
67 Reviews
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One Life (2023)
Good story, regular movie.
10 March 2024
I would like to start by saying that this type of story should be told, and this type of film should be seen by everyone, even if it has flaws, purely out of respect for its protagonists, who deserve our recognition and memory.

Now, from a critical point of view, as a movie it has nothing especial. The script is kinda bad, it has no remarkable dialogues, and despite the fact that it's telling the story of a hell of a feat, it does so in a way takes a lot of tension away, so the result is bland, which is a shame. The same goes for the emotional front: while it did make me cry, it was the last 15-ish minutes, when it should have been the majority of the movie.

As I said, the story had to be told, and the movie is all in all ok, but it's not something I would watch again.
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Not bad, just average.
13 December 2023
Most reviews complain about the ending, and since it was one of the things discouraging me from watching it, I figured I should start with that. This end is kinda "open", but the movie is overly explicative, so at that point you can guess what would happen next. It's not a bad ending. In fact is pretty clever, and somewhat funny, which is refreshing.

Now, the rest of the movie is okay. It doesn't feel slow, it didn't bored me. I think the pacing is just right. What I don't like is that it reveals too much too soon. I feel this kind of movie should keep you guessing, build up tension. Instead, this literally tells you what's happening. I think that was a major mistake and it made the movie less thrilling. Also, this is a story we have seen before, and probably better achieved. Cast is good, music is ok. I think 6 is fair.
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Mother! (2017)
An honest review.
12 August 2023
I'll to try to write the review I would have wanted to read before watching this:

This movie is a 2 hour metaphor. That's it. No, I mean it, that's the whole movie. Of course, I'm not going to reveal what's the metaphor, but be warned: when you realize what the movie is about it will be too late, and you will probably be disappointed, frustrated and/or angry.

I don't know what else to say. Even if you are in the mood for something extremely weird, the movie is too long. It gets boring. On top of that, it's painful to watch, and probably that's part of "the point", I just didn't enjoyed it.

It's not the worst movie I've ever seen, but I can't recommend it.
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Pretty entertaining.
19 May 2023
As with other films/shows regarding sensible topics, I would like to start by saying that I'm not from the U. S., just so you know this review has no bias whatsoever. I also want to point out that I had no knowledge of what happened in Waco before watching the first part of this series (Waco - 2018), and that this is now all the "knowledge" I have about it. So I can't speak for the historical accuracy.

What I can speak about is the entertainment value of this series, which in my opinion is the whole point. I mean, if you are looking for accuracy, you better watch a documentary. And as an entertainment product this was very good. It felt gripping from start to finish, the same way the first part was. Good performances all around, good dialogues, nice pacing, and even courtroom drama.

If you enjoyed the first part you will surely enjoy this.
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I mean, it's not awful...
4 May 2023
It's hard to innovate in this sub-genre since it's basically tied to a catholic rite. So you can add all the flavor you want to the story, but in the end it will all come down to the familiar formula we have known since "The Exorcist".

So, "the flavor": I liked the character portrayed by Russell Crowe, which is that of a "cool" priest. I found it fresh, very different from what we are used to in this type of movie.

There's also some backstory about the possession (the "why?"), which is also uncommon. Sadly it was presented superficially, so you don't really care about it.

And that's pretty much it. The rest is the same movie we have seen hundreds of times. I'm giving it a 6 because it was entertaining enough, but I wouldn't recommend it.
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Pretty good.
3 May 2023
I've read (and heard) a lot of reviews saying that you won't like this unless you've play DnD. I honestly don't know why people is saying this. I've never played DnD in my life and after watching the movie I can confidently tell you that you don't need to know anything at all about the game to enjoy it.

Now, this is a lighthearted movie. The story is interesting enough, but not super compelling, intrincate or thrilling. It has good action scenes and, surprisingly, pretty good/clever humor scenes (most of them, anyway) which is no small accomplisment. The cast is fine, they deliver, characters are believable (plus it has Sophia Lillis <3).

Overall the movie is everything the trailer promises. If you are looking for that, it won't bore you.
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Tetris (2023)
Entertaining but unbelievable.
3 April 2023
When I watch a movie based on true events, I expect some degree of artistic licence. After all, it's not a documentary. But this movie does so in a way that makes it hard to believe the story.

Some scenes are downright ridiculous, more suitable for a comedy than a drama. This, in turn, affects the "proper drama" scenes, because it's hard to take characters seriously, taking away much of what makes drama powerful and compelling.

Do you want to know what the worst part is? I don't think this story even needed that, as the real story is interesting enough.

All in all it's entertaining and kinda funny (?). I won't ever see it again, and I wouldn't recommend it if you are expecting something serious.
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Average movie.
17 March 2023
The kind of movie you would watch on a sunday afternoon. There's nothing remotely remarkable about it.

The plot is not all that interesting to begin with, but it gets even worse because the movie tries to link it with unrelated environmental issues, and in doing so it ends up not explaining any of the topics well enough for the viewer to care (or to even understand).

