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I struggled to love it
21 April 2024
I saw this film twice because I wanted to see it with my Ghostbusters fan friend and see if this film got better with my second viewing. I seriously wanted to love this movie. The TV spots and trailers looked awesome. This had to be the best Ghostbusters sequel yet! Nope. In fact, this might be the worst.

There's a great Ghostbusters film in this movie. There really is but studio meddling hurt the film. My first time viewing it, I walked out of the film feeling like I just got out of work. Throughout most of the film I struggled to care about anything going on and I was drained. When the actual Ghostbusters show up, I perked up a little bit. However, I should be loving this. All that stuff at the library should have been beyond exciting but not even that.

Then when I saw it again, I figured out the exact moment when I stopped caring and I struggled to get that same investment I had in the film up to this point. That scene is when Phoebe and Podcast and go into that diner for a ghost call and Phoebes ghost girlfriend is sitting at one of the tables. It was that moment and that moment on where my investment in the film cratered and I tried desperately to get back into the film.

These two characters are nothing but a vacuum that sucks the fun and investment of the film into a netherworld that you will never get back. Their scenes mainly consist of "Hey hey sure whatever" and I'm left shouting "what is the point? Move forward! Stop wasting time." And apparently, the studio told the filmmakers they had to cut 20 minutes of this movie two weeks before it premiered. Why werent these scenes cut down?

So many characters and scenes could have gotten the axe with the plethora of characters flooding this film to the point where they move the brother to Slimer duties that had no real purpose in the film. Sunny and Podcast return and add nothing. They should have eliminated them and gave the scenes from Podcast to the brother.

But theres lots to like too. Dan Ackroyd is at his best here and I'm glad Winston and Murray return too. They have a couple cool new ghosts like Pukey and Possessor that were great additions and say what you want about the new villain, but at least finally the Ghostbusters face a new villain.

I'm hoping for a directors cut because there is a lot to like in a movie that is dragged down by an extremely boring subplot that gives you Rings of Power vibes in a potentially great Ghostbusters film.
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Madame Web (2024)
The Worst
15 February 2024
My nephew and I went to see a bad film on Valentines Day to encapsulate our love life. My nephew said his spider senses were tingling once we arrived at the theater telling him this movie will be worse than we thought.

He was right.

This is incompetence at another level. The acting is incompetent, filming is incompetent, and even the villain was incompetent. He sprouts off dialogue that not even a real life villain would say. Hes not even threat since everything hits him as the girls run from him. The same thing even happens twice where he terrorizes the girls and the main chick hits him with the car.

Everyone is insufferable and nobody is likeable. Like the main chick leaves the girls in the woods for hours and does pretty much nothing as night falls and they are still stuck in the woods wondering if the person they never got to know will come back for them. When she does, she tells at them for leaving the woods.

I only like the character of Ben who apparently is Ben Parker, Spidermans dad. Other than that, everything else is abysmal. No wonder Hollywood is failing. Avoid.
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Hollywood, Take Note
7 December 2023
Godzilla Minus One is the best Godzilla movie ever made. It's so well made, it deserves to sweep the Oscar's. It's so good, that you will rediscover lost filmmaking in this. They may not make films like that anymore in America, but leave it to the Asians to rediscover that magic.

The film focuses on a kamikaze pilot who freaked out seeing Godzilla and his crew ends up killed. He ends up finding love and a baby and Godzilla returns. It's just an emotional journey with an incredible pay off.

Currently, the film has been extended its theatrical run and I encourage the world to go see it. This will be my last film of the year and what a film to go out on. Best film in years!
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Equal Fun!
10 September 2023
If you love the first two movies and would love to see Denzel kicking butt again, this movie is for you. This time Denzel is in Italy beating up a gang that's trying to run the whole town. The villains are fun to hate and love the set up of Denzel giving these guys what they deserve.

The only gripe I have about this movie and a lack of depth to Denzels character and the overall story but that's really about it. After I left this movie, this movie reminded me why I love these movies so much.

