
31 Reviews
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James Bond for the Fleming fans.
14 November 2021
Unlike many, I have enjoyed Daniel Craig's Bond far more than any other - with the possible exception of Connery. Despite many reviewers feeling that Bond should not be as dark and serious as Craig plays him, I consider this to be the truest portrayal of Bond as written by Fleming. I have read the Fleming books since I was a kid and always found them to be much more engaging and darker works than the early films with their ridiculous, juvenile, pretentious, smart-mouthed, one-lining, lightweight pretty boys. To me, Fleming's Bond was a ruthlessly hard spy and spy-killer, only immaculately elegant on the outside.

Sure the scripts are not always exceptional, but I will never tire of watching and re-watching Craig 'do Bond'. The cinematography and cast are, as always, of the highest caliber and I would respectfully suggest that anyone who thinks that the likes of Moore and Dalton played a good Bond, goes and reads all the original Fleming books again.
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The Nevers (2021–2023)
Great first impression.
16 May 2021
I know that Joss Whedon is not the most popular creative guy in film-making at the moment. Why, I have no idea. He created the spectacularly good, iconic and western-tinged sci-fi gem 'Firefly', which is one of my favourite shows of all time, and it's certainly no fault of his that the network screwed everything up and ended with cancelling after a poorly programmed first season.

I didn't have great expectations for 'The Nevers' after seeing the trailer but made a point of watching episode 1 simply because Whedon was at the helm. SO glad I did! I will be following the entire series with interest as nothing about the first episode has disappointed. No, it's not period drama, it's not historical reconstruction, it's not a documentary for pete's sake. It's light-hearted sci-fi/fantasy, and it hits a perfect bullseye in that target. I'm going on 60 yrs old and I'm not easily impressed by many shows, but I am confident that this will be one that I enjoy and end up re-watching (probably many, many times, like Firefly).
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Nobody (I) (2021)
A feel-good dose of violence....
25 April 2021
I know, it sounds like an oxymoron but despite the (lots of) violence and killing, this film doesn't take itself so seriously that you miss the fact that it's actually a lighthearted feel good movie. To me anyway! There's enough humour - sometimes portrayed to perfection with just with a wry sideways glance -, and how could there not be with Christopher Lloyd and Bob Odendirk? It doesn't profess to be a visual form of great literature, a complex saga, a deeply thoughtful piece or an epic story. It is exactly what it sets out to be; an amusing, over-the-top violent tale of an unreformed (despite his best efforts to the contrary) hard man dealing to a bunch of bad guys. I chuckled all the way through, and sometimes just from the recognition that this is what a lot of men (I can't speak for women) wish they could do to those low-life, bullying, scum-of-the-earth types that inevitably cross paths with us at some point in our lives. Highly recommended for anyone that isn't completely PC/WOKE programmed.
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Driveways (2019)
Concise, focused and simple, yet powerful.
5 January 2021
This is a delightful and thoughtful piece, with a strong sense of poignant, melancholy beauty. A movie that observes and sensitively portrays a sample of the difficulties of youth, adulthood and aging; common existential crises and end-of-life regrets, without striving too hard to dissect or explain. There is no artificial feel-good ending, just the appreciation that these are unavoidable parts of every life.

I see reviews comparing this to St Vincent, and feel that that those reviewers must be from a different planet. The story is similar, but this is a much more profound piece, without St Vincent's typical and slightly comedic 'slap you in the face with emotion' to make sure you GET IT! Brian Dennehy is ten times the character of Bill Murray, who only ever seems to play Bill Murray. I enjoyed St Vincent, but this film is one that I will remember far more fondly.
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I'm gobsmacked!
31 October 2020
I played a little chess as a kid in a local chess club but was never enthralled with the game, or even any good. Now, many years on at 59 years old, this truly remarkable work of art was provided me a glimpse of the totally engaging addiction that the game can be for some. I binge-watched the series and there is not a single thing that I can criticise, although I am a self-admitted picky, pedantic, grumpy old codger. It is no exaggeration to say that this is one of the finest, near perfectly-crafted pieces of film making that I have ever enjoyed. I recommend it without reservation for anyone who enjoys fine film making and great acting.
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Alien Warfare (2019)
Please don't
1 February 2020
Utter crap. Absolute, complete and utter drivel, abysmal acting, even worse writing, crappy effects. Worse than a high school project (well, maybe not quite, but close) Please, if you value your time or intellect, DO NOT WATCH THIS, unless it's as an excercise in testing your tolerance of all things horrible.
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I disagree with almost everyone
19 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Reviews for this film seem to me to miss the point entirely. Perhaps people now want every film to be an epic drama with years of backstories explained in detail and every motive for each character's every act obvious and apparent. In other words, they don't want anything approaching reality.

