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Zoolander (2001)
8 July 2006
What a waste of time and money both for me and the film makers. The is one of the worst movies I ever saw! Ben Stiller isn't that great and I despise Will Ferrell more then the amount of hatred that is thrown at George W. Bush! I hate these dumb movies that go nowhere, aren't funny and have the stupidest concepts ever! Will Ferrell needs to find a cliff somewhere to jump off of so I don't have to deal with hearing another movie starring Will Ferrell is coming out next month. Ben Stiller's usefulness in comedy has run out and Christine Taylor isn't exactly a person I would call unique. To sum up this review I'd like to say if you want to see quality comedy watch a John Candy flick.
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Comedy Central Presents: Freddy Soto (2003)
Season 7, Episode 12
What a Great Comedy Central Presents!
9 December 2005
Man did I love this show. Freddy is so funny. I love it when he did the impressions of his father. They were so hilarious! Man! I liked the athletes foot bit and the "Reguardless" bit that his father always say regardless and my favorite is the one he closed the show with when Freddys helping work on the roof and he needs to go get that tool and his fathers getting so angry. He was also great in The Three Amigos with Pablo Francisco, Carlos Mencia and Freddy Soto. I'm so upset that he died and so young too. It really is a shame for his friends, family and fans. He will be just as missed a Mitch Hedberg. R.I.P. Freddy Soto.
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Cool PBS Special!
29 November 2005
I really liked this special. It is about unusual buildings and other sorts of unusual roadside stuff. I guess you can tell that is what its about from the very long title. I had a few favorites in this. I liked the giant ketchup bottle water tower, the nice little round pharmacy, the house that is shaped like a goose, the orange store and the motel where the rooms are shaped like tepees. I like shows where they go to different places and look at the history of stuff or show interesting landmarks that aren't very popular. They should have made this a TV series on PBS. I was a great special though. They should at least make a second. Very enjoyable.
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Corky Romano (2001)
Who knew Chris Kattan could be funny?
13 November 2005
Wow! Corky Romano is funny! I like movies or skits that make fun of the mob. Corky is one of the craziest movie characters out there. My favorite parts in the movie were when Corky inhaled all that cocaine and he was talking to those elementary school kids and he was going crazy and also when he was spying on those tough Nazis and he got captured. Without Corky I liked that little scene where Peter and Paulie were at the ice cream truck and Paulie couldn't read the sign and was holding up the line. Peter Fawk did some good acting in this. He was always great in Columbo. I also think it was neat to see Blake Clark in this. I like his stand-up back in the eighties. Anyway, if you want to see a crazy little guy whos in the middle of a bunch of trouble, watch Corky Romano: Special Agent.
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Stella at their Best
12 November 2005
Wow, Stella Shorts are great! Lots of patrons from The State and Stella, the TV show. I never knew that Stella could have gotten any better then they were on the TV show Stella or even Comedy Central Presents: Stella. I also never knew short comedies could be any good. My favorite ones were Pizza, Racking Leaves, The Woods and David arranges to a meeting with his long lost cousin Greg. I think over all that David was the funniest one. Its funny when he doesn't make sense. I like the music in the shorts. Thats something I pay attention to a lot. They always had good taste in music. I wish they still made shorts, either that or bring back there sitcom. I hope they continue making good and funny comedy.
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The Berenstain Bears (1985–2004)
A Simple Cartoon for Simple Minds
10 November 2005
The Berenstain Bears were great books for kid who were learning to read and then the made a nice little cartoon for kids. I have most of the episodes on tape. I bought them at the store about ten years ago and even back then the quality wasn't very good and it was a little hard to understand what they were saying, but the kids still loved them. Some people say that the shows are too addicting and that kids will want to watch TV instead of reading the books, but its nice to get a break every once in awhile. The Berenstien Bears came back in 2003, but it didn't last as long. Good thing PBS shows the reruns. Both shows are great and its a good way to teach little kids.
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Reno 911! (2003– )
The Best Spin off Show from The State
9 November 2005
This show really cops a bad reputation. These guys are so stupid. I have three that tie for my top favorites, Junior, Weigel and Jones. Junior has always been the underrated one. I think its funny when hes doing stuff with the dogs. Weigel just a nut. Whos knows why they would ever higher her to be a police officer. One screw lose character. I liked the episode where she was suicidal. There's where you see the best of Weigel. Jones is so funny. I notice that he usually laughs at Garcia a lot. Cedric Yarbrough is a talented actor and I think he should get himself into more movies. My favorite season is season two. Lots of funny skits there. Same thing for season one in some episodes. Season three was kind of dull but I can't wait for season four seeing that they left season three on that cliffhanger with Dangle and Garcia locked in the police car and Craig dieing. I just can't wait.
