
121 Reviews
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Cold Comfort Farm (1995 TV Movie)
A matter of taste
22 May 2024
It seems to me, that the majority of people who have rated this below, say a 7 (and that includes the critics) don't really understand what it is they are watching.

Firstly, it's a film based around an old English novel. It's also a satire of meddling rich English folk and countryside dwellers.

So if you aren't aware it's a book and that it was a piece of satire, if you are an a American who doesn't get English humour or a youngster who wants action and satire is lost on you, you are bound not to like it.

Ultimately, you have to ask; who is at fault? The makers of this rather good, quirky adaptation or the uninitiated viewer?

Me, I liked this a lot. It has a witty script, gets the feel of the book and let's a talented cast rip it up, playing off each other superbly. Beckinsale is a revelation and she hasn't come close to matching this performance on the subsequent 20 years or so.

Good stuff.
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Living (2022)
21 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I know this is a remake, but this has ishaguru's stamp all over it.

It has similar themes to his other work, the mortality of humans, the looking back at one's life, finding solace in it being one's swansong and making this a last chance to fulfill one's potential.

Ishaguru also is famed for his unreliable narrators and on the surface this is not present here but dig a little deeper and what we actually have is a person's life that was unreliable, not true to the main characters self or what he envisaged until he knew he was going to die.

The tone of this film is just beautiful and perfectly realised. It is is melancholic, occasionally joyous, tragic, yet funny. It has fantastic performances, touching music and it looks wonderful.

It's a beautifully realised story, superbly made.
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Don't expect too much
30 April 2024
I went into this guessing what I would get: an unoriginal but enjoyable action movie. And that's pretty much exactly what I got. Storyline wise it's solid but not overly imaginative. However, the thing they are after is an interesting twist and doesn't feel very far away from the truth in this modern age. There are some unnecessary flashbacks to a childhood which doesn't add much but the acting is good, indeed it is one of those films where you wonder why people of the calibre of Pine or Ben Foster signed up bit I'm pleased they did. The action is good, there's a particularly good scene on a bridge and the pacing whilst slow to start is good throughout. If you don't expect anything groundbreaking but just want something to pass the time, this does the job.
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Has sone good things to say but it's derivitive
24 March 2024
Overall, I mostly enjoyed this.

It is split in 3 acts, and broadly tackles wealth, capitalism, equality, fame, greed and the haves and have nots.

The first act was decent for me, tackling a couple of issues, with the one about money between couples a really interesting one which if we re honest, most can relate to.

The second act is also good in the main but it falls foul of outstaying its welcome. It again raises some interesting points but there is nothing new or original here.

I think the third act is where it gets interesting. What is covered here, is who holds power, why they hold it, how they can keep hold of it and how the power can shift are all covered. It's got a good ending which wraps things up nicely, philosophically.

For me, in summary, it has many good points but they have been done before. It's too long and the middle act drags, and it's satire is not cutting enough for it to be truly great. However, it's entertaining, cutting, well acted, and on the nose in terms of its message.
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I'm baffled
19 February 2024
I'm baffled these days for what the critics and the paying public count as a good film. Pretty much everything that has a rating above 7 I find disappointing and often, as here those with bad reviews I find very satisfying.

This slow build of a movie looks and sounds fantastic. It also builds very well and ends up with a decent ending, which ends up being a false ending. The twist was unexpected for me, and it gave me a greater appreciation of the film. Acting here is good, with great performances as usual from Bale and Jones. This was a good film for me that did have a couple of issues. 1) it sags in the middle 2) it has a bit of a ridiculous coincidence that is key to the film.

Overall, it's not perfect, but in todays big blockbuster world, its a welcome relief to have something with a proper story, well told.
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Rogue Heroes (2022–2024)
Not for the purists
17 February 2024
This has a very high rating on imdb (8.1 at time of writing) so it is obviously well liked and those that love it will tell you to ignore the reviews that are critical.

It's clear the majority of people love this and I'm pleased for them. However, if you are a purist, like your history to have the feel, attitudes, behaviour, music and historical accuracy this might not be for you.

I have read the book which this is based on (something the vast majority of people that love this, seemingly have not) and whilst the creator's have most if the facts correct, the feel of this series is far removed from the reality. The way the characters act, the ridiculous amount if swearing, the tone, the music etc is all very wrong.

I love the story this is based on, some of the action scenes on particular (when the music is not on) are really good and it's entertaining. However for me, personally, I found the music and all the other stuff jarring and distracting which made this very much a missed opportunity.

I haven't watched peaky blinders, but was going to, but I doubt I will now, and I won't be watching the second series of this. I might read the book again though.
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7 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I came to this late, mainly because I had seen hawking with cumberbatch and didn't see the point in this really. However, the angle of this being it was about his Marriage interested me so I decided to watch. I didn't know what to expect, but what I got was a pretty traditional telling of a great love story between two people in extreme circumstances. So far, so good. Well acted, well scored and well written. It wasn't particularly original but it was well written for the vast majority of the films running time. Then, the bombshell is dropped, but in a way in which was done with such sleight of hand, it was like the writers and director wanted to pretend that Hawking didn't just elope with his nurse. Making a film about the love story about two people in extreme circumstances making their relationship for 90% of the movie work and championing this, is very much watered done when we hear the truth. It's a well made film but you can't help but feel the vast majority of the film was a bit misleading.
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A great insight
4 February 2024
Elyrex, you want a different documentary, that's not a fair review in my opinion.