I found Into the Ashes to be a superb little piece of quality writing, direction and acting. The almost noir style and minimalist cinematography fitted the very focused story, with its intentionally limited scope well and I was captivated from start to finish. Who cares what the details of the chief protagonist's past were? It is only relevant to the story that he had attempted to re-create himself and his life. The acting from all concerned was right on the money, considering that the various parts were only written to portray those people during very small, isolated moments in their lives.

The structure worked well, real life presents us with intriguing puzzles from which we must then deduce or rte-create the past occurrences and I liked the way that this principle was utilised at times. Real life also seldom gives us nicely rounded off endings with all the loose ends tied off or explained. Oh, and for the nitpickers, yes, it is possible to be shot in the back (away from the spine) twice and live, particularly with low-powered calibers such as a .38 or 9mm through several layers of clothing.

Is this a masterpiece? No. But it is an excellent and slightly different take on the usual thriller/mystery story line. I would describe it as a stripped down, bare bones, raw and minimalist snapshot thriller.
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Galveston (2018)
Unexpected, painfully dark and almost perfect
14 December 2018
This was a complete surprise. As another reviewer has mentioned, the story precis does no service to this film. It is not the action movie you might expect and thank the heavens for that. It is vastly better than that; a superbly crafted, emotional, gritty and - at times - bleakly dark journey that benefits from exquisite performances from the leads and the supporting cast. This is not a movie for a relaxing night's casual entertainment, but one to be savoured as you appreciate the fine cinematography, economical but powerful dialogue and the slow burn of the tale's unfolding. All of which, of course, means that this film's lack of rapid action, explosons, impossibly choreographed martial arts fights and gung-ho hero, combine to make it unrewarding, too slow and inexplicable to all those viewers who thrive on a diet of John Wick, Bruce Willis et. al. (which I do enjoy myself as pleasant escapist enjoyment, by the way, but I would never class them as particularly high quality cinematic fare) For me though, this film rates an easy 9 out of 10!
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Well made feel-good based on a true story
28 October 2017
I really enjoyed this film and think it achieves it's purpose admirably. No, it's not a no-frills down and dirty look at the horrors of drug addiction/withdrawal or the hell of living on the street, but it gives a glimpse of those things while presenting the moving - even at times inspiring - story of James Bowen (and of course Bob).

It's a film you can enjoy without needing to be in the mood for intense and provocative intellectual stimulation, but is definitely not lightweight either. Nicely balanced and fun to watch, I'd be happy to recommend it.
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Pandorica (2016)
Totally underwhelming
28 October 2017
I gave this three stars because of some excellent cinematic direction and camera work. Don't get me wrong though, there is also plenty of mediocre cinematography to balance it out. Oh, and there was some effort spent on costuming.

Apart from that, a grand total of zero (or maybe 1, if I was in an extraordinarily generous mood) for acting, script, plot, pacing and direction. Psychological horror? I don't think so. I found nothing of merit in this movie other than the prettiness factor. If I was to sum up my opinion in one word, it would be 'Avoid!'
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Destined to be one of television's legendary greats
23 June 2017
With six full seasons gone and the seventh about to start, I can finally put to rest any concerns that this series could not do justice to a series of novels that boast incredibly complex, interwoven plot-lines, deep and complete character development over long periods, and a fantasy/medieval setting of amazing detail and imagination.

An avid reader of fiction my whole life, I have always expected to have to suffer compromise in detail, accuracy and completeness when translating the written story to the screen. This series, however, brings the novels to the viewer with an unprecedented (to my knowledge) accuracy, completeness and precision. The most telling indicator of this is that each scene actually looks familiar on first sight, as it is so true to the reader's imaginings (mine, anyway) from the descriptive passages in Martin's books.

A special treat for both viewers and readers is the concept of a more realistic story-world, where the good guys seldom win and the finest characterisations are most often those of the darker, more evil souls in the saga. When the 'good guys' do secure some measure of victory then, it is all the more satisfying, as outcomes can almost never be reliably predicted.

The entire saga is so full of plot twists, surprise events and unexpected character development that I never found a single episode to be less than completely engaging; even enthralling. No doubt this is due in large measure to George R. R. Martin's involvement in the entire production.

