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It is based on, not a complete adaptation
15 May 2024
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I read the book to be able to watch the series, I just finished the book so it is very fresh for me. The best thing about the series really is its music (beautiful, nostalgic), and the beginning (which we no longer see as common in series where we see the model of the city), it also has a very good cast with Mark Rufalo, Hugh Laurie , Aria Mia (despite being her first performance and having no experience, she does very well) and Louis also has a good performance. I know that a miniseries falls short for how extensive the book is (which I really owe), however it is a series based on a book but not adapted, since it has multiple changes but exaggerated, plus they cut many of us stories so that it can be told in a few chapters, for example, Marie Werner's entire childhood, more of Werner's story in the preparation camp, I feel like they focus more on Marie's story than Werner's. Etienne is my favorite character in the book, however his personality is changed in the series, in the book he is a little more unusual-extravagant. Changes with respect to the book, the character of Schmidt does not exist, Frederick does not appear in the series (who has a very important plot in Werner's development), Marie does not know the clear history of the stones, it is at the end of the book where discovers that the stone is in the model, Rumpel does have an encounter with Marie in the cave but not so dramatic, Werner discovers Marie's recordings about halfway through the book, he himself tells his captain (who has a small role in the series but it is very important in the book) of the recordings and he himself discovers where Marie lives and follows her one day without her knowing, Werner never meets Etienne, Sandrina does not appear in the book, the story of Daniel the Marie's father is a little different, we never know how he dies, he leaves and never returns to the beginning. He writes letters to Marie and gives her clues about the stone. Manec participates very little in the series and is very important in the book. They show the last chapters of the book, which is like an epilogue where we know what happened to several characters. Something that I liked more about the series, which I really expected in the book, is that Marie and Werner will interact a little more, in the book they never kiss, and we know that in the end Werner dies, this interaction almost doesn't even happen. I also liked Werner leaving a message for his sister.

The series is visually very beautiful, this series set in the Second World War, shows us the story of 2 young people who the war had to make them mature, it tells us about the consequences of the war, the importance of the development of radio, about love, hate, divisions by nationality, it is a nice short series to watch, a little slow, however if you are a fan of the book the series changes a lot.
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The Flash (2014–2023)
The end of DC on CW
13 May 2024
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I want to say that Flash is one of my favorite superheroes, and when this series started 10 years ago, I started watching it with a lot of excitement, which was running out, however I finished watching it, and these last 2 seasons reminded me a little more of the Flash that I liked so much.

This is a review of season 8 and 9 of flash. Until the last season I discovered that from approximately season 5, they were based on certain comics, making stories of a few chapters, that's why the beginning of season 8 was so good to the point of seeming like a season finale, since it covered bitterness , where they show us what life would be like if Thawne were him (yes, I know that every superhero has a mega villain, but I think Thawne was used on many occasions), then we have the arc where Kaitlin's ex-boyfriend comes out again (characters that I feel that they need to develop a little more outside of their work life and in Flash), I did not expect the death of Killer Frost, this led to Kaitlin and Mark joining together to bring her back), the relationship between Allegra begins to develop and Chester, then they tell us about Iris's illness (influencing the negative force) and how it makes the other forces sick, then the story of the female Flash (what bad effects they used on her) in this season many cameos of old characters begin to appear , for example Jonh (where we know that they wanted to develop a story about green lantern which had to be scrapped and that is why they addressed it in this season), we see how Joe tries to balance his pensioner life.

