
47 Reviews
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EastEnders (1985– )
Everyday lives of the archetypal cockney idiot
25 July 2023
Very poor program, with stereotypical characters that all ty and play the cockney 'wanna be' barrow boy as if they are the pride of the UK. It was always like this from the start, but has definitely deteriorated with age - I often wonder if it is only people from east London who watch this for their daily ego fix? Don't get me wrong I don't believe that many other soaps are much better, but this program definitely is at the bottom of the barrel. Unfortunately this London predominance dictates far too many programs nowadays and even good dramas like Silent Witness are 90% based in the capital ..
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Not sure that it was worth the wait
26 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After the very long wait, I was extremely excited to see this movie .... but how disappointed I was. The movie is more of a story about James Bond than an exciting Bond action thriller. Unfortunately Rami Malek doesn't cut it as a villain, the rather boring and constant reference back to Casino Royale was equally misplaced. Definitely the least interesting of the Craig Bond movies.
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Black Beauty (2020)
Taking a classic tales to the depths
6 January 2021
Despite the inclusion of some solid UK actors, this is just a US obliteration of a lovely classic British family novel. Why someone thought that this screenplay was worth the effort I'm really not sure, but rest assured it fails in a big way. I'm not sure what else there is to say, but on every level this fails.
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Was it worth the Covid risk?
1 January 2021
I have to say this was extremely disappointing, as previous movies had made Wonder Woman a character with great potential. Basically the bad characters were nowhere near bad enough, and Diana was Diana for far too long, and not Wonder Woman for long enough. I really did wonder whether is was worth my covid risk visiting the cinema to see this. The most amusing part of it wax the post credit snippet
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Unexpectedly Great Movie
16 October 2020
I watched this with no real expectation, although the inclusion of Mark Rylance, Eddie Redmayne, Sacha Baron Cohen and Joseph Gordon-Levitt did intrigue me. That all changed when I watched the movie as I found it terrific. It is a story that shamefully I was unaware of, and which displays yet again what a dysfunctional political and justice system is alive a kicking in the US..... definitely worth a watch.
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City of Salt (2020)
Good story-line let down by poor script and acting
10 August 2020
The review title says it all really. The story is intrinsically good, and quite important. Unfortunately the script itself is quite poor, but even that surpasses the quality of the acting....... rather typically of the type 'B' movie that we are all being subjected to throughout Covid. I don't regret watching it, but just wish it had been better.
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Crawl (I) (2019)
Worst Watch Since The Awful Black Christmas
6 June 2020
Not really much to say about this, except that it is a 3rd rate Horror Thriller that I suspect wouldn't have got anywhere near a cinema in normal times ... even the desperation of Coronavirus lockdown couldn't ease the pain of this movie.
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Parasite (2019)
How on earth did this win Best Picture Oscar?
11 February 2020
I am sorry but this movie is garbage, and anyone who is convincing themselves otherwise really needs to give their head a shake. This is like a 1960's Carry On film, but just with present day styling, but when brilliant movies such as City of God cannot even get to the short list of Best Foreign Picture you have to wonder why the Academy saw fit to elevate this to its top award ..... basically its not fit too lace the boots of COG, and is certainly not a patch on Joker or 1917. I know that movie opinion is very subjective, buut surely I cannot be the only avid moviegoer who feels like this.
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Excellent Movie
4 February 2020
Very impressed by this and story that needed telling, and in a way that Eastwood is very good at. Some top performances by all 3 main stars, and a serious condemnation of the FBI and US media - many things were in play here, and none of them were consideration for Jewell and his family and friends. One would hope that things have improved in the US justice system, but who knows.
