
2 Reviews
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In the end it was a satisfying conclusion!
21 December 2019
It so hard to give this film a star rating because I feel that it just kept getting better as it went along and in the end it was really satisfying. I guess those that hate the movie just couldn't stick with it long enough and I'm sure there is plenty to nit pick for those that are determined to hate it! The only part I genially didn't like is what kept the story moving forward early on which is that need to find that pyramid shaped device (which gave me flashbacks to that really dumb map to Luke Skywalker).The pacing early on was rushed but it didn't bother me (probably because I was expecting it) and I'm sure on subsequent viewings it will feel completely normal. What I think really worked in the end was the characters and in particular the relationship between Rey & Kylo Ren and bring back the Emperor actually made sense and the sense that the ending wouldn't have worked as well as it did without him. I the film address a lot of issue that people had with the Last Jedi. My recommendation is to go see it, stick with it to the end and don't let nit picks get in the way and if you are going to nit pick this film please also use the same level of nit pickery on Return of the Jedi a genially far less satisfy conclusion to a Star Wars trilogy (yes I went there).
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The First (2018)
Giving this a 1/10 rating is unfair...
16 September 2018
This is a genially well made and well acted series that feels more like art house movie that your typical TV series or movie. The science fiction elements are mostly in the back ground and credit should be given because they are done in a very subtle, and believable way. The focus is on the relationships of the astronauts but it doesn't mean we don't also get a look at the preparation but it is looked at from a personal perspective. For example there is a problem with the unmanned MAV they previously sent to Mars and if they can't fix the problem it could effect funding for the mission as well as their survival odds of the astronauts and it is shown how that effects the people on the show along with the other events that take place during preparation. At the end of the day the show is mostly about the people that are left behind and primarily about the daughter of the potential commander of the mission and how his relationship with his daughter could effect the mission.

Most science fiction fans would have preferred the focus to be on the mission but there are some merits in this approach as well. My recommendation is to watch it with no expectations and be patient this is definitely taking a leaf out of the 2001 A Space Odyssey school of film making but like 2001 the slow pace is designed to ground the story in reality something that few TV shows and movies dare to do these days, this is not a failing of the show but a failing of viewer attention spans.
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