Season 9: This season is short, it starts us with the story of Rogue War, where the villain is Batwoman from another universe, really the performance of the Batwoman actress as a villain is very bad, Flash and his team join a group of villains, these last 2 seasons are characterized by bringing back many characters from past seasons, except that they do not manage to bring Cisco nor name him, which I think was necessary to be their last season, otherwise I expected Arrow to come out, also in This season we also see how Iris and Barry try to take advantage of their life before the birth of their first daughter, to the point that they feel a little forced to do everything, in addition to feeling that they have no control over their future since it is written, e.g. Iris winning a prize, knowing that they are going to have Nora. We see how Cecile advances to become a very powerful heroine, it even feels a little forced and that they made her very powerful, one is left wondering if Cecile and Joe managed to balance their lives, since I feel that Cecile focused on being heroin. We meet Khione, who turns out to be a goddess (having a little bit of Killer and a little bit of Kaitlin, who returns at the end of the season), I would have liked them to develop this character a little more, we also see how Mark mourns the loss of Killer, and how Mark grows as a character. The last chapters, which are based on a new world, started very well but I feel that it lacked a better climax, and I don't know if Eddie and the negative force was enough to be the last villain, even though they brought back 4 of them. The great villains of Flash. The ending is left open but we know that they will not continue since DC as a series on the CW is not going to happen at the moment, we see how Flash decides to distribute his powers among 3 other people who do appear in the comics. Although I am a big fan of superheroes, I do think it is time to give viewers a break, to return in a few years with new actors, new characters and new adventures.
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Garfield origins
12 May 2024
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Since I was little I watched the Garfield animated series and read the cartoons. My sister also loved Garfiel. This movie is really for the whole family, it has dramatic moments, a lot of comedy (I actually laughed a lot) and it has action, she tells us. . the true story of what happened with Garfield's dad (who had never really dated before). It shows us how Garfield met Jon (who is a very lonely person) and how his world changes with 2 pets (the truth is they change our lives), and we initially see how Garfield has a trauma due to his father's abandonment, until they kidnap to Garfield and Otto to settle a debt with Garfiel's father (who sees him again 4-5 years later), initially Garfield has a lot of resentment, but as the movie progresses we realize the true story. It is a film that tells us about abandonment, adoption, loneliness, family, new beginnings, forgiveness, resentment, and animal abuse. I really recommend it, it's a movie to pass the time, have fun and analyze it a little deeper.
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More nostalgia was needed
15 April 2024
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This is a sequel to the new version of Ghostbusters, with a new cast, I really liked the first part better, this saga was a bit slow and long, it had a filler moment, and they kind of wanted to tell many stories but needed to unite them, as well as the fact that the villainous ghost needed more history and more prominence for the old ghostbusters (of course it's nostalgic to see the end when they dedicate it to Ivan). In this saga, the Splenger family is adapting to this new life of ghostbusters (including 2 teenagers with their mood swings) and Gary adapting to them in a different role of father and not of the teacher. Good people, now they live in the old ghostbusters fire station. They have to fight a ghost that turns everything into ice. It has its comedic moments, however Nadeem I think he needed more story to be almost the antagonist of the villain. Among the plots is that of Phoebe where she meets a ghost, with whom she becomes friends and even develops more feelings towards her, where she begins to think that the ghosts were also someone and have a story to tell. I don't know if they will be able to make a third installment, unless it has a very good box office, fulfills its mission of entertaining, gives you some laughs and the occasional scare.
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A whole universe
15 April 2024
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I really liked this movie, a continuation of the one made during the pandemic, and much more than the first, it entertained me, it went by quickly, it has very good animation and special effects, it makes me want to go see Hollow Earth. In this film in its opening scenes we see Kong sad for being alone, with a terrible tooth pain, on the other hand Godzilla who protects the planet from multiple catastrophes, his favorite place to sleep being the Roman coliseum, and on the other hand we see to Ilene trying to help Jia have a normal life, however Jia feels like she is not part of this world. On Earth, a help signal begins to be detected from some undiscovered site in Hollow Earth, which is also detected by Godzilla (who tries to reach it and destroys the world a little in its path), there we discover 2 new worlds that will change the lives of Kong and Jia, and the other humans, these worlds open the way to an entire multiverse (called monsterverse). Kong really will always be my favorite of the 2, as I feel like he has a more sensitive side and that it's not all destruction but also helping, in the end we see that he found a new, non-lonely home. Just as Jia manages to discover her life goal, however always at Ilene's side (this character is a true inclusion). They will almost certainly make a sequel, since it has a very good box office. What strikes me most about these films is how with so few dialogues they can say so much, which shows us that language is not just verbal, it is something more universal. The world of the Iwi is fascinating, I hope they manage to expand it further.
