14 Reviews
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Exciting and stressful
5 January 2015
I literally had no idea what to expect before I watched this movie. I haven't seen the trailer or anything, I just heard people say it's good or bad. The opinions were all different, actually. I thought it would be some kind of teen love story with the fantasy drama in the back but it wasn't any of that. This was a thrilling movie, almost horror-like, but with a magic and mysterious touch. I really liked this movie, even tho I'm claustrophobic and felt itchy and stressed every time somebody went in the maze. I recommend this movie to every horror/thriller lover, it's not a typical teen movie and there is no dramatic forbidden love story that destroys the excitement in the film.
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This scared the hell out of me.
5 January 2015
At first everything was alright. My friend told me it was a thriller, and if I hear the word thriller I think of The Number 23 and Taken or whatever. I don't think of ghosts and creepy dolls and scary music. I am not fond of movies with spirits and ghosts and my nice movie night with friends ended with me playing Pokemon on the N3DS because I was to freaked out to watch.

Daniel Radcliffe, forever Harry Potter, made the movie a little brighter because you could just make funny Hogwarts comments and one-liners throughout the movie. At least in the beginning. When you sit and actually see how the story develops, you wish you would have never started it. If you don't like movies with ghosts and stuff you should never even look at it and forget about the existence of this movie. I closed my eyes at the scary parts, in the end I didn't even watch any of it until the last 3 minutes and still I took my cat with me to the bedroom because I was scared. If you actually got balls and aren't such a wimp as me, I think you can enjoy this movie even though it is the same stuff over and over again: scary kids, dolls and angry spirits that will mess you up.
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Better than expected.
5 January 2015
Honestly, I am not really into American comedy. Maybe because I haven't watched a lot of them. Maybe because I think that American humor is throw-cake-in-face-humor with fart and sex jokes. Maybe because I'm right. I have no idea, but that's not the point of this review.

When my boyfriend asked me to watch this movie I thought I would hate it, but I actually enjoyed it and I want to watch the next movie as well. Jonah Hill is a funny and great actor and seeing him starring in this movie was great. The story is funny and heartwarming at the same time. The action is great, the jokes are actually funny and the open ending was a smart move.
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Twilight (I) (2008)
It's not that bad but it's just awkward.
10 December 2014
Talking about Twilight is like playing with fire. If you have real constructive criticism about this, you will probably burn of the whole world. If you say something positive about these movies, all the haters will hunt you down and kill you. If you say something negative, all the crazy girls will follow you home and choke you in your pillow. And if you say both positive and negative things I think they will first fight over you: who can kill you? Twilight is a teen movie that is way to depressing for a teen, but too over dramatic for an adult. Also, all the characters are just very awkward. I feel uncomfortable watching Edward and Bella talk.
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Better than the rest.
9 December 2014
I was doubting if I should name the title of this summary 'better than the rest'. Mostly because I have read lots of reviews about this movie and most of them say that Awakening is the worst of them all. And second, because those reviews mostly say that it doesn't feel like an Underworld movie, so I think that those people are more of a die-hard fan than I am. Don't get me wrong, I loved the previous Underworld movies. But I always thought that they lacked characters and emotions. I thought the movies were kinda black and white. So before everyone sends me death messages and hatred, please read my opinion and respect it.

The first movie was nice, but bald. You don't really get to know the protagonist, Selene. You only know she has a troubled past with parent issues and that's what made her a boring, monotone killing machine. This had been-there-done-that all over it, they could have done so much more. That she develops a romantic relationship with somebody she only spoke two words with is still a mystery to me. They could have build up the romance, or let something cool happen but no, just BAM! Here, let's do it and kiss and now we are lovers for life. Throughout all the movies I think it lacks character development. Not that there are a lot of characters, since all the characters Selene meets only have 5 minutes screen time or just stand in the background. Or they instantly disappear or die. In the third movie I see that this changes a little. There are more characters that actually have some depth and you, as a watcher, feel for them and really get sucked in the movie. In the first two I couldn't relate with anything and no, that's not because they are a different species and vampires and I don't understand them.