To top it off, dialogue is mediocre at best. Key speeches, which should be emotional, or insightful, convey nothing.

There are some good performances, some good country music and some beautiful landscape shots, none of which is, of course, enought to save the movie.

5.0 it's a fair score. It's not an awful movie, just average. I won't recommend it.
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Old (2021)
Not as bad as they say...
24 February 2023
I've been postponing this movie for years because it had such a bad rating and reviews were killing it. I finally decided to give it a shot, and it turned out better than expected.

Don't get me wrong, tho, this movie won't surprise you. In fact, you can guess most of the plot from the trailer, but that's the case with many movies. Despite that, it's reasonably entertaining, it offers some suspense, acting is good. I would say it's an average horror movie. Definitely doesn't deserve the hate it's getting.

Would I recommend it? Probably not, because there are better movies in the genre, but if you don't have anything better to watch, give it a chance. You probably won't regret it.
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Till (I) (2022)
18 January 2023
I'm not from the US and I had never heard of this story, although I'm not oblivious of the endemic racism that plagues that country. Since this is a sensitive topic, I feel the need to remind you that this is a movie, which objective, above all, is to entertain the viewer. And as a viewer, I didn't enjoyed it as much.

There are some serious acting issues, especially from the lead actress, that prevent you from connecting with the characters. The dialogue is dull, uninspiring. Some scenes feel unnecessary, they add nothing to the story. I think this would have worked better as a 1:30ish hour movie.

About the story, as someone from outside the US I don't understand it's meaning. I don't know how important it was for the civil rights movement, which the movie also fails to explain. As "yet another story about racism" it has nothing we haven't seen before, and much better.
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Character (2021)
Not bad at all.
11 January 2023
This is a reasonably good thriller, there are some good suspenseful scenes, the story is somewhat predictable but still interesting.

I can't speak about the dialogue because I watched it with english subs and they were probably not very accurate. And because of that I may have missed some point the script was trying to make, I don't know. For instance, the much-criticized ending maybe had some hidden meaning, some wordplay with the movie's title or something.

Acting was credible. Of course, there are cultural differences that will make some characters' reactions or dialogues seem odd. Nothing too serious, tho.

I think 6 is a fair rating, slightly above averange. Entertaining if you have nothing better to watch.
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It was ok.
31 December 2022
This movie portrays a series of trials that people must stand in the afterlife to be granted reincarnation, according to Buddhist beliefs. So far, so good. It's an interesting plot, more so if, like me, you don't know much about those beliefs.

What I liked, and I think it should be noted: Emotional scenes are on point. I almost cried several times. It's very touching, even if it is not noticeable at first glance.

What I didn't liked: Bad comedy. And it's not that I don't get the jokes because I'm westerner, they are just not funny. I don't know how to put it, they are jokes a child would make. Plus, they are extremely out of place ("Thor: Ragnarok", if you know what I mean).

I also need to point out that some court scenes are ridiculous.

All in all, it's "watchable". Entertaining, if you have nothing else to do/see. Definitely not more than a 6.
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This is not a Doctor Strange movie.
26 June 2022
It's a movie about Scarlet Witch and a brand new character (at least in the MCU), in which Strange has a secondary role, which would be Spiderman. Or in any other MCU movie. Or in a movie called "The Multiverse of Madness". See my point?

Due to the multiple protagonists, the film tries to tell too many stories and ends up not telling enough of any of them.
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A lot better than I expected.
10 February 2022
I went to see this movie expecting a no brainer, kinda absurd, action-comedy, like the previous installments. I was very wrong.

Of course, this is still an action movie, and a total fiction. But the historical background, even if altered, provides more...plausibility, if you will. Less absurd. This movie is also more sober, it has virtually no comedy, and is darker. In my opinion, this takes this franchise from "meh" to reasonably good. I will be looking forward to the next ones.

Finally, the current rating doesn't do it any justice, so I'm giving it an 8 to compensate. It's more like a 7, still very good.
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King Richard (2021)
A very good movie.
12 January 2022
I don't know anything about the Williams sisters' story, so I can't tell if the portrait this movie is painting is accurate. It probably is, considering their protagonists are producers. But it doesn't really matter. Every movie based on true events has some make up.

What matters is whether it's a good movie. And it is. The acting is masterful and the script is very well written. I don't understand why some people said it was too long. The story is engaging, it never gets boring, never feels "stretched". You won't regret picking this one.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Ridiculous, but in a bad way.
26 December 2021
IMDb states that this is a "comedy", yet I probably laughed one time during the entire movie.

My understanding is that this is intended to be a satire, but many of the "points" made by the movie are false, ultimately detracting from its objective of social criticism. And we have had the sad chance to verify it with facts. I think the response to this pandemic has been far from optimal, but it has shown that we can indeed react. And, yes, it has shown that there are a lot of crazy people out there, but also a much greater number of good, caring and reasonable people.