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Shrek (2001)
I Despise This Film
9 November 2005
I hate this piece of garbage film. Absolutely hate it. This give comedy a bad name. I can't take anybody anymore. Everybody loves it and everybody wants to watch it over and over again because they say they never get bored of it. This movie was corny and disgusting. Mike Myers has got to be one of thee worst comedians of all time. He has never appeared in a movie that I don't hate. He is just so irritating. I used to like Eddie Murphy back in the eighties when he was talented but he ruined his reputation with some of his later movies. I was so angry when they came out with Shrek 2 and now I found out there making a third. What the Hell? Kill this stupid irritating movie.
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L.A. Story (1991)
A Rare Find.
8 November 2005
Steve Martin, could be one of the greatest comedians out there, and don't get me wrong, he is, but he has had his share of bad movies such as Cheaper by the Dozen and ¡Three Amigos! and a few others. L.A. Story on the other hand is where he shows his best. This goes on Steve Martin's A list. The main thing I liked about this movie was the "talking" highway billboard. I think that was very creative and very cool. It was funny when it made the car move on its own. Romance movies are usually to sappy, but this one was much didn't have any of that and it had good actors and actresses. If you want a good romance see L.A. Story.
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What's Happening!! (1976–1979)
A Good Ol' Seventies Sitcom!!
6 November 2005
What a great show! What's Happening is so funny! There isn't one character I don't like. Rerun is one crazy kid. He sure can dance though. He is one of those characters you'll always hear about because they were so funny, like Kramer from Seinfeld. Mama is funny too. I love her. She is you typical crazy tough seventies mother, loving to teach her kids a lesson with a belt to the butt. Sherley was an underrated character. She had an unusual attitude that was hilarious. Raj was always in some situation. He has to have one of the funniest dance moves out there. He reminds me a lot of comedian Vince Morris. They look a lot alike and act a lot alike. Dee is one pain in the butt sister. Hate to have her around. Finally there's Dwayne. He had one crazy afro especially in the earlier years. Its a surprise that this show didn't last very long. It was just as funny as The Jeffersons or Welcome Back Kotter. I'm glad TV Land shows the re-runs of this show show we can all watch Rerun again. Ha!
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Cool Game Show!
5 November 2005
Let's Make A Deal is a pretty unique game show. Its kind of laid back. This is my favorite version. They always have cool prizes like Chevettes and stereo systems with record players. Pretty much stuff that was cool and modern in the eighties. Monty Hall was a nice host. He wasn't very snippy like some game show hosts. He is a fun guy. I didn't get the whole thing where the contestants dressed up in strange costumes, but it was funny to see a very strange one. Its a shame it taken off so quickly. This should be one of those game shows that they make a new version of. Good thing The Game Show Network shows the re-runs.
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Comedy Central Presents: Mitch Hedberg (1999)
Season 1, Episode 6
"I love you guys. Thanks for coming to my special."
5 November 2005
This and Comedy Central Presents: Brian Regan tie for my top favorite Comedy Central Presents. Mitch Hedberg, one of the most unique stand-up comedians to ever exist at The Palace in Hollywood California, entertaining thousands of people in an auditorium. I bet he felt good what he did when he was alive. This was one of his best performances. He told his signature jokes like blocking the fire exit and Smacky the Frog. My favorite jokes of his that were in this special was the alcoholism is a disease and the Pringles can joke and the guy with a lot of cranium accessories. It has sadden tons of people of his unfortunate death, but his jokes will live on. R.I.P. Mitchell Lee Hedberg 1968-2005
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Comedy Central Presents: Gary Valentine (2001)
Season 5, Episode 14
Good Direction. Bad Jokes.
4 November 2005
Gary Valentine looks like a good stand-up comedian and has a good reputation as Kevin James' brother. Comedy Central Presents: Gary Valentine is the only place I've ever seen him and I have to tell you he has got a very bad act. He goes on a good track like that one gag that if the room was still empty he would still be doing the same crazy things up on stage, but those crazy things aren't funny. He also has very basic, very usual jokes that you would hear a lot of like about perfume and other average jokes. He just needs to have someone else sit down with him and get his act fixed up and funny. He could really do it.