I hope Denzel would reprise this character. What we really need is Denzel vs Keanu vs Nobody vs Liam Neeson. Now that's a crossover I can get behind!
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Let Truth Set Me Free
5 August 2023
Okay, so I just watched this movie free on Youtube and yes I have seen this movie in the theaters and I even bought it on VHS. The thing is I was young then and I was lying to myself that this movie was any good. Now that I'm older I can safely say that this is one of the worst movies I ever seen. The only thing saving it is Kenneth Brannagh as the villain. He was a lot of fun. Everything else in this movie is just an absolute mess.

For instance, I get Will Smith is Jim West but I really don't think slavery worked that way. Not only that, this doesn't even feel like some coherent world. Is this some other world with alien human people? It just doesn't feel like a cohesive world.

Then some of the jokes that weren't good in the first place drags on for too long. Then when you find out that the humor was added later makes a whole lot of sense since none of them land. Throughout watching this movie, everything is just bad. Everything put on screen is just bad.

So a movie that I lied to myself is any good turns out to be one of the worst movies I ever seen. It took over twenty years for me to realize that.
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One Last Adventure....
11 July 2023
Many people were hating on this film a month in advance and as much as they tried, the audience rejected this film. With Phoebe Waller Bridge getting second credit, I didn't have much faith in this film myself despite really liking every clip I saw.

And it turned out to be a good film. Sure, it had its flaws but I saw it with my nephew who whispered to me how awesome that first twenty minutes was. Also, even though her character is nasty, Phoebe's Helena didn't bother me as much as I thought other than I question how this kind of character can progress pass this film but if audience indication is anything, she's not going far.

Personally, I don't care how old Harrison Ford is, it's always a treat to see him with the whip and hat. Even though I liked the film, I still feel like he deserved better. Sallah should have came on the journey and Short Round should have at least made a cameo.

Voller could have been a better villain but forever he will be known as the teleporting villain. His goons were memorable and I wish they had a better end for the film. Speaking of the end, well, it's not that great but then again, I didn't have high praise for Kingdom of the Crystal Skull's ending either.

Unfortunately, as of this writing, Indiana Jones has been defeated at the box office by Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning part 1. I enjoyed the film for what it was but I get why people are getting tired of Disney turning out heroes into broken losers. See Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Buzz Lightyear, Willow.... you get the point. Time to stop hating on your characters and respect the fans, Disney!
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Jim Carrey is a Treasure
11 April 2022
Mostly seen it for Jim Carrey who is amazing, as always. Cast and crew looked like they had fun making this and thankfully they stuck close to the source material. One of, if not THE best video game movie of all time.
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31 August 2020
My nephew looked forward to seeing this at the theater but they decided to show this on stream instead. So my sister and I came to his place to watch it. After the movie was over, my sister told my nephew never to make a movie like that.

The movie centers around Bill and Ted raising daughters instead of sons because of the times. In fact, there's a diversity checklist throughout the whole movie.

Basically both Bill and Ted must go through to different future iterations of themselves so they can steal the music from then to unite the world and save reality. You see, reality becomes weirder and weirder as the film goes on. The same group who sent them on this mission also sends a shy robot to kill them.

Meanwhile their daughters also go through time to find all the musicians for their music like Jimmi Hendrix, Louie Armstrong and Mozart.

The sad thing is that the movie comes off dull and stupid and just seems like even the movie doesn't care about its own story. Death returns from Bogus Journey near the end and he does fine for what he has to work with. I predicted the ending but it was actually even worse than that because the movie just ends and that's it. There's an after credits scene that was ok.

I'm not sure if anyone was waiting for this movie or not, but I'll stick with the first one. I guess it's good to see Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter together one last time but let's hope it is the last time.
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Best Video Game Movie Is Sonic
14 February 2020
I must admit, I was excited to see this movie. In fact, I came all the way from Spain to see it. There's no films I want to see for awhile after this so time to sit at the theater all by myself on Valentine's Day and see a kids film. Yeah.

Basically Sonic lost his rings and wants Donut Lord (James Marsden) to drive him from Green Hills to San Francisco. Meanwhile, they are being chased by Dr Robotnik (Jim Carrey) and the adventure begins.

