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Escape from cyber New York?
8 March 2024
Well this has been done before... hmm let's see..Kurt Russell ... John carpenter... names ring a bell? The game designers put their own spin on it but it's still the same thing..old news.. The gaming community should've moved on from this game 5 years ago..while they are content to play a game that was broken and wait 5 years for a lazy company to fix it.. I'm not...this addon features one good thing.. idris Elba ... guy is the man. Other than him it stinks... this game should receive a proper burial. Maybe work on cyber2 or Witcher 4?while you prey on gullible people to pay and wait for updates.. I'll continue to buy finished products ... THAT ARE GOOD ..stop ripping off old classic movies..peace..
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They Live (1988)
I get the symbolism.. but
30 October 2023
First I am a huge fan of carpenters movies.. he has a very insightful and suspenseful way of telling a story that has helped him achieve the notoriety he deserves over the years.

This movie has a sly way of showing how dim the world has gotten.. consumerism.. mindlessly bowing to the system.. However , a movie in which the main characters spend ten minutes brawling so that one of the characters will force the other to put on Magic glasses to see the world as it really is? Is a waste of time..while they were fighting I actually considered turning it off.. childish...ridiculous .. and not very carpenter.. I know Roddy being in the movie probably made them want to exhibition his wrestling talents but wow..what a silly plot point.

The story is shallow.. plot silly...ridiculous characters.. This movie is tripe pure and simple Thanks.
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Willow (2022–2023)
Return of Willow? Wish it was
2 May 2023
Hi guys I love the idea of willow coming back.. Sounds great.. another enchanting tale. Swordplay.. magic... and romance...

This show isnt any of those things.. Boring...terrible dialog ..uninteresting characters.. all running around within the framework that the movie set .. the film lingers like a ghost here..they even show sequences from the movie.. it overshadows everything. Talk about the pinnacle of unoriginality.

Disney must really think we are dumb to think that we can like this tripe! Could you insult our intelligence any more? The answer is yes.. you can... and you do as the show continues.. the later episodes are so poorly written. In an attempt to like it more, I ignored it being a willow show and tried to think it was just a wizard show. I couldn't convince was that awful.

As far as the future of willow... let me get this straight you cancel this show but, you let ridiculous shows like fett or kenobi even andor keep running? In keeping with your standards this show should not be cancelled.. it should run for years.. Continuing to insult and bore us for several mindless seasons or, as long as we could stand to watch it...What gives ?

A bright spot is Warwick and his daughter are great.. his daughter is very convincing in her role and I fail to see why the casting director didnt bring in more people with chemistry like the two of them have? The rest of the characters have no personality... Untalented sods at Disney.

Also where are franjean and rool!??

They were hilarious in the movie.. that kind of humor is really missed in the show.. "They stole a baby!!!"

Well Disney ruined another one.. Dont bother with this its nothing like the movie.. not even a bit.. Abysmal..
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The Callisto Protocol (2022 Video Game)
A good idea... but poor execution
26 April 2023
I anticipated the arrival of the game.. When I played I enjoyed a lot of elements in it. Combat was both visceral and fun. The graphics were amazing... Then, as the game lagged on it started to show its flaws.

Combat became more and more clunky and obviously swayed in favor of the monsters.. meaning , Jacob could not execute the moves for the buttons I was seemed I was doing something wrong... turns out .... I wasn't . It's the game. It became beyond challenging to carry out the simplest of combat moves... normally in a game it takes you a bit and you get the hang of it but here You will find yourself fighting the controls more than the monsters.. unfortunate outcome to this otherwise pretty cool theme.

Calisto beared some similarities to dead space but is hollow compared to the meaty gameplay of the grand daddy of space horror.

It makes me think this was the lamest of the dead space crew that came over to the new game company.. the guy that works on the controls part is laughing sitting over at EA... saying " let's see your game be good without my buttery controls scheme dbags" lol

Thankfully the new dead space came out shortly after and I was able to redeem my belief that good games CAN have it all... and be entertaining. Forget this one guys. It's a bargain bin game.. get dead space the'll provide you with countless hours of horror fun and you won't have to fight the controls to be successful. 60 bucks wasted.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
Boba...Fatt?beware the Disney sarlaac
24 April 2023
Well hi guys.. What can be said about this ?

Just like boba being regurgitated from the belly of the sarlaac to revisit his old stomping grounds This show is not dissimilar to that fate.. it was obviously regurgitated from an untalented writer at disney in the exact same way. Revisiting old themes and situations...Disney not unlike the sarlaac, was hoping to get a good meal and ended up losing its lunch with this one. This show is:

Pitifully acted... poorly scripted.... Boring... contrived...

The only bright spot is his costar who kind of steals the show from the old Boba Fatt...she is very dynamic at times and the show is lucky to have her grace it's regurgitated halls..

