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Elizabethtown (2005)
A criminally underrated movie
5 February 2019
I don't know why this movie seems to have fallen by the wayside, but I haven't met anyone outside of my family who's actually seen it.

This movie is insanely underrated. It's a near perfect blend of subtle comedy and heartbreaking tragedy. It's deep and meaningful without being pretentious. It's beautifully shot without being overly artsy. It's smartly written, expertly acted, and perfectly timed. It's relatable but fresh.

Everything about this movie makes me continually want to come back to it. The soundtrack, the dialogue, the story, it's all absolutely perfect. I just wish more people knew about it.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
It wasn't a bad movie really, so why am I left so underwhelmed?
14 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm honestly not really sure what to say about this movie. I'd heard great things about it, and then I'd heard about a few who just didn't like it. And I'm surprised to say I think I find myself in the camp of the latter. I usually prefer the psychological thriller over the straight up slasher/horror film and I was happy when a few minutes in I was able to tell that it would be more of the first. The problem was that it really wasn't very thrilling either. There wasn't really a lot to figure out, no twist ending, no back story, not even a surprising event to speak of. The glaring plot holes were blatant and hard to overlook and once it was obvious that there wouldn't be much development, the plot itself became monotonous and tiring. While there was a certain level of suspense associated with simply watching our heroes try to live their lives in silence, I was still expecting more. Where did these creatures come from? Aren't they going to go looking for other people? How is it that the sound of static from a hearing aid is the weakness? WHY DID JOHN KRASINSKI HAVE TO DIE?? Seriously. It's not like it serves any purpose. They're right back where they started. Why are they so inconsistent with what the monster can and can't hear? Why didn't they get rid of that nail after one person stepped on it? How did Emily Blunt give birth in ten minutes? How did she hold on her screams while in labor until the monster left? What's the long term plan here? I mean, eventually they're all gonna die of old age if nothing else. Are the kids gonna have to repopulate the earth? Are they going to go looking for more people? I don't really get it.

There were several things about this movie that I REALLY enjoyed. They did a phenomenal job with the sound, using virtually none until we needed to hear it. I haven't seen a movie with so little sound since the days of Charlie Chaplin, and I was surprised to say how effective I found the use of sound to be. John Krasinski's direction was really great and I look forward to the day when we get to see something else from him, because I think he definitely has promise. This particular time, though, I'm left underwhelmed. And I'm sad to say it because I was really looking forward to this movie, but there just wasn't enough there to keep me entertained.

However, I did actually enjoy the last shot. I know some people don't like the "we're going into battle and we may or may not survive" ending, but I actually found it to be the first really surprising plot choice the movie made.
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Truth or Dare (I) (2018)
Surprisingly not that bad!
14 August 2018
Ok, it's a horror movie, so nobody's expecting genius here, but I'm not sure why everyone is so down on this movie. It's actually a pretty unique premise (at least I'd never seen anything like it) and it keeps you wondering until the end. The final scene is as suspenseful as it is surprising and there were several events I did not see coming. The ending left me in chills too.

I'm not one for slasher movies or crazy jump scares. They really just don't scare me. I also find that movies like that tend to be practically devoid of plot, just a bunch of idiotic teenagers making terrible decisions and being hacked to bits. This one didn't rely on jump scares or gore to scare you, but rather built up and then held out the sense of desperation that these people feel, just trying to stay alive. The truths that the game made them reveal were stupid and often even predictable but the game itself and what it would force them to do surprised me several times and escalated in an appropriate fashion. All in all, it actually wasn't that bad.
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How is it going to end?
31 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Truman Show is flawless in every sense of the world. It's a metaphor for everything, for so much of what is wrong with the world. It's a commentary on what people want, what they crave, and how they operate. It deals with how much power one person can have over another, how you can't keep a person from being independent. There are many that say that the end of the movie was a cop-out, that he should have gotten revenge. I say it is completely perfect the way it is. It proves that the most basic human instinct is to know, to learn, and to be independent.

