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Ugh...nothing like the comic
20 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Review: this was a great comic by Allan Moore but there was one thing in particular that destroyed any chance for this movie to be good. I will get to that later.


It was great seeing Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill reprise their iconic voice roles..

We see the vile moment of Joker shooting Barbara which was gruesome

Now we are at the moment that ruined the movie:

Batman and Batgirl making no no no no NOOOOOO!!!!!!! This is just wrong and they were never I. A relationship. Why is Bruce Timm always pushing for this? He is just wrong here. Wrong wrong. It was never in the killing joke comic either. That moment just ruined the movie for me.

Conclusion: just don't bother watching this movie. Just stick to the Killing joke Comic. Dont mean to speak for Alan Moore, but if he saw this movie, he would hate it.
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Skyscraper (2018)
Fun Popcorn movie entertainment
7 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Review: I enjoyed it and I loved seeing the Rock adventure through the burning Super Building.

  • as usual The Rock carried the action. However I thought it was unrealistic of him going through the skyscraper with a steel leg. The movie should have shown more of a struggle with him trying to save his family with only one real leg.

-Some will find the story unrealistic but I loved the story. I loved how DJ's Character became a tech genius and at times he used his ingenuity and creativity to get past obstacles

  • Black Adam (Dwayne Johnson) vs Master Chief (Pablo Schreiber) was great to see.

  • Most of the cast was good and carried their roles well. I am also a fan of Neve Campbell and it was great seeing her play Johnson's wife in the movie.

Conclusion: I enjoyed this movie and it was a fun action. However I thought it was simple and kinda realistic. If you enjoy eating popcorn to the action movies like this. Then you will enjoy it. But if you are loooking for a realistic in depth plot movie, may just want to look elsewhere. I enjoyed this for what it was.
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Epic! Peak Sci-fi!
10 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Review: this is just a brilliant sequel to part one and an epic masterpiece. Dune part 2 has officially joined the ranks of The Empire Strikes Back, The Godfather Part II and the dark Knight in the greatest sequels category.

  • Timothy Chalmet is at the top of his game here as Paul Attedies, now going by Yusl Mau-Dib. He morphs from reluctant hero, to Dark messiah figure, as he becomes more of an anti-hero by the end of the film.

-Zendaya is great as Chani! They took some liberties with the character here. As opposed to the original book, Chani is more fleshed out and is more of a Vocal character. Though she is in love with Paul, she does not agree with Paul's leadership and changed attitude once he embraces his role as the "Lessan Al-Gaib" to lead the Fremen to a new era and a "green paradise" for Arrakis. She does not like that her people worship him as a "God" and She also does not approve of his marriage to the emperor's daughter to secure a political position of power to become new Galactic emperor.

-I wish they wouldn't have cut out the part where Paul and Jessica had a child named Leto that died in an attack during the two years Paul was with the Fremen.

-Also no two year time jump.

-Alia Atredies also appears! She is changed from the Novel, but you will love this version potrayed by Anna Taylor Joy

Honestly these changes make sense, because this movie makes the original story now more dramatic.

I loved when Paul rode the sandworm! One of the best scenes!

-Rebecca Ferguson just went into a Boss mode and Creepy level as Jessica Atriedes becomes the revenant mother to the Fremen and the one who makes sure that her son Paul races the final steps to his destiny.

-Josh brolin and Javier Bardem are also great in their roles as Paul's trusted and loyal advisors.

-Stellan Dkarsgard and Dave Bautista continue their great Villian roles as the Harkonnens.

SPOILER A shocking revelation happens where it is revealed that Paul and Jessica are part of the Harkonnen bloodline. Baron Harkonnen is Jessica's true father, and Paul's Grandfather.

-I always love seeing Christopher Walken and I thought he was great as the emperor Shadam Corino IV.

-But the best performance in addition to Chalmet's goes to.....Austin Butler as Feyd! Such a creepy and sadistic villain and a womanizer. I loved his final duel with Paul! One of the best scenes along with Paul riding the sandworm.

Conclusion: YOU WILL LOVE THIS FILM! Can't wait for part 3!
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The Cop that Beverly Hills wants to get rid of...
21 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Review: This is Eddie Murphy's most iconic role in my opinion. This is the movie that set him on the map. And this is also in of the quintessential movies of the 1980s.

  • Eddie Murphy is the standout performance here with his comedic wit and acting range! His character the Detroit detective is a fish out of water in the mostly laid back environment of Beverly Hills. His intelligent But off the book cop methods earn the disapproval of the Beverly Hills police department.

-The title is kinda misleading because Detective Axel Foley (Played by Murphy) is from Detroit, Michigan. He just visits in Beverly Hills to find out who killed his old partner/Good Friend. He reunites with Jenny (Lisa Elbacher) who is his close friend (maybe love interest)

  • Judge Reinhold is hilarious as Billy Rosewood. He is my second favorite character besides Axel.

-John Ashton, is also funny being the serious cop and best friend/partner of Billy, Taggart! He is by the book and respects the rules, which is the complete opposite of Axel's loose cannon cop style

Lisa Ellebacher, Ronny Cox, Paul Reiser, and Steven Berkoff were also great in their roles.

-The Car Chase scene is my favorite!

-The action is both hilarious and non-stop.

In conclusion: you will love this movie. It is fun, entertaining and doesn't take itself really seriously. This role is what changed Eddie Murphy from being "the guy from SNL" to "Eddie Murphy: The Star"
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A great story gets a great end!
24 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Review: the Nolan bale Batman trilogy ends here on a literal explosive note and in a spectacular fashion. There was doubt that this take on Batman would survive the notorious "third movie curse" but for the most part it succeeds.

  • thank goodness that WB and Christopher Nolan decided to not stretch this film series to 10 + number of films, and decided to ultimately the the beginning middle end trilogy structure.