Regardless of whether you are usually a fan of whatever genre you perceive this to fit into, if you appreciate absolute quality in television production, YOU MUST WATCH THIS SHOW!
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Maryland (2015)
Mystery and suspense as it should be done!
6 January 2017
I was very surprised at this movie. The IMDb precis led me to think it was going to be an average action thriller so I watched it to fill in a dull couple of hours, but what a treat it turned out to be.

Definitely not for the Hollywood action fan, this movie is an incredibly well-paced (read: slow burn) psychological study and suspense builder. I found a lot of it reminiscent of a great Hitchcock, who was, after all, the master of building true suspense out of the ominously suggested but mainly unseen.

Matthias Schoenaerts is absolutely brilliant. His portrayal of a damaged, sometimes paranoid, drug-dependent, PTSD-suffering soldier trying to carry out a fill-in assignment on a private security detail is a masterpiece of characterisation. The directing is superb and had me watching in delight throughout the film's entirety. The whole recipe is topped off by cinematography that is so ideally matched to the mood(s) of the film, perfectly complimenting the atmospheric, slow-building story. No, we don't get to know the whole of Vincent's character during this movie, but when have you ever got to know someone well after spending a mere two hours with them? We learn what we need to to engage in the movie and that is just the right amount.

Some reviewers will bemoan the lack of a full background story, dearth of explosions and other typically Hollywood special effects, the dark settings and minimal dialogue. In my opinion that only illustrates that they entirely miss the point and magic of this beautifully made film and I suggest they go and rent a brash, loud, brain-dead, exaggerated Hollywood action explosion-fest.
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Dismal beyond description
6 January 2017
I struggle to find the adjectives to sufficiently express how truly bad this movie was - in my opinion, of course. I understand that everyone has varied tastes, but cannot actually envisage anyone enjoying this movie if they have sufficient remaining brain function to maintain their body's natural breathing reflex.

Okay, a thin basic plot device and vacuous story-line can be overcome to some extent by clever writing, directing and acting. Unfortunately, in this case there was no cleverness or quality to save the movie, which I found to be a cheap, superficial, unfunny disaster that made me cringe with every single scene. I usually enjoy the occasional bad movie, recognising that the 'badness' can sometimes offer a certain charm of its own. This cinematic dross does not.

Still struggling to find the right adjectives..... Nope, I don't think they've been coined yet.
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Small? Maybe, but remarkable and memorable nonetheless.
15 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film with virtually no expectations, simply because I was curious about Daniel Craig outside the action genre. To my great surprise, I thought it was one of the best and most moving performances I have seen from him; largely due to its simplicity and resulting, relatively narrow focus. The greatest surprises, though, were the quality of the direction and the performances from the two young stars playing the main characters in the flashback scenes. The fact that I grew up through the 60s and 70s made this film a lot more accessible to me, with the music of Bowie and Ferry etc. a feature perfectly chosen to highlighted the era's mood just as I recall from those teenage years. I suspect that relatively few moviegoers will rave about this film but to those of us for whom it is contemporary, it triggers strongly emotional memories and maybe - as in my case - a sense of melancholy loss. The precise and skillful direction makes the most of an intense but narrow subject matter and the acting is perfectly matched to the roles. It may never be listed on the roll of greatest-ever movies, but it is, and will remain, one of my favourite movies of all time. It was a few years ago that I first watched it and still, to this day, I find myself frequently remembering and contemplating particular scenes from it. Highly recommended for anyone born in the early 60s who doesn't mind remembering the mistakes, pain and angst of their growing up.
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He Never Died (2015)
Terrific movie but not for everyone.
8 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I note plenty of bad reviews for this movie. I also note that the very worst of them seem to be 'written' (I use that word in the loosest possible sense) by semi-literate creatures who prefer to communicate with grunts and require every single fact, action and intention to be screamed at them with a loud-hailer in case they miss its import.

No, this is not a typical Hollywood offering, easily categorised by genre and content. He Never Died is a very cleverly made film that contains strong elements of drama, comedy, action and even philosophy. I found the gaps in the back-story to fit the mood and tone that I believe the director was aiming for.

Henry Rollins is spectacularly good as the totally disenchanted immortal who is merely tolerating his co-existence with humanity. The many light-hearted moments rely on an appreciation of expected human reactions and behaviours, resulting in a steady stream of chuckles on my part while watching the movie. The movie manages to portray an anti-hero with few redeeming features that we can nevertheless come to view somewhat sympathetically. This is a nice change from the black or white representations so prevalent in modern cinema.

