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Great true story, bad acting and posturing.
29 December 2023
I love seeing people rescued from human trafficking. I wish I could join a team and help catch them myself. The true story is inspirational, but this movie felt self serving and glorifying of a actor or character or agenda.

There are many movies and documentaries on this topic, and many cover and report much better. We all need to be aware of these criminals and stop them. We don't need movie studios trying to make a buck, trying to create super hero images, on people's pain and suffering. I imagine the real sound of freedom is not that depicted in this movie. The story was told quite boring and weak. I hope the real agent will release a YouTube video or audio book, if he has not already.

Bottom line though, glad the real agent took down so many creeps and criminals. So happy the kids were returned home. Feel sorry for the Forever lost ones.
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This is one of the best iterations of Godzilla I have ever seen, and I have seen them all
30 November 2023
I just saw the advanced screening of Godzilla minus one and I have to say I was very pleased with the final product. If I had any complaints about this movie it is just that the CGI Godzilla often looked weird similar to a video game. However when Godzilla looked good, it was very impressive especially in the water scenes.

Unlike every other Godzilla movie I have ever seen this is the first Godzilla movie where I actually liked on the characters and the storyline actually made sense and touched the human heart. It showed what people were dealing with at that time which was directly after world war II and how people were suffering not only with the after effects of the war but also the trauma from being exposed to a huge monster destroying cities.

Godzilla may be a fictional character but loss and tragedy are real, and people are dealing with it everyday.

Overall I really like this movie and it is obviously a prequel to the original Godzilla movie that came out over 70 years ago. Once you see this movie at some point you will understand why.

What I would really like to see since it is clear that there have been multiple Godzilla's at some point in time is some type of legitimate crossover between toho and the American studios who are producing Godzilla monster verse in America. Last thing I or any fans want to see is a competition on who could spit out different and unique Godzilla's in two different countries.

Since this is a Toho and Japanese produced movie, it would have been nice to have some of the theater edition Godzilla toys for sale like they do in Japan on every release.
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Can we just forget that previous release of JL? Talk about a Do-Over!
23 March 2021
I will keep it short and sweet.

The first Theatrical release of Justice League, sucked.

This version, compared to the original is a masterpiece.

However, this version on it's own, as if the original never is a solid movie, thoughtful and hardcore.

I got to see heroes curse.....and do things I never thought they would do.

It was kinda dark!

Anyway, I highly recommend it.

My wife and I watched it in one sitting. Started off slow.....almost gave up, but then things suddenly became exciting.

Definitely set up some future story arcs!
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8/10 works! Not perfect, but damn good ride!
20 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The rise of Skywalker did mean or end the way I thought it would. But the movie was solid. It was not perfect. But it was solid entertainment! I have to say though, it ended on a rather sad note, one with much impact.

From the beginning we get to see how people have evolved since the last movie. It was good to see relationship and character development. It was also good to see so much of Leia in the movie, and her final scenes did her justice both in real life and in the series.

This trilogy did not go the direction that I wanted it to go, but who am I? Just a fan. They did give me one bit of satisfaction though. I always wanted to see Leia in Jedi training, and we finally got a peek! Maybe we might get to see some more back stories? See Leia in a fight? I want to see Luke in his prime also, but honestly seeing what he did in the last movie was pretty epic.

I have to say thank you to 94.7 KUMU Hawaii for providing us with free private screening tickets! Got to see this in Titan Luxe! Huge screen with lots of vibrations. I think most of you will really like this movie. Not sure about love. But no reason to hate it, that's for sure. I also think there will be more Star Wars in the future!
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Shaft (2019)
Finally.....doing Shaft some justice!
5 July 2019
I grew up being a hardcore Shaft fan, watching those movies as a kid and many times while growing up. I loved the idea that a black man could come off and give us a James Bond vibe!

They stopped making Shaft movies after the blaxploitation phase, and it kind of fell off everyone's radar until the 2000 remake with Samuael Jackson. I love Sam, but the 2000 version was weak. It did not capture the ice cold coolness of the Richard Roundtree versions. This version however, I actually liked it. Since it explains the relationship between our three heroes. Because of this, it erases the expectation that any replacement Shaft has to be as cool or bad ass as the original. This way they get to be individuals and do things their own way. I like that.

