
15 Reviews
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The Rookie (2018– )
Great show, somewhat diminished by political correctness
15 October 2023
First of all, after three seasons, I really enjoy this show. It's got Nathan Fillion and a host of other likeable actors, and a decent story. It's fun, it's light and it always leaves me wanting more, as a good show should.

That being said, the magic is constantly broken by their incessant need for female empowerment. As one character mentioned, women make up only about 12% of law enforcement and yet, in this show, they're over-represented to such an extent that one can't help but feel frustrated because they're always present, always right and always boring with their moral, intellectual and, often, physical superiority.

Regardless of this issue, I do recommend this show to anyone looking for a bit of fun and distraction. I just wish they'd tone down the socio-political agenda to make it a bit more palatable.
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The last goodbye.
4 June 2023
I cannot judge this film on its own merits alone. It is a mere part of a marvelous whole, one that I grew up with and one that will forever hold a fond place in my memory.

People will say that it is the weakest of Peter Jackson's Tolkien adaptations and they are probably right. I will not waste my time defending it. I'll merely claim that, despite it's flaws, it has more than enough to keep one's attention and to entertain for a mere three hours. More importantly, it is closure, an ending to a good story and, beyond that, to a series of films which more than deserve our respect and admiration. As such, I think that it is recommended viewing to anyone who bothered with the first five and I foresee that only the most critical among us shall leave wholly unsatisfied.
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9 October 2022
I bet we all have movies that we've seen in a particularly memorable time of our lives, movies that stick with us, whether they were good or bad, as fond memories of a time long passed.

For me, this is one such film. But, unlike others I rewatch nearly every year, I always appreciate this particular one for its quality as well as its meaning to myself. It's quite a well crafted, fun movie with memorable characters and a depth that is a bit greater than you'll find in most teen comedies. Don't let that fool you, though. It's also one of the funnier examples of the genre that understands the underlying strength of any good joke: timing.

Overall it is a little gem a movie and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes to enjoy a proper teen comedy once in a while. I especially urge fans of Elisha Cuthbert and/or Timothy Olyphant to give it a try. They truly shine in this one.
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John Carter (2012)
A movie is made for the viewer, not the critic
8 April 2022
I just finished re-watching this movie and I am left a bit puzzled. I'm sure that people with more culture, intelligence and/or education than myself shall find sufficient flaws to heartily disprove of this movie. Critic ratings and even the box office takings of the film stand as proof that there's ample reason to dislike it. Well, I write this tonight not from any desire to praise the film beyond it's merits nor to fire back some snarly comments at those who object to it. My goal is simply to share my experience, nothing more.

Much like on my first viewing, I felt thoroughly entertained throughout the film's lengthy run. I can't speak for it's originality nor it's faithfulness to the source material but I enjoyed the story it told. I also liked the characters, their poor development and thin backstories all but negated by the performances of the cast, with my beloved veterans outshining the main duo, of course. That is not to say that there wasn't plenty to see about the two main protagonists, of course, with emphasis on "see". Most of all, though, I enjoyed the CGI, the world they created and the different races of beast and humanoid. Again, I can't comment on originality but they were carefully designed and beautifully animated. In short, the CGI was so decent that, with a big enough screen, one can truly feel as though they're part of the action.

All in all, even after a rotten day, I find myself in a good mood after having finished this little gem of a movie. Perfect it may not be but neither is it offensively bad, in my opinion. And it's certainly entertaining enough to distract one from their worries and troubles for a couple of hours. I highly recommend it for it's sheer beauty and entertainment value.
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Silent Night (I) (2021)
The end can be funny... but it's still the end.
7 March 2022
I found this film disturbing. They started of quite well. Brits cussing is certainly a funny thing to witness and adding British children to the fold certainly increased the humorous tone of the movie, however inappropriate the medium.

Still, at the end credits, I found myself feeling rather conflicted. You see, part of me was thoroughly entertained throughout the story. The actors put forth a great performance and the script was just sharp enough to keep them interesting, albeit with some dry, uninspired lines left in here and there. The scenery was great, the story was interesting and it just felt like a quality piece of cinema.

But then things just took a dark turn, so dark, in fact, that I all but forgot about the initial fun I was having. Sure, humorous scenes were still popping up here and there; after all, the imminence of death and the desperation that precedes it should and would certainly produce some inconsistent behavior. Still, I couldn't help but notice that they put so much emphasis on the darker side of the plot that all humorous distraction lost its meaning.