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The end of a stage
15 April 2024
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This fourth installment of the Kung Fu Panda saga, impresses that it could be the end of it, however we all know that they can continue making movies, it shows us how Po has to decide who will be his next replacement (which he considers to be It is not necessary yet, since it took him too long to become the dragon warrior to think of a substitute). During this film we see how, together with a thieving fox, they embark on a journey to stop the chameleon (who poses as many villains who are already "dead"), during this journey he discovers that change is part of life and discovers who he will be. His new replacement. I feel that it is not the best film in the saga, however it always fulfills its promise which is to entertain and leave a positive message, I do feel that for a child it can be a little long and slow at the end. The main theme is the need for change in life and to move forward, to close stages and start new ones. I really like landscape scenes. And the final scene with the song Baby One More Time, where Zhen is trained to be the new warrior.
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9 April 2024
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In theory this is the last movie in the current DC universe, we all know that this movie was re recorded and many scenes were changed due to some problemns with the actors and also due to the change in direction of DC. For how bad superhero movies have been in 2023, this was one of the best movies on this topic. It has a good story, good special effects. I would have liked Mera to have appeared more since we all know that she is a very important character in Aquaman and even more so in this movie since she is a mother. This movie shows us a more mature Aquaman trying to balance his life as Rey versus his family father life (his son lives on Earth, his father helps him take care of him, and seems to have the same powers as him), however Manta (the villain who wants to take revenge on Aquaman for the death of his father), is possessed by a spirit of a trident who wants him to recover the lost kingdom, in addition to stealing a product that was hidden since it is harmful to the seas (creating mutant beings), in order to fight against all this Aquaman breaks his brother out of prison, which takes them on a journey trying to save Atlantis, his family, as well as a bond between brothers and a form of surrender. This film touches on themes such as family, good and evil, not wanting to follow in the family's footsteps, forgiveness, a strong criticism of climate change and all the damage that humans have done to nature and the seas. As well as a criticism of discrimination, that we are all equal even if we live in different worlds and cultures, which in the end Aquaman wants to fight by showing his world to humans, he gives a great speech at the end of the film.
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Madame Web (2024)
It's a shame about the bad reviews
25 February 2024
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This film tells us the origin of Madame Web or Cassie Web, it tells us the story of how her mother investigated spiders that have the key to the cure of diseases (later we realize that the mother decided to travel to look for a cure for Cassie's illness), she ends up being killed by the villain Ezekiel from the movie (who wanted to use the spider's powers to his advantage), we are shown how Cassie was saved by an indigenous tribe from Peru (spiders) and how she later returns to Peru to look for answers and there they tell us more about their powers. Cassie is a paramedic, who begins to see the future, in one of her visions she saves 3 teenagers (who in the future will be Spider Girl-Spider Woman), they teach us how they establish bonds of friendship and family and how in the process Cassie discovers who she is, in the end she is paraplegic and blind but as she says for the first time she is sure of who she is, as secondary characters we have Ben Parker and Mary Parker (pregnant with Peter), reminding us that they are part of Spiderman's world. I really liked this movie, of the last ones I've seen about superheroes it has been one of the best, I didn't fall asleep at any point, it kept me entertained, I would like to know more about what is going to happen in the future of Madame Web, like the teenagers They are going to manage to obtain their powers under the tutelage of Madame Web, it is a shame that the film has not hit, and that it does poorly at the box office and in critics, I think it is not the typical superhero movie of destruction, of villains with superpowers , and a superheroine with powers more emphatically from the mind than from the outside, which may not catch the public's attention. I also feel that whenever the film is directed by a female director or a female protagonist the criticism is stronger. I want to know and read more about Madame Web, it's a shame that we won't see more about this franchise. If I accept that Dakota is not the best actress, I thought the teenage girls were good, not the typical dumb teenagers. I really don't understand the bad reviews that it is a disaster of a movie, of dialogue, what a bad ending, in my case I saw a different movie.