So many movies try to be revolutionary, to be a metaphor for life and fall woefully short. Sometimes it's because the metaphor doesn't speak the way it should, sometimes it's simply because the quest for profoundness has stripped the movie of its entertainment value. This movie does neither. It speaks volumes, but it's still entertaining. And I don't think there is a movie ending that moves me to tears quite as frequently. I don't think there ever will be.
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Flawless in every conceivable way
12 May 2018
This is my very favorite book. Cliched, I know, but it's a classic for a reason. I read it freshman year of high school and immediately fell in love with the story and the characters. We were meant to watch the movie after reading the book, but we didn't get around to it, and at the time, I was glad. At the time, my experience had led me to believe that movie adaptations of good books are rarely good enough to live up to my expectations, and nearly 10 years later, I still believe that when it comes to most books. But after having to watch this movie in a film class in college, I was forced to admit that this is not always the case. This movie is flawless. It perfectly captures the tone and spirit of the book, the casting was absolutely perfect, the score is amazing and well timed, the emotions are real and vivid. This deserves all the accolades it gets and many many more. I only wish I had seen it earlier. While the book continues to be something I come back to time and time again, this is a rare case when I actually feel comfortable watching the movie instead of rereading the book if I want to save time. It's (almost) just as good. It certainly comes closer than any other movie ever did to capturing the subtle perfection of a novel. There's a reason that this is one of the few movies that is this old and Hollywood hasn't yet tried to remake it. I hope they never do.
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One of my all time favorite movies!
8 May 2018
Hear me out. I know so many people will tell me it's crazy to list this cheesy movie as one of my favorites. And in a way I agree. With so many phenomenal movies out there, why pick one like this? The answer: because it's fun. I love serious movies. Some of my favorites are very serious. But the main goal of a movie is to be entertaining, and if I just want to watch something that's going to let me have fun and escape the world for two hours, I rarely have to look further than this often overlooked masterpiece. We've all come to expect greatness from Tom Hanks, and in his directorial debut, he certainly delivers, both onscreen and behind the curtain. I firmly believe that Steve Zahn is a comedic goldmine, worthy of far more accolades than he gets, and this is his best work. The songs are catchy and reminiscent of the 60s charm they are intended to represent. It's just a great movie to have fun and sing along to. I maintain that some movies don't need to be any more than that.
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How do you tell a story when everyone already knows the ending?
10 November 2017
Agatha Christie was the queen of all things murder, and in perhaps her most quintessential story, she gives us an ending so incredibly inventive, so inspired, that few have dared repeat it. For the few of you who haven't read or seen Murder on the Orient Express before or had it spoiled for you, I won't tell you the ending. Suffice to say, it's extremely unpredictable and could only have been done by Agatha Christie.

But for those of us who do know the story, how do you make it entertaining when we all know how it ends? Therein lies the genius that is Kenneth Branaugh. In the next installment of a stellar career, Branaugh shifts focus from the comedies of Shakespeare to the suspense of Agatha Christie and proves that his talent knows no bounds. Expertly directed and wonderfully cast, Branaugh's adaption keeps all the charm, glamour and suspense that Christie intended, while modernizing it for a younger audience. And for those who say the story is no longer relevant, I argue that Branaugh's true genius lies in the ability to make a period piece as just that: a period piece. While the story itself may not be as relevant as it was in its day, the lessons behind it are just as true today as they ever were. In perhaps her greatest work, Agatha Christie blurs the very lines of good and evil and causes even the great Poirot to question his long held morality.

Was it necessary? Maybe not. But is that really the point? It's entertaining, the cinematography was beautiful (the murder scene especially), and it stayed true to the source material. I for one, thoroughly enjoyed it.

Now, can we all please petition Kenneth Branaugh to remake And Then There Were None?
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Moonlight (I) (2016)
A political statement, and nothing more
2 May 2017
I very rarely like best film nominees, and this is a prime example of why. In the wake of the "whitewashed" Oscars mess, the academy appears to be making a conscious effort to change its image. That's fine. More power to them. I only wish they had chosen a better film as the poster child for their reinvention, because, truth be told, there is very little to be praised about this film. In all honesty, there is very little about this film to be praised, save the "groundbreaking" use of a gay black man in the lead role. The problem, however, is that this is just the latest in a long line of Oscar nominees that were nothing more than a political statement. The Oscars are too white, so we'all nominate a film starring a black man, but since everyone seems to have forgotten that the winner just last year was a story about a slave, we'll make this new one gay too.