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Just Mercy (2019)
Unexpectedly Excellent
20 January 2020
Great scrrenplay backed up by some great acting. A story that was so i.portant to be told, and still shockingly reflective of so manu US states even today. Definitely a recommended watch
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Utterly Disgraceful and Entirely Inappropriate
15 January 2020
'm sorry but this film is a disgrace. Humour and satire are one thing, but this subject matter is the last thing ion this world to wrap comedy around. I went to see this under sufferance, but in the hope that it wasn't quite as unpleasant as it seemed from the trailer - unfortunately it was every bit as disgraceful, and I really cannot believe the accolades it is getting from others on here. Given that Hollywood is 6000 miles from Berlin means that the real impact of Hitlers WW2 never really resounded with the USA in the way it did in Europe, or maybe out millennial generation really do believe that hanging and gassing are something to laugh about - either way they should give their heads a real big shake...... disgusting, and Academy Awards, you're having a laugh
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The Irishman (2019)
3 hours 30 minutes of my life gone!!!
5 January 2020
With Scorcese directing and this classic cast it has to be seen as a real disappointment. I took the advice of a previous reviewer and went into the cinema with no expectations, yet it still disappointed me. The acting was OK but every single top named actor has done much better in the past. The CGI ageing sort of worked facially, but it really couldn't make their aged creaking bodies move like a 30 year old. I yawned my way through the 210 minutes and wondered just why they had bothered.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Everything that I was hoping it wouldn't be......
3 January 2020
I'm not a lover of Guy Ritchie, who always seems to want to perpetuate the Kray myth that all cockneys (note small 'c') and the really are not. I was hoping that with Matthew McConaughey, Jeremy Strong, Hugh Grant and Colin Farrell it might just not be that, but unfortunately it is. The plot does have its twists, and I enjoyed Farrells performance, but I've had enough of Ritchie making every character into a metamorphosed Vinnie Jones, so this won't get more than a 5 from me ..... almost wish I'd gone to see Little Women instead
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Low Scorers Give Your Heads a Big Shake!!!
20 December 2019
The fans on here scoring 1 and 2 out of 10 need to give their heads a serious shake. They are behaving as if The Star Wars Nonology are classical Oscar winning movies - they are not. The are entertaining family fun movies that have kept many of us entertained for 40 plus years. This latest movie is no different, and the demonizing comments being put on here are ridiculous. This movie wraps up things nicely, and these stupid low score should not deter anyone going to see this ...... go and enjoy.
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Real Life drama, well acted and well told
27 October 2019
I enjoyed this very much, and was a story that I really didn't know much about. Great performances from all involved, and if you didn't already know the story it kept the tension until the end. What it does make me wonder is how on earth Tony Blair is still walking free on this earth with the amount of blood he and George Bush have on their hands.
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The Goldfinch (2019)
Interesting plot, with some creditable performances
27 September 2019
My last 3 movie visits have been to see F&F Hobbs and Shaw, Rambo Last Blood and Ad Astra; all of which are extremely average or worse, and all of which ridiculously score more here on IMDB than The Goldfinch. The acting in this movie across the cast is very good, and the latent complexity of the story-line keeps you interested until the end. Fegley, Elgort, Kidman and Wright are all very good, and Finn Wolfhard continues his good work from Stranger Things. I am not saying that this will win any awards, whereas any of the other 3 could easily be nominated for a razzie, but its definitely worth a visit to the cinema.
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Give Up Sly .... Age has caught up with you
25 September 2019
Just about watchable but, rather like Clint Eastwood in The Mule, Sly just demonstrates that his acting days are at an end....... well OK, some might argue that they never really started, but this really does show that he should stick to directing or producing. The plot is extremely narrow, and predictable, and Sly's angry scowl seems permanently embossed on his face as if done with Botox. Right at the start we are shown his ranch, and using the very tenuous script we are shown exactly how and where this story will end. The movie also takes an extremely stereotyped and prejudiced position on Mexicans, which actually is quite nauseating ..... but clearly good for the inevitable death and destruction later. I would say if you enjoy wanton violence without having to stretch the brain cells, this one is for you ........ but not for me I'm afraid
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Ad Astra (2019)
Oh Dear
21 September 2019
This is not your regular space movie, and in some ways that wouldn't have been an issue if it was any good. Unfortunately it is extremely pretentious, seriously ponderous, and nothing short of tedious. Yes it has some beautiful shots in it, but its still not Gravity, The story is rather predictable, and is such a disappointing follow up performance from Pitt, after his extremely enjoyable role in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. I have seen someone describe it as stylish ...... but for e a movie should be entertaining and enjoyable before anything else, and this is far from that.
