Moonlight days. I thought how could they end this with dignity and give Alex his long needed respite. This was not how is was meant to, or should have, ended. These people had relationships on and off screen for 10 years, went through all sorts of troubles on and off screen, but what a let down the last episode was. None of the feelings that should have been there were, none of the magic they'd made together. Worst thing, sorry to have say this, was the return of Catherine. There was from day one never any chemistry there. There are shows you see the reactions, whether real or played, e.g Jaimie/Claire, Vincent/Cat, Mick/Beth, but their relationship was like an empty bottle always waiting to be filled. I think even an ending where tears would have been flowing freely would have been better. I for one will enjoy watching all 10 seasons over and over again, leaving out that unworthy final episode and imagining something much better for my own peace of mind.
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MacGyver: Soccer + Desi + Merchant + Titan (2020)
Season 4, Episode 5
Why do writers get away with it?
9 March 2020
I watch Mac mainly because I was a fan of the old serious. Sometimes I just cringe at how the writers think. This is an episode about football, European football, has 2 British actors in it and still they get it all wrong!!! How is that possible? Nearly stopped watching but I managed to finish it under the presumption it's made mainly for the US market, and who in the US cares.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Still waiting for somebody to like
10 October 2017
I watched TOS as a pre-teen and was hooked on Star Trek for life. I have watched every series, every film many times and was really looking forward to Discovery. I will not say it isn't good, I just can't say it's fantastic, as I'd hoped to. I watch each episode with hope of being wowed, and it always misses. I have to admit I can't name one character who has made such an impression I would be sad to see them go, or be interested at all in what happens to them. The Klingons are all wrong, since when do they care about bling. I know it's the future but did humour die in 2200 or why are all the players so boring. Even the comic relieve is just awkward not funny. As mentioned I've been watching TV for along time and it is not easy to impress me, so I was hoping to be impressed with Discovery. I'll keep hoping until it gets too boring.

Discused the time line with my son while watching and we just couldn't figure out whether it's a completely new one or not, and if not where does it fit in with the rest of ST.

Might write an update later, positive or negative, we'll see.
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Line of Duty (2012–2021)
Another show which has not enough recognition
11 May 2016
Once again I stumbled onto this show by accident. Thank goodness. I find British police drama much more intense than the run of the mill American shows. This one is no exception. The acting is very convincing on all accounts. You think in the beginning how can this "kid" be a good main character. He then proves you very wrong and you see that his conviction to the case is what makes him compelling to watch. All the main players are only too human. The stories all have their own twists and turns, keeping you on your toes all the time. Making this show fascinating to watch. I admit there was an awful lot of binge watching as I couldn't leave the plot at the end of each episode.

Please give this a chance and be rewarded for doing so.
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Limitless (2015–2016)
I hope it goes for season 2
18 November 2015
When I first started watching Limitless I thought, yet another show that I find extremely entertaining will no doubt get cancelled. I have read a few of the negative reviews and they all seem to miss the whole point of this show. It is supposed to be fun, even though some of the premises are like a lot of shows with an FBI storyline this is where this show takes a left turn because they have Brian. Unserious, fun loving, normal Brian who in spite of what he can do when on NZT has not become a super nerd or fantastic agent. If you have never watched Limitless then don't expect a run of the mill good guy/bad guy the Bureau always gets their man scenario. No be entertained by the banter, the quirkiness, the really good soundtrack and good acting.

All I can say is Bruntouchables - go for it! Love the T-shirt.
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Legends (2014–2015)
All new
2 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I loved season 1 and was happy to hear that this was renewed for season 2. The fact that Sean Bean is a great actor and was able to put all his abilities as a chameleon into season 1 made everything so interesting. The not knowing who this man really is, then the season finale, what will become of "Martin"?

I have watched episode 1 of season 2 and can say I am impressed with the way they have taken the story. The acting is still top notch, the writing proving just as powerful and making you want more. A very well done to everyone involved. I have to say I think season 2 may even be better than 1.
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Longmire (2012–2017)
Thank you Netflix
13 September 2015
I have been a fan since the beginning of Longmire. When I heard it had been cancelled I just couldn't believe a show with this class could be dumped. There was never a moment when Longmire was disappointing. The whole cast was always in top form, building with each episode characters with edges that were always clear but bendable, making them interesting and surprising. Scripts that kept you thinking. Then after 3 great seasons cancelled. The news that Netflix had picked up for season 4 made me hope.