  • The movie takes elements from some of The most famous Batman Comic storylines such as Knightfall, no man's Land, and Even, Frank miller's the Dark Knight Returns.

  • Christian bale gives a great final performance as the aging Bruce Wayne. Eight years after the fall and death of Harvey dent which he decided to volunarily take the blame for to protect dent's image, he had retired from Batman now that Gotham has become peaceful. However he is still depressed because of the death of his love interest Rachel Dawes and his plan to be together with her went up in smoke. He must now deal with new enemy, Bane and must unretire and become the dark knight again. I loved how bale portrayed Bruce Wayne's pain and aging wisdom, while also trying to find personal redemption after the events of the dark knight

Tim Hardy IS Bane. A new villian, who was once part of the old group that Bruce trained with, the league of shadows. Bane had also formed his own band of militia mercenaries to enact his plan to destroy Gotham as his mentor, Ra's Al Ghul had intended, to "cleanse" the evil and corruption from it. I love his mask, and the fact that he is strong and intelligent. Also he breaks Batman first!

I loved Marion Voltaire as Bruce's new love interest, business woman Miranda Tate. However she is not who she really claims to be...

Spoiler: I had a feeeling she was going to be revealed as new Legue of shadows Leader...Talia Al Ghul, that daughter of Bruce's teacher, Ra's Al Ghul. Great twist. Though her reveal was short.

Anne Hathaway was great as the latest to portray the anti-heroine feline theif Catwoman/Selina Kyle. I loved her first moment where we saw her true voice and I loved her scenes with Batman. We also see the famous love romance between the two.

Sit Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, and Morgan freeman also pull off great performances, as well as newcomer Joseph Gordon levitz who plays important character Officer John Blake. (Spoiler: it turns out that his real first name is "Robin")

Conclusion: you will never get tired of watching this as well as the first two Nolan Batman movies. This trilogy well go down as one of the best ones, of the comic book movies and in history. It has a very satisfying ending that will please almost every single fan of these Batman movies.
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The greatest Batman Sequel ever made.
23 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Review: much like the empire strikes back, the Nolan batman sequel takes unexpected thrilling turns while also bringing in an unforgettable Potrayal of Batman's greatest nemesis...The Joker.

Takeaways: -Christian Bale is heroic as Batman/Bruce Wayne yet again. We see more of a detective side to him here as well. Love the new Batsuit. It also allows him to turn his head.

-The Late Heath Ledger IS the joker. Just enough said on that.

-I love how we never truly know his true name and see his origin. He also rocks the purple suit as always.

-Gary Oldman also has more to do as the Lietenant now promoted to Commissioner: James Gordon. We see his have more hardcore moments this time around and he is just in hero mode, just like Batman.

-Aaron Eckhart just performs a powerful performance as Harvey dent. The district attorney who plays a key role in the movie. He is a tragic character even more so than Bruce Wayne is. We also see his descent to the insane

-The Batpod was awesome!!

Conclusion: just like Batman begins, the dark knight goes above and beyond to transcend past the comic book movie ateryotyp, and becomes a crime thriller, with true heroism fighting terror.

Gordon: he is a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A dark knight.
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Batman Begins (2005)
Batman done right!
22 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Review: Batman is reborn in perhaps one of the greatest Hero origin stories ever told in movies!

  • Christopher Nolan came to Warner Bros with a pitch on how Batman movie SHOULD be done. It should have a dark tone, and it should be grounded in reality.

-Christian Bale is perfectly Cast as Batman. He has that look and build just like the comics. However people may have an issue with his Batman voice, but I never really had a problem with it. At least then I didn't lol.

  • I like how we see the origins of Batman's gadgets. Why he uses the smoke powder, the grapnel gun, the batcape.

  • this version of the Batmobile called the tumblr is freakin cool!

Conclusion: this is an incredible reboot, and it inspired other movie studios to take the same Nolan formula for their superhero comic book movies.
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A good trilogy ender for Ant-Man
22 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Review: I think some of the reviews are a bit harsh. Though I agree the movie has a good bit of flaws, I thought it was decent. This is a good movie for the Ant-Family, as well as setting up the next big bad of the Marvel Cinematic Universe...Kang


  • Fown the yellow Brick Road Allright. The quantumverse is Bizzarre, yet colorful to look at.

  • Paul Rudd once again proves why he IS Ant-Man. I love that he just wants to save the people he loves (his girlfriend and daughter) and not caring about being the grand kal-el savior of the world.

  • I love how similar Evangeline Lilly looks to the comic Wasp Now! Same crop haircut and everything!

  • Michael Douglas and Michele Pfeiffer are once again always great to watch as the veteran heroes and mentors.

  • Cassie Lang comes into her own as a superhero! I love her suit that she designed herself, but what is her super name? (She was called Stature in the comics)

  • in the words of Woody Harrison.... BILL FREAKIN MURRAY!! I loved his small role as Krylar! Even though we didn't see him that much.

  • Darren Cross (Corey Stoll) Returns as a new enemy...MODOK! It is wierd to see him as a deformed Giant head, but he looks like he almost came straight from the comics!

  • Man, I have to tell you, Johnathan Majors just KILLs IT as Kang the Conqueror! I like how regal, powerful, menacing and hi tech he is. I think Stan Lee and Jack Kirby would have been proud to see their big Villian realized!

  • The CGI definitely was not "super" but it wasn't entirely Bad.

  • I will say that I wish the ending wasn't as anti-climactic, and that there was a better teaser for the upcoming Kang War.

Conclusion: Its up to you whether you want to like this movie. It's not the greatest start to MCU Phase V, but it's enjoyable enough to stay tuned. (Can't say the same for the Eternals Movie. Lol)

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Spider-Man (2002)
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
16 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Review: Spider-Man finally comes to the movies, and you cannot miss this film. If you loved the 2000s X-men movies you will love this one.