I also like the father son dynamic. Its good to see a long lost father who comes back and actually cares.

If there is another one, I would like to see more high tech weapons or plots. Honestly, Shaft is supposed to be super clean, and super cool at work and at play.

Good job guys!!!
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I really enjoyed this so much more than the version!
31 May 2019 it right!

Godzilla 2014 was pretty good but a bit boring....and had more people talking and not enough action.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters more than made up for that!

It was action packed....and it had heart. This time the story made sense, and the people seemed to be in tune with what was going on. No stupid love story trying to appeal to your emotions.

I liked how certain scenes paid homage to the Japanese Godzilla movies by using some of the same references and music. He was pretty bad ass at the final fight scene. It reminded me of the Japanese fight with "Destroyah", if you saw that one. For true Godzilla fans, you will hear and recognize many clues and references. Have to say though, Mothra was a bit small if you ask me. The military were decently portrayed, but some things were a bit off. For example, you won't see a Full Bird Colonel running around like a Sergeant leading a strike team into a hot zone. Not typically anyway.

All in all, my wife stayed awake for the entire move, so that says a lot!

Great job guys and gals!!!

Cannot wait to see the next installment!
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Maybe they should have followed the comic, either way felt a bit let down.
26 April 2019
I just went to see the Avengers Endgame on Apr 25th, in Hawaii.

First, I have to was a good solid movie. However, it did not touch me or speak to me. I was not moved at all. The Infinity Wars, was far more emotional and gut wrenching, this one was just an attempt to change things up, do the unexpected, and try desperately to wrench our emotions.

I will simply say that in this movie I was never mad, hurt, sad, or excited. No emotions this time.

Some of the battles were epic, and some were hyped up and fizzled out quickly, and some battles just never happened. Some disappointing moments.

Finally, when the battle was reaching a climax, and the home team got a chance to exact some revenge, things felt petty and predictable. Honestly, might have been better to follow the comic arc and stay true. Honestly, for the life of me, I do not know why I was not choked up in certain scenes when I should have been. Seems they were trying to hard to touch our hearts, and it felt disconnected.

Three hours later......and had to wake my wife up several times which is usually a sign. She was wide awake in Infinity Wars, beginning to end.

So if you just looking for revenge or a reckoning, got it. But if you are looking for real emotional struggles and happy reunions......mehhhhhh......they tried....some were decent.

I will not give any spoilers, but I will say I am flat out angry because my favorite character of all time, since I was a child, did not fight! Seriously, WTF?! And after what happened in Infinity Wars, it makes no sense.
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Glass (2019)
How dare you end it like this!
6 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I want to say that after 19 years waiting for this movie the director ended it like this. I'm utterly shocked and disappointed with the treatment that David Dunn's character got in this movie. It is so ridiculous.

The movie was awesome all the way up until the end. The movie was building its climax and in the end it just fizzled out. I have to say that the treatment of the main character and his demise was utterly disrespectful. I guess no fan service for all those who have been waiting all these years for some great fight scene. At least you could have let David completely whoop the beast's ass before he met his demise.

I don't have to tell you the acting was good all the way around. like I said it was a solid movie up until the end when somebody obviously bumped their head and started writing to the left.
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The Predator (2018)
The Hunter: Are you ready for a fun and wild ride?!
16 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Predator - WOW.

I loved it. It had guts and glory.... heroes.... comedy......and bonding through a singular purpose. It was a fun ride! It was not meant as a replacement or sequel to the original, but an evolution.

It came together quite nicely......and did not overly assert itself by trying to be macho. It was smart and offensive.....and offered no apologies. Except for one HUGE plot hole! (spoiler ahead) If the Predator came to earth to help us, why in the Fudge was he killing people from the beginning?