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The Summer of '81
4 November 2005
This is the best movie Michael Showalter or David Wain ever wrote, together or apart. This movie has got great actors and actresses, great music, great time setting, funny and wacky stories and its lots of fun! Janeane Garafolo and David Hyde Pierce were great together. They should have there own movie together. I like Coop. His story was the most interesting with Katie was interesting. Steve, played by Kevin Sussman was one of the underrated characters. I liked him during the talent show with the wind and everyones flying around. That was silly. My least favorite character was Susie. I've never really like Amy Poehler. One minor thing I noticed was an extremely small role played by Greg Korin at the end. he was driving a car. I like movies that take place in the seventies or eighties or even the early nineties. Maybe in 2011 we'll meet this goofy bunch again in Wet Hot American Summer 2: The Summer of '91.
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Lyddie (1996 TV Movie)
Not Very Good
1 November 2005
Now I'm not really into olden time movies. I am also very picky about dramas. This movie wasn't the kind of drama I was looking for. I don't like movies that take place long ago before the twentieth century. I would however recommend this movie if you like olden time dramas. The book was very boring. I just read it and it just dragged along. Nothing much to it. As usual though they changed a lot of stuff in the movie which I hate. I confuses me and I'm used to the way the book was and it throws me off. I don't understand why they just can't keep it the same. There were some pretty good actors and actresses in the movie. This movie would be good if you like plays because it reminded me of one.
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Blue Collar TV (2004–2006)
A Nice Little Show.
29 October 2005
Blue Collar TV is okay. I like that they don't focus in on the whole southern theme to far. It only gos to an extent. Some sketches aren't redneck or southern typed jokes. I like Gary Anthony Williams. Hes a funny guy. I originally know him from Malcolm in the Middle. I'm glad he got into sketch comedy now. My favorite cast member out of the blue collar gang is Bill Engvall. Hes been underrated and I really like his stand-up acts. It is kind of disappointing that Ron White isn't on the show. It just doesn't seem complete. He did guest star a couple of times at least. He should come back more often. I like there little thing at the end where there all together and Larrys got the guitar out. Those are usually good. I'm surprised there on the WB. You would think CBS or UPN would pick up something like that. Anyway, keep up the good work Blue Collar Gang!
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The Colbert Report (2005–2014)
27 October 2005
I think Comedy Central is really to focused with these news show. Just because The Daily Show made Comedy Central big as The Simpsons is to Fox doesn't mean they need to just focus in on news shows. On top of The Daily Show they got this now and The Showbiz Show. The Colbert Report is just to boring anyway. First off, of all the correspondents, Stephen Colbert gets the show. Hes not even that funny. Why has he even been on The Daily Show this long? I'd definitely choose Bob Wiltfong and Rob Corddry over him. Also, this show is supposed to make fun of The O'Reilly Factor. Besides having interviews at a table instead of a desk whats the same about it? Why did Comedy Central have to pick this up? I know this is going to toucher me for a while along with The Showbiz Show with David Spade and Weekends at the DL.
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Comedy Central Presents: Bill Burr (2003)
Season 7, Episode 2
Good Show
27 October 2005
Chappelle's Show's Bill "Billy" Burr gets up on stage in Comedy Central Presents: Bill Burr and brings out the funny. I never really knew who he was before I saw this show, but thanks to it now I'm a fan of his. He had lots of good jokes like the hillbillies going to war gag with George W. Bush and all. Also the midget joke and the Oprah show joke. Something not really looked for in a stand-up comedy special is the set. I like Bill Burr's set. It was a sofa with a couple of TVs around it and a baseball bat and other thing that he liked and a sign that said Bill Burr on it. Thats what I like, a set that defines the comic. I think Bill Burr should get on another sketch comedy show since Chappelle's Show is gone. He would be a good guy to do an impression of Ron Howard. He looks a lot like him. Bill Burr, another underrated comedian.
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Tru Calling (2003–2005)
A Pretty Cool Show
25 October 2005
Now you may think this show had an odd and unusual but it was a pretty good and pretty cool idea. As soon as someone died she went back in time. How would you like your life to just repeat every single day forever until you save someone? Kind of like in the movie Groundhogs Day. I wouldn't want that. This was a good drama. My all time favorite drama is Early Edition and this one kind of comes off of it with the whole beats the laws of physics thing, stuff thats impossible such stuff. My favorite episode was the one where she saved one person but then that caused someone else to die and then she saved that person and then someone else and so on. I would check into the crazy house if that happened to me. Stupid, idiotic Fox for canceling this. Maybe they'll learn the errors of the ways someday.