Sure, it's not an epic or classic-to-be, but it is a well-crafted and tragic, funny and sympathetic film that I will definitely be watching again. Recommended for a pleasant evening's entertainment when you want to watch something not too mentally demanding, and will end up feeling you got more than you expected.
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Such a wasted opportunity
19 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this with my daughter and have to agree entirely with DavidMezies' review. I am old enough to have watched all the Star Wars films on their release and I found this to be a dumbed-down, superficial, trite and clichéd travesty.

My (obviously much younger) daughter has seen all the preceding films and also found this to be a real disappointment.

No doubt any SW fan will have to watch it, but please don't expect anything from it except a shallow, regurgitated re-hash of the original story - with none of the depth that episodes 4-6 exhibited.

The only saving graces of this movie relate to technical merit, such as wonderful cinematography and location shooting, some reasonable effects and little else.

I'm desperately hoping that the final two episodes manage to dramatically improve on this abysmal effort, but definitely not expecting that hope to be fulfilled.
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The Martian (2015)
A potential Sci-Fi epic with emotional links to the past
2 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, I must say that I enjoyed this movie on its own merits and thought the science was adequately explained and believable for all but the most nit-picking nerds and idiots who don't realise that, by definition, science fiction is still fiction! The cinematography was well done and the pacing was good. Damon plays the part of the marooned astronaut well, adding a typical astronaut/pilot get-it-done practicality to the natural circumstantial fear and frustration. I felt that the portrayal of the reactions of the NASA management and Houston technical members was excellent, reflecting the reality of the publicly funded and politically vulnerable agency. My only dis-satisfaction with the film is that I felt the epilogue section after the rescue was unnecessary and detracted from the dramatic impact, which the film-makers had successfully imparted at that point. If it were not for those end sequences I think this movie could have joined the ranks of great movies like 'The Right Stuff' and 'Apollo 13' as a classic favourite of aviation/space enthusiasts like me.

I appreciated the film even more though on a more personal level, as I am old enough to remember well the Apollo era; particularly the gut-wrenching wait as I and virtually the whole world held our collective breaths as the tense and potentially tragic drama of Apollo 13 unfolded. To this day those involved in the space program maintain a reverence for those who have gone before and especially those who have given their lives and to me this film celebrates that type of attitude and culture.

This film references past history, books and films very well too. I loved the Hermes crew's description of the astrophysicist as a 'steely-eyed missile man'. In short, I recommend this movie for any enthusiasts of aviation and the space programme, anyone who enjoys quality sci-fi movies and anyone who enjoys a good but simple tale of triumph over adversity. I therefore do not recommend this film for armchair geek-critics who think the only quality needed for a good movie is perfect scientific exactitude.

Oh, and by the way... For all you moronic scientist wannabes, humans actually DO exhale oxygen in significant quantities. Each breath taken only utilises only a small proportion of the O2 available before the remainder is exhaled, along with the CO2 and other unused components. Criticism of this as a supposed scientific 'flaw' in the film illustrates only your own ignorance and inability to research the facts before bursting forth into factually defective, self-important bluster. The dynamics and physics of space travel were also pretty accurate, despite what some 'reviewers' suggest.
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A hidden gem of rare quality
20 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first Austrian western I have viewed, and what an introduction to this director! I am a long-time aficionado of great westerns and this ranks right up at the top of the genre alongside such classics as Unforgiven and High Plains Drifter.

The production values are extremely high with particularly good attention to costume and set/scene realism - with my only (tiny) criticism being the lack of an appropriately grimy, dirty finish to much of the costuming. Unlike many reviewers I found the score throughout the movie to be superb and the introductory and closing songs to be appropriate and perfectly matched for the film's atmosphere. The setting in the European Alps was something I raised an eyebrow at before watching but not only does it provide for some of the most breathtaking scenic placements for the camera work, everything slots nicely into place with perfectly sensible logic and reason.

This is a superbly-paced, brooding and somewhat dark story; an atmosphere which is perfectly echoed in the stunning lighting and cinematography. The acting was top-notch with no Hollywood-style prettiness, the whole cast looked sufficiently careworn, weather-beaten and real, just as if they were plucked in mid-winter from a genuine alpine village to play themselves. The dialogue is beautifully minimalist with no wasted lines, it is so pleasing to see that it hasn't been scripted it for a mass-market audience that needs to have every single facet of the story explained to them, viewers actually need only to engage their eyes and brain at the same time (Yes, I know some will find that difficult.)

