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A show of culinary diversity
14 April 2024
In the first quarter of the episode they make a crab-based recipe that was really cool and to me, surprising.

Then we get an explanation of mexican coffee culture and coffee fields. Fun fact: they eat the coffee flowers. And apparently the texture is very good.

Then we get some history about the slaves and the black population of the country. Apparently some of them broke free and earned their own land.

After that we get a highlight: Vanilla production! So cool. They say Madagascar produces 80% of the world's vanilla. Now we know. Then they cook vanilla chicken, which is like, what? That surprised me.

Later on Eva tries some interesting fried Jalapeno soup which looks very different. Of course just like about everything, she has to react positively and say she loves it. No matter what.

In the end there isn't some big conclusion wrapping up the series, the episode just ends like any other, which I was not happy about.
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Delightful - but bring your reading glasses
14 April 2024
Overall a really fun episode. They use so much lime here. Seriously. A lot. Other than that, the episode is exceptionally well-shot and the cinematography is on point.

Out of all the episodes this contains the most amount of spanish speaking so be prepared for the subtitle reading if you don't speak the language.

In this one they tell you why in some parts of Mexico they eat a lot of goat meat, and I found the explanation surprising, but it also made sense. There are historical reasons.

In the last part they have some footage about the process of making tequila, and show an example of the differences in cooking methods between cheap and pricy restaurants. It was informative.
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Good Time For The Family
8 November 2023
It's a heartily funny late sequel to it's predecessor released in 2006. In the beginning the movie gives a strong Harry Potter vibe and it was interesting how they spread out the screen time between the different characters, the ones we begin with are not the main characters for most of the movie.

There were plenty of moments that made me laugh and Christoph Maria Herbst is terrific again as King Julius. The new characters also worked well and the fun factor was definitely present. But this sequel doesn't come close to the charm and inventiveness of the first part, especially as my biggest criticism here is probably Hui Buh himself. What's frightening is that the visual effects look cheaper after so many years and the dubbing often didn't match the mouth movements very well.

Nevertheless, I can't hold all this against the film so drastically and as a children's film and fun entertainment for the slightly younger audience and due to my penchant for nostalgia, the film is still worth seeing.
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Love Film (2018)
Unmined potential
6 November 2023
Love Film depicts a typical love story with all of it's expected trials and tribulations in the modern age. The film is far from perfect, and the main issue with it is the shallow approach it takes to it's characters: The story starts in a very sudden way without giving us a proper introduction to the characters. This creates a distance that lingers through much of the movie, making it hard to care about what is going on with our lead (Lenzi), or even sympathizing much with his troubles.

Lenzi's other relationships and hallucinations were never properly explored or explained, even though there was potential there.

I feel like this movie could have been a lot better if the writer sat with it more, added another 10-15 minutes to the runtime and gave more depth to the interactions and the characters and let us get to know them better. The actors - particularly the one playing Ira - did the best with what they were given, and I thought they did a good job.

But the story was so surface level, ultimately it felt like a waste to watch.
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Not A Great Movie
15 May 2023
Is this a great movie? No. But it's an interesting one. First off, I have to say that it's a shame that the writer or whoever else purchased a bunch of fake reviews to put on here. The movie is not bad, and would definitely stand on it's own but these tactics leave a sour taste in my mouth.

When it comes to the movie itself the camera work is shoddy, you can definitely see and feel the indie quality both in the look and the dialog. It's also a little bit racist and paints the casting of white people in a movie as if it caused a loss of artistic merit and value. In spite of this I did not have a bad time with this movie in the first half, but after that point it starts to take itself way too seriously and drags on, it was a challenge to finish it.

Overall, I would still recommend it to people who like off-beat comedies with an unusual premise, but it won't be the best movie you have seen in the month.
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On Point
24 April 2023
The first thing I need to point out that the camerawork is excellent. There are lots of truly impressive shots in each episode, this series is truly a visual treat.

Second, Eva's "voice acting" when it comes to the narration is very high quality, she speaks in a friendly and entertaining way, it holds your attention.

Third, the series itself is informative and will be a delight for anyone with an interest in culinary exploits. It is a great demonstration of Mexican cuisine & culture.

All in all, I am happy to have watched this series and I would recommed it to anyone who would like to know more about Mexican culture.
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Sugar Highs (2022– )
26 March 2023
This short, 6-eipsode series shows an unusual look into the lives of 3 roommates sharing a flat in an unnamed city. We have 1 gay, 1 bi and 1 straight main character.

The straight boy, Tad's storyline was by far the most compelling aspect of the series. The actor playing him is charismatic, and it was interesting to see how shy he was and how he slowly opened up to Benny, a person who actually showed patience, kindness and a genuine interest in him.