  • Tobey McGuire is my favorite Spider-Man. He has the heart and the right look.

  • Peter Parker's story is the most iconic out of all the Comic Book Heroes, surpassing those of Superman and Batman. I know it's a stretch to say that but still.

  • Tobey McGurie accepted the role not because he was familiar with the Comics, but rather, he loved the Story arc. He embodies the Spider-Man Peter qualities even more so than Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield.

  • The Costume is great!! Very faithful yet modern at the time

  • Willem dafoe is brilliant as The Green Goblin/Norman Osborn. The costume could have been modified but I have no problem with it.

  • I Loved Macho Man Randy Savage's Cameo (RIP)

  • Sam Raimi did a great Job directing and you can tell he wanted to be very faithful to the Spidey Mythos.

  • Conclusion: This is how you do a Spider-Man Movie. The story and Characters were great!

  • Of course the Sequel was even better, but this was a great start.
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More Like The Fall of Skywalker
8 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Review: when filmmakers try so hard to top Episodes 4 and 5 instead of making a fun enjoyable movie, the end result is just something that falls apart. The movie doesn't match or even rhyme with the previous two of the sequel trilogy. And as a result, the movie viewer will be confused about so many plot elements of the movie. Many Star wars fans are gonna be upset by the creative and story decisions that JJ Abrams and Lucasfilm decided to take. However, the Movie ends on a poignant note, and there is this feeling of Closure to the Skywalker Story. That being said, this film was a mess.



-To finish not just this trilogy, but all Nine Movies, it makes complete and perfect sense to bring back the true Main Villian of the Skywalker Story who has been manipulating the family, the Jedi, the good guys the whole time.


And That's where the fun stops. Lol...

  • Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter?! After it was already established that she was "Just Rey"? They just wanted to make Rey related to a legacy character (after they had their chance to do it and blew it) and they felt that no one liked that last jedi twist. It just doesn't make sense. However her being related to arguably the most powerful Sith Lord, explains why she could easily use the force in episode 7, despite being untrained and not experienced enough in the force.

-my main problem was that This Change with Rey felt less like a natural story progression and more like a course correcting Maneuverer because Lucasfilm wanted her to have a famous bloodline.

  • Kylo Ren started as Vader 2.0, and in the Last Jedi he elevated into his own kind of Villian. However, This Movie has demoted him back to being Vader 2.0, with Palpatine being revealed to have pulled the strings behind this trilogy the whole time.

-Like Rey, this also felt like a course correcting tactic to give him a redemption story. A big contrast from The Last Jedi in which he had a natural story progression and it fit the character.

  • Wow an angry vengeful Rey Force pushing Finn and Jaynah. While fighting Kylo. Wow. Rey is perhaps at her most unlikeable and arrogant self in this movie. Abrams and Co-Writer Chris Terrio could have done Daisy Ridley better here with the writing and filming.

-Also why are we just learning about force healing powers? How come no other Jedi has done this? And someone could have taught Anakin this instead of him going to Darth Sidious to learn this. Abrams did not this this trough, and he just wanted Rey to be a powerful God like hero. They didn't think this through, and now the Dam that hold the Plot hole rivers has been busted open. Time to get an ark to save as much plot points before the flood. Lol
  • If Force Healing was explained more in detail, if it was explained why Jedi had never used it before (if it was a lost ability?) if it was explained how Rey was able to learn this, then maybe I will be more accepting of this plot point. But alas, This wasnt introduced well which brings consequences for the film series canon.

  • I am glad that we Saw the True Luke Skywalker we know and Mark Hamill bringing the wise Jedi Master Luke. Perhaps this was to bring some good Will to the fans that hated how he was like in the Last Jedi.


  • I loved the final fight scene with Rey and Kylo Vs Palpatine.

-All of The special effects and cgi in this movie come across as generic, plain, boring, and has a "Been There Seen that. Yawn." Kind of feel. Nothing eye popping, innovative, fresh, groundbreaking, or even awesome here. They are just dull.

-The action scenes are also lacking and could be better.

-The Alien Horse riding on the Star destroyers is just plain stupid.

  • The ending could have been better.

-despite the awesome work he has done in the past, JJ Abrams may be a big Star Wars Fan, but just because he is a fan, doesn't mean that he automatically understands the Characters and story more than anyone else. That shows here in this movie with the writing. Abrams failed here with the story.

  • We also see a beautiful posthumous performance from the late Carrie Fisher (RIP). Her General Leia was the highlight of this Movie, and though Carrie actually wasn't there filming, (The Leia scenes were filmed by a stunt double mixed with unseen footage from episode VII) Leia had a beautiful sendoff and her Force ghost at the end with her brother Force ghost Luke on Tatooine was incredible.

In conclusion: The Skywalker Saga deserved a better end. The Sequel Trilogy is now a disconjointed mess. For those of fandom who considered The Last Jedi to be the murderous killing blow to these movies, then you should believe that The rise of Skywalker is very much the final nail in the coffin here.
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A more faithful (but still flawed) GI Joe Movie
20 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Review: just as I had already given hope on the Joe movies after that awful excuse of a film "GI Joe the rise of Cobra" this sequel tries to correct the wrongs of its predecessor by giving us more faithful looks and characterizations of the heroes and villians. It could have been a little more better but I liked it!


THE ROCK IS HERE!!!!! I am a big Dwayne Johnson fan, so I loved him as roadblock. If you have already seen him in fast five prior to this, then you know that He can definitely carry an action movie, much like Schwarseneggar and Stalone.

BRUCE WILLIS?!? YES!!!! Bruce Willis is General Joe Colton, the first GI Joe, whom the organization was named after. I had no idea he was going to show up until that first teaser.

