
5 Reviews
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The 5th Wave (2016)
Enjoyable Film
24 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Good acting, especially from the actress playing Cassie.

Always good to see humans fighting back against alien invasions.

When Cassie sneaked into the Army base used by the humans possessed by the Others and then did her best to kill the bitch using human kids to kill other humans, I was like Booyah! Kill those muffafukka Aliens!

The actress playing Cassie was great, she is a good actress. I also like the plot of alien possessing a human then goes native plot, its been used before and it was done nicely here. Quite sweet and romantic.

So I don't get all the negative reviews.

This film is not original, but it was fun to watch and the acting was great.

In fact, I have done some research and it was based on a series of books which I will buy and read.

Anyways nice film, enjoyable to watch, not original but nothing produced in hollywood is any more.

Good acting and I felt engaged and I think the actress playing Cassie was very good, she really carried the whole film and did a great job.

So I hope whoever made this film will make sequels!
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Defiance (2013–2015)
How to ruin a great Scifi show.
21 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Seasons 1 and 2 were excellent.

I was really looking forward to Season 3. Then Christie and Rafe were killed and the whole dynamic that had been building up for 2 seasons between the McChristies and the Tarrs was gone. Way to ruin a scifi show, you moronic new writers.

Just to bring in Linda Hamilton as some really stupid moronic bitch who managed to get everyone killed as she had to kidnap them and drag them hundreds of miles south into enemy lines so they could get killed stupidly and pointlessly.

So I tried to keep on watching but for some reason Syfy had got rid of the writers for seasons 1 and 2 and replaced them with some morons.

So they killed off lots of established characters and ruined most of the plot buildup that had been going on with establishing a relationship between the humans and their alien invaders.

They they brought in another alien enemy who I cannot even be bothered to remember their name.

Blame the new season 3 writers. They killed this show.
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A Beautiful Gay Romance
21 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I think this is an excellent gay love story.

I started off watching this film with caution. With a very open mind about true love.

Two gay guys meet together and fall in love. Society judges them.

Eban has to be stronger because of society but in the end Charley is stronger. At the end of the film, Eban fell apart but Charley kept strong. Charley is stronger than Eban. I was really hoping for a happy ending to Eban and Charley and I got it.

This was a very nice film. I just spent 23 quid to import this film from Canada and I'm very glad I did. One of my favourite ever films.

I really love this film. Two gay guys fall in love. Society will really judge them cos one guy is under age whereas the other guy is overage.

I think Brent Fellows and Gio Black Peter did a brilliant acting job. I think all the actors in this film did fine.

Charley doesn't have a mum any more. All he has for love is a total ass hole father who makes it very clear he doesn't care for, accept or love Charley.

It all depends on the circumstances. This is like real life. Life is not black or white. Life is 50 shades of grey.

In this film, Eban is pretty childish and naive himself. Charley is obviously gay, very deep-thinking and mature and looking for more affection in his life. I didn't feel at all that Eban was grooming Charley or some kind of predatory paedophile.

I was nail-biting by the end.

Both families found out what was going on and Eban was going to go to prison. Charley was more grown-up and stronger than Eban.

I was totally gripped by the end of the film and urging Eban to MAN UP and take RESPONSIBILITY for what he had started.

I loved the ending. Thank God Eban manned up and went for true love.

I know some people will judge this film and say its paedophile justification.

I also know its two blokes meet and fall in love and have to fight for their right to be together.

Like Charley says, who else should have the right to tell him who he can or cannot love? What about Charley's human rights?

What more can I say? Lovely beautiful gay film about two guys falling in love. With a happy ending. What more could a true romantic gay guy want?
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Capital Games (2013)
A Very Enjoyable Gay Romance to Watch Again and Again
31 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is a gay romance between two "straight" advertising agency executives who are adversaries in their company. In all fairness, a lot of this adversity is directed by Steve towards Mark, who just stands up for himself against Steve. From the start of the film, you can see Steve is a very driven, focused person. He will always give 110% to anything he does in life.

