
26 Reviews
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The Turning (2020)
Should be called the confusing
4 December 2022
Nothing connects. There is no connection to anything or anyone. Waste of good cast except for the old lady but she did have a nice 1950s hairstyle. The only good actress is the roommate. Zzzz fest- sorry. Don't waste your time. I only watched this because I had nothing to do. If it is a ghost then there needs to be someone who communicates with the ghost that can appease it. Surely the kids have already communicated with it and know what is likes right? It isn't even one of those movies that are so bad that it is good. It is so bad that it is so bad and then some. 30 more characters...have a merry xmas. There.
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The Visit (I) (2015)
Should be called 'the waste of time'
21 June 2022
No spoilers but this movie sucks. Seriously you would have more appreciation sitting outside watching paint dry. The only solace I have is warning people not to watch this sh@t. Think of the worst movie you have ever seen and then pretend you are watching it in slow motion on loop rerun for 50 years. Yep that's better than this. You're welcome.
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Has its moments but doI have to be Buddhist by to understand this?
12 June 2022
No offence and I respect all religions but what does this mean? I don't get it. Is it reincarnation or redemption? I had to give it a seven because it just didn't make sense but the old man from squid games was there so instead of 6 I gave a 7. I guess I'm an idiot Aey?
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I'm eating KFC
11 June 2022
Two castaways whose futures were destined for loneliness and failure. Fate has an amazing way of changing life's uncertainties. Korean cinema at its finest. For movies this long there has to be humour and excitement. It doesn't fail to impress and has a very strong message - fear of failure in society & fear of what people think only leads to depression and a life without purpose.
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No Exit (I) (2022)
Havana you need to do more movies!!!!
2 April 2022
Havana you are a good actress and you really need to do more movies please. Try to get a good agent who will team you with a good actor like the rock or Denzel. All you need is one good one! I'm rooting for you sister!!!!!
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Alien Warfare (2019)
If there was anything lower than 1 that would be a compliment
8 October 2021
Dude. Bro. Hell no. Got the look guys but acting and character development is needed. FX from 1980. Aliens are from a bad episode of power rangers. -10.
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Silenced (2011)
Long story short bad people that belong in hell
23 July 2021
The real people who did this need their balls and lady parts ripped off and marinated in kimchi. You have ruined their innocence. If I see you you better pray I'm not in the mood for Kimchi!!!!
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So your the next Tony Stark? Maybe?
4 July 2021
Good performance from all cast and good storyline. The movie could've done more for that time period nostalgia though I think. Man the 90's was the second best decade of all time. Should've added more in there. But a good marvel movie overall I believe.
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Start-Up (2019)
The movie that got Marvel executives attention
4 July 2021
Ma Dong-Seok gives a great performance & probably turned heads at marvel from this performance. Although slow starting at first, the movie develops nicely and all loose ends are tied up by the end. It tackles the pressures of what teens face trying to find purpose. It also shows the realities of a life of regret and pain. In the end (no spoilers) what I will say is it's great!!!
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Derailed (2016)
Ma get back on the rails friend
4 July 2021
The movie has a good script overall but too many characters I think. We are not vested in any one because there are too many. The only one is Ma Dong and he give a good performance but his character was a bit tainted with storyline given. A married man who picks up girls in the middle of the night to have job interviews where they can work at a karaoke bar? A good father who ultimately does what is right (no spoilers). A decent movie but not Ma Dong-Seok's best. Ma is off the rails - derailed - get back to it Ma, back on the rails friend.
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Love the pink glove
3 July 2021
This movie is a blockbuster reunion of the Bad Guy task force from the TV series. The two newcomers fit in well and play their parts well, especially the young guy. He is young in age but his eyes show a generation of experience and maturity. He also has a psychotic look like the captain - you need that to be one of the dogs I guess. I love the pink glove for Ma. It shows the light side of his character. Glad Ma is in this movie because without him and the Cap, no one will want to watch this. The only remaining question left is - when will part 2 come out?????
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The Outlaws (2017)
Ma Dong-Seok is Korea's answer to China's Jackie Chan
3 July 2021
Ma Dong-Seok has done an amazing job in this movie! The movie itself was a roller coaster of emotions with twists and turns all the way. After watching this you will be fist pumping everyone and looking for all movies made in Korea. The villain does justice to being hated - he is someone you hate and want all his fingers broken one by one. Great movie! Bring on the sequel!