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Maestro (I) (2023)
I need more history
20 February 2024
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This film directed by Bradley Cooper, and with the participation and influence (producers) of Spielberg and Martin Scorsese, wants to tell us the biography of the pianist and orchestra director Leonard Bernstein, and his love story with Felicia Montealegre (who, as a curious fact, does not named was born in Costa Rica), and Leonard's growth as a pianist, shows us the passing of the couple's years, and how Felicia and her children have to fight against Leonard's chaotic life involved in adventures and consumption (who really always He was attracted to young men, he was probably homosexual but at the time he couldn't say it or live freely), however I do believe that he loved Felicia and he shows it when he returns to her side when she is diagnosed with cancer (although it is another type). Of love). The film is initially in black and white and when the period changes (ageing period of the couple) it changes to color. The bad thing about this movie is that they failed to tell us more about Leonard's story and how he achieved his successes and as well as knowing more about Felicia's life, they wanted to focus a lot on Leonard's unbridled love life. The excellent thing about the film is that it has excellent performances by Bradley Cooper (the best is the scene where he is conducting the orchestra in a church, wow spectacular without words, watching videos of Leonard you can see that Bradley Cooper studied his character very well and that this actor has evolved a lot since the first time I saw him in Alias) and not to mention Carey's performance is spectacular as always. Furthermore, it is like an ode to old movies, especially black and white ones, to art, to music, to cinema. I really don't think it will win best film or actress or actor since it has great competition, it may win costume effects or music. It deals with topics such as gender roles, inequality in the world, having to hide due to the irrational ideas of certain times, discrimination due to sexual orientation-religion-gender, living in a world of appearances despite the fact that the life that is carry is not the desired one, they talk to us about depression, about the price of fame. I think it shows us Felicia's fundamental role in his life, since she never abandoned him and was always by his side, even leaving his dreams behind.

It is not a bad film, however it is not the biography where you need to know every detail of the life of this pianist and his wife, it has excellent photography, music and performances, I recommend watching it to learn a little more about this pianist that I don't know. Knew he was the creator of the music for West Side Story.
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Poor Things (2023)
Bizarrely funny
29 January 2024
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This movie has a great cast. Emma Stone gives us one of her best performances, she really deserves the awards she has won, and will most likely win the Oscar, in the dance scene she really shows us a great performance, and throughout the film, the way in which speaks, in which it moves and in how it evolves. Mark Ruffalo gives us a very different character from his previous characters, he is really a little obnoxious, he gives a very good performance. However, the second best performance in the film is that of Willen Dafoe, who gives us a spectacular performance. This film is about a doctor (who has many childhood traumas since his father used him to carry out many experiments), which left him with a lot of damage to his body, however it is a doctor who recovers the body (of a girl). Who commits suicide by jumping off a bridge, while pregnant, since we later discovered that she had a detestable life and probably postpartum depression), takes out her baby and reimplants the baby's brain in her mother's body, who manages to revive but in baby-girl shape in the body of an adult. Initially one believes that the doctor has other intentions but in reality he sees her in a paternal way, this doctor hires an assistant who helps him study Bella to see how she evolves (we literally see how the different stages of childhood, adolescence and adulthood evolve in a few days). ), however this assistant falls in love with Belle. The doctor does not let Belle ever leave the house, since people can see her and recognize her, however Belle begins to discover herself and discovers masturbation, Belle decides to go with a lawyer (that the doctor hired to make the contract marriage between Belle and Max), with this lawyer she begins to discover the world, sex, life, however Belle begins to become independent and the lawyer begins to fall in love with her but in a very toxic way, then Belle discovers that In the world there is sadness, evil, poor people, death and she begins to feel that her life does not have much meaning, then they end up in Paris, where Belle leaves Duncan and starts working in a brothel. The doctor falls ill so Belle returns home, where she discovers the whole story behind it.

It is a bizarre film that, despite its duration of more than 2 hours, keeps you attentive to the screen, initially it is in black and white (when Belle could not come out), and then it begins with many colors and an image and settings in the Victorian style (Belle dressed in this style but more modern) when Belle begins to know the world and herself. A film about feminism, freedom, self-knowledge, suicide, depression, rejection for being different, to a certain extent a criticism about when people with disabilities are not allowed to choose, about guardianship, about growing up. It is a movie based on a book. It is a criticism in a bizarre form with comedy satire.