SNAKE EYES LOOKS FREAKIN COOL!!! He doesn't have the mouth. His characterization is on-point with the cartoon. I love his team up with Jinx (Elodie Young) jinx was great too btw. I loved RZA as the blind master

(GI Joe Origins Snake eyes was a horrible take on his story btw, and that is not canon with this movie btw)

COBRA COMMANDER LOOKS LIKE COBRA COMMANDER!!! FINALLY!! I don't even know why they didn't go with this look in the first place with the first film. But this is definitley the commander

DUKE DIES?!?! This was a shock, but apparently Channing Tatum asked to be killed off early, because he wanted no part in the franchise moving forward. Maybe because of a bad experience filming the first? Or maybe he just didn't like the character. I understand I was never a Duke fan either. In fact he is my least favorite character. I just think he was too perfect, too plain, and too blonde. There is no reason why you want him as leader. That's why I prefer, General Hawk, Snake Eyes, and even Roadblock as the lead GI Joe Characters over Duke.

ZARTAN IS PRESIDENT?! Johnathan Price and Arnold Vooslo did a great job sharing the role of the Cobra master of disguise.

STORM SHADOW BECOMES A GOOD GUY?!? Yes! Just like the cartoon and comics! Byung Hun Lee does great portraying him again.

Ok no more caps lol.

Conclusion: if you are a Joe Fan you will love this movie! For sure.
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Wasn't expecting the Sequel to be THIS Good!
24 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Review: The Story of Miles Morales/Spider-Man II Gwen Stacy/Ghost-Spider and their Multiverse Spider-Allies Continues....and it will BLOW YOUR MIND. This Sequel is better than the first.

Takeaways: -Shamelik Moore (Voice of Miles) and Hailee Steinfield (Voice of Gwen) have standout performances with a lot more emotional depth than they did in the first movie. They are both parallels to their personal lives as both their Dads were cops, and they both struggle with loneliness's. Miles and Gwen became friends (they probably will be Boyfriend and Girlfriend soon) in the first film,and both find each other in this film.

However secrets Gwen kept from Miles threaten to unravel their relationship in this movie.

Josh Johnson also returns as Peter B. Parker/Spider-Dad (yes I am calling him Spider-Dad now. Because of his baby daughter he let come along in this adventure, May Day) he is more goofy this time around because he wears a morning robe and slippers over his spider costume lol. I'm glad he reconciled with his Mary Jane in his universe.

-however it is truly Oscar Issac that steals the show as Miguel O'Hara, the more edgier less Jokey Spider-Man 2099. He is Heroic and fights against evil, but he also believes in the ends justifying the means. His fights with Miles were incredible.

-The beautiful CGI comic book world like Animation is back, and it is even more beautiful tha

-There are many Spider-Men (and Spider-Women) that are colorful, beautiful and yet unique. 1960's 1990's comics. 1980s comics, and live action are all present in their visuals and it is incredible.

-The Spot was a great main Villian and I am glad that he is getting the spotlight (He was previously seen in the critically acclaimed 1990s Fox Kids Spider-Man Cartoon, but I don't know if he was ever in the actual comics)

Lol Donald Glover as live Action Prowler!

Lol Andrew Garfield and Dane Dehaan Cameos!

Ben Riley Scarlet Spider is mostly a Joke Character in this movie to poke fun at how over-exaggerated and over-punk rock the 1990s era of comics were. Lol. I'm not sure how Rob Liefield (an iconic comic artist/writer that helped shape the 90s era by creating X-Force, Cable and Deadpool ) would react to that

I love Spider-Punk/Hobie Brown! He is likeable, and cool!

The movie continues the themes of the First film, in which, anyone ANYONE, can wear a mask and become Spider-Man.

-The Ending was CRAZY!! Miles is now going against...Himself! More specifically Himself as Prowler II. His Uncle Arron/Prowler I (Voice of Mahershala Ali) Is his mentor. This is also a cliffhanger as Gwen assembles Spider-Punk Spider-Dad and others to find Miles.

Conclusion: if you loved the first film, you will love this second film even more! Do not miss it! Because you need to see it before the third movie comes out next year: Spider-Man Beyond The Spider-Verse.
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A Spider-Man Movie exceeding my expectations!
22 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Review: I loved it! I loved the visuals, the story, and the message that anyone can wear a mask and be a hero.

  • The Voice cast was great I love Shemiak Moore as Miles/Spider-Man and Hailee Steinfield as Gwen/Ghost Spider. Jake johnson was also great as "Divorced" Spider-Man who mentors miles.

I love Miles's venom strike electric attack and his Invisibility powers.

I loves when Miles fought the prowler, and lady doc ock and the kingpin!

-the Chris pine and Stan Lee cameos were great!

-I loved the ending in which miles is now the full time Spiderman.

Conclusion: this is the best spider-man movie and best animated movie. Ever. Period.

End credits scene: Oscar Isaac as Spider-Man 2099 Was great!
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Time to Race! (Again!)
2 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Review:It's really more of the same stuff from the first three movies with the cars. So nothing really new. However I am glad that we finally got an actual direct sequel to the Original movie with The Four Main Stars returning (Diesel, Walker, Rodriguez, and Brewster)

Takeaways: -The Four main characters of the first movie are back and reunited!! Yay! Well that's actually a little misleading, because SPOILER........................................ Letty (Michelle Rodriguez) is seemingly shot and killed in the first 10 minutes of the movie! This of course sets that whole plot in motion, and causes Brian Dominic and Mia to reunite to track down the guy responsible

-The whole cast is great again, and it's like they never even left!