It's a very fun, entertaining movie. Honestly the whole family should enjoy this. Jim Carrey is a lot of fun in this movie and I enjoyed every scene stealing scene from him.

Now I couldn't quite place my finger on it, but then I realized that Sonic reminds me of the Emperor from Emperor's New Groove with a splash of Deadpool. Also if you seen Quicksilver from the X-Men movies when everything slows and he's running around being a goofball and you love that? Well there's a lot of that and pop culture references in this movie. I also like how Sonic mentions chili dogs from his animated series.

Seriously it's a lot of fun and I highly recommend everyone to see this movie. Even by yourself like I did. It's a fun movie and Jim Carrey is a blast!
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The Best Of The Series
1 February 2020
If you were to show someone one episode to get them into the Young Indiana Jones series, this would be it. I believe this episode was made to shut up the naysayers that this series is bad. Many had complained that it isn't like the films it spawned from. They listened.

In this one, Young Indy and his pal Remy take the wrong train in East Africa and get mixed up with a bunch of old geezers known as "The Old and The Bold." In order for them to help them back to their unit, Indy has to take a little side mission to stop a phantom train with one big glorious action scene on the plane. Then for the second half, they have to capture a German military mastermind Colonel Paul Von Lettow-Vorbeck. Many say the film slows down at this point, but I love the relationship they have with this guy.

It's not all perfect. There are still some of those George Lucas ridiculous moments like when one of them has to balance on a rope to get across one car of the train to the other while being shot at. However, the action scenes are magnificent and the score is just as good as any other Indiana Jones film.
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There was a video game of this....
29 January 2020
Many years back, I played a Super Nintendo game called Dinocity. There was talks that it was based on some film that I have never heard of. Years later, thanks to the internet, I saw such movie.

It was terrible.

I'm sure kids will like it. This looks like the type of film I would love if I saw it was a kid. I'll watch the Super Mario Bros movie before I ever watch this thing again.

It's about three kids who gets sucked into an animated cartoon in a science lab and end up in a dinosaur world. They befriend some talking dinosaurs named Rex and Topps and have to stop another dinosaur named Mr Big and his band of cavemen.

The acting is really bad but the girl playing Jamie is hot. This is more for the kids as it's rather forgettable and I just watched it and I forgot most of the movie already.
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One Of My Favs
10 January 2020
When I started collecting the soundtracks to the series, the first one picked up was the soundtrack to this one. In fact, this soundtrack won an Emmy. It was so good that I became a fan of George Gershwin and Rhapsody in Blue.

This one mostly deals with Indy being part of a production in New York while juggling three women at the same time. One of these women is the boss's daughter. Oops.

If there is one thing I enjoyed with this one: that would be the casting. They bring so much life to the characters. The three leading ladies (one played by Anne Heche) are a delight, and the guts playing Mr. White and George Gershwin are a riot.

The whole thing leads to a huge stage production with an important audience and Indy trying to save the show. It's rather entertaining and the music is phenomenal. This, to me, is one of the best episodes.
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The Inspiration for the Genesis Game
9 January 2020
This was part of the four Young Indiana Jones films that came out in 1995. In this one, Indy and Remy try to end the war but fail and Remy becomes a spy cook and Indy a photographer. Apparently nobody last long with this job.

Then Indy and his pilot get shot down and captured. We never hear from the pilot again but Indy has dinner with the Red Baron and the Germans and they politely escort him on a transport truck. Then an action scene occurs and Indy escapes before the big showdown with the Red Baron.

Then the last segment has Indiana Jones in Germany as a secret spy and even gets parachuted in and has to hide the parachute before a German spits him. Here he has to deflect Anthony Fokker from building a super weapon from the Germans.

This one is a really good and exciting episode that made me want to learn more about Red Baron and even Fokker. The DVD set has documentaries on them which is a welcome edition. I highly recommend it for history buffs.
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It's The TV Version of the Films
8 January 2020
I like this one because it's the closest I've seen in the series that is like the Indiana Jones Films. I would love to see more episodes like this.

So Young Indy and his friend Remy come home from the war and with a map and some dying soldier telling them about the eye of the peacock, they decide to go treasure hunting.