(spoiler ahead) I had one complaint though. Why did the producer explore more of a team up with the smaller predator? It was such a shame to see him die like that. He came all the way to earth to give us a weapon, which means he was on our side it seems. Why aren't previous cast members being used in small roles or cameos? Some people have survived direct battle with Predators and survived. We all wondered what happened next. This movie was all over the place, it was a roller coaster ride. My wife was laughing.....and stayed away the entire movie! That is saying something. She also loved it. And she hates movies like these. The ending left us teasing another installment. But then again, how many Predator movies ended while teasing us? Too many. We are tired of having our emotions toyed with. Fan service please! Over all this movie was awesome. I have already imagined where the Predators are going in the future.....and quite possibly where they came from. I am even wondering if they are evolved variations of the Engineers from Prometheus. Which would explain why they hunt Aliens from time to time. So many possibilities. I hope we don't have to wait a long time for the next chapter, and I am hoping for story continuity.

Good job guys!!! Awesome movie!
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I liked it......but I am a little sad.
15 December 2017
I have to say the move was well put together. Also......there was not the typical happy ending. The movie was solid, and was a emotional roller coaster.

OK......I have two complaints about the story. #1 I waited since Return of the Jedi, to see Luke totally use his master Jedi skills to crush and kick ass! This never least not the at you think it would. #2 I would have liked to see Fynn use some of the force in this movie. They hinted at it in episode 7, so....what happened??

We all watched episodes 4-6, and seen Luke become a Jedi, but he only fought Vader. He became a master Jedi, but we missed all his battles and training over the years. What a let down in this story.

Rey and Leia both showed a lot of promise and skills, and I liked how they were portrayed.

Over was action packed, and fun to watch. It was dark at times.....well most of the time. Seemed hopeless mostly. Also the movie gave us fans a lot to ponder, at the hints that were dropped.

The movie was not written for me or the fans, and the directors vision was realized. I hope the fans will eventually get some much needed satisfaction from this series. I look forward to the next episode.
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Better than I expected.....actually.
28 November 2017
I am not big DC fan but I always liked Superman......and when SMALLVILLE attempted to create a Justice league on TV it sparked an interest for me. So when I heard they were making a Justice league I was hopeful. I have to admit though, seeing these characters on the big screen again proved why Batman or people without superpowers, should not be fighting super villains, but that is another story.

OK, so......this movie was a good effort in the right direction. I typically do not like DC movies, because they are not fun, and they don't build any bonds between the audience and the characters. It seems that they rely on the relationship between the fans and the comic books.

Personally.....I like it to feel something towards the characters. Like hate or admiration......or some emotion. Usually, I end up feeling frustrated....awkward....or even irritated. And whats with Batmans voice??? Is this a whispering contest???

The movie was better than BVS.......and waaaaaaay better than Suicide squad. I did not like how they brought back certain characters. There was very little explanation....and nothing to do with the comic book explanation. At the end of BVS, the ground was vibrating around Clark's grave....remember? What about that? In the comic, and in Smallville......yellow rays of the Sun were his friend and source of power.

I hate it when movie producers or writers decide to add in their own original information that goes against or degrades the original story arc. Trying to simplify things for a broader audience?

Anyhow.....over all it was pretty good. There might be hope for DC movies yet.

I rated this a 6.....which to me means Highly Watchable.
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I waited all this time......for this?
3 November 2017
I watched Planet Hulk back in 2006. Loved it!!!

I watched Avengers assemble and the Mighty Avengers animation. Loved it. I love the Thor and Hulk friendship and rivalry.

So when they announced this movie and I saw the first trailer, I was convinced that lightning was finally going to strike home and that this movie would meet or beat all expectations. So I waited.....and waited. I saw more trailers and clips. I scoured You-Tube for more footage. I talked about this we friends. I was going crazy waiting for this to be released. Tokyo......I went to the premiere.

Well.....sad to say it......but I was a little let down.

First of was way too many attempts at slapstick cheap humor. Even Thor was trying to be funny or cute. He never did that in the comics.

Hulk was like a big goofy kid who could barely hold his own against Thor. I expected a lot more but OK......this was acceptable. After all, this is a Thor movie, not a Hulk movie.

Also, would have been nice to capture more story while on Sakaar. Many things happened in the comic and animated movie. Including a love interest for Hulk. In this movie.....nothing, even though he had been there for quite a long while.

