
5 Reviews
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The Streets Are Broken. So He Fixes Them!
21 March 2016
Knowing I'm one of the first reviewers for this movie, I will try very very hard to withdraw from putting out any Spoilers! Let's start with the marketing of this movie. Shot in 2014? I never ever heard about it until this month! (March 2016). I saw this DVD in Walmart, and like most "less popular" movies, I try to get a decent non-spoilering review of the film. Their was absolutely nothing that I could find on the web. The only promo for this film was an uploaded video on a Youtube page. The page is under the name "Plus Urban" and that is in fact the production company, that I also never knew existed. The movie itself, story-wise is extremely well done. It has everything that most others try to throw into their films, and sadly are not able to capitalize on. "Until The Day I Die" is a "revenge" film. So yes, their have been many other "Death Wish"-Pseudo films out there. The story of vengeance and redemption is definitely not new to us movie-goers. Story follows Officer Gomez in the LAPD, who has a grudge against a ruthless criminal boss. The Good vs. Bad grudge match was extremely personal and intense. Gomez, believes that all the criminal drug dealers, murderers, rapists, gangs, etc. are filth polluting society and victimizing the innocents. He, indeed lets those believes effect his job. The violence is petty graphic. The Language is strong and constant. There are drugs and alcohol present in the movie, some of the story lines revolve around drug dealers. As far as Sexual Content goes, there is a short non-graphic sex scene. Also a lot of the course language is dirty innuendos. (Both English and Spanish curses). I give this 9/10. I really enjoyed this film right from the opening to the closing credits!
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The Purge: Anarchy-How the first should have been.
7 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
*May spoil parts of The Purge (2013) Not only the main subject- The Purge: Anarchy*

The Purge: Anarchy, In my opinion has well succeeded it's first movie, and that is rare that the sequel was better than the First. The first was kinda confined in the character's home, basically being intruded by "Purgers" due to security failure for "Purge Night". You never really got a good look at what this night has done to different parts of society. In Anarchy, you are taken to the streets, with different characters of diverse backgrounds. This shows the audience whats happening in the streets with no place to hide on "Purge Night". It also gives more of a understanding to how sick the ones that can "Purge" safely are. The ones that "Purge" in the comfort and protection of their home are of course the wealthy higher class.(But also the most sadistic.) Now i believe the the first movie should have been like this because it gives you a better understanding of how and why "Purge Night" is celebrated. The title for this one includes the word, "Anarchy". It is just that. For one night a year, all laws and law enforcement is rendered useless. This gives the "Purgers" a way to kill anyone (Mostly the lower-middle class). Now when i said characters with diverse backgrounds, I am referring to the main Protagonists that we follow through out the film. One being an ex-police officer looking to avenge the death of his son that was killed by a drunk driver. There are two Women in the movie that are family and happen to be forced out of their apartment when they are assaulted by their landlord. The other two are a young couple on the verge of getting divorced, when their car breaks down, and are forced to walk through the night. Eventually all these characters meet and start to care for each other not only to survive the night but personally. Now for a movie that is barely 2 hours, they do a great job on making you "feel" for the characters, which is obviously very rare and hard to do for most writers, directors, and producers. The end i will Not spoil. I give this an 8/10 due to not only the excitement of witnessing the actual "Purge Night' but also because the makers made the characters likable and relatable and their stories interesting.
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Martyrs (2015)
Martyrs, An American Re-imagining.
7 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoilers will be for both the 2008 French version and of course The 2015 American Version*

In 2008, Most die hard Horror fans will all know about the French Masterpiece entitled "Martyrs". In 2015 we where presented by a re-imagining rather than a "remake" of the original. Those who have seen and loved the 2008 French Martyrs, have given this 2015 version some harsh and unsatisfied reviews. I have watched the 2008 a number of times. I had watched this one 2 times. I understand that there is a very different way about the movie between both versions. 2008 has been a very brutal, gruesome, twisted yet beautiful tale of a Cult of people seeking knowledge of the "Afterlife". This includes finding a "Martyr" to endure unbearable pain and suffering in order to fulfill the cult's quest for further knowledge. Same with the 2015 version. The violent content and torture sequences in the 2008 are highly graphic and disturbing. The 2015, has much less graphic depictions of torture but still sends the message to the viewer. As you probably know, the 2008 original was not a very happy ending. 2015 takes the story and twists the end in a surprising way. If you, like me, love to see a person that is victimized, come back and get revenge on those who wronged them, the 2015 version is for you. But i have to say, Watch the original first!! You will appreciate the ending more if you watch the 2008 before you watch the 2015. I give this movie a 7/10. Yes it is "watered down" but still enjoyable.
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I really enjoy this re-imagining of a great movie.
15 May 2015
Upon the release of "From Dusk Till Dawn" in 1996, it spawned 2 sequels. As in most cases the first entry was the best. In fact I loved everything about the first film. From the story to the characters, to the actors portraying the characters, to the script. "From Dusk Till Dawn" was arguably a perfect film. When i heard of the TV series coming in 2014, I was more than excited to see where this will take me. Unfortunately, the series appeared on "El Rey", a new channel that was only on certain cable services. So I had to wait for the DVD. I was very surprised at what i saw. I've heard reviews of people not liking this series (A lot say its not true to the original movie.) But i beg to differ. What it does is it takes a great movie and expands on that concept making it a more creative and fun series. Yes, it differed from the movie. But in it's own right it is an amazing series. I don't think Robert Rodriquez would do anything to hurt his gem of a movie. I think the new cast was near perfectly picked out for the remake-series. As one Dusk fan to another, the bad reviews on here in my opinion, are very misleading. Please watch it for yourself and watch it with a open mind! The 1st season was recently on Netflix to stream. So if you have Netflix streaming, now is the time to use it. "The Gecko Brothers are back!'
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50 Dull Shades of Grey
15 May 2015
Okay, lets make this simple. After all the hype about the books, I was curious to see what many had come to love about the series. Now i have never read the book, but this movie was just plain awful. Without spoiling any of the "story" let me just say this. The acting was a shameful experience. Both characters where very unlikeable. I think what to blame is that there was NO character development. Basically giving you 2 characters and throwing them into a dull plot. The 2 characters are supposed to be adults. Yet this plays out like a teeny- bopper film. What I think really killed the movie was the very very very poorly written script. Awful dialog. Very dull, uninteresting, and unoriginal. Now i am somebody that loves movies and tries to find the artistic and special parts that make all movies enjoyable. But I am sorry Fifty Shades, even with an open mind to movies and film like mine, I just couldn't find anything good about this film. Its a real shame. I had thought with the success and popularity over the novel, that the writers would put a little more effort and time into making this movie watchable, but despite all that this was a flop. If the sequels are like this, why not go straight to DVD?
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