In conclusion, while humorous elements are present and they are entertaining, this is by no means a dark comedy. It is a sad and tragic tale where hilarity only ensues due to the irrational behavior of ordinary people who just so happen to be facing their inevitable and imminent demise. Personally, I was more confused and conflicted than I was entertained. I hope you will have a better time with it. Objectively, it remains a quality production.
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Dan in Real Life (I) (2007)
What makes a good movie?
29 January 2022
Fair question, wouldn't you agree? For we openly judge films. We all recommend or reject them, don't we? But what is our criteria? On what do we base an opinion strong enough to compel us to influence others?

Well, I think it's the simplest of things: perspective. Sure, some of us know more about filmography than others. Some of us have seen more films and have formed a more comprehensive and more educated opinion about what makes a good movie. But let's face it, as the end credits roll, there's only one thing that will truly influence our verdict: how it made us feel.

This movie is not stellar neither in its technical details, nor in its originality. It presents a tired old premise, done to death throughout the decades by movies both greater and worse than itself. Said story is told through a rather questionable medium, namely a heavy handed script and some mediocre improvisations. I also felt that the editing was a tad too choppy for this sort of film. In short, in my novice opinion, it could have turned sour really fast, had they not had a brilliant cast to save the day. By working hard with the limited resources at their disposal, these seasoned actors managed to steer this movie in the right direction. They gave quality and depth to what could have been a shallow comedic flop. Not to belittle the contribution of the rest, but my particular kudos goes out to Steve Carell, who is truly a master of his craft. Overall, I am of the opinion that without, him, and Juliette Binoche's smile if I am being honest, I would not be on IMDb today, trying to recommend this little gem.

Now, why do I recommend it? Simple, because of how it made me feel. I laughed, I teared up, I rejoiced. In short, I felt. And I left my media room with a wide smile on my face that lasted for longer than I care to admit. In short, I recommend it because anything that can make my stone heart beat with delight might just be good enough for a better person than I. Also, I heartily recommend it to honor the hard work of a handful of people who gave their best to make this movie worth our time and money.
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
23 January 2022
I had trouble finishing the first season. It felt tedious at times, which is to be expected, but more importantly, I didn't get to care about any of the secondary and tertiary characters. The last thing I'd think about when I see Superman in a show is teenage angst and high school drama. Giving two dimes about anyone involved in it is hard after that shock. The political machinations with US propaganda subtly woven in gets tiring after a while as well. I get it, you're patriotic. But there's about 7.6 billion potential viewers left on Earth who might not care.

The second season begun with more of the same and, after a pointless hissy fit from a newly introduced tertiary character, I just grew too frustrated to even finish the first episode.

My title comes from the manner in which the producers treat their characters, which is my primary issue with the show. Basically, they introduce quite a few characters and sacrifice quite a bit of screen time on each one of them without adding anything meaningful or entertaining to the show. If you're going to shove pointless characters down my throat, make sure that you spark my interest in said characters before you bore me with their ridiculous antics. Maybe if I'd care about these irrelevant adages, I'd sit through their drama. As it stands, they bored me to frustration and I am not watching another episode.

I hope I am wrong. I hope I'm the one who's broken and the pointless drama that drove me away will interest others and elevate this show to great heights. But, from my perspective, I simply cannot recommend Superman & Lois as a pleasurable viewing experience worth the time investment.
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Chernobyl (2019)
Powerful message, impressive medium
16 January 2022
I didn't want to watch this at first. The thought of a sad tragic tale in a depressing, 80s communistic backdrop did not seem like a fun past time. And it wasn't, not in the traditional sense. Still, as soon as I finished the first episode, I couldn't stop until I was done with them all.

It is a very compelling series, informative but also very heavy, very dramatic. All should see it, if for no other reason than to know the history of the Chernobyl tragedy and to honor the unsung heroes who basically saved the world with their sacrifice.

Putting that aside, I must praise the creators of this show. As an Eastern European, a mere child in the eighties, I was impressed by the sets, the costumes and hairstyles. Everything, from the carefully chosen shoes of a character to the chipping paint on the windowsills of a hospital instantly sends me back to those times and, as such, confirms the high production quality of the show. Of course, the writing and the cast deserve praise as well. The main protagonists, seasoned actors all, had a decent script to work with and truly shine in their parts, even if their performances have an understated quality about them, a wise choice given the subject matter.

Overall I am impressed with this little mini series and heartily recommend it to everyone. It is a rare gem in the slew of today's mostly mediocre productions and tells a story that should be known to all.
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A Discovery of Witches (2018–2022)
Underwhelming soap opera
15 January 2022
The premise was interesting. The story showed potential. The actors are mostly competent and fitting to their roles.

After all that potential and a decent first couple of episodes, it slowed down to a crawl, became a second-rate romantic soap with no thrills or entertainment value whatsoever. I enjoy a character drama as much as the next viewer but I found myself ceasing to care about any protagonist.