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The Good Doctor (2017–2024)
Sixth season review
21 January 2024
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This sixth season of The Good Doctor managed to return to its roots, and regain its quality, it is one of the best seasons I have seen. The series begins with Shaun and Lea's wedding, where a nurse's violent ex-husband stabs her and Dr. Lim, who has to be rushed to the operating room, where Shaun makes a decision that leaves her. In a wheelchair, which changes Lim's life completely, developing a hatred towards Shaun as she blames him for being in a wheelchair, sometimes even unprofessional, later she adapts to her life in a wheelchair, She even meets her current partner, a pediatrician in a wheelchair (whom we don't see again in the season, that seemed very strange to me), however she accepts an operation that restores her ability to walk, but makes her more sensitive to things. People with disabilities.

In this season, Shaun manages to close the trauma he had due to the death of his sister, where he reflects his brother in Dr Lim. We know a little more about Glasman and his daughter, the Dr loses his house in a fire, just as he believes he lost all the memories of his daughter, both he and Shaun already accept that he is Shaun's father, however Glasman begins with Some very subtle loss of skills that Shaun notices and they discover that he had a CVD, which makes Glassman unable to operate again, and he tells Shaun the way he worked on him. Lea and Shaun manage to get pregnant, eventually having a child they call Glassman and Shaun's brother, fixed in the next season Shaun and Glassy will reconcile. In this season Morgan separates from Park, discovers that she wants to be a mother, tries multiple attempts at fertilization with losses, until in the end becoming attached to a baby patient with Turner syndrome who loses her mother, whom she adopts, at first with many difficulties in achieving breeding and mating with work, in the end Park and her return and decide to raise her together. Park and Shaun are promoted to specialists, where they have to make decisions on their own, we get to see the growth of both. Regarding the new characters, there are 2, the most interesting and one of the best characters they have introduced in the last seasons was Dani, I feel that they fell short telling us his story, in the end giving us to understand that he left the Serie. Dani is a recovering opioid addict, who relapses during the season, throughout the season he fights to become a surgeon, prove that he is not just an addict, try to continue his life (as he develops feelings for Allen) , giving us one of the best scenes of the season where he suffers an accident and asks Allen not to give him opioids, however he is in too much pain while praying for the strength to achieve it, however Allen makes a decision for him. Regarding Lea, I feel that in this season she was less annoying, returning to being the Lea of the previous seasons who acts as a bridge for Shaun towards making many of his decisions and a bridge towards understanding others. Marcus in this season is still the boss, it seems to me that it is not so relevant, only at the end, where he starts dating the nurse and tries to understand that nursing has a heavy workload. Asher develops his relationship with Jerome more, however I feel that they need more development, they have developed Allen more. Something that I really didn't expect was the return of Kalu, which can be developed better in the next season. Danica was not a bad character, I did feel like she was always angry, but I would have liked to see her development more, I liked that they made a real inclusion with 2 real characters with disabilities. My favorite characters this season were Morgan and Dani. Topics covering: shootings, violence in couples, post-trauma stress, personal versus work priorities, living with a disability, use of animals in science, initial difficulties in marriages, addictions, about society's stereotypes, assisted fertilization procedures , rape and sexual abuse, fatphobia and how eating disorders can develop, personal beliefs, chronic illnesses, balance between work and personal life, HIV. One of the best scenes of the season, in episode 7 where Lea cries because she believes she cannot have a child, the scene of Dani praying for the pain and not wanting opioids, episode 8 where the topic of rape is covered and They show us the Morgan scenes, the scene where everyone supports Shaun while Lea is being operated on, when Shaun asks Glassman to take tests since he can't lose his father when he is becoming one. On the other hand, they showed us the character of the lawyer for the spin off, a lawyer who has obsessive compulsive disorder, however, it seems to me that she is a forgettable character, who would not be able to sustain a series, she never looks like the lawyer Wo.