In this last movie you see a big difference: there are more people! People with feelings and stories and dreams and actually speak and interact! The first 20 minutes reminded me a bit of Daybreakers, just briefly, and I love that movie so it brought me right in the zone. It's a shame that so many people think the storyline is dull. I think it was a cool concept and they did enough with it to make it interesting. Selene actually says some emotional things that make you feel for her, something I didn't do in the past. I love how they show you things from the previous movies. I agree with people who say it's short. It has an open ending and I thought there was more but suddenly the credits came and I thought: "Oh." But it did make me wonder how it would go on and I do want to see the next movie. It still has the dark lycan VS vampire vibe, it still has bad-ass action and it still has enjoyable plot twists. And it has more characters (sorry, I really love more than one person in a movie) that you actually get to know.
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Better than the first.
19 November 2014
If must say that the Underworld movies are enjoyable if you love vampires, werewolves, sci-fi and a LOT of fighting. I love how they re-invented the vampire and the werewolf, I like how the vampires look and the werewolves are alright too. The whole world looks dark and grey, with rain and snow everywhere which obviously helps the atmosphere become more haunted and vampiresque.

It's just that there is one thing missing: emotions and character development. The whole movie centers around a big problem that vampire Selene and her hybrid boyfriend have to solve. They move from the one place to the other, looking for clues to find out the truth. Obviously people are following them and trying to stop them and they have to kick some ass and continue their journey. It is enjoyable and the story is really really good, it's just that you don't really feel anything because the characters are just all very dull. Selene is the child trauma serious girl, which is boring and dull after a while. She only cares about her boyfriend, but other than that she is no fun, no good lines and not even some sarcasm. She barely shows affection for Michael (except for the parts they are all over each other) but not really any conversations that might point out that they are in a relationship. Almost all characters are designed like that, they all look like robots to me and that is why I just can't say that Underworld is a favorite. I watched a lot of vamp movies and I must say that I wouldn't recommend Underworld as a personal fav, I would just say that the story is nice and there is a lot of ass kicking violence in it. I will continue with the rest of the movies, hopefully they suddenly change their ways!
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Daybreakers (2009)
Totally loved it.
19 November 2014
Vampire movies are always a tricky thing. Since there are so many of them, it is hard to make an unique story and it easily gets overdone. But Daybreakers is one of those movies that has its own identity and I really recommend it to any one to watch this movie. The whole setting is nice: it is futuristic, it is not only a good look at the vampire as a protagonist, it also shows you politics and show business, which makes this movie more realistic. Even though you can predict some things in it (but that is in most movies the case) it is a movie with some action, strong dialogs and a bit of dark humor. I love it and I am very picky with movies. I want to buy the DVD (I always buy the DVD to keep movies that I love close to me) and I wished there was a book but sadly there isn't. Daybreakers is asking for a sequel, but since the end is mostly 'the end' I think there won't be one.
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Underworld (2003)
It's alright.
19 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw this movie for the second time. I watched this when I was 13 but I couldn't remember a lot of it. That already says a lot. I enjoy it because I love vampire/werewolf themed movies, but I have to say that it didn't trigger that much. At the end of the movie I am thinking: Okay, this was nice. But not: Oh my God, this is so good I want more and I want to buy the DVD and stuff. I think the reason why it doesn't do that much to me is that I love different characters, I love personalities and I love to get stuck in the movie. Through this whole movie you don't get to know any character that well, except for Lucian who is, because he is the only one that shows some characteristics, my favorite character. Selene is a dull, non-smiling, grumpy girl and she falls in love with this lycan-vamp hybrid guy. I don't even know why, because the only time they spent together is running away from things and being suspicious of each other. There are about 5 characters that you get to know a little, the rest are just background people that only sit around or get killed. They could have done so much more with this!

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it enough to watch the other 3 parts, but I seriously hope that there are more characters with actual emotions and stories and personalities so I can get carried away with this movie. I watched this while checking Facebook every ten minutes and when I am really into a movie the rest of the world doesn't exists for me. I love the gloomy atmosphere and I love that it is a two-sided story: the enemy can be both vampire or lycan, so you get to pick which clan you love better. I like the action in it, but at the end of the movie I think it takes a little too long and I was really itching to stand up the last ten minutes.

So: it's nice to watch every now and then but I don't think that it's a master piece.
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Vampires Suck (2010)
This movie sucks more than Twilight.
16 November 2014
I am not a big fan of the Twilight books or films. I read one or two books when I was 13, enjoyed one of them and went to see the first movie in the cinema and it broke my heart in two. They ruined the books, the characters and actually made me quit reading the remaining books. Since there are so many new vampire movies it really became a hype so a parody about vampire movies would actually be really funny. Well, this movie isn't. Not. At. All.