Banners character was also a goofy whiny pouty teenage girl in the movie. I did not like that. It was not cute.

I suspect that teenagers and children will love this movie. But I think adults will not appreciate it. For such a dark movie with dire conclusions, it is still too upbeat and happy, even at the ending.

Hopefully, when this is released on Bluray, there will be directors cut, that might make it more serious. I have to admit though, I do like the direction that Hulk seems to be going/growing.

Well.....I will still purchase the Bluray, just because I have too because of the Hulk. I just wish that Hulk Kicked ass more. There was no straight up Hulk Smashing! That's all I am saying. This is the first time that I have seen Thor so damn....Mighty.

Good job Marvel!

When I watched the Avengers.....and Banner transformed into the Hulk and started killing those giant flying aliens......I asked my wife to marry me...again. I was so damn happy and excited. She, however, was not amused by my proposal though. Anyway.....I did not feel that same excitement today....not even close. Dammit. There was no laughter or energy in the theater either. Maybe the language barrier while reading subtitles?
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The Defenders (2017)
How many ways can you have your ass handed to you?
20 August 2017
Felt like.....Iron Fist all over again.

The mood.....the mess.....the weakness.

The Defenders looked like the amateurs compared to even the stand alone shows of each hero.

The chemistry was not established enough. The characters were getting knocked on their ass every 5 minutes, by people who did not even have powers.

It was kind of like a roller-coaster ride........but with a disappointing last hill. No grand finale or spectacular battle. Just a gritty dark and dirty fight that seemed never ending.

The biggest disappointment was how Ironfist just seemed so weak.....compared to almost everyone, and so unfocused. I expected him to be the standard exception on everything martial arts.

Eight episodes.....was way too damn short. And knowing NETFLIX probably make season 2, 5 years from now, when all the actors (and me) are old and gray.

Ironfist and the Defenders have GREAT potential! I am not ready to give up yet. But dammit, let's have a bigger better climax. Please.
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I liked it.....and it was a nice set up for an original re-make.
16 July 2017
I thought the movie was solid. A lot of focus on the Apes. It tied in very nicely to the original Ape series from the 1960's. I hope they can take it to the next level properly. I think a few names were dropped a bit too early, but oh well. I will keep it short. The bottom line is that this is a good movie. It closes the chapter on the events leading up to the originals series.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Something about the flow of DC movies
3 July 2017
I have to say.....I delayed watching this movie, until there were many reviews to read. Most critics seem to love this movie and praise it highly.

I like the wonder woman character but.....the movie was a disappointment for me.

The problem is.....DC movies don't do a lot of character building and bonding. The flow of the movies don't feel natural. The leading actress was good as well as our leading man.

I just hope they can get Justice League right. So far.....I am not impressed. I am trying very hard to enjoy these movies and get into them......but.....I always leave the theater wishing there was more substance.

Better luck next time.
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Disappointing......same ol fan treatment....alienating us that is.
21 May 2017
*No spoilers.....but some strong hints**

The single most disappointing thing about this film is very familiar indeed.

They spent the entire Prometheus film building the lead character. They made her strong and resourceful, much like Ripley. Then in Alien covenant, it was almost like all of that effort meant nothing at all.

At the end of Prometheus, I think we were promised a face-off or confrontation between Shaw and the Engineers?! Does anyone disagree??

Alien covenant pretty much ignored and disregarded Prometheus, and just dumped it like a bad habit.

The movie was well put together, and great action and effects. I simply did not like the direction of the film, and how little we learned of the Engineers, which is why Shaw wanted to go there.

I personally could not wait to see the story arc continued and see how Shaw would interact on the Engineers planet.

What a rip off.

Reminds me of Alien 3, when Hicks and Newt were just so easily discarded, after all that character building and bonding.

The film industry has no regard for fan connections to characters.

The movie was good. Awesome even.....just not really the sequel to Prometheus that was expected! If I never saw Prometheus, this would have been better.
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Nothing like traveling to an exotic far away beautiful tropical island......only to get chased and attempted to be eaten. Fun Times. Thank Goodness for Kong!
10 March 2017
**Do not leave until all credits roll....there is more footage after the credits!**

I have to say, I was mostly pleased with this movie. Soundtrack was spot on for the era.....the soldiers seemed authentic.....and Kong was awesome.