Honestly, there is nothing special about this film. It may be well made, but the plot, the acting, and everything worth noting in a film is average at best. The sad thing is, I don't think I'm alone in this opinion. But because the academy has decided that it's job is to decide which films are the best social or political commentary and not which ones are the most enjoyable or most well made, we end up with this sub-par political statement as our reigning Oscars champion. Hopefully next year, the academy will realize what their job actually is in all of this and pick a movie that people actually enjoy. But probably not.
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Thoroughly underrated and seriously entertaining
22 March 2017
When listing my top 5 favorite Disney movies, I often get weird looks as I list this newer, and highly underrated film behind classics like Peter Pan, 101 Dalmatians, Lady and the Tramp, and Beauty and the Beast. In my opinion, however, The Emperor's New Groove deserves to be in the running as one of the newer Disney classics. The movie follows Emperor Kuzko, a seemingly selfish young ruler who is turned into a llama by one of his former advisers. Though the idea of a selfish ruler learning his place in the world is not an uncommon theme in movies, especially Disney movies, this film does it in a new way, making it seem fresh and original. Add some fabulous and easily quotable lines, the incomparable Eartha Kitt, an always hilarious Patrick Walburton, and David Spade in one of the few roles where he is actually tolerable, and you have the makings of a Disney classic. It's just a shame that this near perfect film doesn't get the recognition it deserves. So, if you've never seen this wonderful little movie, do so immediately. It will be well worth the hour and half, and I think you'll see why I think this movie deserves so much more than it's gotten. Hopefully, with age, it will be seen for what it is- an absolute masterpiece.
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Boy Meets World (1993–2000)
The show that defined a generation
19 February 2017
Boy Meets World is unlike any children's show ever made, or any show for that matter. In an era where every show has to have an angle, Boy Meets World stands out as a story about flawed characters just trying to navigate life. It teaches us so many lessons and I will never forget it as long as I live. Shawn taught us that we can all overcome whatever life deals us, and that you can never judge a book by its cover. Topanga taught us that it's OK not to be perfect, but we can all try. Cory taught us that it's OK to ask questions, to not have all the answers. And Mr. Feeny, well, he taught us everything. He taught us that, above all, we should be good people. He taught us that there are lessons to be learned in all aspects of our lives. Boy Meets World was a great show because of the parents. Corys parents make just as many mistakes as he does, and they're not afraid to admit when they do. But that's not to say that their children don't respect them, don't come to them for advice, and don't always know what's best. Never has a show made me laugh and cry so much. Never has a show so effortlessly addressed the problems we all face. Never has a show been a better demonstration that you don't have to be blood to be family. Full of good values, lessons, and funny plots, Boy Meets World is the show that I keep coming back to. Because never has a show meant so much to me. Never has a show meant so much to us. We will never forget you, Boy Meets World. You made us all better people.
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La La Land (2016)
Critics are failing to see this movie for what it is
4 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start out by saying, I loved this movie. It didn't pretend to be anything it wasn't, it was just fun- something I usually look for in a movie. The problem is, the critics of this movie are trying to shoehorn it into categories it has no business being in, trying to force it into being something it's not. Well, then what is it? In order to answer that question, we must first answer the question of what it is not.

1. It's not a copycat, 1950's musical. I will admit, I loved some of the throwbacks to the old timey musicals of the glory days of Hollywood. Singing in the Rain is probably my all time favorite movie, so seeing La La Land pay homage to it, as well as some other classics, certainly made me happy. But that's all it was: an homage. This movie certainly had the feel of the iconic '50s musical ,but it's not. It's a modern adaptation of those musicals, one which allows us to see the flaws in the '50s musical way of looking at life.Comparing this film to others will not allow you to see it for what it truly is: a gem in and of itself .

2. It's not a mind bender. While there are definitely lessons and messages to be taken from this movie, reading to much into it causes you to lose sight of what it truly is. While there's certainly a place for the mind blowing, soul searching storytelling that we see in movies like Inception and Schindlers List, there's also a place for a story that just allows you to enjoy yourself, to laugh, maybe cry a little, to sit back and sing along as you allow yourself to have a good time.