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Worst Movie of the Noughties
1 September 2019
I'm really not sure how this movie get close to a 5.5 rating, and whilst this rating is not great it is 5 more than it should have got. It is terrible, and having read some of the comments on here I have to wonder which mental facility the writers are in. I know that humour struggles sometimes to reach across the oceans, but the humpur in this movie would drown within yards of leaving the coast. Seriously this is 90 minutes of your lief that you won't ever get back, and any sane individual would get more from the ads and trailers than the movie itself.
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Amusing and appealing for all ages
21 August 2019
I took my (almost) 6 year old granddaughter to see this today. She has seen the odd episode of Dora on TV and, although I had of course heard of it, had never seen it at all. It was great, and clearly very amusing for all ages if teh laughing and giggling from all of the audience were anything to go by........ even the kiss in teh final scene got a big eerrrrrh from half of the children followed by big laugh from the older children and adults. All in all a great watch, and very surprising that at the time of writing it is only achieving a 6 out of 10.
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Oh dear ....
10 August 2019
I can sum this up in one word.... AWFUL. Dwayne Johnson was the only saving grace for this movie, as at least with him you know what to expect and he has charisma to carry it off. Jason Statham and Idris Elba however were terrible. Statham seems to feel that he needs to play this cockney barrow boy character, yet the man is from Derbyshire!! His performance is extremely wooden, and is matched by Elba. Idris has been touted for the next James Bond, yet he keeps doing action movies that demonstrate exactly why he would be useless in that role....... first there was Bastille Day and now this. He is great when playing a sultry street wise cop, as with Stringer Bell and Luther, but action ....its not you mate. Add these performances to some terrible dialogue it makes this movie really one to miss.
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Better than expected
20 June 2019
I went to see this with some trepidation. Maradona's story has been told many times, and his downfall has always been one of the saddest of football stories, This documentary however benefits from the previously unseen footage and I found it an interesting, and slightly different, insight into one of the worlds greatest footballers......and for me it told me a great deal about the Italian mentality as much as it did Maradona's troubled soul........ and I'm still spending hours in the garden trying to do keepie uppiess with my heel.
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Rocketman (I) (2019)
Good Movie - Not Quite What I Expected
3 June 2019
I have to say I was expecting a movie much more akin to Bohemian Rhapsody, and not one which could be described as 'EJ does Mamma Mia'. I many places the movie uses the music to replace, or accentuate the scripting, and in general does this in a good way - if not a little flamboyant and self indulgent. But behind this there is a moving story of Eltons childhood and early life in the music industry that he clearly was not mentally strong enough to steer clear of.

A good watch and very touching, although each will make their mind up of how much this was self inflicted or otherwise.
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Cannot Believe the Scores This is Getting
15 May 2019
This movie is awful ..... A 2 hour movie that has 1 hour 45 minutes of fighting and shooting??? The story is very weak and could be summed up in 20 minutes, and the acting is wooden as per most Keanu Reeves movies....... and the end??? Sorry I can only advise people to save their money and if you must see this wait for it to appear on TV, and how people give this 10 out of 10 I really don't know - they must be easily pleased.
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The Mule (2018)
Was it worth the wait???
25 January 2019
This movie has been out for a while stateside, but has only just been released in the UK .....was it worth the wait? Well I'm not sure. I know the main protagonist is meant to be elderly, but Clint really is starting to show his age. The storyline meandered somewhat, and whilst it did highlight the way the balance of work and family can go astray very quickly, it did lack an element of action that you might expect for a film involving drug cartels. That said I'n not sure how the story could have been presented any differently, but it did have a rather disappointing ending. Overall Clint fans will love it, and it definitely has similarities to Gran Torino, but I do suspect that it will be his last acting performance.
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