-Vin Diesel is Back!!! Dominic Torretto was still Street racing and still robbing things with Letty. They have been hiding in the Dominican Republic with new comrade Han Lue (a returning Sung Kang. This movie took place before his death in Movie 3.) however Dom is angry after Letty is killed and he is going after the man who killed her for vengeance. He strikes a deal with Brian O'Connor to help bust the criminal operation that Letty's killer is a part of, and in exchange, Brian will make sure Dom gets a pardon and pass from prison for his help. Dom doesn't care about not running, until he finds out that Letty was secretly working with Brian to get Dom's Criminal record wiped, by investigating the crime gang. That was what May have gotten her killed.

-Also from this point Foward, Vin Diesel is now one of the guardians of the franchise. Vin Diesel has more involvement with the franchise as series Producer and not just as a Star.

-Paul Walker nails it again as Brian! Brian O'Connor is now an FBI Agent tracking down the car crime gang, responsible for Letty's murder. He must also redeem himself in the eyes of the family that he betrayed. At first Dom and Mia want nothing to do with him, because he broke their trust years ago, when he revealed that he was an undercover cop investigating them. When they all team up to get Justice for Letty, Brian eventually reconciles with both of them and he also restarts his relationship with Mia.

-Gal Gadot debuts as Street racer Giselle Yashar.

-I love that Dom and Brian had a Race Rematch. Though we don't know who actually won lol.

-Letty is avenged when Dom shoots down her murderer. He then decides that he is Done with running and with crime, and turns himself in, with the hopes that Brian can fulfill his end of the bargain and clear him.

The ending was sad when, the Judge could not fulfill Brian's request and give Don freedom and he sentences Dom to a long time in prison. Brian is furious that the Justice system failed Dom, so he and Mia decide to bust him out of the prison transport. As a result all three of them are now in hiding.

Conclusion: it is a sequel that puts a step step in the right direction, and starts a good action packed Brian/Dom/Letty storyline that concludes with the 7th film.
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Sibling Rivalies and Space Cars.
1 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Review: I loved F9. Make no mistake though, it is the cheesiest entry in the franchise. It wasn't perfect and I wish some goofy moments were excluded, but it is one of the more enjoyable films in the Fast saga.

Takeaways: -I love John Cena! He was great in his Fast debut as Jakob Torretto, the never before mentioned Brother of Dom and Mia.

-Vin Diesel Michelle Rodriguez and the rest of the gang are back, as Dom tries to stop Jakob from causing a potential global catastrophie while trying to prove that he is better than his brother.

-I'm glad Mia (Jordana Brewster) is back too. With the Torretto Siblings storyline as the main focus of the movie, it makes complete sense that she is also there to stop Jakob.

-Ok now I have to tell you all the truth: The CGI was incredibly fake this time around. It was fake in the Jungle mountain car chase scenes, and the Flying Car in Space Scenes

-Yes you heard that right. Flying Space Car!

-Flying Cars in Space? Wow. Kinda silly for this movie.

-So the deal was that there was a scene where Roman and Tej (in spacesuits) ride a Back to the Future de Lorian esque car attached to a rocket. And then they rid esaid car above Earth's atmosphere to destroy the satellite! Unrealistic and goofy. But it is funny lol

-Ugh I dont like Cypher (I love Charlize Theron though) at least she ditched the dreads and got a new Bob, that kinda suits her more. Still not her best hairstyle though.

-SPOILER: HAN IS ALIVE!!!! YES!! So he faked his death to work for Mr Nobody (Kurt Russell) the whole time.

-I am glad Han (Sung Kang) reunited with Sean (Lucas Black) and Bow Wow after all these years. I loved Sean and Han's friendship in the third film.

-That Being Said, Han's fake death and subsequent return sadly also lessens the impact of Jason Statham's then-Villian (now good guy) character, Deckard Shaw. It was just powerful how Dom seemed to have forgiven him at movie 8 for killing Han, after Shaw had helped save Dom's baby son, and help Dom stop Cypher. That powerful Dom/Shaw forgiveness moment now feels lessened because it turns out that Han was never dead at all.

-I was a little bummed that Dwayne Johnson didn't come back. I know that it's because of both real life tension with Co-Star/Fast Producer Vin Diesel, and all of the other projects he was filming at the time such as "Jungle Cruise", "Red Notice", and "Hobbs and Shaw" (the Fast and Furious Spin-Off Movie)

Conclusion: it's a cheesy yet fun movie. It's not really the "train wreck" that all these critics are calling. I liked it alot better than 2, and 4

MID CREDITS SCENE: Han has some unfinished business with Deck Shaw (Jason Statham) it seems. Lol.
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The Fast Saga: Part 8
30 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Review: this is the first Fast Film to take place after the real life death of Paul Walker. It's a more serious and family driven storyline. I'm not quite sure yet If it's better than 5 or 7, but I still enjoyed it a lot.

Takeaways: -Fast Avengers assemble again...but wait...ITS A TRAP?! DOM BETRAYED THEM?!

Things take a dark emotional turn as Dom Torretto is forced to betray his friends and family, because new main Villian Cypher (Charlize Theron with blonde Dreadlocks making her Fast debut) has threatened to kill off his family (its not who you think it is, and There are major spoilers as you read this review)

-Ugh Cypher is an evil scumbag. I always love Charlize Theron as an actress though, and she did a Good job as the main Villian Cypher.

-Once again I love Agent Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) in this sequel. His one liners are hilarious and memorable, and the relationship with his daughter is touching.

-Deck Shaw (Jason Statham) gets out of Prison and becomes one of the Heroes from this point forward in the saga. He has unfinished business with his old nemesis Cypher

-Luke Evans returns as Deck's Brother Owen, and we also meet their mother Magdeline Shaw played by Dame Helen Mireen who was great in her small part.