So we've established what it's not, what it doesn't need to be compared to, so then what is La La Land?

1. It's a reversal of the traditional Hollywood stereotypes. You know the kind. The aforementioned '50s musicals are famous for them, although there are countless other examples throughout cinematic history. Boy with dreams meets girl with dreams, love gets in the way of dreams, love finds a way to overcome all odds, guy and girl both get to live our dreams with the love of their lives and ride off into the sunset together. Roll credits. How many movies do you know that fit that storyline? Because I can think of about a dozen off the top of my head. That's not how real life works, ladies and gentlemen. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you want to fulfill your dreams, or if you want to have a classic Hollywood romance, you're going to have to make sacrifices. Likely, you're going to have to choose one over the other. This film does what I've seen no other do: it allows the characters to make those sacrifices, to separate amicably, and still be happy. They don't regret their decisions. They are happy, even though they wish they didn't have to make those sacrifices. Through the traditional Hollywood ending that it montages at the end, you see how the musicals of old would have ended this film, what it could be. And then you see what is. The reality of the struggles of being a musician, of being an actress. It's hard. It takes sacrifice. And it allows the audience to see the effects of that sacrifice.

2. The music parallels what's happening in the story and continues the reversing of Hollywood stereotypes. A Lovely Night is essentially the polar opposite of every Hollywood meeting. And it's exactly what happens in real life. They know they like each other. We know they like each other. But they're not about to admit it to the other one. In fact, they're going to sing for 2 minutes about how they don't like each other. And Start a Fire is essentially the Hollywood version of love. Like the music that they want Sebastian to play, Start a Fire is a representation of what Hollywood pretends romance to be: dumbed down for the masses, all passion and no substance. Likewise, The Fools Who Dream glamorized the appeal of a career in Hollywood. It's all about the perks, and nothing about the hard labor and the sacrifices. . Perfectly placed and expertly written, the soundtrack is an excellent contrast to what a traditional Hollywood film would have done with this storyline. It allows you to see what Hollywood would have done with it, while at the same time, turning the whole notion on its head with the story itself .

3. It allows you to have fun. As I said, this movie can be sad, particularly at the end. And yet, it's thoroughly enjoyable from start to finish. It doesn't pretend to be anything it isn't. It's sappy. It's cheesy. The actors aren't the best singers or dancers. So what? It's fun. It made me laugh. It made me cry. It made me go out and buy the soundtrack, for goodness sakes, something I rarely ever do. It's just fun. And it proves that movies don't have to be any more than that.

