
2 Reviews
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What a celebration!
28 April 2019
*Spoiler free review*

What can I say, I am just another die hard Marvel studios fan that happened to literally cry while watching the saga end..

When Iron man first came out back in 2008 my brother told me there is this new super hero movie where the guy wears a robocop like suit to fight bad guys. Growing up hearing mostly names like superman, batman n spiderman I really didnt care about Ironman. To me it was just another movie that wouldn't even get past the first installment.

Little did I knew it would leave such a great impact on me and my feelings. So strong enough to keep me at the edge on my seat and fill my heart with soo many emotions that I never thought I had for all my favorite characters.

If you are a Marvel fan like me, I bet you really don't need to depend on reviews like these. Because there is nothing that can stop you from watching the movie, if anything you could simply read reviews to feel excited and joyful to see soo many crazy fans like yours who have grown with all our superheroes together share their emotions and experiences.

I wanna write so much, but at the same time I wanna save your time so you could go and watch this movie already. Just like me I am sure you have plenty of favorites that you love onscreen, and I can guarantee you that this movie will not only make it more nostalgic but also give you a permanent reason to love them for what they are and what they stood for, and how they ended their epic journey, forever in your heart.

After all, we are meant to lose people we love, how else would we know how important they are to us?

What a movie, what a journey, what a conclusion, what an epic battle, what a fun ride, what an emotional roller coaster, what a heartbreaking moment(s), what an amazing performance, what a timing, what a dialogue delivery, what a beautiful celebration!
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Time. Life. Gift. You. Gift. Life. Time.
11 January 2019
As a kid, my dad used to tell me stories at night just like any other dads out there. I grew up, got busy with life but those priceless timeless beautiful storytelling moments that I once shared, that amazed me in wonder, curiosity, imagination and desire to know more..

I know if I think hard enough I might remember some of them, but that's not the point. The point is all those stories had characters and people and objects and places and things that I could either imagine or something that I could picture and understand and visualize in my young mind. If not for those imaginable characters and people, I would have never understood those stories, the true meaning of the story, the actual story behind the story that my dad probably wanted me to understand.

Arrival, for me is such a story. Aliens are just fun characters that help me understand the story so I can actually see beyond it and understand the untold story. You see, the way I understand it is that the director had to dumb it down for us and wrap this movie in a sci-fi genre and add aliens so you could relate it to something you are familiar with and hoped, really hoped that we try to understand the true purpose, the message behind all this. It simply couldn't have been portrayed better than this!

This movie teaches you a lot of things, if you are ready to learn. About 'time' and how much we are bound by it, about life and death, about loving unconditionally, about believing in yourself that everything happens for a reason, and so much more..
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