-But wait an minute...How is Owen Shaw Still Alive?!?! I thought he died in that airplane fight in Fast and Furious 6! But then he is just heavily injured and under guard in the hospital at the 7th movie. I don't get it. I wish that was made more clearer to us. Lol

-Haha Hobbs befriends Dominic Shaw while there are in prison together. Their new "buddy" dynamic here is most likely a set-up for the spin-off movie Hobbs and Shaw.

-Glad to see Mr Nobody (Kurt Russell) back. I like his apprentice, played by Scott Eastwood (The Son of Clint Eastwood, but he is now becoming famous by his own right)

Now as I mentioned before....

SPOILER#1-Elena Neves (Elsa Pataky) returns

SPOILER#2-Elena is killed by Cypher's right hand man, Connor. RIP

SPOILER#3-Elena reveals to Dom that they have a child together. Dom names him Brian Toretto after his brother in law (Also in tribute to the Late Paul Walker)

-it was kinda hard seeing Dom do all the things against his teammates and wife, but I'm glad that it ended with him killing Scumbag Connor, and saving his son. I'm glad that Dom and Letty are still together, and this didn't fracture their marriage (Because Letty understood that Dom was being Blackmailed)

-I love the driving scenes and the final battle in the Snowy Russia mountains.

Conclusion: I enjoyed this sequel alot. I love the emotional Dom Letty story, as well as the action of course. I have a feeling that this will probably be the last very good movie in the series. But prove me wrong.
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Furious 7 (2015)
See You Again.....
30 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Review: it's a fun enjoyable movie and my favorite one in the series. Great Villian, The emotional reconnecting story between Dom and Lettty, and the emotional tribute and send-off for actor Paul Walker are what make this movie.

Takeaways: I originally gave this a 7/10, but decided to bump it up to an 8/10 because I had to consider how moved I was about This send off for Brian O'Connor as well as the emotional arc for Dom and Lettty.

-Brian O Connor (Paul Walker in what had turned out to be his final movie and the final time playing this character) had a fitting concluding story in this movie as he knows that he needs to quit the hero life so he can live for his wife and their Son (and his unborn daughter as it turns out that Mia is pregnant again.) he goes on one last ride with his Former rival turned brother-in-law Dom Torretto. Brian admits though that he will "Miss the Bullets"

-So apparently the original ending, was going to be that Brian O'Connor was never going to give up the hero life, after realizing that is who he his. Also Dom, Brian and the family all go into hiding again and become heroic Robin Hood characters, setting up for more sequels in which Brian could still be a family man and a hero. However this plan was obviously changed because of Paul Walker's death, (Which happened during the middle of filming) So the Movie's Ending was rewritten so that Brian had decided to live a peaceful quiet life with Mia and his children.

Vin diesel and Michelle Rodriguez also carry the movie with their on screen romance as Lettty starts to regain more of her memories, and it is revealed that...SPOILER.... Dom and Lettty had married before The events of Fast 4.

-Jason Stratham is great as the Fast saga's newest main Villian, Deckard Shaw (The brother of Fast 6's main Villian Owen Shaw) who wants vengeance for the death of his brother killed by Dom and his team. He starts by killing Han Lue in Tokyo during the events of Fast 3 Tokyo Drift. Jason Statham debuts here after his Mid credits scene cameo in Fast and Furious 6.

-The racing and action scenes are great. I didn't like that Dom's black car was destroyed.

-Dwayne The Rock Johnson was great again as Luke Hobbs even if he didn't do much this time around. He still was awesome as he carried the Gatling gun, during the final battle scenes.

-and of course the touching song during the final scenes called "See you Again" by Wiz Kalifka and Charlie Puth. The song was written exclusively for this movie and it is written as a touching tribute to Paul Walker

-the ending was great with the last drive with Brian and Dom. I almost that that that was Brian's ghost and not the actual Brian (I don't tknow if that was intended or not, but The fact that Paul walker's remaining scenes were potrayed using CGI and stand-ins may explain this. Well done I might add, because it was almost very convincing.)

Conclusion: This is the high point of the fast series because of everything In mentioned above. The series will also not be quite the same without Brian O'Connor moving forward. He was one of my favorite characters along with Dom and Hobbs. Part of me wishes that the series had just ended here, as they are sorta now dragging the series out with the more recent sequels. Ah well, Universal gotta make bucks

We will See you again in Heaven Paul Walker.

RIP Paul Walker 1973-2013.
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Furious 6 (2013)
Gets more fast and more furious
30 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Review: Fast Five was the perfect model for the FF franchise moving Forward, and Fast 6 also brings more of what was great about the predecessor. I'm not quite sure why a sequel was necessary, because I loved how the fifth movie ended. However, this sequel does not dissapoint and it is one of my favorites.

Takeaways: -after being teased about her survival at the fifth movie's end credits stinger is is officially confirmed here.... Letty is Alive!!! She has amnesia though and is partners with the new main Villian Owen Shaw (Luke Evans) Dom vows to bring her back and help her remember.

-Dom also has the help of not just Brian and the rest of the team, But also Agent Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) who had promised to give Dom Brian and everyone else, a full pardon for their actions in the previous movies which resulted in them being in the run.

-I love that Brian and Mia are now Parents to a little Boy!

-I like how Elena was understanding of the whole thing, even though she was sad about ending things with Dom. She knew deep down, that he still loved Letty, and that she was his true love. I loved how it was handled here instead of a cringey back and forth yelling moment.

-RIP Giselle (Gal Gadot) her death (though there is a chance she may have survived) was shocking as well as Heartbreaking for Han (Sung kang) that is the reason for his departure and why he was at Tokyo. (Movie 6 is also a prequel to the Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift.)

-The final Airplane Shodown was incredible and one of the best scenes of the entire Series (in my opinion)

-Conclusion: it's more of the same from Fast five, but that is a good thing. Some People think that "more of the same" is boring, but in this case, they didn't fix what isn't broken.