Bud (the dancer guy) was a bit too selfish and too much of a self-centered user of other people to really be likeable. He was the character to get the most screen time which was not the best choice from the creative team, but it is what it is.

Mickey's moral dilemma was a big tiring to watch in the first 3 episodes, and we didn't really get to know his character well enough to be able to really properly root for him, but once his storyline got started in the second half of the series, he was an entertaining part of the mix.

Overall, Sugar High is a very good show to watch due to it's fresh attitudes towards male-on-male sex work and unique subject matter. There are a couple of genuinely touching moments and it doesn't require a big time investment as the whole thing is only 6 20 minute episodes.
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25 March 2023
This documentary is certainly unique and shows an interesting look into the lives of many older people living in a retirement community. One of the big issues is that it doesn't have a message or overarching theme, it is just a sequence of interviews with a bunch of people without any narrative tying them together.

It was refreshing to see how many of these people still have a vigor for life and there are many things that they want to do. But the ending was strange, they only gave an update about the people who experienced something negative or died.

All in all, I am not sure I gained much by watching this "documentary" which is more like a collection of slice-of-life stories, but I don't regret the time spent on it. It was refreshing to see something so different.
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Outstandingly good
17 December 2022
It is beyond crazy how good this movie was. The character development was so very well-done, Puss experiencing fear for the first time, and his fear of mortality was so palpable, well, reasoned and relatable.

Death's characterizations was on point, his motivation made complete sense, and he was really horrifying, I totally understood why Puss was so afraid of him.

The side characters were all likeable. The dog was a delight, and the bear family's arc was genuinely touching with several emotional moments.

They also landed the ending, and the final shot not only gave me major Pirates Of The Carribbean vibes, it also gave me so much hope for what's to come. I would be happy if they made another installment.
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Oddballs (2022–2023)
Entertaining animated show
20 October 2022
I watched this because nothing else was on, and I did not regret it. The humor is on point, and the characters are likeable. This was an entertaining show, with some absurdits elements that I love. It's the kind of series you don't need to think too much about, and most of the plots are relatable in some way.

I will say, the Echo character is the sore spot of the series: she is just not fun. She will need to be fine-tuned to be less annoying if the series receives a second season.

As it stands now, I am glad I watched this show for the humor, wacky storylines and fun characters. If they give us a season 2 I will be tuning in.
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Bros (I) (2022)
Great Comedy
2 October 2022
I really wasn't hopeful after the first couple of minutes, but this movie became better and better as it went on! Loved the scene in Provincetown where Billy Eichner got to flex his acting chops. Pretty affecting! I wish there were a couple more jokes in here because the ones that landed really worked and made the entire audience laugh.

Very sweet in the end, and although Bros hits really familiar rom-com beats, I liked that it wasn't afraid to be earnest. It made me laugh, it made me feel the feels, and I had a good time with it.

I'd recommend seeing this movie and will be watching it again.
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A meditative movie
28 December 2021
Well, this movie is certainly unique. It's mostly set in nature, it's slow, and focuses mostly on a woman's inner journey as she fights with her negative feelings onset by the recent death of her mother and her inability to have a baby. Besides her, we have 2 male leads, but they are explored less in the movie, most of the focus is on the woman, who we do understand well by the end .

You have to be in the right state of mind to be able to enjoy this movie, as it spends a lot of time meandering in quiet moments and showing how the characters process their emotions, but it's not bad at all, you just have to know what to expect.
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2 December 2021
The acting is great. The writing is great. The cinematography is on point. It is devoid of clichés as much as a movie of it's genre can be. But what I liked the most about it is how wholesome and uplifting this movie was.

There is no antagonist. Everybody is nice and it demonstrates a very loving family, which is refreshing to see. It made me feel the holiday cheer while also making me swoon from the pure sweetness of some of the scenes. And I was actually surprised by how funny it was, specially in the first half there are multiple very good jokes. I'd say the first half the movie convinces you to care about the characters and makes you laugh while the second half gives you the romance and the more emotional scenes. It's a perfect mix.

The movie really uplifted me and put me in a great mood. 10/10 would watch again.
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Family Law (2021– )
30 October 2021
A very well-written show. Each week it deals with a different legal case which is usually pretty interesting. The main character, Abigail is very likeable, and the show also has a heart, there are many heartfelt or emotional moments which just make you feel things.

There is a fascinating bigger overarching story about the relationship Abigail has with her father, which the show explores in a delicate and intelligent way. I am happy I started watching this series and I recommend giving it a chance :).
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Pretty Smart (2021)
Great, but not for everybody
9 October 2021
Obviously, if you don't like sitcoms you shouldn't watch this. This series is a comedy with a classic style, it uses a laugh track. If it's predictability bothers you, you souldn't watch it.