So let the critics rail on this movie. Let them say it's overrated. I still maintain that they're trying to make it into something it was never meant to be. And I firmly believe that, if you see it for what it is, you will enjoy it just as much as I did. Say what you want, but I will be belting out every word to The Fools Who Dream in my car for years to come.
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Split (IX) (2016)
M. Night has officially lost it.
28 January 2017
I don't know why I continue to expect greatness from this director. The Sixth Sense was phenomenal. Unbreakable and Signs were good. But after that, Shyamalan has let us down time and time again. The Visit was at least marginally better than anything we'd seen from him in years, so I came into Split expecting a comparable level of decency- something to further cement my theory that Shyamalan was making a comeback. Instead, I was met with a disjointed story that tried to draw unnecessary parallels between its heroes and villains. The two other girls seem important but turn out to be useless and dispensable. While McAvoy portrayed a convincing crazy person, his performance could not make up for the bad screen writing, nonsensical plot, and awful character development. To top it off, the ending made no sense and seemed it was supposed to be reminiscent of The Village. And, while the ending of The Village was stupid, the buildup was well timed and it was possible to see it coming. Split seemed to have failed in the one and only area where the Village succeeded- well timed plot twist. By the time Split got around to revealing the plot twist, we had stopped caring. It wasn't scary. It wasn't entertaining. It just didn't make sense.
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A very well made movie, but the ending killed it.
20 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I love Agatha Christie. And then there were none is one of my all time favorite books, so when I find out about this movie and it's rave reviews, I had to watch it, but I was sorely disappointed. The movie is called And Then There Were None. They all have to die!! The ending ruined a very well made movie by completely destroying what was already a perfect ending. I enjoyed it until about the last 10 minutes, where I was sure Agatha Christie was rolling over in her grave while one of her most famous masterpieces was being murdered almost as brutally as her characters. It's a shame that they decided to Hollywood-ise this ending that was perfect already. If I had never read the book, I probably would have liked this movie, all though it is weird that the ending doesn't match the title. However, I now strongly advise that you skip the movie and read the book instead. It will be well worth your time.
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Moana (I) (2016)
It's just not up to Disney standards.
16 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Let's start with the characters. Moana is overly optimistic and superstitious, Maui is way too self involved, the grandmother is certifiable, and the father is willing to let his own people starve and his island die so that he doesn't have to confront his past. Then there's the music. The ocean song is kind of fun, but all the others are awful! Maui's is all about how he's some kind of gift of the gods, and then there's that weird song that the crab sings... And the plot! Every other Disney training montage shows a gradual change, but all through this movie, people just know how to do things! And Moana never accomplishes anything without someone else's help- Maui, her grandmother, the ocean... And Maui suddenly changes his mind about helping for no reason. And who didn't see it coming that the land goddess had become the lava monster. And let's not even talk about the sentient coconuts... Come on, Disney! You're supposed to be better than this.
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I'm not upset. I'm not really disappointed. I'm just... confused.
26 November 2016
Gilmore girls is my all-time favorite show. Quirky, smart, and expertly cast, the original series left us wanting for nothing. This is why I was so hoping that the revival would carry on the original spirit of this modern classic. I was wrong. I didn't want to get my hopes up, because revivals are hardly ever as good as the original, so I came in expecting very little, but at least hoping that it would keep up the original spark of the show. Instead, we got 6 hours of disjointed banter, none of which succeeded in matching the original level of cleverness. Many of the characters, such as Jason, Dean, and Doyle, seemed to have been shoehorned into the script just to check a box. Their interaction with the main characters seemed forced and very scripted, not at all in keeping with the Gilmore banter we have all come to know and love. It seemed as though the writers were so set on having the story come full circle that they forgot that this show is less about that and more about the comedy. We watch Gilmore girls, partly to watch a refreshing, albeit unnatural, mother daughter relationship, but more than that, we watch it to laugh. And the writers seemed to have forgotten that that was what we loved most. More than anything, I was hoping for a better ending to the show than I got in season 7 of the original. I'm not sure I got it. I'm not really sure what I got. All I can say is that I'm left scratching my head. It wasn't good, but it wasn't really bad either. The bottom line is it wasn't Gilmore girls.
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Ender's Game (2013)
Not awful, but not near as good as the book
15 October 2016