One minor complaint.....there was not enough time to build the character connection of Kong to the audience or the cast. felt

But....the special effects were awesome, this could be my favorite Kong to date. It still felt short however. I hope there will be a longer version available on Bluray in the future.

I like how this movie took place in the past, basically setting this up for modern day installments, and collaborations.

The acting was great. Funny moments were funny. Touching moments were touching.

The film delivered.

I am going to keep this short and sweet, and let all the pros write you a book.

Go see this film if you either like King Kong, or Kaiju movie in general.

Hard core fan will be catching all kind of easter eggs and references.....all the way until the end credit scene plays.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Solid movie! Very smart and entertaining.
14 February 2017
Many people have complained about how boring or confusing this film is.

That's because.....most people want to think that each and every Alien movies involves shooting...blowing up.....cloning.....or something action packed.

This is not one of those movies.

This movie wants you to think.....and imagine along side the story....and form some of your opinions and conclusions.

It is now a day later, ad my wife and I are still discussing some theories about the show and the leading characters and things that keep flashing in her memories.

This movie is awesome.....and......I plan to watch it again.

I highly recommend this move for those of you that are articulate....mature.....and patient.

If you are expecting some Alien x Human might want to go rent a DVD.....but not this one.

My review is short and sweet, because I just want to say the bottom line. Slow starting movie, that unfolds and pulls you in. I really liked it.
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Shin Godzilla (2016)
Good take on Godzilla, but reminds me of the 1998 American mess!
29 July 2016
I went to see Shin Godzilla today in Tokyo. There were no English subtitles, but OK…..I knew that was going to happen. Good thing I had a translator and understand a little.

So……within the first few minutes we got to see our hero….except……it was not our hero. This Godzilla…..was freaky looking. Not the same one that you see on the trailers. I will say this, and this is not a spoiler……this movie is unrelated to any other Godzilla movie or story arc…..period.

He does have some new tricks and powers, and for the most part I liked them, except for one. When the movie ended…..I had the same exact feeling that I had about the first American Godzilla….which was it felt cold and messy……and not in line with what I would expect from a Godzilla movie. It was a unexpected and strange ending if you ask me.

Majority of the special effects were good….solid…..better than previous Japanese Godzilla movies. However, it still did not compare to the American 2014 version in CGI comparison.

*FYI no after credits footage.

So I believe most Godzilla fans will be disappointed, as I am. I have been a fan of Godzilla for all of my life, so I hate to see it portrayed in certain w, as I am. I have been a fan of Godzilla for all of my life, so I hate to see it portrayed in certain ways… this movie.

In summary:

Pros: 1. Pretty cool design 2. Very powerful 3. Exciting new powers

Cons: 1. Weakness exposed too fast 2. Too much dialogue 3. NO subtitles on a major release 4. Final design felt under developed

So overall if you are a true Godzilla fan, then you must watch this movie. You may not love it, nor like it……but it is still worth a look.
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Not bad......but....not Fun.
29 April 2016
All I can say is about what you would expect from a movie when hero's fight other hero's.

It never really ends well. Yes.....this movie is based on the comic ARC, which I ignored intentionally. But, the trailers for this movie made me think that it might be fun to watch.

It was a long movie. It was at times quiet, and boring. I also missed seeing the Hulk and Thor in the action, so I truly hope that there is something exciting planned for those two in Ragnarok.

I got a chance to see this in Japan, which for some reason premiered a week earlier than in the USA. I kind of wished that I waited for the DVD.

The acting was good. The action was good. I enjoyed seeing Black Panther in action. But...I left this movie feeling like......ehhhhhhh it was OK.

I do hope that Marvel and Disney will read these reviews and consider what the fans want. Because right now, it seems this is not made for the fans.

Over all....solid movie, but leaves you wanting something more. Not more minutes, but more depth.

One more thing, there are two end credits. I left before the 2nd one. Stick around.
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Simply Put.......a Hot Mess.
8 April 2016
I like Superman and I like Batman.

I was surprised and pleased with Ben Affleck's performance.