Further,the fact they brought Mando and grogu in to try to save this show says it all.. if Fatt was good enough,they wouldn't have needed them to perform some kind of rescue operation on a slowly dying theme.

If you are a star wars Boba Fatt is NOT back.. he is simply a spewed rendition of him who emerged from the belly of the Disney sarlaac...

Run star wars fans!

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Andor (2022– )
Andor.. why... so... serious ?
24 April 2023
These Star Wars shows are starting to take themselves waaaaaay too seriously.. like Andor..and its just becoming laughable and not worth anybodys time.. a solid idea for you Disney ..something to consider... YOU CANNOT SUBSTITUTE DRAMA FOR STORY CONTENT.. it just comes out that you are trying too hard and silly..this show is way too intense and slow moving for anyone to keep any interest or care about anything in it. Its borderline silly.

Star Wars was fun.. the original was a space opera that didnt take itself too seriously but was slightly grounded in reality as to make it somewhat believable ..that is what your shows are missing.

Andor...Kenobi... fett.... Mando They are all hollow.. vacant reproductions of Star Wars.. this one is no different. Just like the rest it lacks Mando had in the first season.. Id take this one back to the drawing board Disney ... someone elses drawing board though.. someone who actually cares for these stories.. and can find a way to tell them without insulting the audiences intelligence.. and tell them in a fun, compelling way that doesnt take itself too seriously.. that will get more viewers , and make people feel like Star Wars is back!

Right now, the future looks pretty dim for Star Wars because the money making cash cow has hold of it..

Disneys new slogan should be

If you can dream it... We can obliterate it.. Destroying it Over and over until there's Nothing left but your dashed ambitions for your favorite movies.. Thanks Disney.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Run Pedro... get out now
17 April 2023
Good show in the beginning.. had a real Star Wars feel.. it was fun.. now? The execs at Disney are getting to favoreau.. these stories are turning into ridiculous Disney crap again..sorry guys I really liked this show.

Here's why... The characters are becoming silly laughable representations of themselves.

The story is becoming a joke..smells of the other laughable spin-offs like fett and kenobi.

Grogu... just a novelty now..don't get me wrong I love the little guy but, crap Disney ... the direction you've gone with him.. ridiculous.

Moff Gideon may be the worst acted character in star wars ... worse than jar jar.. the guy has no charisma and is not awe inspiring in the least like Star Wars baddies..IE darth Vader ... If I was Mando and he was revealing his bad guy plans to me, I'd laugh in his face.. just woefully pitiful. Where did Disney find this guy ? Get some acting lessons bud.

All I can say is.. wow Disney screw up another franchise.. that's what you do...could you show any less care for a show that started out good? Yes....and you will run it into the ground Disney..

If you start the show stop after season 2.. the rest is's better never to learn more about the central characters and important plot points.. it will disappoint you.

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Renfield (2023)
Yep it...scuse the pun.. sucks
14 April 2023
Hello.. where can you start with a movie like this?

For one,It struggles for identity. The filmmaker seemed like he didn't know what kind of movie he was making..or in his scurry to be original, blended way too many types of movies together.. thus this stinky heap of vampire excrement.

Cage is borderline ridiculous... it's obvious once again ...nepotism abounds in Hollywood . You don't have to have talent just know people ..

cage why don't you whipe the smug smile off your face and do something useful. Like ....dig a ditch know, something suited to the "unbearable weight of your talents" Then get in it and bury yourself. Heeeeey Then you can be a real vampire? Hmmm my only hope is that you'd pop your head up during the daylight hours and fry yourself like a fudge sickle left in the heat..

..please no more movies with this no talent sod.

I watched it for the English bloke.

I think he's rather good.. and likable..but not in this vampire parody .. sorry mate you couldnt save it.

Wait for home streaming guys so you can at least walk away...and contemplate whether or not you want to see the rest of the film..or run a cheese grader over one of your body parts ... same bloody mess ...

Thank you.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
This one wax off...times have changed
14 April 2023
Um... ok This may be the most ridiculous display I have seen in a long while ... the writing is insufferably Derivative..and unimaginative.

My problem is... Eventually in reality, these people would have to grow up..times change..

The show entertains a 'what if?' With the characters. But it doesn't answer the why? Why would these grown men act this way at their age?... it's hilarious.

Teachers telling their students to do things that they don't practice in any shape or form??

I watched this to laugh and that's exactly what I did .. how do you spit on a decent idea from the eighties that made martial arts seem magical to a young generation thirsty for it? Largely due to guys like Norris and van damne?

This show... mic drop Comedy at its finest

Machio... I'm embarrassed for you.. And for all the 'actors' playing bad guys in it.. just the worst.

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Air (I) (2023)
Ben and Matt.. hubris beyond words
14 April 2023
Shoes? Really?