They basically copied the whole Twilight story, so it is actually as watching the Twilight movies but then stuffed with bad, tacky jokes and throw-cake-in-face humor that a lot of American comedies have. I think it would be a lot funnier if they came up with their own vampire story, so it actually would be something refreshing to see instead of sitting and staring at a bad version of Twilight. The references to famous singers or actors are not doing a great job, there was no single moment that I had to laugh or even smile during this movie. I was watching it waiting for it to end so I could write this sorry review about it. Jenne Proske, playing Bella, could impersonate her very well and was the only thing in this movie that actually made me think 'good job'.
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Loved it!
10 November 2014
I don't really know a lot of Abraham Lincoln, since I am not American and all that. But I am most certain that he wasn't a vampire hunter in real life. Still, after watching this I looked some more titles up and there are actually a lot of monster movies where Abraham Lincoln is the protagonist and kicking a lot of monster butt. Why? I have no idea. That is the main reason why I thought this movie would be horrible, but it was amazing! Lots of action, lots of over the top fighting, but a strong storyline with fiction and reality combined. Tim Burtons magical touch made everything look like a steam-punk fairytale, a fantasy world. I love the vampires in this film: bloodsucking, ugly and non-sparkling. I love Dominic Cooper with his amazing red sunglasses. I actually enjoyed it so much that I would love a sequel. Even though most sequels are bad.
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Vamps (2012)
Funny and heartwarming.
10 November 2014
Oh where to start. I am busy with watching loads of vampire movies and I have to say that I wouldn't have watched this if it wasn't on the list. But I am glad I did! I don't get all the negative comments, but I actually like quite a lot of movies where this happens. The movie is maybe cheesy on the vampire part, but it is basically just like any other romantic comedy. It is something to watch for fun, with funny dialogs, good acting and enough girlie moments for every teen of grownup on her period. Krysten Ritter is not only a beautiful actress, she fits her role perfectly. And Dan Stevens looks just really hot! All by all nothing deep, some parts of the storyline I didn't really get, but it is fun and heartwarming. It makes you think of your childhood, of all the things that are changing around you, the world, fashion, views...I had to drop a tear at the end!
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Vamp U (2011)
It's alright.
10 November 2014
I am more of a British comedy fan than American, but even tho this movie has a 4, it is amusing enough if you want an airy story on a Wednesday night. It's not a big masterpiece, but for some weird reason I still enjoyed watching it. Even tho it's storyline if far beyond bad. During the movie I sometimes grew big big question marks above my head, since some scenes are too ridiculous to watch. But some of the jokes in it were actually really funny and made me laugh. I love vampire movies, even bad ones, and that is a big part of why I still recommend it to some people. Or maybe it is because it has a big what the f... factor in it. It is a bit like Sharknado: it is so weird and ridiculous that you have to watch it.
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Let Me In (I) (2010)
One of my favorite films.
7 November 2014
Let me in is a dark, dark fairytale. I don't see this as a scary horror movie, even tho there is some gore in it. It is melancholic and dark. The atmosphere and setting is completely right, the protagonists are heartwarming and so is this beautiful story. I haven't read the book yet, or seen the Swedish (it was Swedish right?) version but I really am going to do it. It is not a movie you watch with 5 noisy friends on Friday night with drinks, the story develops itself too slow for that. This is a movie you watch alone or with fellow movie lovers that can shut up and let this story get them. And if it does get to you, it is a movie you will never forget.
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Good enough.
6 November 2014
I can easily understand why people are hating on this movie so much. I have to admit that when I saw the pink high school cover of the movie, I didn't think I would ever watch it. But when I was bored out of my brains and I was looking for an airy, girlie movie, I found the trailer and it satisfied me enough to watch it. I must say that the story is quite cool, I haven't read the books and after watching this I actually want to read them. But I can understand that vampire or horror lovers find this a tacky 'another vampire movie' thing. It is predictable, girlie, the plot is bumpy and weird. Everything doesn't come together, the storyline only develops itself with more shocking revealings and predictable plot twists. But to be fair, if you are a teenage girl (or like me 21, and still in for teen movies some times) it can be amusing enough to watch. The actors look great, the plot isn't hard to follow and you can just watch it and be happy. :)
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