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It blows your mind
9 January 2024
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Mahito is a boy who loses his mother in a hospital fire in a war, probably World War 2 (hospital bombing), where Mahito tried to go save her, they show us 3 years later how Mahito and his father go to a small town to have a new life and a new job, Mahito's mother's sister picks them up, who is his father's current partner (who is pregnant), Mahito initially finds it difficult to relate to her, and in his child's mind he does not see things so clearly, A talking Heron makes Mahito go to a tower (which they later tell us was a tower that arrived as if by magic by means of a meteorite to that area with that river, and that the great uncle of Mahito's mother Mahito tried to investigate and got lost in it) telling him that his mother is alive, Mahito begins to follow the heron, which initially seems like an enemy, then we see that it is not, and that is where he enters a world of magic fantasy (which we can interpret as parallel worlds, as multiverses as different areas of the threshold of life, for example (Purgatory, heaven, hell), which leads Mahito to meet multiple characters, among them his mother in the girl version (girl of fire or Himi), king parakeet, herons, Natsuko (his stepmother aunt, who is pregnant, and she interpreted that she was in depression because she hardly saw her husband, because of the lack of acceptance from her stepson, because of the death of her sister, because she was with her sister's husband, who was sick and decided to go for a walk in the forest (it could be that he wanted to kill himself), Kiriko (young version of Mrs Kiriko, who is like the one in charge of purgatory who cares for and feeds some dolls that look like an emoticon which are souls that incarnate in human bodies) Just as he runs into his great uncle (who is in charge of the magical world and wants him to be his heir and create a perfect world), this is more or less the general summary of the film, How he interpreted the film, wow, how complex, they could be telling us about a duel and how to overcome it or live with it, vision of war, about depression, about Miyazaki's retirement and how he wants someone in his family to inherit his empire, about opposing the new animation, about suicide, about reincarnation, about dictatorships, about poverty and hunger, about the different faces of war, it really has many interpretations and that together with its great animation in a traditional way with many small ones, The details make it a great film, one that generates thousands of interpretations and conversations upon leaving the cinema, and we know that its author is not going to come out and clarify them since that is the idea of art, Very well deserved that Golden Globes, and I imagine a future Oscar.
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Wonka (2023)
Pure magic fantasy illusion and chocolate
7 January 2024
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For me, the film that I have enjoyed the most of 2023, one of the best of this year, this is how the celebration of Disney's 100 years had to be. This film, which is an original prequel to the Cholate Factory, tells us about the beginnings of Willy Wonka, a half-wizard cholatero who in his childhood and youth always had a lot of magic, fantasy and illusion that guided him to follow his dreams and the dreams he created with his mother. Wonka arrives in the city where the best chocolate shops are with the hope of making his own shop (the dream he always had with his mother), due to his innocence (since he saw the best in people, he didn't know how to read but He said that he trusted what others did), he arrived at a boarding house where he signed a contract that he did not know how to read (he was left owing 1000 coins, 27 years of his life), just as there were 4 other people in that house who also fell into this trap and the girl Noodle with whom Wonka made a great bond, Wonka puts together a plan to sell chocolates and get his friends out of this prison and always take care of Noodle, along the way he has to fight against a corrupt church and 3 owners of chocolate factories (which had a monopoly), takes us on a journey of music (beautiful music, with the song from the original film Pure Imagination and many originals), colors, chocolates, fantasy and illusion in which one gets lost and when You realize the movie ended up leaving our hearts with more hope, excitement, excitement and desire to eat chocolate. It shows us a great Timothée (truly one of the best actors of the time), who manages to make Wonka his own character (nothing to envy of Johny Deep), with his own characteristics and he looks spectacular, associated with a great cast that manages to make an excellent film. I love seeing the strength that musicals have gained again in recent years, and they make us want to sing everything we do as the song said. This musical has some of the best musical scenes in recent years. And I'm going to close my review with my 2 favorite quotes from the movie: Everything good in this world began with a dream. So keep yours, and The secret is not the chocolate, what matters is the people you share it with.