Let me start by saying that this is easily in my top 10 favorite books of all time. That being said, I'm usually very forgiving with the movie adaptations of my favorite books. I realize that fitting a 300 page book accurately into a 2 hour time slot and making everyone happy is near impossible. Still, this movie just didn't cut it for me. I heard that a lot of other people loved it, and more power to you if you did. It really isn't a bad movie. The effects are well done, the acting was decent, and the storyline, though much different from the book, was not terrible. Still, I found myself disappointed. Perhaps this is what happens when you wait 30 years before making a film adaptation. So, if you've never read the book and don't intend to, you will probably enjoy this movie. If you want the better version, at least in my opinion, I suggest you skip the movie and read the book. It will be well worth your time.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
Simple, but great for what it is.
6 August 2016
I managed to go 20 years of life without seeing this movie. When I mentioned that to some of my friends, they took it as some sort of travesty of justice and insisted that I go home and watch it immediately. Though I doubted that any movie could live up to the hype they gave it, I was intrigued by their unfailing praise of the movie, so I watched it. It really was very good. It seems to be widely considered one of the best movies ever made and I think that's justified. The film handled the issues of the time with tact and respect, and though the story line was simple, it made sense seeing that it was told from the perspective of a simple mind. Even Forrest's mental state was handled tactfully. Throughout the film, it is made obvious that Forrest has some idea that he is different but he doesn't let it stop him. Many people seem to take issue with the fact that he accomplishes more in his life than a person at full mental capacity could ever dream of, and I wouldn't argue. But movies aren't always meant to be realistic. I think this movie was just realistic enough in the areas it needed to be, while still being uplifting and encouraging. No, it wasn't exactly realistic all the time, but it wasn't meant to be. Yes, it's simple. But it needs to be. Forrest is simple. And that's what makes him great. Tom Hanks' phenomenal acting puts the character over the top and makes him one of the most endearing and lovable characters I've ever seen. Tom Hanks is a true genius, and this film is no exception. In fact, it may even be a standout performance in an already brilliant career. I don't think this movie would have worked with any one else as the lead. But when Tom Hanks does it, Forrest Gump becomes an instant classic. It took me a while to get around to watching it, but I'm glad I did. I laughed, I cried, it was two and a half ours of my time well spent.
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Fringe (2008–2013)
The perfect science fiction show.
30 July 2016
Fringe is one of my all time favorites. I am very glad that it has a high rating here-- it is thoroughly deserved. However, it upsets me that this show rarely gets the recognition it deserves in other arenas. This show has it all. It's funny, well written, well thought out, and well executed. The actors in this show are phenomenal. Joshua Jackson is witty and endearing; Walter Bishop deserves an Emmy for his excellent portrayal of the crazy, but still functioning scientist. This is also clearly JJ Abrams best TV work, though that credit is often given to Lost. I love Lost, but one of its main flaws is the fact that many of the questions are not adequately answered. Fringe writers seemed to know exactly where they were going from the very beginning and they executed it perfectly. This show is funny, smartly written, scary, gross, and everything else you want in a science fiction show. I highly recommend it to any sci-fi fan. Or anyone else who loves a well rounded and well written show.
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Not at all what I expected-- better, actually
21 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I am a sucker for a romcom. They're not usually the most well written or unpredictable (all thought there are a few exceptions out there). This movie is one such exception. It starts out as a simple story of a girl picking between two guys, both equally likable, but one considerably more well off than the other. Then you start to notice how the two stories mirror each other. They go on the same dates, although one is always much more upscale than the other, they are both writers, though one is making a better living at it. And then at the end, it all just clicks. The one never really existed at all, but was a more charismatic version of the other-- the one the publisher was looking for. And the secret she had to tell wasn't about another guy, but that she couldn't have children. Looking back on it, it's one of those where it leads you to believe that the guy actually exists, but you realize that he never actually talks to anyone or meets anyone but the main character. (I'm thinking of another movie here, but I'm not going to spoil the ending to one movie while reviewing another. Those of you who have seen it will know what I'm talking about.) It all just made sense at the end. It was, in my opinion, the perfect ending.
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The absolutely perfect movie
31 May 2016
There are a lot of wonderful movies out there. So many, in fact, that it is very difficult to choose a favorite. And while there are multiple movies that are good enough to be considered a "favorite", when asked to choose a number one, this is consistently the one I have chosen. Now, I have many reasons for this choice. One of which has to be the absolutely fabulous soundtrack. Any movie that can launch a song that thousands of people sing whenever it starts to rain must be absolutely fabulous. Make Him Laugh is likely one of the funniest musical numbers in movie history. Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds are fabulous actors that sell the story wonderfully. And the plot is funny and well written. This is easily one of the greatest musicals, even one of the greatest movies, ever made. While there are many fabulous new movies, there are times when nothing beats an old classic. And this one is a classic for a reason.
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An absolutely fabulous movie
24 May 2016