In short, unless written by Quentin Tarantino or some other legend, two people chatting in a room will not give me sufficient motive to wait for the outcome of the dialog. Even if the interlocutors are supernatural creatures.
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The Expanse: Babylon's Ashes (2022)
Season 6, Episode 6
Actually good. But missing an element
15 January 2022
The episode was great. The perfect blend of entertainment, heartfelt moments and the classic "good guys win" scenario. Great ending as well, if a bit too happy an ending. In the last minute or so I was desperately expecting Miller to show up and go "Stop sitting on your laurels, kid. We got work to do." My biggest concern remains the nagging feeling that they ended the season is such a way as to allow them to cancel the show with minimal backlash.
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Logan (2017)
Raising the bar
24 October 2021
It's rare to have a superhero movie of such good quality that you end up caring more about the man than the superhero. Logan almost made me forget what it was. In retrospect. I enjoyed the emotional journey of the characters far more than I did all the superhero-elements that a movie of this type is usually centered around.

What I am trying to convey with my simple language is that this movie has far transcended its genre. Its not just brilliant for a superhero movie, it is brilliant as a film.

I cannot praise or recommend it enough.
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Siren (2018–2020)
One trick poney
13 August 2021
Just finished the second season. Formed a few opinions.

First of all, the concept and storyline are decent. Sure, it's the same old myths rehashed and modernized, but it works.

The acting is average, with one exception perhaps, but expecting more than that would be foolish.

The characters are where it starts getting a bit bothersome. There are many of them, most without purpose or appeal. There are just too many side stories, focused on one-dimensional, boring characters that I, personally, found tedious to watch.

All in all, it would be neigh-unwatchable, would it not be for the lead character, Ryn. There they struck gold. The casting of miss Powell was a great move and the acting choices of the performer, combined with the story arc of the character blend together to create something that is worth soldiering through every dull moment. Also, I was pleasantly surprised by the way they handled the main romantic element in the show. It was bold and risky, but I think that it worked brilliantly.

In conclusion, while not the best show out there, I think it's a good past time for anyone intrigued by the genre. It certainly made me look forward to starting the third season.
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Stardust (2007)
1 June 2021
It is difficult for a grown man to admit that he has shed tears while enjoying a film, even anonymously. But I did. And it was fully justified. There's just so much beauty in this movie. The world they've created is indeed mesmerizing and, well, magical but it is the characters and the actors portraying them that give it the sort of quality that will withstand the test of time and turn this little gem into a classic.

For the more cynical members of the parish, you will indeed see some silliness and some flaws, thus confirming your world view. But if you only open your eyes and heart as well as your mind, you may just have a pleasant time.

In conclusion, I highly recommend this film.
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Warm Bodies (2013)
Hollywood knows its audience
26 February 2021
This movie should not have earned its budget back. But it did, and then some. Why? Because despite the weak story, the horrible script and the spotty acting, Hollywood knew what spice to add to this undesirable dish in order to make it palatable. Their method was simple: make it look good and make it sound good. To this purpose, they first added a decent repertoire of songs, masquerading as a soundtrack, a tasteless but effective touch. They then proceeded in adding some product placement, namely a veteran actor, an up and coming star and a pair of the most mesmerizing baby blues to come out of Australia this century. Oh and there was a BMW thrown in there for good measure, and better profit. Lastly, the ever popular, but often overlooked secret ingredients of filmography: the light tone and the standard romance. After all, there's nothing about a zombie apocalypse that can break the spirit and take the fun out of Armageddon. Oh and nothing in the world can possibly stop love, not even differing species.

In conclusion, Hollywood might have forgotten how to make good movies, but they'll never forget how to sell their products. As for this latest effort, I say, rejoice in the positives. The movie has enough of them to make it watchable.
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Killing Eve (2018–2022)
13 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I understand psychologists who smirk in disdain at the amateurish depiction of Villanelle's "condition". I understand those who get caught up on the lack of realism in this show. What I do not understand is why a work of fiction cannot get away from such critique? To me, this show is about the characters. It is about the swordplay between two unrealistic but highly entertaining "protagonists" and the hilarity that ensues when impulse and emotion (or lack there of) negate the control of rationality. And herein lies the problem. To me, comedy, dark comedy is the main selling point of this show but such a flavor of entertainment is not to everyone's taste. Some do not enjoy the murderous exploits of a character unburdened by the shackles of morality and guilt, for example. I will admit this much. Not every episode has the quality to engage a viewer. But every now and again you get to enjoy a scene like Villanelle and a grieving widow, gaily bouncing around in a garden, with a lighthearted tune accompanying them and you realize why you keep coming back.
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