MID CREDITS SCENE: we find out who truly killed Han during the events of Tokyo was Owen Shaw's older brother: Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham) setting him up as the main antagonist for Furious 7!
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Fast Five (2011)
Now this is more like it!
30 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Review: Definitley the turning point of the Fast Franchise for the better. Mainly because of the action Heist feel and the inclusion of The Rock!

Takeaways: -Though Racing is still a big part of the movie and the Fast series, the series starting with this movie, now takes more inspiration from Heist and spy movies such as Mission impossible, and Oceans Eleven. More focus is on pulling off heists against criminals.

-Dwayne Johnson, makes his debut as no-nonsense Recovery Agent Luke Hobbs, sent to arrest Dom and his friends after Dom escaped the prison transport at the end of the fourth movie. The Texas Lawman, Luke Hobbs is a heroic good guy character, and he is mainly doing his job when pursuing Dom and Brian. However they both eventually join forces to take out their common enemy, Drug lord Hernando Reyes. The Rock himself had played a huge part in the success of this film, and he also did the same in the 6th, 7th, and 8th films.

-So the story was that the moviemakers had originally envisioned Tommy Lee Jones to play Luke Hobbs, but Star/Producer Vin Diesel decided to get Dwayne Johnson cast after hearing from fans on how much they would love to see Vin brawl against "The Rock"

-Elsa Pataky (Mrs Chris Hemsworth) also debuts as Officer Elena Neves who becomes Dom's new love interest. She helps Dom continue to cope with Letty's death.

-Roman Pierce and Tej Parker (and Eva Mende's Monica Fuentes in a cameo) also return for the first time since 2 Fast 2 Furious. They help form Dom's team to bust the bad guys. I love the Friendship that Roman and Tej form. It's funny how they make girl chasing as their competition lol

-Enter the Fast Avengers!

-Fast five I heard was originally intended to be the last one of the series, but because of this sequel's mega success, they decided to film more movies.

Conclusion: The franchise has been retooled and revamped as the movies now make sure that the action doesn't let up for a second!
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Beautiful Tokyo setting, and awesome racing!
29 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Review: As with the second movie, this movie is more of a stand-alone feature, and not a direct follow-up to the Fast and The Furious 2001. However the story is good as are the two leads in this movie. The script could have used work though.

Takeaways: -Director justin Lin does a good job with the visuals and the action and racing scenes. No wonder the Fast producers asked him to come back to direct the sequels.

-Lucas black was believable as trouble young street racer Sean, who is sent to live with his navy father in Tokyo by his mother to stay out of trouble. He befriends Street Racer/gangster Han Lue, who teaches him how to drift. I like this character, but he is a hot-head.

-Later on Lucas Black would star in 6 seasons of NCIS New Orleans as Agent Chris Lasalle.

-Sung Kang was great as Han Lue. I love how this drifter is edgy yet kind. We didn't know that So much hurt happened to him before this (explored in the other fast movies when he lost his girlfriend)

-Bow Wow (Aka Shad Moss) plays Sean's friend and sidekick as they race against the gangsters in the end.

-The Cars are beautiful and of course the racing was intense.

-Hey was that Brad Taylor (Zach Tyler Bryan) for home improvement?

-The script could have been a little better. Some scenes and dialogue I just cringed at.

-I loved the ending scene with.... VIN DIESEL!!!! DOM TORRETTO IS BACK!!! WHOOOO!!!

Also be sure to watch Furious 7 after this because it shows a lot more of Han's death and that a man who wanted revenge was responsible.
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Fun buddy Cop Movie yet something felt missing
29 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Review: The sequel to the 2001 movie was a fun movie, but it isn't really among the best in the series. Because of important characters from the first movie, that were absent here, It felt more like a spin-off than an actual sequel .

Takeaways -Paul walker is back as Brian O Conner. He is now longer a cop, having left the police force after deciding to not arrest Dom. He is now a full time street racer, and races amongst the likes of others. However Brian is arrested and the Police Captain promises to have his criminal record wiped clean if he participates in one last undercover assignment. Investigating a crime lord shipping drugs.

-Tyrese Gibson debuts in the fast series as Roman Pierce, Brian's close friend. This was before he got rich and did complaining in the sequels. Lol

-Chris "Ludacris" Bridges also debuts as Street Racer Tej Parker. (He later became known for his computer skills in later films)

The action was great

Bryan's car and the other cars still look nice

-Conclusion-I don't know why but something felt off.... Oh I know what it is...Vin Diesel (Dom) isn't it!! That's why! Also Mia and Letty's absence was also felt. This really didn't feel like a sequel to me, but more of a spin-off.
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Time to race!
29 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Review: it's a pretty good movie with a good story and great likeable cast such as Paul Walker and Vin Diesel. If you like racing, drama heist action movies, then this is for you.


-The Original is great and works flawlessly as a standalone, because it is Story driven and not racing or action driven. (As the sequels all were)

-Vin Diesel Paul Walker Michelle Rodriguez and Jordana Brewster are perfectly cast and they all compliment each other well.

-Vin Diesel plays Street Racer/expert thief Dominic "Dom" Torretto while Paul Walker plays Undercover Cop Brian O Connor, who is sent to spy on and arrest Dom after earning his trust. However things get complicated for Brian when he ends up falling in love with Don's Sister Mia (Jordana Brewster) as well as Brian forming a friendship with Dom. Brian struggles with the fact that he will have to throw away his new relationships in order for him to complete his job.

Michelle Rodriguez is also enjoyable to watch as Don's girlfriend/Partner in crime, Leticia "Letty" Ortiz. Their Bonnie and Clyde chemistry was perfect.

The cinematography was great and I love the sunset scenes and "summertime" vibes.