Well, thank you Netflix. Season 4 is here. I have watched them all, loved them all, they made me sad, made me smile, and most of all they made me hope that there will at least be a season 5.

Ps. Watched the final episode today. I was, I admit it, in tears for the happy ending(s) and for the fact that such a great TV show was allowed to come to an actual end. All seasons have been exceptional and I will be recommending this show even in years to come because it will never get out-dated. Thanks to everyone who made this so great.
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Sense8 (2015–2018)
Gave it a second chance and really glad I did.
9 August 2015
Well, having started episode 1 a while ago, and giving up as I thought watching paint dry was bad but watching paint dry on 8 different surfaces was just too much.

Then I read a few reviews and thought don't be so damming from the start. There are several series that have needed a couple of episodes to get started, so, back to the beginning.

Now up to episode 5 I do believe I'm hooked. You are slowly drawn in, find yourself waiting for the next connection, the next exchange, who with whom. You realise, and appreciate, why it all started so slowly, a different pace would have knocked you off your feet too soon.

Altogether very, very well made from every aspect.

P.S. Although British I live in Germany and it was actually nice to see a German actor not playing a German with that terrible accent, as most of them speak better English than a lot of English actors.
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Banshee (2013–2016)
Not for the faint of heart
4 August 2015
The title of my review may give the impression I find this show a bit too brutal. I am not one for excessive violence but I have to admit I have seldom been so hooked on a show from the first episode. I binged all three seasons in a few days and was kept at an adrenalin high. The acting is excellent, the writing always on the mark. Each director has their way with the characters and brings out the best in the cast, best example Antony Starr. Even the worst of people have something that makes them human and that is what makes each and everyone of the figures, even the villains, in this series a pleasure to watch. Thank you also for the banter between Sugar and Job allowed me to deflate a little and breath occasionally. Why this show has not got a wider audience is beyond me, when other shows that should have been cancelled after their first season keep going on and on. I am looking forward to next season and will be recommending this show to everyone.
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
Not what you think
10 April 2015
Well, here is a show that really surprised me. I was expecting the usual Marvel show, but what did I watch, a show with Gotham quality. The main players are at the moment still evolving, the acting is on par with the script and I hope they can keep it up to this standard and not fall into that "lazyness" that sometimes appears after a few shows. It would seem once again choosing a non-American as lead has paid-off. It's like the fresh blood into a dying species. So, for fans of the not so run of the mill comic adaption I can thoroughly recommend this, and for all those out there that need everything to be bright, colourful and loud you should watch this just to see how good something can be without all that. That makes it sound boring but I can assure you, you may just be as surprised as I was.

Update: Finished season 1 and I have nothing but praise for this show and can't wait for season 2. I wish I could give it a 10 but that would not leave me any room to raise my rating, which if season 2 is as good, I definitely will.
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The Red Road (2014–2015)
Not all shows have to slap you in the face with action
10 April 2015
I watched the first season wishing it had been longer. That was not because it needed more episodes to enhance the story but because I really enjoyed it. Season 2 is here at last and it carries on as before. Compelling to watch. Some comments prove that lots of viewers have forgotten that a good story can be told at a pace that doesn't take your breath away but keeps you on a constant level of anticipation for the whole show. I am always surprised that it's over. The sometimes lack of dialog is synonymous with how people really are and it lets the viewers do some thinking of their own, very unusual in todays TV. The twists give me hope that it may run into at least season 3, here's hoping.
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Eye Candy (2015)
4 for effort
13 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So I read the storyline and thought OK give it a try.