However, what it does, it does well. The characters are all charming, and the series gets better as you progress with the season. Is it high art? No. However, it's a light, entertaining, kind and mostly innocent show. It displays a kind of camaraderieship most of us can only dream about achieving, and it's a very easy watch.

My favorite part of season 1 was Chelsea's (the lead) sardonic, slightly neurotic nature, and the slow building of the relationship we can witness between her and Grant (the fitness trainer). Grant is very kind and it comes accross well on the screen. Claire (The lead's sister) also lights up the screen with her enthusiastic energy and delivers lots of funny lines.

Sure it's not for everyone - what is? But once I sat down with it, I could not stop watching and I wish there were more episodes. A good show.
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Physical (2021–2023)
For people who enjoy self-deprication
22 June 2021
I'll just say it: this show is fascinating. It's not perfect though. The husband is an annoying baby and Sheila definitely puts up with too much from him under the guise of "well, it was the '80's".

However, this series is unique. The good parts emerge when we are allowed to hear Sheila's extremely criticial inner monolouge and we get to witness her journey of fighting against her inner demons with the help of exercise. She is daring, tenacious, and she goes for what she wants. It is inspiring, and despite her doubts about herself she keeps going.

This is an addictive show. It does need some time to grow on you. But once it clicks, you are hooked. If you are able to, I recommed binge watching it.
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Surface level
7 June 2021
I expected it to be more interesting than it actually was. It mostly focused on the daily nitty-gritty of living the van lifestyle, but there were many mundane aspects of it which made the film boring.

The movie did touch on on the more interesting parts of the lifestyle, like the connection to nature and the harmony these people find in wandering, and the community these people feel with each other, but those things were shown only on the surface, without going into too much detail. Even though that is the aspect of vanlife the filmmakers should have mined because that is the true reason to embark on this lifestyle, but they didn't show much of it.

In it's current form, the film is not very satisfying and it gives a slanted view of the lifestyle, ignoring all the negative aspects of it.
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They tried, and failed
8 April 2021
This movie is definitely one of the weaker indie projects. Watching this is like watching a series of interviews, it's mostly just us watching people have conversations, sometimes in too much detail. I don't know what the director was thinking, but many scenes just go on for way too long when they are not particularly interesting.

It is weird that we never find out what the main character's job was even though it had such a big part in the story. The ending kinda sucks, since there isn't a real ending, the movie just ends. It needed a conclusion.

There are a few lovely moments, it is a calming movie and it being focused on Christmas time gives it a charming touch, but it is not enough. It needed more work. As it is, I would not recommed watching it, because there is no payoff at the end. There are much better ways to spend your time.
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Dashing in December (2020 TV Movie)
A Charming Christmas Flick
14 December 2020
It was a heartwarming, enjoyable movie. That being said, Wyatt was a jerk in 80% of it, but I'm happy he had a strong moment of clarity at the appropriate moment. The film is packed with scenes designed to make your heart melt, specially the homecoming dance date the two main characters go on. It also brings some steam when when they see each other in their underwear, nearly naked. The two leads had a good, believable chemistry in their scenes together. The supporting cast is also composed of really talented, attractive people.

Andie McDonnell was so lovely in this movie and I'm happy about the place her character arrived at through her story. Loved the ending!
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The Christmas Setup (2020 TV Movie)
A Pleasant Surprise
13 December 2020
I was surprised by how adorable this movie was. It gave me more happy, positive feelings than any other film I've seen this year, no joke.

One of the big advantages this movie has over others, is that the actors playing the main characters (Ben Lewis and Blake Lee) are actually married in real life, thus they created some of the most authentic chemistry I've ever seen on screen. It was easy to root for them the whole time. Their dates were presented in a genuinely romantic way.

Fran Drescher was a dynamic and energetic presence every time she was on screen, she was very likeable. Hugo's (one of the main characters) best friend and brother also had a good secondary storyline.

Where this succeeded was having a slightly unconventional, yet convincing plot and putting the gay couple front and center in the storyline, which covers new ground in media representation. Overall, this movie was very heartwarming and I am happy I watched it. If you like romantic comedies, don't miss The Christmas Setup. It is worth your time.
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Tidy Tim's (2020)
Don't bother
9 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a weird and bad slice of life movie. The plot is not very strong and often loses focus. To be fair, there were a few good jokes in there. But also, so many mistakes. First of all, Tidy's wig was distractingly cheap, even if they had a plot reason for it. There was also lots of gratuitous, but ultimately pointless female nudity included.