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Wish (II) (2023)
The movie needs more magic
7 January 2024
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Actually, Disney celebrated its 100 years in a very bad way on a general level, since it has had very bad years in terms of its platform and its animated films, this film is not that it is bad, it is a short film, but it needs a lot magic and history so that one remembers it in an epic way for its 100 years. This film is about Asha, a young dreamer, who lives in a town where there is a king who takes away the dreams of all its inhabitants when they turn 18 to keep them for himself and then, according to what he decides, returns them to them. Asha wants her grandfather obtain his dream at the age of 100, however he realizes that this Magnificent king is not what he seems, and all he wants is power, it is vanity, ego, to have everything and he does not plan to return the dreams to others. , so Asha tries to recover her dreams with the help of a wishing star, her forest friends and her 7 friends. This film does have certain clues that remind us of the passing of the Disney years, however not all of them are so obvious, for example, the grandfather represents Walt Disney, the animation style, dancing objects that remind us of Fantasia, the animals of the forest, Peter Pan and Wendy, the 7 friends. It lacks that feeling of nostalgia that other Disney films have given us years ago. It does cover interesting topics such as dictatorships, inclusion, friendship, depression, dreams, achieving what one wants, the desire for power-vanity, appearances, the union of the people to fight against these dictatorial governments. It is a film that has a lot left to do, that is not memorable, it is enjoyable but sometimes it is even slow and one can fall asleep a little, its songs are not memorable either, one does not become completely attached to the characters.
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
You have to give it a chance
2 January 2024
Actually, before starting to watch this series, I read very bad reviews that it was very slow, very boring, one of the worst Marvel series, so I didn't have high expectations, however I liked the series and found it very entertaining, It is based on a comic of a teenage superheroine in the style of Spiderman, so we cannot forget that they cannot leave this part aside, however Kamala is a dreamy teenager who tries to see this stage in a different way, however there is no We must forget that we were all teenagers, Bruno was one of my favorite characters, I also think that it is good that Marvel shows us characters with different cultures and thus they tell us a little about the history of different cultures, which in my case I was unaware of and I investigated a little more , clearly it is not a history class to teach us how exactly the events happened. I am not going to deny that at the level of visual effects it does leave a lot to be desired, however like the latest Marvel series and movies. Really, like the Marvel series, they have many curiosities and many hidden themes that they cover in the comics. Therefore I think it is a series that you have to give a chance and make your opinion for yourself.
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It maintains the essence of PLL
2 January 2024
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I just finished watching PLL, starting in 2023, it really is a shame that they canceled it, since the first season leaves many unknowns and leaves one wanting to see more seasons, it really is a series that maintains the essence of PLL however, providing new stories, new characters with their own personality that attract the viewer, each one with their well-developed story despite being few chapters, one also sees how each character grows and also the friendship of the main characters, having Allison and Mona provide a reminder of the world of PLL (in addition to telling us a little about what happened to some characters from the original series), they maintain their personalities but are more adult characters. That is another point that I liked about this series that is based on a university environment, with slightly more adult plots. The music is excellent, and it maintains PLL's trendy style. It is a series that is worth watching if you are a fan of series like Gossip Girl and PLL, and if you can tolerate finishing watching it and knowing that it has a very open ending.
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Strange World (2022)
Dffierent story
2 January 2024
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This Disney animated story may not appeal to everyone because it addresses the issue of equality-inclusion-acceptance, which despite everything is a controversial topic at this time, however this film is much more than that and I think it was not given the opportunity it deserves, excellent animation, adventure, deals with family issues, masculinities, following your path despite your family's path or the expected path for them, about union, about the concept erroneous of good and evil, about protecting the environment and living in balance with it, change in gender roles, the important role of adolescents in society, discovering the world, I think it is a film that deserves to be given a chance both for adults and children, since there are many topics to talk about.
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2 January 2024
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The film fulfills its mission to entertain. It really has better animation than the latest Marvel movies. Film that despite lasting 2 hours, keeps you entertained, has its emotional moments, comedy, good character development. The problem with DC is that they have not managed to form a DC universe, it has 2 post-credit scenes that it intertwines with the universe, however, the future of the DC franchises is unknown, whether they will restart it or not. It's about how Billy and his brothers try to balance their lives as superheroes with their lives as children or teenagers, also without their adoptive parents realizing it, and how they have to fight against The Daughters of Atlas.