For the past 20 years, whenever someone asks my favorite Disney movie, I have always said Peter Pan. And I still do. But every time I watch this movie I love it even more. The animation is different than any of Disney's other movies, making it very intriguing. I love the story, the characters and the humor. The TV that the dogs watch is hysterical and there are so many other fantastic lines and jokes. I have always loved this movie. I even have a stuffed dog named after Pongo. And though I will always have a special place in my heart for Peter Pan, I wonder if, as I get older, this movie will replace it as my favorite. While other Disney movies (such as, at times, Peter Pan) are entertaining for nostalgia's sake or when you're in the mood to feel like a kid, this movie is entertainment for all ages. Smartly written, cleverly animated and all around entertaining, 101 Dalmatians is a movie you will love in every stage of your life. Highly recommended.
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An adorable romantic comedy with a time travel twist
9 May 2016
Critics of this film need to give it a rest. No the plot is not fantastic. But what romcom is? We don't watch them because they are so fabulously written (maybe with a few notable exceptions). We watch them because they make us happy. We watch them because they give us hope. And in that vein, Kate and Leopold has done a fantastic job. I would also like to applaud the producers of this film for being creative. When I say that other romantic comedies are unrealistic, I find it annoying that many of them at least act as though they are depicting the lives of normal humans and fail miserably. This film does not pretend to be anything it's not. It's unrealistic because it contains time travel, an idea which is actually refreshingly original. The charm of the movie is further amplified by Hugh Jackman's phenomenal acting. I love a good story about someone who time travels and has to adjust to a new time. Jackman does this flawlessly and adds to the overall appeal of the movie, not only with his good looks and perfect accent, but also with his ability to perfectly portray the character.
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A complete disappointment in every conceivable way
31 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Pixar is a phenomenal studio that has produced countless instant classics over the past 20 years. This movie is the end of the streak. First off, there is absolutely no plot. This little dinosaur is supposed to kill this little caveman boy for his father (who seems like a real price of work by the way) and the whole ordeal ends up killing his father and the dinosaur floats away with the caveman boy and the two become unlikely friends as they both search for their families. The caveman boys family is hardly developed at all and we have no idea why he is abandoned and forced to steal food from a dinosaur family. As they go on their little journey, there is little to no plot. Not only that, but this film is not at all original. In fact, it seemed like a complete rip off of the lion king. You know, little animal is not taken seriously, father killed under circumstances that may or may not be the fault of the child. Child goes on journey of self discovery and takes his place as the head of the family. In fact, even the fathers death scene was reminiscent of the lion king. And it was much sadder the first time. In short, this movie is not worth your time. Go watch toy story instead. Remind yourself what Pixar used to be. Better yet, watch the lion king. It's exactly the same story.
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So so good!!!... Until the end
11 March 2016
For the first 90 minutes or so, I was absolutely loving this movie. I went to see it not really knowing what to expect, or even what it was about really, and I was loving it. It had all the right amounts of intensity and scariness, with just enough humor. It was paced well and all the secrets were revealed at appropriate times so that you were never bored, but there were still some moments that weren't as scary. The plot was interesting and intriguing and I was always wanting to find out more. And then came the last 15 minutes. I'm not really sure what happened there. Remember how amazing Lost was until the last season? It was kind of like that. Apparently J.J. Abrams likes to do this to us. It just didn't make sense. I could have easily come up with three or four endings myself that would have fit the movie better and been more entertaining. Still, like Lost, the beginning is just so good that it is easy to overlook the trainwreck that was this movie's ending. All in all, I'd say it was a good movie, even aside from the ending. If it had ended ten minutes earlier, this review would be totally different. So I guess it was pretty good.
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Bunheads (2012–2013)
Awful. Completely awful.
16 February 2016
Let me start by saying Gilmore Girls is my favorite show. Ever. I have seen the entire show all the way through 4 times and still go back to watch my favorite episodes. And when I found out Amy Sherman Pallidino did this show, I was so excited. But I watched the pilot and have never seen such garbage. The show is about a Vegas dancer who is basically being stalked by that awkward guy from Ferris Beuller. Despite the fact that she has been blowing him off EVERY MONTH for A YEAR, Ferris Bueller's buddy just doesn't get the memo! He spends tons of money to buy her things and take her out to dinner, but I don't think he knows anything about her. And then she agrees to marry the freak??? Now, granted, she does not appear to be the brightest crayon in the box. So maybe this seemed like a good idea. Who knows. But at this point I am so turned off by the completely awful, acting, ridiculously far fetched plot, and pathetic and hate able characters that I turned it off. I wanted to like this show. Really. Truly I did. Especially when people compared the humor to Gilmore Girls. Do not be fooled. It is not funny. It is not creative. I cannot think of a single redeeming quality. Don't waste your time.
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