Despite the fact that the story is a pretty standard and predictable western genre staple - mysterious stranger appears in isolated community to exact revenge for misdeeds in the past - I loved this movie from start to finish and have not a single bad thing to say about it. I think this great film will appeal to not only all genuine western fans but also any lovers of fine cinema as an art-form.
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Infini (2015)
Offers more to ponder and contemplate than many reviewers seem capable of....
24 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
As far as sci-fi goes, this film is a worthy addition to the genre. Many reviewers criticise it for using elements from many other movies but wake up people, it is virtually unavoidable to re-use at least some themes and ideas.

The acting is not spectacular but is not too bad at all, certainly a great deal better than a huge number of big-money competitor films. The sets are cheap and simple but that is not a terrible criticism when you consider it's set predominantly on an archaic mining facility.

The film's greatest asset is its plot-line, despite what many reviewers claim. The most vitriolic criticism of this movie seems to be that it is boring and goes nowhere for long periods, with unintelligible science thrown in. However, it is clear that reviewers who think that failed to engage any significant portion of their brains before watching it. If you pay attention throughout the movie, there are many explanations and tell-tales that allow you to follow the plot but not necessarily to anticipate its path - which is a very good thing indeed. The precise nature and purpose of the dominant alien threat needs to be carefully considered throughout the movie if you want to 'get it'. And you can't even begin to do this if you are not paying attention as you will miss the clues or 'facts' provided.

It is difficult to say too much about plot specifics without providing film-wrecking spoilers so I will simply say this: If you want a brain-dead sci-fi action movie, pick something else. Or, if you are too lazy or stupid to use your brain while watching a movie that asks you to understand concepts and pretenses that are not part of our reality, also pick something else to watch.

This film offers a far more to ponder and contemplate than many of today's crop of simpleton's sci-fi dross. It is no masterpiece but in my opinion is definitely worth adding to the must-watch list for any real sci-fi aficionado.
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Sicario (2015)
Cinematic excellence with unexpected depth.
18 October 2015
As far as cinematography, sound, acting, production and direction go, this film achieves superior marks in all categories. Character development is not intense or deep, nor does it have to be. The actors do a superb job of portraying the personalities and characteristics required to be in the positions they fill. Del Toro is a standout as an amoral killer with vestigial remnants of emotion that do not, however, sway him from his cold efficiency in executing his chosen tasks.

Depth does not require complication. Sicario succeeds sublimely by providing a very simple illustration of several apparently paradoxical premises; the total futility of attempting to successfully fight evil (the drug cartels) within the boundaries of civilized western laws; the relative powerlessness of the morally upright idealist who would rebel against potentially effective but illegal methods (CIA and DOD black-ops) to achieve those ends; the moral paradox of supposed 'good guys' using methods no better - or even worse - than those used by their opponent.

Some reviewers seem to be disappointed in this film's lack of a satisfactory 'conclusion'. It appears to me though that the bleak and unsatisfying ending is exactly what the director desired to portray. How else could such a set of circumstances end? The clean-cut good guys could never win out in such a dirty reality. Does that make them pointless and futile? No, but I see the director using them to illustrate the difficulty for all of us in reconciling so much that is right with what could be seen as expeditious or even necessary. The trailing off of story is also illustrative; wars such as this will go on indefinitely, descending further and further into violent amorality.

I rate this as a superior quality film that is presented almost as parable. Recommended for any intelligent viewer seeking more than a run-of-the-mill action flick.
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Lightweight film that struggles between Tarantino and Ritchie.
27 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I must admit to watching this primarily because of Simon Pegg's inclusion in the cast. My expectations were not high as I have very little time for what passes as Australian 'comedy' but do have an awareness of the Australian film industry's ability to create pure cinematic gold - such as it did with The Rover.

Pegg plays a purely one-dimensional bad-guy/hit-man as the main protagonist and does so very well indeed. His tongue-in-cheek and slightly over-the-top 'agent-for-hire' is a delight to watch. the rest of the cast I found to be ordinary at best although the film itself turned out to be an enjoyable enough, low-key farce.

Unfortunately, it appears to be aimed squarely at an audience used to offerings from Guy Ritchie and Quentin Tarantino; both of whom do this type of thing vastly better, That doesn't mean this is a bad movie, just that it will always suffer by comparison to benchmark films of the genre by those two directors. I thought it was well themed, extremely well framed and shot, well paced and with a suitably amusing final few frames and lines.