They meet a girl and get into some hi jinks as they are following some one eyed man that they get into fights with. There's a pretty cool fight on the boat with a bunch of pirates. Then the film goes pure Lucas on an island as they are captured by natives. Then Indy meets some guy who teaches him that he doesn't need the diamond which negates his fortune of glory in Temple of Doom.

This is an action packed thrill ride with a wonderful score by Steven Bramson. Some say the last third is boring since there's no longer any action but I liked the performances here and this is technically the last you see of Remy in the timeline. I wish there was a third season to flesh out the story. It's a great series!
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Indy's Better Child Chronicles
7 January 2020
I'm not really a big fan of the child Young Indy episodes but this one is actually one of the better ones.

The first half takes place in Vienna in 1908 which makes Indy nine years old. For some reason, he falls in love with a young princess at nine years old. I guess Lucas was practicing for Phantom Menace. Not only that, but he gets love advice from Freud of all people. However, I love the cinematography on this one and the music from Laurence Rosenthal. Speaking of Phantom Menace, Shmi Skywalker is in this one.

The second one has Indy's mom being hit on by Giacomo Puccini who is an opera composer. I like this one too because it finally gives his mom some character. The ending was really done well.

So yeah, Perils of Cupid was pretty good. Trust me, not every episode of this series was a winner but I always found something to like.
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The Only Ghost Is The Franchise
25 December 2019
It took me years to watch this one. The first two Home Alone movies are great. I might like the second a little more than the first but it really is a battle for first. I used to hate the third one until I saw part 4 and now it's up to okay. The fourth one was abysmal.

So now we have Holiday Heist as another way to cash in on the franchise. I think I like the story on this one a little bit more but I can't for the life of me figure out why Malcolm McDowell is in this. I guess since it worked for Joe Peschi, it should work for him.

So like this kid who is obsessed with video games moves in with his parents and his sister into a new house. Kid (who's name is Finn) thinks the house is haunted so he sets traps for the ghosts. Meanwhile Malcolm McDowell, Snoop Dogg and some chick are planning to break into the house to steal some painting so naturally this leads to what all Home Alone movies lead to: the traps.

As expected, they are pretty lame. Like Malcolm McDowell gets wrapped like a present, thrown downstairs and end up under a Christmas tree. Poor Malcolm even hangs upside down on Christmas lights. Chick gets stuck in a window. I mean, the traps are better than 4 but that film is so bad that anything can only go up from there.

Now that I can say I watched all the Home Alone movies, I'll pretend the last two doesn't exist. Every now and then on Christmas, I'll watch the third one but the first two is always a Christmas tradition. This one is not.
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This Trilogy Doesn't Deserve The Emperor
19 December 2019
So I saw the final chapter in the Disney Star Wars trilogy and I didn't think it was garbage. I thought Force Awakens was ok, Last Jedi was garbage, and I thought this one was the Revenge of the Sith. I was shocked.

It's not perfect by any means. There was a few points of lame especially near the end and some moments where Disney dropped the ball. But I felt the good outweighs the bad.

There's one moment in the film that harkens back to Empire Strikes Back that involved a character we all know and love with the same music from that film. It put a smile on my face. There was a few other emotional moments as well.

Look, my standards were low and all I asked for is to entertain me and be better than The Last Jedi. It delivered. I'm thankful we get to see these characters one last time. Oh, and Billy Dee Williams still got it as Lando.

As far as The Emperor is concerned.... well I don't care how he's back, I'm just glad he's back.
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You Better Not Pout!
13 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What is up with the overacting in this movie? Seriously most of these actors act way over the top! Of course with a premise like this, I guess nobody took this seriously. At least it has an extremely young Mila Kunis in it.

The film is starts off with Hulk Hogan beating up his servants in his mansion for sport. Then they all go out to the mall getting chased by cops (played by Clint Howard, who's awesome in anything), and then Hulk gets knocked out in a garbage chute and loses his memory.

He then befriends a rat elf named Lenny and he thinks he's Santa. Then we get a cross between a lame Bad Santa scene where kids are sitting on his lap being obnoxious, and then a lame Jingle All The Way scene where he fights off some burglars with candy canes.