Steve Miller is a working-class American ex-cop who has joined the ad agency. He's been working on the Foist account for 3 years and expects to get it when its up for grabs. Then along comes Mark Richfield, an English upper-class guy who has just joined the company, who makes the mistake of nicking Steve's parking space. Then Mark seems to be up for grabs to automatically get the Foist account. That puts Mark on Steve's personal radar and hit-list.

There is a team-bonding exercise in the desert. Steve does his usual take-control thing. He HAS to be the leader. He manages in one exercise to get stranded in the desert overnight with Mark. They squabble a fair bit as they usually do, then Steve takes charge as he usually does, snogs Mark breathless and things kick off. BOY do they kick off! So Steve and Mark have one fantastic gay night together, then they get back to town and Steve discovers Mark is engaged and due to be married in a month's time. Do you think this is going to stop Steve? Heck no!

The film shows Mark to be a bit spoiled and vulnerable perhaps due to his posh upbringing, which he admits to. He is definitely needy out in the desert at night when he is scared that Steve will abandon him.

Mark gets panicked by Steve stropping off after another squabble and says desperately "you can't leave me alone" then Steve says "I won't", that is one of the most romantic parts of this film for me. Steve also tells Mark later that he is high-maintenance, and Mark cheerfully admits it.

I won't say any more about the rest of this film, I don't want to spoil the ending, but it is worth making the effort to watch.

In my opinion, the acting overall was very good. The two leads, Eric Presnall (Steve) and Gregor Cosgrove (Mark) were excellent. I would like to see more of these two (although in this film we saw a LOT of Gregor Cosgrove heheh :P) What more can I say about Gregor Cosgrove? This guy is HOT!!! To be fair, Eric Presnall is very attractive too. The sexual chemistry between these two guys is sizzling!

I absolutely love this film. It is a gay romance I will be able to watch again and again, from start to end, because I love the script, the acting and Steve and Mark in particular.

Also have to say the musical score is great. The songs are really good and relate to the mood of each scene. I'm going to look into whether there is a soundtrack to buy for this film.
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Love's Coming (2014)
True Gay Love Wins Out
20 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a gay teenage love story/comedy.

Zee (Korn Khunatipapisiri), Pid (Chanon Santinatornkul), Arm (Suraphat Kirivichien) and Gump(Suttinut Uengtrakul) are four Thai boys, roughly 17 years old, best friends forever. They are all totally adorable.

Suddenly Gump is too busy to hang out any more with Zee, Pid and Arm. He is always busy tutoring the boy next door, Nai (Norrapat Sakulsong). Nai also drops him off to school and picks him up afterwards.

What really confuses Gump's friends is that Gump is a stereotypical bookish nerd whereas Nai is a very popular jock, who has had several girlfriends.

Zee is convinced that Gump and Nai are in a relationship and that Gump is gay. Pid and Arm are highly sceptical.

To sort things out, Zee gets the help of Aunt Lek to set up tests for Gump to find out whether he is really gay or not. Aunt Lek is fantastic, I love her. Believe it or not, her tests eventually work! Also Aunt Lek has a very sad tale to tell and I really felt for her.

What follows is very entertaining and well-written. Everyone here acts their socks off and does a great job.

Eventually the truth comes out, Gump's friends realise he is hurting too much and their tests have to end. It is really great how supportive Gump's friends are as they gradually uncover the true story between Gump and Nai. When Gump finally admits how he feels about Nai to Zee, Arm and Pid is very emotional. Made me sniffle. Why do boys only have to love girls? Gump in particular steals the film for me, he is so well acted, and I really feel for him as he gradually finds the love he seeks for, dealing with the road bumps that get in the way. A beautiful blossoming love story. The way Gump screws his face up when he is really happy is so cute.

I also love Gump's mother, as she comes to understand his sexuality and lets him know she is happy for him and will always support him. I also think the look on her face as she realises he has a harder road to follow in life is very powerful. Very emotive scene.

Also think its brilliant that this film uses a missing cat as a plot device to ensure that true gay love wins out... like I said, superb script. Kudos to the people who wrote this! I feel honoured to be the first person on IMDb to review this excellent film.
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