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One Word, Horrible!
22 October 2005
If I have to even hear a commercial for another sports movie I'm going kill the producers! This movie was just horrible! I can't believe Adam Sandler anymore. Hes a sell out with this remake not to mention Spanglish. He is just annoying now. The Longest Yard is full of stupid, corny and annoying scenes and jokes. I despise football. Its the worst sport ever invented. On top of them showing it on TV twenty-four hours a day seven days a week during the fall, people go out and make stupid movies about it, like this one. If you like pathetic movies that critics rave they are so great when there not, go see this piece of garbage.
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Slackers (2002)
Funny College Movie
22 October 2005
If you like teenage/college humor and dirty jokes, this is your movie. The whole movie is basically goofy college humor and most movies like that don't really have a well thought out movie. With this they had all of that without forgetting about what the movie was about or ruining the story at the end. I felt very sorry for Dave when Ethan lied to Angela about him. Luckily they got everything settled out. I liked some of the actors and actresses who played minor characters in the movie too like Michael McDonald, Retta and Jim Rash. I'm surprised actor Michael C. Maronna isn't as big as he is because he was funny in this movie. He should get himself into more movies like this. See this movie if you haven't seen it. If you have, see it again.
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A Current Affair (II) (1986–2005)
19 October 2005
Most of these news shows always have a lot of garbage a boring stuff. A Current Affair always has interesting stories everyday. Its rare to find an uninteresting one. I found it to be like a cross between the regular local news with the correspondents and America's Most Wanted with the mystery cases and murder stories and missing people and so on. There's also and ascents of Entertainment Tonight in it with the celebrity stories as well. I liked the host, Tim Green. I think hes a great guy to be in the news business. I think it was stupid of Fox to cancel this show after only six months. I guess there just weren't enough watchers.
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Billy Madison (1995)
Two Thumbs Down
19 October 2005
Now I find it very rare to find a good Adam Sandler movie. I found that his earlier work, like in the nineties and also in the year 2000, was when he was at his best. I saw Happy Gilmore though and it was just didn't make much sense and it wasn't that funny. I didn't really like his character and I didn't get the point of Norm MacDonald's character, not that I don't like Norm MacDonald. It wasn't very organized. The story just went all over the place. I wouldn't call Billy Madison one of Sandler's best as so many other people say it is. The one that I would say go on his best list would be Happy Gilmore and Little Nicky which are very entertaining and very funny. Not this.
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Bronco Billy (1980)
Clint Eastwood's Best Movie
18 October 2005
I don't like western movies at all, not at all and Clint Eastwood has a reputation for doing westerns. This wasn't a western though. This was about a western themed circus. Due to this, plus this being a comedy and a well planned out plot and story, I think this is Clint Eastwood's best movie and was very underrated for it's time. Along with it being a comedy I also liked the drama part of it too. The story was throughout well and I liked the time setting as well. I haven't met a lot of people who liked this movie. I think people still see it as Clint Eastwood's failed movie just because he wasn't a tough cowboy like character. Why does he have to play a character like that every time. Just enjoy the movie and be happy.
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Saturday Night Live (1975– )
SNL, The Original Sketch Comedy Show
18 October 2005
I know I said SNL is the original sketch show when it isn't, but it is the oldest one thats still on the air. Saturday Night Live opens up the doors for many beginning comedians. A lot got big because of the show like Eddie Murphy, Dan Aykroyd, Chevy Chase, Dana Carvey and many others. Some didn't get so big like Peter Aykroyd, A. Whitney Brown, Alan Zwiebel, Denny Dillon, Dan Vitale and others. (Those are just a handful of my favorite underrated cast members. There have been some cast members that I wonder why they are so famous like David Spade. I don't find him to be funny at all, just annoying. I also never cared for Will Farrell especially in that Bewitched movie. There's also the people behind the scenes as well. I'm talking about the writers. There have been a few good writers on this show such as Al Franken, Alan Zwiebel, A. Whitney Brown, Bryan H. Tucker and many others. I'm glad this show helped many comedians get to the top and glad that it is still on the air.
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