Well after this movie was over I heard the resonating sound of a cash register then a brief pause ... Then a giant sound of a toilet flushing That's my take on this movie.. If Hollywood is so out of ideas that they think that a movie about shoes is compelling they should shut the whole thing down ...or drop a bomb on it.

Please...Enough of the 'wonder twins '.. that is a couple of the most untalented actors I have ever seen... I'm so tired of seeing their faces in films.. bring in new talent.. out with the old.

'Toilet flush' followed by A cash register sound' chaching'

Moronic Derivative Boring Contrived Condescending Just a few words to describe this Shoe masterpiece ... how do you people sleep at night ? Haha Thanks.
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Talented? Nick Cage? Nope
27 January 2023
Hi guys!

That's not exactly how I'd describe nick cage...talented? Not at all... you'd have to be blind not to see the guys is a joke. Now nephew of a famous director.. that's the ticket...

Hollywood has proven time and time again it's not how good you are,but who you know.. here is the poster child for it..

Raising Arizona was his best movie and that was decades ago. The director was the one who made that movie good .. he was good in it because his face made people laugh.. not a compliment in my book. Talent? Hmmm it's not talented to look like a moron...who told you you were talented cage? They were wrong ...

Awful don't bother with this self indulgent tripe guys.. so he redoes his past characters? So what... they weren't that good anyway..

Have a good one.
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Geriatric park
17 January 2023
Hey guys... honestly I really wanted to like this movie... I went into it with optimism... but... the glaring ridiculous themes and action was enough to turn me off...the directors lack of caring for the characters and inability to craft a good story were another glaring flaw.

After seeing this,all I can say is wow...

All 3 of the central beloved characters , grant , sattler and Malcolm , were showing their age more than I could've imagined. Goldbloom could barely recite his lines.. and with no comedic timing..and the lines just weren't that good anyway. The action was dumbed down for them because of their advanced age and amped up for Pratt and company.. perhaps to balance out the lack of action... pratts side of the film showed like a James Bond movie rather than Jurassic.. I was confused.. is it bond or a dinosaur movie?well...Aside from being embarrassed for the 3 principal actors,I was confused about the what kind of movie it was.

That being said, the first Jurassic park is one of my fav films and will always be a classic to me.. nothing will change that.. and that is how I will remember these characters.. not as they were showed in this "film".. please don't waste your time with this.. remember Jurassic park the way it was... watch the original... it's still the best and ONLY Jurassic park.. well... The second one isn't bad either lol

Peace.. thanks for reading.
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The Batman (2022)
Overhyped mess of a 90's movie
16 September 2022
This movie portrays Batman 'Bruce Wayne' as an selfish angsty emo kid with a sort of 'crow' vibe to the film.. he hangs out and listens to nirvana and fixes his car(batmobile).looks at his computer.. in his bat cave which appears to be an old subway terminal..strange... yet somewhat interesting

In the directors attempt to make a 'different' Batman film, he just ended up copying 'the crow' and a few other 90's vigilante flicks. This movie is very 1990ish.. antihero type stuff... which yes batman should be an antihero for sure but wow... they way reeves did it made Batman seem almost secondary to everything. The beginning was a nice set up though about him being the shadows and fear.. nicely done.. after that.. not sure. I didn't buy it.

Pattinson doesn't sell it.. his actings good but his strange awkward,kid like face didn't make me believe he was Batman .. even in the outfit he still looked kind of young and innocent.. which is weird for me.. Batman should look hard and mean and fear inspiring not soft and kid like.

And 3 hours? Why? It was too drawn out..a lot of stuff was not explained about our hero in this movie and for 3 hours of runtime there's no excuse for that. Everybody wants to know more about Batman ... and it just wasn't explained... therefore you really don't care about his situation.. there was not enough time spent helping us care about the emo kid....or excuse me... Batman. Thank goodness I watched at home it made the 3 hours easier to bear.

Riddler was pretty interesting.dark angry... evil and twisted.. nice change.

Cat woman was pretty weak and not important to the story... but I see why they put her in..her looks.

The one bright spot of this is,Colin is Nothing short of amazing.. I mean wow.

Brilliant job mate.just f ing phenom..

All that being said..It's kind of a fun movie. Not bad. Not great.. just ok.

Fans of Nolan's movies will probably be disappointed with this spinoff. Be prepared for a Batman that is a little too different for my tastes.. more like the punisher, the crow, and a few others.

I did like the dark grittiness of the film It was well done..

Still heaps better than that Snyder stink flick about Batman and Stuperman.

Thanks for reading guys!
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Cyberpunk 2077 (2020 Video Game)
Big beautiful pointless Night city
26 July 2022
This game is a visually captivating lonely experience.. filled with characters, besides maybe Jackie , that you won't like or consider anything more than hollow reproductions of people...even the "relationships" they let you have are a surface, lonely experience..