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The Invitation (I) (2015)
Should be called 'The Cult'
25 June 2021
Very weird dinner party and must be like what a Tupperware party must feel like. 'I have to buy because it's family'. I've never been to a trendy rich party so I hope it's not like this. The main actor is good though, I was very impressed how he portrayed the character. It shows how people suffer silently and in different ways. Kira is wifey yo - fits in with complete strangers & supports him.
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Best plot ever...more like worst
28 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Two hours later everyone dies. Well that was a fruitful exercise - Not. Dude why leave the daughter with emotional scars? She'll end up on drugs because she watched her father kill the mom and then after making amends with the father she then kills him. All the blurs in the movie? Now I need to get glasses as I'm cross eyed now because of you Zach. How the hell does a severed head stay alive? Zombies having babies? That is sick mate.
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Wounds (2019)
Good story bad actor
30 October 2020
Dude the main actor can not connect genuinely with any of the supporting cast. You can sense the nervousness and awkwardness of the main actor. It's not the worst, but far from Netflix worthy. The main actor has the looks of a superhero...easily. Heck his voice too is super cool. But he needs to go back to acting school. 4/10
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Do not by anything electronic second hand ok?
28 March 2020
If it has a battery, power cord, uses the internet - do not buy second hand...enough said. I love new intuitive ways of cinematography. Movie was pretty good but predictable.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Not your classic thriller
27 March 2020
The protagonist is not a blonde good looking bimbo. The camera work is done in a very intelligent way that is suspenseful. The director, it appears wants to bring the emotion of uncertainty from the audience. To his credit it is done so well there isn't a lot of music in the movie. Superbly done and an ending I didn't expect. Be prepared for many surprises.
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Jtag Xbox 360 version Boom!!!
14 March 2020
10 because when alien 3 came out I was so sad that Hicks died. The game brings him back to life! 'I keep this handy, for close encounters.' 'Let's rock!!!'
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Hey Ridley are you that depressed?
18 June 2019
Ridley never smiles. The movie shows why, but I won't give away anything. Visually amazing, this is now the standard for Riddy now. Storyline did have a lot of twists that some were and others not so good. All in all a good story and visuals. Could've had a better ending, without giving anything away. It certainly is a niche market audience for these types of movies...don't watch while eating....but still decent.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Ridley has come a long way since alien.
17 June 2019
Visually 'it will make George Lucas cream in his pants' - Jim Carey. A great story, just breathtaking visuals. Fassbender does a good job, I like his performance. It's movies like this that allow me to escape and dream. It's a masterpiece comparable to kubrick's 'The Shining'. Well done.
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Predators (2010)
Brody does well
12 June 2019
Tough exterior but good heart - we'll done Royce/Brody. This is the perfect follow up to Predator as predator 2 sucked. I would've given it a 9 if Arnold came in. Good move to have a skinny guy compared to Arnold as the protagonist - I loved it. I wish there was a game good like this. Just two things I want to point out. Fishbourne should've been A good guy and lived and should've been Arnold. And two how did Brody know that mud disguises himself? But apart from this I loved the movie - great job.
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Christian Bale loves himself & would pee himself in a real war.
11 June 2019
Yep. I can see why he accepted this movie. It was good don't get me wrong but he tried too hard. This is the problem when you have egotistical actors coming into well established franchises - they're like in want to put my own spin on things'. Was he trying to get an Oscar? After this movie I don't like Bale like I used to as an actor. You know when you look into someone's eye and see hatred towards people...that's Bale. Hey buddy stick to Batman and your constipated voice. All other actors were good and not try hards.
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Samo showed promise at a very young age
10 June 2019
Good movie and funny. I guess he's been fat since his 20's. Samo wants to be like Bruce Lee And has the skills to boot. It was probably at this time Jackie Chan saw that they both could make good family fun movies together. Not something you would pay money for but would watch if you had nothing to all. This includes chores and getting your hair done. Good laugh.
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The masks look like kindergarten creations but still good story
28 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It was a good movie with many twists in plot. I just feel the main character should've had someone with the same charisma as the police guy who was the lizard venom. Music was good too. It is funny listening to the dubbed audio trying to line up with the mouth movements. I will.....kill.....him...when....I find....him. Haha. Good classic and loved it
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Too unrealistic but entertaining
28 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Way the Shaolin would allow him to learn so much so fast. Then for them to allow him to become a master of one of the chambers....brah. If he was in his 60's maybe it would be more believable. Also the ending could've been better. Surely the school would be shut down by the authority higher up. Still it is enetertaining.
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