As I said before, the movie very much wanders and lingers on irrelevant side characters and details that ultimately do not really matter. There are so many random moments and jokes including random characters and their adventures in the strip bar, with a surprising amount of focus being given to chicken wings. There is also a moment where a guy makes a big deal about the correct pronounciation of his name and I was like, why did they put that in the movie? Did anyone actually think that was funny? So lame.

The second half of the movie was frustrating and unpleasant to watch, specially the lengthy scene in the hospital with dollface trying to get the old man to sign the papers. It was hard not to fast forward just so it would end already.

At least the ending is good.

Overall, this movie is a waste of time, there are so many better things to pay attention to, I wish I never saw it. It's just bad and I hope not many people will make the same mistake.
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A pleasant surprise
23 September 2020
The first thing we need to get out of the way is: even though this movie is categorized as a comedy, it does not really try to be funny. That does not mean it is bad, however. It's more of a slice-of-life character exploration with a very interesting subject matter. The film is devoid of clichée's, which I appreciated, and shows a woman making her way through an European book tour while having minimal resources and an out of reach husband. The film takes place in many different countries, and I liked how it treated each country that appeared, with respect. There were no cheap jokes at the expense of a certain culture or custom.

The cinematography was well-done, there are some beautiful shots, and the accents of the characters were adorable. The one frustrating part of the movie was how multi-lingual it was. This itself would not be a problem, but the movie did not come with subtitles to assist in understanding all the languages that appeared, which became bothersome after a while.

My favorite scene was when our main character gave a reading to the one french lady in a book store, which went as you would expect, but it was still entertaining.

Overall, this movie was relaxing, peaceful, and relatable. I am glad I watched it, because of how unique it was. If you want a simple movie that doesn't challenge you too much, but still holds your attention, this one might just be perfect.
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Spinster (2019)
Good For Those Who Like Rom-Coms
7 August 2020
I liked this movie. I will say, it's made for people who like romantic comedies, that is the target audience. Also, it wasn't really funny. It contains one laugh-out-loud moment, which was also included in the trailer.

Regardless, I had a good time watching, it's sort of a look at a 39-year-old woman finding her way in life and just seeing her get used to probably ending up alone. The main character is not the most likeable person in the world, but I could sympathize with her. The movie contains a lot of coded messages, no doubt aiming to educate and inspire the moure young viewers, but they do stick out in a noticeable way when you watch as an adult.

The good part about the film was how comforting it was, it demonstrated that you can find contentment in life just by prioritizng your own wants. It's not the most life-changing movie you will ever see, but it was a nice way to pass the time.
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Not a bad time
15 April 2020
The first thing we must do is write a proper synopsys for the movie, since the movie's creators did not bother to do so: The movie's main character is Bernard, a 49-year-old failed poet now working as a book publisher, who is revisited by his old friend Huey he hasn't seen in 25 years. Huey is just out of a divorce and he needs a place to crash, so he temporarily moves in with Bernard, and reconnects with his daughter he left when she was 10 years old. Lots of sex ensues. (The movie is highly sexual)

Now, the review: I have to say, while this is classified as a comedy, the movie is not funny, nor did it make me smile once. That is NOT to say that the movie is bad, because it is not, it's just not what the category says it is. It is more of an interesting character study that does not try to be funny. The relationship between Huey and Bernard is unlike anything I have seen before, Bernard is a catalyst for Huey's success, in fact, he seems to help others to succeed while he himself remains a failure. Understandably, this bothers him. And the pair forgives so much to each other without it ever having to be brought up, that was an interesting thing about this movie: it does not create drama out of situations where any other movie would do so. So in that way, it is more true to life.

There is an interesting scene at the start of the movie where Huey is gravely out of his element, and this scene has an interesting parallel towards the end of the movie that I appreciated, it was a full circle moment of realization. The movie jumps back and forth between different timelines, but does it in a way that is easy to understand so you can follow the story. The movie is definitely stronger in it's second half and delivers a satisfying ending.

Overall, if you want to watch an introspective movie on a quiet night, Bernard and Huey might just be what you are looking for. It's unusual and balanced, not a bad time at all.
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Mister Winner (2020)
More of a drama than a comedy
26 March 2020
The show tries to utilize awkward humor, where the main character is forced into these impossibly uncomfortable situations where we are supposed to find his discomfort entertaining. It did not really work for me, because the situations went too far in the direction of uncomfortable to the point that I was feeling second-hand embarrassment on behalf of the main character. Who is nice enough, by the way, so you get the sense that he deserves better. He has a positive attitude and believes that good things can happen, but the series seems determined to show him the opposite of that as many times as it can.

Otherwise the look of the show is lovely, the camera work is good, and the episodes have this subdued mood that draws you in. The main problem is that it's not funny, instead it is just hard to watch and you do feel sorry for the main character for the things he has to endure.
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