The actors were, to say the least, wooden. The writers tried to put in everything, and I mean everything, they think the 18-29s are interested in. But they forget that most of these people do actually have brains and can see the blunders. The sister gets kidnapped and nobody takes any notice, except Lindy. One minute she hates Ben, the next minute she's in bed with him. She is a "brilliant" hacker but seems to have no idea about being hacked herself? I gave it 4 for effort, but I have to admit that after Ben was taken I was shaking my head and thinking should I waste my time with this drivel?

The answer was - no.

BTW: The music info running through for each song (!) was extremely annoying.
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Rush (2014)
Hope Rush stays for awhile
3 August 2014
I have seen Tom Ellis is other things, comedy/drama, and have always thought he could go places, and deserved to go places. I have to admit I am a fan of his which makes me biased. I have read the other reviews and cannot understand why anyone would comment on his bad behaviour. It's his bad behaviour that makes his character, we are watching a doctor disillusioned by the way he has been treated and who then takes his actions into his own hands. He has a conscience, but he keeps it under lock and key, he helps people even if he doesn't want to, his humanity is still there. I like Rush as a character. People seem to think if you are a doctor you do it out of the goodness of your heart and helping is a calling. That is obviously true in some cases, and maybe with Rush at one time as well, but a great percentage do it for the money. Let's see how he develops, I just hope he doesn't turn into some do gooder.
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You're the Worst (2014–2019)
Makes me laugh, even out loud.
3 August 2014
So, I have watched all 3 episodes and each one has surprised me by making me smile from start to finish and make laugh out loud on several occasions. I love all the main characters, this has not happened since way back. The unwanted chemistry between Jimmy and Gretchen is great to watch. How two people not interested in a relationship try to not connect, but find themselves being pulled into something they can't escape and can't explain. Whether it will continue at this high quality is up to the writers because the actors are doing a great job. The British/American mix worked on "Episodes" and I think here it goes one step further. I think I would have found an American male a bit too pretentious and not quite as believable as Chris Geere.

There is still hope for comedy!
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True Detective (2014– )
Final comment: that was so good!!!!
19 July 2014
I started watching this in January, and had to give up because the 2 main characters made my skin crawl. Then thought I'd give it another chance. Just finished and all I can say is - Wow!!! I have seen a lot, read a lot and was so enthralled by this as I haven't been for a long time. I loved Fargo but that was a different kettle of fish and in it's own way brilliant. I was taken aback by the fantastic acting, Matthew McConaughey, believed every dark side he had, Woody Harrleson, believed every doubt, self-hate, moment. Nic Pizzolatto's writing must be praised to the highest degree because it was his script that gave them the chance to shine. Each director gave their episodes their touch but kept the main theme intact making everything smooth. I gave this a 9, I don't give 10s, but I would like to give a 9.9 as after over 50 years of TV this nearly made me change my mind.
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Defiance (2013–2015)
New to Defiance
3 July 2014
As I was looking for something to fill the summer void I came across Defiance and wondered why I had never watched it before. I am a sci-fi fan, always will be, but it is very difficult these days to find something original, or at least something that is not so badly done or with a really terrible storyline you just want to turn off, e.g The Last Ship. So, I did not look at any reviews, it did have a 7 though and that gives it a chance with me.

I liked it so much I managed season 1 in a few days desperate to catch up so I could watch the new season 2. It has, of course, got weak points but you can easily see past these as the main characters are likable, even the bad guys. Here we have people, and aliens, trying to survive in a changed, new, world. They all have pasts, they all have edges. OK there is some of the hero worship that Americans love but even the heroes have their dark spots, thank goodness.

The acting is good. Tony Curran as Datak, Julie Benz as Amanda (liked her in Dexter, too) Grant Bowler as Nolan, yet again another NZ, and refreshing Staphanie Leonidas as Irisa, and Jaime Murray is so wonderfully evil as Stahma. All characters are very well played so a 10 for casting.

Here's hoping they don't go and make the story so weird it's no fun any more.
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The Last Ship (2014–2018)
Disappointed but still hopeful
24 June 2014
This managed a 6/10 only because I hope it gets better. I am reading a book a that appears to be very similar from the storyline, but told so much better. That is why I think this could improve if they take out the "we are the heroes" attitude. This is a story about survival, talking about saving the world is pointless as about 90% of the world is dead or dying. The characters need to be more human in their reactions, which up till now have been non-existent. Eric Dane was OK, Rhona Mitra sorry not believable, the rest are just waiting for the chance to prove they can actually act.