Soon Santa Hulk defends an orphanage against the evil Ed Begley Jr and his cartoon villain henchmen. He also has this mad scientist in his team who does practically nothing but be a mad scientist. Apparently Ed Begley Jr wants this orphanage of only three kids.

This is an obscure Christmas film for a reason. It sucks. It takes place in Sunny California and the only thing that makes it feel like Christmas is the Christmas music and the Santa scene at the mall. Oh, and Hulk is dressed like Santa through the whole movie.

But the funniest part of all is the ending. You see, the woman who runs the orphanage is the one that saves the day. Not Santa Hulk which makes her the hero of the movie. What great writing there. If you like bad movies and would really like to see some bad Christmas movie just because, then this movie is right up your alley.
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Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath (2005 Video Game)
I Waited Many Years To Play This Game
29 November 2019
I reviewed this game on Gamefaqs but admittedly I didn't complete it until now. Now that I completed it, I have a new outlook on the game and it's actually one of the best games that I've played.

I never owned an X-Box but I did buy this game in hopes that I would play it on my sister's X-Box. I never did. Finally, years later, I played it on my phone and I must say that this is probably one of if not the best games I played in awhile.

You play as a big lion like creature named Stranger who is out collecting bounties to pay for an unknown surgery. Later in the game, you come across a bounty on a Steef which would pay for the bounty, and the story goes on from there.

At first, I thought the game was boring and I didn't really play it until many months later. When I finally got into it, I got used to the controls and became better at it. Then I learned that this is a pretty fun game. The object is that you go into different towns and choose which outlaw you want to go after at the bounty store. They can either be captured dead or alive but it's more moolah if he's captures alive.

Then you go to the path where the townspeople tell you to go to and find the outlaw. There are different things that happen and each outlaw is unique in their own way. Once you learn the game's functions, however, it becomes a breeze on how to take each one down. Sometimes it can be difficult like one that has these shields you have to take out, or one that has armor on them but after tinkering around, you should have no trouble in figuring them out.

This is also a long game. Sometimes you might think you are near the end, but the game keeps going. I'm actually sad that I beat it as I enjoyed playing and even occupied myself in social gatherings with this. Oddworld has such a unique world with unique characters and Stranger is a pretty interesting protagonist.

I heard this game didn't sell well which is a surprise. I never got into the other Oddworld games but this one drew me in. It's a shame there wasn't a sequel to this as I would have loved to continue Stranger's adventures. It's a fun game and I would love to see a reimagined remake or a full-fledged sequel.
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Movie Marathon With Wife: Round One
27 November 2019
Well, I live in Spain and there really isn't anything playing here until Star Wars comes out (and that will be in Spanish which is a bummer to me) so I decided to watch some films that I loved as a child but now watching them with the wife. The first of these films is House 2: The Second Story.

When I was a kid, I was psyched to see this. I used to collect Fangoria magazines and I used to marvel at the pictures. After seeing it, I was obsessed with the movie and even wrote a similar story of my own. Now years later, I wonder if my adult self think my younger self is nuts?

Well, no, actually. I can see why kids would like this movie. House 2 is about a young couple and inherit this house and his best friend and girlfriend come over. They discover his zombie grandpa is still alive with this crystal skull and they hide him in the basement. Evil forces from alternative universes in rooms of the house are out to get the skull, and if they get it, his grandpa will die.

It's a fun movie with creatures that might be laughed at today, but I still find them impressive. Like caterpuppy. How can you not love caterpuppy. It's a caterpillar that acts like a puppy and it's pretty darn cute. There's also this prehistoric bird in the mix who at one scene steals the crystal skull and tries to outrun our heroes in a kitchen in the middle of a party.

The movie runs by pretty fast. I always liked that Cliff Claven was in this movie. His appearance is always welcome. I found the movie a lot of fun and much better than the sequels that followed. Good choice, young self. The wife liked it too.
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Breaking El Fan Service
15 October 2019
I watched Breaking Bad religiously through the seasons over and over at one point. It's my favorite series next to The Wonder Years. I was a little late in watching this because of life stuff but now that I had time to sit down and watch it, I'm glad I did.