Cyber attempted to capture the noir books and movies of the past with the hard mean unforgiving streets. IE Blade runner...A city that teaches everybody the gritty way of the world .. the city that chews you up and spits you out... well they did... sort of. Like most everything in the game it's quite underwhelming...

the city itself is breathtaking.. on ps5.. do not attempt to play this on previous generation systems.. it doesn't hold up to how it was originally designed on pc.

My complaint is that there should be more to do in the city.. it's an empty shell with faces and npcs that constantly repeat...

On to it's principal actor though... Keanu .... He ruined a lot of the game with his constant appearances and incoherent babbling ..attempting to be some kind of learned street prophet ... ugh it's painful..he can barely read the dialog let alone sound convincing... he stumbles and fuddles through most of it...

The ending is severely disappointing.. Like most of the game .. Too much attention was turned to the nudity... they should have focused on making a good game perhaps..less time encouraging people to run around as transgender street thugs..?

Hope these guys are working smarter not "harder"on Witcher 4... Don't buy this guys if you want nothing more than a hollow rogue like where the main focus is to run around town shooting cyberpsychos and that's the ONLY thing you can do..well...stealing the occasional car...and listening to Keanu babble incoherently.. If that sounds ok.. go for it..
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Too far into the Danger Zone
1 June 2022
Hi guys! This movie is no dark knight or Jurassic park(original). Godfather... or any other far.

Come back to earth people you obviously let cruise fly you too far into the stratosphere.

Right to ya go.

As advertised... this is what you get.

Lots of plane go zoom.. plane go boom Dont expect much more than that .

Egos... check Models pretending to be pilots ... check Pointless laughable story ... check Uninspiring writing .. check Poor acting... check Cool dogfight scenes... check Now all systems are a go.. You are clear to launch.. Get ready... cruise can fly us straight into mediocrity!

Add a whole cast of new lame actors playing egotistical pilots and this is what you have.. another self indulgent cruise film with no point. His Hubris is beyond words. Turns out, about 20 minutes in, you realize, its just a testosterone fueled snooze fest..

If you are a fan of the first one you get more of what you want in this..shirtless guys.. models..planes flying at high please.. enjoy. I feel pretty bad for anybody that finds this mind numbing film entertaining..

If you didn't really care for the first one...don't bother guys.. nothing world changing here.. yawn..In fact, you may find yourself wondering why they even bothered making a sequel to such a mediocre movie in the first place. Like I did... why? Money... chaching...

Cruise do us all a favor and drop off the face of Hollywood or the world ...your movies are boring and ridiculous... please give someone else a chance to disappoint people with movies that have no substance.

In a word... if you wanted a sequel to the silly first one, You got it with everything you wanted probably.. If you want some mildly entertaining action in a ridiculous cruise package.. got that oh so many times before.

Beyond that...if you want more substance you could watch ...Zoolander . What a joke . Trust me on this.
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Hot Fuzz (2007)
Watch this FOR THE GREATER GOOD...yaaaaaaarrp
2 March 2022
Hi review reader!

If you haven't seen this movie and you like British fast flying comedy.. stop what you are doing and watch this movie immediately. You will not be disappointed. It will reduce you to tears in moments without even breaking a sweat..there are so many memorable lines in this film that my wife and I STILL quote it to this day.

One of the brilliant things about it is... There are poignant ideas and lines that are revisited throughout the movie and if you aren't listening.. you miss the comedic genius. Pay close attention.. it pays off with laughs. Yaaaarp

I can't say enough about this's irreverent ...original.. and most of all ... this movie will knock your socks off with its hilariousness! Is that even a word? Oh well...Do yourself a favor and take a trip to Sandford, the Model village and try not to be surprised what you find. ..if not ... just.....JOG ON!

Have a good one!
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A fair review from a sci-fi lover
16 February 2022
Ok... this movie is not bad guys.

It has elements of the first film. Although, it seems like they ignored all the elements that made the first film great. There is lots of action, effects,chases, shooting... all the things that Hollywood considers that make up " a good movie" for us... but let's just say if you are a fan of the first film, you will find something missing here.

Harrison Ford is great as usual.. it seems like he was brought in to establish an authenticity by connecting it to the first film? Either way you should find his performance admirable. It's the story that suffers from the characters wandering around within the framework set by the first film.. the first film lingers like a ghost, overshadowing it concepts and ideas . Not original really. Be prepared for that.

Now regarding elements of the first movie that made it great...noir..big foreboding,dark.... issues regarding slavery, death , fear, and hope coming from hopelessness... not really there.

It's pretty much a generic big machine produced movie with the name blade runner slapped on it.. Go into it with the expectation of seeing a pretty good sci-fi movie and you won't be disappointed. Thank you.
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