The Cars were great. I love Brian's car and Don's Dodge Charger. They were the best.

Conclusion: it's a good "Small story" movie, that of course lead to many many Sequels. The Fast and The Furious became a blockbuster film franchise afterwards, and this was just the start.
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Very vulgar. Very gritty. Very good!
16 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Review: man the first suicide squad movie was not the spectacular film that it somhoukd have been. However this sequel titled THE Suicide Squad (which serves as basically a "restart") makes you forget about that dull piece of crap 2016 movie.

Takeaways: -Warner Bros and DC Comics Films tried and failed the first time to make the Suicide Squad their Version of Marvel's Guardians of The Galaxy. So this time ironically, it made perfect sense to bring in James Gunn To Direct this sequel.

-Gunn makes this movie fun while also keeping it serious.

Idris Elba was really great as Robert DuBois/Bloodsport, the skull- helmeted mercenary who had killed Superman with a Kryptonite Bullet. Being forced to being included in the new suicide squad to lessen his prison sentence, Bloodsport becomes a leader to the team, and arguably the main hero of the film.

Elba was originally supposed to replace the departing Will smith's role as Deadshot, but Gunn and the producers felt that they should make Elba play a new character in the event that Will Smith wanted to reprise Deadshot in another sequel.

John Cena is also the standout as Brutal anti-hero Christopher Smith/The Peacemaker: A man who is so committed to Peace and prosperity to the world, that he will Kill people for it. A man committed to bringing Truth and Justice at all costs...even murdering.

For those who followed John Cena's career as a WWE Wrestler, should remember that his wrestling character was a "Babyface" (Good Guy fan favorite) but even so, some fans booed him and called him a fake and a sellout. Cena the wrestler has some parallels to the Peacemaker: a man so deluded that he is good, and doesn't realize that he isn't.

-of course Gunn brings in his buddy actors he usually includes in his films such as Michael Rooker, Nathan Fillion, Jennifer Holland (Gunn's Wife)

Lots of Blood and Gore shooting and stabbing. Rated R

Lots of Swearing and bad words. Rated R

-The costumes were great! They just scream "Comic-Book Movie" which is the point. They shouldn't force realism and seriousness. This is a comic-book movie for crying out loud!! The superheroes (In this case Anti-Heroes) and supervillians SHOULD be dressed in colorful costumes. Not the black leather stripper costumes from Bryan Singer's X-Men Movies. Lol

-However My one Criticism in this movie is shockingly Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn. (Returning from the first movie) Harley Quinn, the famous Joker Sidekick and Insane Villian/Anti-Heroine has been relegated as a glorified cameo here. She has almost Zero Story and Zero character Development in this film, and she is just there to smash people with hammers and blow out brains.

However Margot Robbie did a phenomenal Acting Job playing her again in this movie! She is great!

Also the cussing and blood could have been toned down a bit. Bug that's just me.

-In Conclusion, Gunn knows these Comic Book movies. He gets these movies. DC Comic films need to rely on his creativity and storytelling more.
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Predator (1987)
Another Iconic Villian. Another Iconic Arnie role.
28 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Review: -One of the best Action movies of the 1980s and an overall feel good thriller. Arnold Schwarseneggar scores again here!

Take Aways:

-Arnold was great and so was Carl Weathers as the good guys. Military dudes that can kick butt.

-I am more of a predator fan as apposed to Alien. But I think that the 1987 predator is the only good one out of the series.

-The predator (Yajuta is the name of their species) is an intergalactic game Hunter, who is really neither evil or good. He hunts because it it sport. He only hunts the dangerous armed vicious "Game" across the universe.

The predator's mask is sleek and cool as is his shoulder canon, throwing circular blades and sharp blades.

When the predator takes off his helmet..

Arnold: You are one ugly.... MF. (no we can't cuss on IMDB lol. But yeah it's the MF Word.)


There is a true spookiness and sense of danger of an alien hunter stalking his prey in the jungle.

-Dillion you just don't get it...We are being hunted.

-If it bleeds...We can kill it!

The ending was great. Good guy wins!

Conclusion: this is one movie you need to watch! The Predator is a great space Villian. Too bad the sequels stank. Lol.
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Pretty good insight in the "Skynet War"
26 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Review: Terminator goes in a new direction as opposed to the first 3 movies, as it is set in the Future War period. It has flaws, but the acting of Both leads Christian Bale and Sam Worthington carry the movie.

Takeaways: The story could have had a better pacing.

McG does a good job directing and portaging the grittniness of the dark future. But I wish we saw more of the blue Nightime scenery of T1 and T2. We only see a few glimpses of it.

Christian Bale is just awesome dead-on casting as the future soldier John Conner (The older John that I wanted to see more of)

Sam Worthington is also compelling to watch as the mysterious new Character Marcus Wright. Most of the movie is around him, his story and his "Ressurection" as the First "Perfect" infiltrator Unit aka Proto T-800. However his humanity (and human heart) is what makes him a hero and a good guy.

Anton Yelchin (RIP) was perfect casting as the young Kyle Reese, and along with Marcus, he is also the main focus of the story as John Tries to save his future Father. Though I wish that it was better explained how the machines knew that Kyle would be John's father.

-Others such as Bryce Dallas Howard, Common, and Moon Bloodgood, delivered in their roles and were believable. However they were just kinda there in the story.

-I wish there was an actual acknowledgment of Kate Connor being pregnant and the filmmakers not just showing us her semi-ambiguous baby bump and expect us to figure it out ourselves. Just dumb.

-the ending was good and appropriate, but it was too safe. I wish that they would have done the planned original ending and have John Connor die and Marcus taking on his face, and becoming the terminator resistance leader. That was much cooler than what we got.

Conclusion: It was flawed but it was a good future war terminator movie.
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