
4 Reviews
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FTV (1985– )
Oh, I remember looking forward to Friday nights...SPOILER ONLY BY A VIDEO DESCRIPTION
10 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Way back when.....I was around 19 or 20 and remember coming in from dates with my first husband when we were still engaged and "datin' up a storm" haha. I enjoyed my time with him, but I couldn't wait to come home, I would get settled in for bed and right about then, FTV would come on. I loved that show, but more importantly, I LOVED(or as the young ones say now, "was crushing on")its host, Mr. Don Felder. Hey....always loved those older ones-my hubby now is the same exact age as he is! :) Anyhow, I remembered his name from the Eagles, but couldn't believe how different he looked-mainly due to the change from the long hair in his "rocking" days, to the clean cut image he had then. It was just a different and very entertaining program, and I got the biggest kick out of their "video spoofs". Some of them were absolutely hilarious. I especially remember one for the DeBarge(or El Debarge-most of theirs sounded the same anyway:) song, "Who's Holding Donna Now?". Madonna was the main topic of "their" version and it was just funny at the time.

So, in closing....I wish they would re-run this show sometime. Not only because I felt like it was a VERY under-rated show(lots of my friends had never even heard of it), but it was fun and would take me back to a very pleasant and simple time in my matter HOW much some people want to rag on the 80's. I think it was a great decade and FTV was a fine part of that.

Susanne Nashville, TN
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The Riches (2007–2008)
My Monday Nights NOW....
28 April 2007
I haven't been into "prime time" television in a while, other than reruns of older programs. However, FOX is now my network and Monday nights are the ONLY nights of the weeks that I actually "plan" to watch something. First, it is "Drive"(since it is on earlier in the evening), then I can hardly wait until my new fave, "The Riches" appears.

From the very first commercial "teaser" I saw with Eddie Izzard, for some reason I was already hooked and could not wait until the show FINALLY came on. It seemed like FOREVER all of those weeks of previews.

I definitely was not disappointed as this is a fresh, new idea for a show and the ensemble of performers is nothing less than perfect. They are so believable and just do an awesome job each week of convincing me that there are people out there like them.

KUDOS to you "Riches" cast and to FOX for being the smart network for snagging it! Susanne
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As Time Goes By (1992–2005)
I am a "late-bloomer" but soooo glad I found this nice little program!
16 December 2006
I actually just recently discovered this wonderfully entertaining program just this past year when they were running some sort of special about it during our local PBS' usual telethon deal.

They always seem to choose their programming VERY well during "their sweeps" (haha), but when I saw it, I couldn't believe that it had been on so many years and I had never seen it. Now, I have a continuous series recording of it via my DVR on the BBC-America channel here and I do NOT miss an episode. Just like the first lady commented above, regarding her husband...DO NOT TALK TO ME DURING "AS TIME GOES BY" OR ELSE!" :) Of course, I can rewind and such, but still....I'm sure all of you fans can understand why. You can miss a second of it and miss the best lines or jokes.

I love the entire cast, but I have to be honest here. I was never the largest Judi Dench fan. I liked her okay in movies and the like, but OMG...she is a GREAT COMEDIENNE! I actually like her comedy better than her dramatic works, but now, I appreciate those too, especially knowing her background, training, etc.

As far as "Lionel", the kind, loving and adorable husband...he reminds me of so many people, one of which being my father(except my father was a WW2 soldier:), that I just have an utter fondness for the man.

They are SOO convincing as a would not have surprised me if someone told me that they happened to be married in real-life, because their chemistry is just right-on.

As far as the rest of the cast, I really enjoy Alistair and then the girls, but the sister and bro-in-law, I believe their characters' names are Penny(Pen?) and Stephen maybe? They are a hoot. Then of course that older couple that I believe are friends of theirs. I can't recall their names as I have just started watching, but I'm learning. They were the couple that helped them in that episode where they donated their time to the "aged" and had a "tea party" for them at that meeting/ballroom where Alistair was the "DJ".

Oh gosh...I could go on forever, but guess what! The episodes running right now have all been from 97' and 98'....BUT...tonight, they are running one from 92' apparently before.....okay...I don't like to spoil things, but if any of you are reading this, you know WAY more than I do, so I am sure I haven't typed any spoilers. If I have, I apologize in advance.

Anyhow, this show is probably one of my all-time faves of programs-any genre, and I am so glad I found it. KUDOS to all of you britties and your lovely talents.
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A Very Enjoyable Love Story
27 June 2005
I found that this was a very enjoyable film and even though films like this(probably smaller budget, not a lot of hype, etc.)may not get the critics raves, it IS a good rental or cable view for anyone who likes the "star-crossed" lovers theme with a lot of the silly hi-jinx that usually surround them.

I absolutely ADORE Steve Guttenburg no matter what he plays in especially due to his boyish likability and the "attainable" characters he usually plays. Not to mention, he is an absolute HOTTIE! As for the rest of the cast, they were all chosen well especially Jami Gertz and Shelly Long. All in all a good, CLEAN(which is hard to find these days) and fun little movie. My thumbs up! lol
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