Henry Cavill was solid as usual, as Superman.

The problem was/is.....too much story......not enough flow.

No character building.

I doubt that the audience ever felt a connection to any character except for Superman, and this was established from the previous movie.

This movie....felt.....shoved down your throat.

One minute the characters were fighting to the death......the next minute they are best friends to the end? It was a long movie.....but it still felt choppy and rushed. I felt like the story was all over the place.

I sincerely hope there is a extended directors cut coming soon to a DVD near us, where the deleted scenes are added back in.

It seemed like they were rushing to create the justice catch up with other popular movie titles out there.
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Teen Wolf (2011–2017)
This show started out strong....but the lead character is fading away....
20 March 2016
I am a older adult male, and I happen to like sci-fi shows.

I resisted watching teen wolf because I thought it was going to be a comedy of sorts, based on the Teen Wolf movies. Boy was I wrong!

This show had grit....and originality. At times felt as though MTV was trying to force teen sex issues down our throats, and it made me feel a bit alienated.

Anyway......typically during each season we got to see Alpha Scott McCall accomplish another feat in his evolution. Typically.

Season 5.....the writers decided that......the main character should now be presented as a complete mess....who constantly gets his ass handed to himself by almost everyone that he fights.....including his own beta.

And the season finale was no different. Except for the glowing red eyes, no sign of Alpha life sighted in Scott. The season finale was weak! It was boring. It was not satisfying at all......and this was an extended season.

During the season break......the cast and crew even went on to release a Q&A where they discussed all the kick ass action that Scott was going to do, but they lied. They flat out lied!

My wife used to watch the show with me......but she bailed at the end of season 3. I can't blame her.....and I wondering how much more of this bad writing can I endure.

If you are going to make Scott the hero of the Alpha...then please. Make him strong! Make him kick ass and be fearsome. You have made his character a complete joke.

Oh.....but he is very sensitive....has a GF and a cool pack. Good job!

If season 6 is anything like 5......I will be done. I imagine there are so many others out there who took notice as well.
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I waited all this time......for this? Falls a bit short.
2 May 2015
I love the original Avengers movie.....even though it lacked was exciting! Everyone in the theater....young and old.....were on the edge of their seats...laughing.....gasping.....and rooting for their favorite hero(s)....usually the Hulk.

In Age of Ultron, the Theater was quiet for the most part....with the occasional giggle. (Night and day in comparison)

Ultron.....was formidable.....but after reading the comics.....and even watching the Avengers Assemble cartoon.....he seemed weak in comparison. Ultron....always seemed nearly indestructible.....and destroyed so much in his path. The movie portrayed him as a cynical psychopath with a sense of humor at times.

The heroes were portrayed well, as usual, except my favorite character....the Hulk. Why are you still portraying him as some Ape?? WTF?? The Hulk can talk ya know!? The Recent animations such as Avengers Assemble and Earth Mightiest Heroes have the Hulk and Thor portrayed on point...why can't the live action get it?! Evolve him already....and let the Hulk and Thor Spar and talk crap to each other!!

Anyway....bottom line....the Avengers was solid.......but was it worth the wait after three years? No.....not really. I expected so much more. And I gotta add.......if the Hulk is not in the next Avengers movie for what ever reason.....I am done. I won't watch anymore. is past due time for a damn Hulk movie. His first if you will. We all know this!
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Slowing Down now.......
26 November 2014
Two years ago....I would give this show a 10 of 10. Lately the writers have slowed things down, focused on side-bar stories and fillers. They are now changing direction totally away from the comics as well.

Some changes were great....but why the slow pace and unfulfilling episodes? Yes the first couple of episodes were great......but its been a snails pace dragging down hill since then. I hate it when shows lose steam. I mean......follow the comics if you are having a hard time making it seem more interesting.

And the last thing.....both in the comics.....and the TV show.....there is never any light at the end of the tunnel. Light meaning......some progress on a cure or identifying how this happened in the first place. Just goes on and on and on.....even in the comics....or at least the first 100 books that I read.

Please......give us some rewards at the end of every episode or is almost the season break.....time for another damn cliff hanger....on a slow season.
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