The acting, of course, is masterful. I loved it. But that won't make up for a poor script.
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The Last Duel (2021)
2 December 2021
Ridley Scott decided to make a "point of view" story, told by the main characters. Now, when you use this kind of technique you have two options. You can do the same sequence with little variations, but short length (e.g. "Hero), or you can portray totally different scenes, so in the end all the pieces fall into place (e.g. "Knives Out").

If you don't follow one of the above you end up with a movie like this one. Two and a half hours of the same sequence over and over again, each of which add small (and often non-essential) information. This could have worked, as an hour and a half movie.
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Exactly as expected.
20 September 2021
I honestly don't get the critics here. Did you watched the same trailer as I did? Because no reasonable person would see that and expect a movie with a good plot.

This is a bizarre, absurd, weird, bloody movie. Exactly as advertised. If anything, it fell short of how bizarre it could have been.

It is not great, not even at it's own game, but it's certainly not as bad as critics say.
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Worth (2020)
Kinda boring.
6 September 2021
The whole movie revolves around a "formula" to compensate victims of 9/11. However, it doesn't really explains the formula, nor why it's important from a legal stand point, thus preventing the audience from understading why Ken Feinberg (Michael Keaton) is so "attached" to it. This prevents that any kind of tension or drama to be generated.

The movie also fails to create a connection between the viewer and the characters. It just doesn't show enought of any of them for you to care. All it does is throw in a bunch of victim testimonials and expect it to be enought. Let me tell you, it's not.

The acting is good (of course). But it is a totally forgettable movie.
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Cruella (2021)
It could have been better.
29 May 2021
Yes, you can say that from almost every movie. But in this case it was a missing opportunity. And it was due to the traditional lack of balls of Disney.

Look, in 101 Dalmatians Cruella wanted to make a coat with puppies. Puppies! It takes a very particular type of person to do that (i.e. A psychopath, a person that lacks basic emotions). If Disney wanted to show that not everything is "black and white", that bad people is bad for a reason, etc. (which is great, because, in fact not everything is black or white) they could have. They could have shown us how a "normal" person becomes a psychopath. But they didn't. They didn't had the balls to portray an really cruel person, a villain (as she was in the original story). Instead they portrayed a "mean" but kinda cool girl, who wears a mask but is good inside. And that could have made a great movie, a great character, except...that's not Cruella.

I'm giving it a 7, because I loved Emma Stone, her performance was amazing...and because it's not a bad movie. It's entertaining. But it fell short of my expectations.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
Is this a Guy Ritchie movie?
26 May 2021
In my opinion, what make movies like "Snach", "Lock, Stock...", and "Rocknrolla" soo good, is that there's no almighty hero/protagonist, just a bunch of regular joes (well, as regular as a mob guy can be, but, you get me). They can put up a fight, but not defeating an army. Well, that, an interesting story, and the dark humor.

This movie has non of the above, what makes me wonder, is this actually a Guy Ritchie film? Because it felt more like a regular Jason Statham movie, not different to "The Transporter": a man of steel fighting n' shooting, and not much else. If that's what you are looking for, then go ahead, but if you like Guy Ritchie's movies, you will be disappointed.
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The Nevers (2021–2023)
"Fantasy" does not mean dumb.
22 April 2021
I watched half of the first episode and I had to stop. Yes, it is that bad.

The fact that this is a fantasy show doesn't mean that every scene has to be unbeliavable. And the fact that most of the main characters are women doesn't mean it can't have decent, credible, action. And I'm not even going to talk about the plot. Jesus, is this meant for 12yo? HBO is starting another series with a leading actress:Mare of Easttown, which far superior. Go watch that instead. Or, if you are looking for steampunk/fantasy, check out Carnival Row.
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City of Lies (2018)
Better than expected.
20 April 2021
I came across this movie by chance while searching for something to watch. I wasn't expecting much, given the rating, but I got pleasantly surprised.

This is a solid movie, with great acting and an interesting and engaging story. I'm not from the US and I'm not really into rap, so I can't speak for the accuracy from a historical standpoint. But it was very entertaining. More like a 7.5 in my opinion. So if you had any doubts, watch it, you won't regret it.
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It actually bored me.
5 April 2021
I was not very hyped about this movie, but I didn't thought it would be this bad. Jesus. The plot seems written by a child. It has holes bigger than those created by these beasts and a lot of unbelievable situations. Not even the action is that good, and that's the whole point of the movie. It got boring to the point where I was looking at the clock to see how much I would have to endure.
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This is good.
15 March 2021
Most bad critics about this movie (which led me to postpone it too long) are based on a confusion. This is not a biopic about R.B.G. This is a movie about her early years in law school and her first case. It's meant to show the kind of woman she was and her struggle for equality. That's it. If you want a bio, go watch a documentary, or even better, go read a book

Now, I don't know much about RGB (I'm not from the U.S.) so I can't speak to the historical accuracy of the movie.But from an entertainment point of view, I quite liked it. Felicity Jones delivers a good performance (and I'm not much of a fan of her), as does the rest of the cast. I didn't find anything "terrible" about the script either.

I would totally recommend it. It may not be a complete biography, but it draws attention to RGB, and it will probably lead more than one to search for more about her.
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