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Firefly Lane (2021–2023)
Friendship and love
2 January 2024
This netflix series based on a book is something cool to see today where many of the series do not address positive themes, it is about love, love in different areas, in this case the love of friends, a friendship through the years , with its ups and downs, but which nevertheless lasted over time, we are also seeing the maturity of this friendship. It also covers many royal themes. This series has dramas, laughter, tears, talks about family love, extended family, diversity in love, love as a couple. This series works very well with the different timelines, since it teaches us situations from the past and how they influence the present, and it also teaches us a friendship over the years with its ups and downs.
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Story about the power of women
2 January 2024
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This spin off really seemed better to me than the 2 seasons of Bridgerton (which I still like), however you have to understand that it's not going to be a history class, since it's fiction, if they base certain things on real characters, it's a series that is enjoyed, is short, covers many topics such as racism, stigmas of Mental illnesses, loneliness, all the situations that women went through in those times, sexuality, homosexuality, love. In this series we really understand why Queen Charlotte is the way she is, they teach us how her personality was forged, and how she never abandoned her husband. Shonda really knows how to do series. Despite the fact that they did a season with a story closure, it could have another season to find out what happened to Reynolds, the story of him and Brimsley, learn a little more about the story of Charlotte-George and her children, as well Like Lady Danbury.
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Bonds, love, family, environment, diversity
2 January 2024
This film continues to maintain the essence of Guardians, for example the humor, the music, its objective of the non-blood family bond. This film covers the theme of ties, of the family, with a great environmental message, representing it in a real way. It is also a criticism of those who go against diversity. It gives a good closure to the trilogy but leaves the door open for the story to continue. It is a film where one laughs and cries. It really is one of the best late-stage marvel movies, with better effect than others. This movie really makes you make a connection with its characters, we feel their emotions, I like that they told us more about Rocket's story.
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Genuine and emotional
2 January 2024
Very emotional, genuine, hopeful documentary, recorded over several years, from the beginning of Louis in 1D, demonstrating what a resilient person he is, since he has had several losses during his career, plus the little faith he himself had towards his career as to soloist. It shows us the human side of an artist, as well as what the humble artist is. I liked seeing the paternal side of Louis, how he himself indicates that raising and fathering his sisters with his mother prepared him to be a father. It is a documentary that is worth watching, and it is very well developed. It shows us how much Louis has grown, and it is really a documentary, where he tells us his life experiences, they show us images of his tours, it is not a concert.
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Family drama
2 January 2024
This film is really about a family drama, about how childhood-adolescence problems can mark a person (especially adult, parental problems), and how not treating them can lead to a lot of dysfunction. It's about forgiveness, living more in the present. Besides, it is up to oneself to forge one's own path, without always having to blame the past. It's not really a bibliography of Mr. Roger, it's more about how he (who lived more in the present) is a guide to Lloyd in resolving his conflicts. If you like family dramas you may like this movie, if not, it may feel a little slow. Very good performance by Tom Hanks and Matthew Rhys.
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Darker than the original PLL.
2 January 2024
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This reboot of PLL is darker than the original, with more suspense, the murders are actually more crude, the series really does keep the viewer wanting to see more, it has twists that one does not expect, however sometimes one gets a little lost in the story since they tell it as the chapters go by, and there are strange stories like Mouse's. I liked that they intertwined the story of the mothers with those of the daughters. Compared to the original PLL, it has more realistic and more critical plots (for example, teenage pregnancy, drugs, sexual abuse, inappropriate relationships). As its name says, it is a reboot, clearly it is going to be different from the original, and each one has a different audience and eras, I have really enjoyed both.
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Philharmonic Concert
2 January 2024
This concert is mostly a Philharmonic version with the LA Philharmonic, Billie's latest CD really fits this style a lot, as she herself indicates that she was influenced by films and music from before. In addition to the concert, where she plays her entire album (a modern way of presenting her latest work), she has a 30-minute behind-the-scenes documentary where one can see the amount of staff that worked with her for 4 days to make this concert, and all the effort and hours of work that a one-hour concert entails. My favorite songs are my future, Billie Bossa Nova, Your Power, Happier Than ever. They also show how her family accompanies her and how her brother Phineas is the one who plays with her.
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