In short, this movie is good for a bit of undemanding entertainment but I suspect that most viewers will find it less than memorable. I ended up rating it a 6 rather than a 5, based on the enjoyment factor and nice production work.
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Run All Night (2015)
High quality production of relatively standard action fare
27 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed this movie. It is very well made with a steady (if somewhat predictable and guessable) plot that is well paced for an action flick. There is nothing in the storyline that hasn't been offered to viewers many times before, but the film doesn't necessarily suffer much because of that. Liam Neeson plays his standard tough-guy very well and with the slight twist - for him - of being very much on the bad-guy side of the ledger. Ed Harris gives the standout performance though, surprisingly credible as the ruthless crime-boss, grieving father and loyal best friend, all at the same time; not an easy mix to portray.

I wouldn't recommend this as a must-watch for all movie-goers, but would definitely rate it highly for any fans of the action genre. Its well-paced and sometimes frenetic action is very well filmed and presented on the multi-faceted stage of a large city at night. There is no shortage of mayhem and some gore, but I feel it is an essential part of illustrating the dark criminal underbelly we are being shown, and not overly lingered upon merely for effect.

I don't need to be beaten around the head with moral statements in an action movie and felt this film's clear message that a life of evil deeds will always be rewarded in kind was not too 'preachy' to detract from the enjoyment I gained from watching it.

In short, as a movie overall I would rate it 6.5 to 7, but specifically as an action movie I would rate it much higher against its contemporary competition, maybe an 8.5
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Primer (2004)
Intelligent but demanding, definitely not for everyone.
7 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I've just watched and am still trying to comprehend the complexities of this brilliant indie movie, but already know it will have a very limited appreciative audience. The vast majority of moviegoers who expect to be 'entertained' without the need to engage a large proportion of their deductive, comprehensive and analytical minds will be bored witless or frustrated into turning this film off after a few minutes.

Production values are of a second-rate home video grade (intentionally) and the unpretentiously pseudo-scientific babble and jargon will initially confuse or irritate viewers. There are no action scenes, no well-known characters, no comedic elements and no quest to engage the audience's sympathies. What there is is a fine portrayal of realistic, ordinary people doing increasingly extra-ordinary and bizarre things as their activities lead to the almost accidental invention of time travel.

The lack of fine costuming, flashy or riveting cinematography, recognisable actors and any nods to the 'normal' cinematic standards works perfectly to build an atmosphere of the viewer becoming an unseen observer of some relatively ordinary, boring and slightly geeky people spiralling into confusion and varying levels of disaster.

The plot requires a great deal of concentration (and preferably two or three viewings) to get thoroughly to grips with. Yes, the science and jargon is questionable and at times laughable, but this movie is not about the science. If you watch it to be challenged and not entertained, then you might just end up being highly entertained and satisfied - as I did.

Without wishing to offend anyone, don't bother with this movie if you are thick, don't want to think too hard or expect Hollywood standards in film.

DO watch this movie if you want to see how indie movies can excel at stretching the boundaries of what we should expect from intelligent cinema and just what can be cleverly achieved on a micro-budget.
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Fury (2014)
War is hell, this movie definitely isn't!
23 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a fine piece of cinema by Hollywood standards. It's gritty, bleak and probably one of the more realistic depictions of the loss of humanity towards the end of a long and particularly vicious war. Anyone who doesn't see the strong realism in the amoral and violent behaviour standards of Wardaddy and his crew has obviously never spent time with returned service personnel from that era, listening to their stories of what they experienced and observed. The final battle is the most obviously Hollywood-influenced section of the movie, the rest is as good and as gripping as I've ever seen. Heroic? No. Triumphant? No. Worth watching? Absolutely!
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Wolves (2014)
Makes most bad werewolf movies look REALLY good.
23 May 2015
This was a hugely disappointing movie for me. The acting was atrocious, what passed for a plot was utter tripe and the effects were mediocre at best. I had more or less expected most of that but had hoped for the redemption offered by some clever tongue-in-cheek take on its own failings to provide some classic b-grade or satiric humour. Alas, no such luck. For me, the most redeeming feature of having watched this movie is that I can make that statement in the past tense. There are MUCH better offerings out there but if, like me, you enjoy a good werewolf movie, then it is unavoidable that you will end up watching this dross anyway in your ongoing search for one of those rare gems. Don't say I didn't warn you though.....
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