El Camino follows right after the events of Breaking Bad which I think is a mistake. Everyone aged by this point and I know it's obvious with Better Call Saul but it's more obvious here. When Jesse was screaming in his car at the end, his beard wasn't that long. Todd had noticeable gained weight and even Skinny Pete and Badger don't look the same anymore. I think this movie would have been even better if it picked up some years later and maybe have Jesse struggling with a new life instead. Also the flashbacks felt unneeded other than to deliver fan service.

I still enjoyed it but some aspects was a little distracting. One flashback had Jesse with a gun in front of Todd and it just seemed out of character that he didn't just shoot him. I get why because of continuity but why have the scene in the first place?

But hey, every Breaking Bad fan should check it out. I'm happy they made it.
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Scary or Die (2012)
My Wife's Terror Films
9 October 2019
So as part of the horror film watching my wife had us watch this movie together after dissing one of my recommended horror films.

This film is awful.

Sad because I really like horror films like these where there are different stories which leads to something bad happening at the end. Problem is this one felt like a student film.

It doesn't start off well at all. Some girl and these hicks go out to the Mexican desert and turns out these hicks kill these Mexicans in the back of the truck. Girl gets upset over this and they are attacked by zombies. The ending doesn't make sense but you can say that to about every segment here.

The second one, to me, is probably the better of the segments mainly because at least we have a likeable protagonist. This Japanese guy who misses his dead wife comes across this girl who looks like his wife but then gets kidnapped by this white dude. He ends up saving her and gets invited to a party where it makes even less sense than the last segment.

The third one has this guy with a body in the trunk and the story that leads to him being pulled over. There's not much to it than that and the payoff really isn't that great.

The fourth is the longest of the segments about some clown who bites this guy and he turns into some demon clown who is looking for revenge on the other clown and how he misses his son. I've seen this story done better in movies simply titled "Clown" but this one did have the most effort put in. The makeup effects, I must admit, looked pretty good. However, it's marred by some questionable acting and shoddy camera work. They used this for the cover and this will probably be the most remembered.

Then the last segment honestly didn't make much sense and it's very boring. Luckily it's short.

All and all, if you have to watch something new for Halloween and like these segment films.... I still can't recommend this unless you like really bad movies and want to riff with your friends. If you can get intoxicated before you watch, even better.
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Joker (I) (2019)
My First Movie With The Wife
9 October 2019
I saw Joker with the wife in Spain. It's really difficult to get her to the movies since she's more of a horror movie (they call it terror films in Spain) buff but she was excited for Joker.

We both loved it. I felt really bad for Arthur Fleck during the movie and the wife and I cringed at the comedy scene. One thing I found interesting is that when you see his card and his notebook, they filmed it in Spanish for its Spanish audience.

Throughout the movie, it was hard to figure out if he's imagining certain scenes or not. Early on he imagines himself on the Murray Franklin (Robert De Niro) Show and this establishes that he develops things in his mind.

By the time of his transformation, you pretty much feel for the guy despite the criminal acts he has done. The film does a 180 at the end and changes your perspective of the whole film. This movie is brilliant.
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Rambozo: Last Blood
22 September 2019
As the last movie I'm seeing in America before I go back to Spain, this one did entertain. It feels a lot different than the other Rambos. I never thought the series would end with him being a cowboy. I can sum this movie up by giving it the tag line: "Taken Meets Home Alone." Some of the same things in Taken happen in this movie and then it's like Liam Neeson went all Home Alone and booby trapped his house.

The movie is about Rambo searching for his adoptive daughter and runs into the Mexican cartel. Rambo becomes Rambo and it's cool. Worth seeing.
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Rocketman (I) (2019)
It's A Musical
22 September 2019
I was really hoping Rocketman was a biopic of Elton John much like how Bohemian Rhapsody was. It's nothing like Bohemian Rhapsody. It's a musical about him dealing with homosexuality. It felt like everything was given to him as he went along. And yes, it's a musical.

I don't normally bash on musicals because I actually like them but this one wasn't advertised as one. I guess the performances were fine but I doubt I'll ever see the Elton John movie again.
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