I am thinking of changing my score to a 5. How someone can compare this to Stargate SG1 is beyond me, and believe me I have watched that show again and again. At least there was chemistry there from the beginning and here there is definitely something missing. I will watch the next episode and won't give up straight away.
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19-2 (2014–2017)
One "depressing" show worth watching
20 June 2014
OK I have read the other reviews and agree that this show can be depressing. I'm not even sure why I started to watch this but I then discovered each of the characters had their own crosses to bear, whether self-inflicted or through a series of circumstances and events, they all fight the daily fight of life, and the fight to stay alive in their jobs, stay faithful to friends and just do the right thing. The storyline makes this really hard and that's what makes this show so compelling. The actors are good, the script more realistic than most other police shows because people in real life have personal problems and jobs to cope with at the same time. I know this is set in Monteal and was a show in french first but my french is so rusty I would have given up after a few minutes, so, thank you for letting us poor English speakers into the world of 19-2.
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Dominion (2014–2015)
Could be good
20 June 2014
Must admit I do not remember having seen the film (Legion) but it did ring a bell so I was up for a new series about, once again, saving mankind. I am a Supernatural fan and that has the same principle, bad angels, good angels, demons, God gone etc but on a more down to earth basis, and it can be really funny. This however seems to be more doomsday. It is well made, at the moment, but that can change. The main characters are OK. I am getting a bit frustrated with the same twists in plots, there seems to be so few surprises these days, you are always waiting for the traitor, the hero, who doesn't want to be a hero, and as always the love interest. If this does make it to a full season I hope the writers will at least try to surprise us. A little bit of humour would be nice too as life in what ever stage is not always deadly serious. Saw that some one mentioned all the actors are British? Not quite true but there does seem to be a a lot of Aussies staring in things these days, I'm all for it, I think they are refreshingly unpretentious, which makes their characters more believable.

Might have to re-vote depending on which way this goes.
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Believe (2014)
Shame it's gone
16 June 2014
It's funny but sometimes you really do have to give some things a chance and when Believe started I liked it but was not quite sure whether it would take the right turns. For me it did, I really enjoyed the rapport between Bo and Tate, it seemed to get better each week. I watched mainly because of their characters and would have liked to see more of their relationship, Bo becoming a teenager, maybe Tate and a girlfriend, who knows, and no-one ever will as is usual good things get cancelled by the powers that be. Not everyone is between 16-30, not everyone likes to be rushed into things, some people like things to develop at a slower pace. I take my hat off to Johhny Sequoyah for being believable, no pun intentioned, and Jake McLaughlin for his great performance as a troubled Dad. Guys I'll miss you.
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Fargo (2014–2024)
Remains Briiliant
12 June 2014
Having watched 9 episodes of Fargo I start to wish it wasn't going to end soon. I keep this show for last on my watch list for the week as it keeps surprising me and gives 50mins of pleasure. I can only praise the writing, all the actors are brilliant, even down to the small parts. Every scene seems to have perfect lighting, making it all seem so intense, whether it's just Molly with her Dad in the coffee shop or Lorne committing some heinous act. The Cohen touch of humor manages to break the suspense at just the right time so that we, as viewers, don't get overwhelmed. I give this a 10 because I can find no faults.

I can only hope that they may, one day, see fit to give us another one of their masterpieces.
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The Night Shift (2014–2017)
Seen a lot of bad TV
6 June 2014
I watched the first episode and thought this can only get better, give it another chance. Episode 2, how wrong can one be, it actually got worse and I finally turned it off after 20 minutes. A definite no go. The acting is only as bad as the script makes it. There are a couple of good actors in this show who should be doing better work. Wonder sometimes whether they really read the script or they get talked into things. I can really claim I have been watching TV for around 55 years and have seen good things be canceled and bad things stay for a long run. Maybe they will manage to make this better but they will have lost so many viewers by then it may be too late. I'm gone.
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