This is not a documentary of the rolling stones, it's a documentary within a documentary of the individual members opinion on the stones. Yeah, mentioning Taylor and Wyman in more detail might have been interesting, but what is here is great, and the personalities really come across. There's also critiscm that Richards and Ronnie are cartoon characters that add nothing. Really? They are who they are and they come across as genuine. If you don't like them fair enough, bit they are who they are. I read Richard 's biography and I didn't think he came across as likeable but so what. People are just people and that is what makes it interesting. Me, I really liked this, I didn't find it sanitised, I found it honest and interesting with some excellent footage.
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Benediction (2021)
28 January 2024
My score for this film is not based on how good the film is as that is a subjective viewpoint. Indeed, many people have rated this as a 10/10 but for me, I didn't really enjoy or like this much.

Before I go on, I need to add some context. I have seen two Terence Davies films before this and really liked them both. I love his melancholic feel to his films, the cinematography was wonderful, beautiful scores and nuanced performances. I also know and am reasonably interested in the life of Sassoon and am particularly interested in his life in WW1. I also have no issue with homosexuality (I am clarifying this as some reviews make the assumption that anybody marking this down is a bigot or a homophobe).

As above I liked the cinematography, the score, the acting, the melancholy, and the beauty.

But, I also found this muddled, poor in its narrative, poorly paced, overlong and ultimately I found the focus on his sex life just plain dull. Was this his life, was this what was important in his life and of so, it is given no context, how did this shape Sassoon? We don't really know. Sassoon ended up out of place and bitter but it is not do the narrative that the film is based on at all, as he was always like this seemingly. Overall, I found this disappointing but not totally without merit.
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Outer Range (2022– )
Not for everyone
10 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
There are many reviews of this series on imdb, and they are very polarised. There are few scores in the middle but people in the main seem to love it or hate it. Personally, I really liked it. I think tv has become a bit like an extended film. People expect answers, they expect reasoning, moreover they expect the story to have no let up. This is not that type of TV show. You have to trust it, there are long periods when we don't know what's going on, why characters make decisions that seem unlikely, who the characters really are and what the hell is really going on. Do we get all the answers at the end? No, and that is my only worry. Let's hope the second series knows where we are and where we are going as I am super intrigued by it and am really looking forward to that second series. A final word on the acting here. Its universally excellent with both Brolin and Poots excelling.
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8 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have found it very difficult to come up with a rating here, and I went through many emotions watching this. Firstly the easy bit, the concert footage. This is mostly excellent. Well shot, with some truly excellent performances from all those involved. The documentary elements are variable. Some are good and some seem superfluous and add nothing. Then, when we add in that actually some of the footage was not real footage and didn't even happen things get very complicated. From my point of view as a viewer, I started off intrigued; what was fact, what was fiction? Then as time went on, this just became unsettling and became my main focus rather than enjoying the film. Worse than that though, some of the obvious inserts (the film Maker, Sharon Stone) are just so bad it's off putting, spinal tap this is not. So, it's a mixed bag but ultimately this is worth a watch for the live footage.
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Sometimes less is more
1 January 2024
I have read the original source novel (which many of the critics seemed not to) and seen the original 1930 film and upon reflecting on my thoughts once the film had finished, I kind of wish I hadn't. Both the source novel and the original film convey the ultimate sense that war is futile, on all sides and its widely viewed as the ultimate ant-war story.

Where those sources excel is the unwavering simplicity of it all. The book focuses on the troops from the German infantry side but also on how troops were viewed back in Germany both before they went, during and when they came back. It is simple in its narrative but that by no means takes away the message it so skilfully conveys.

Where this adaptation excels, is the unsettling no holds barred approach. Unsettling score, bloody close ups, clarity of how futile it all is, and the palpable sense of unfairness for a whole generation.

It's not perfect though. For me, the last 40 minutes or so, whilst we'll made, tell us nothing. Veering away from the source text, what we actually get here is a message that has been conveyed many times in war before (that the powers in charge have no sympathy for their men) and it feels like it is trying to say more than it actually does.

I think whilst this is good, the source novel and original form are perfect. This is not.
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Count Me In (2021)
Ignore the peart fan boys
27 October 2023
I love music. I love rock music. I love drummers. I love Neil Peart. It doesn't matter that he's not in this. It's not a documentary about your favourite drummers. Yes, people mention their influences but it's not a history of drumming really and it's not a history of drummers. It's mainly about drummers love of drummers, how they got into drumming, why they love it etc, etc. Yes it does mention drummers but I have no issue that it didn't have some of my favourite drummers mentioned. When I'm watching Keith moon banging out who are you and seeing steven perkins enjoying himself replicating it I'm not worried about anything else.
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Really very good
15 July 2023
This is a very good movie. Well written, superbly acted, very good cinematography and emotionally wrought. It also covers many themes, mental health, race relations, unlikely friendships, abuse, discourse and the power of cinema to help us deal with these things.

There are so many good things in this movie that it is mainly unfair to pick out one, but olivia Colemans performance is utterly superb. She conveys so many things here. Happiness, confusion, sadness, clarity, way, coldness and many others. She often does this just through looks, there a scene at the end if the movie over a drink (no spoilers) where the facial expressions say a 1000 words, superb stuff.

I have to mention the professional reviews on imdb, especially those from us newspapers giving this a rating of 4 or 5 from 10. One of them suggests this is a film about nothing. Honestly, I know this is just one person's opinion, but they shouldn't be a film critic if they don't understand films.
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Bone Tomahawk (2015)
Really ver)y good
13 July 2023
It's well known to me that everyone has different tastes and that I shouldn't read or take notice of other reviews. Bit if I read one more moron calling a film that takes its time 'boring' or worse, some millennium idiot, moaning about a film being unrealistic, I will hunt them down and reenact the movie. Just because you have terrible taste in movies, it doesn't make you right. If you have this movie 1 star my personal opinion is that you should be locked up in a home made prison cell and eaten.

This is a wonderfully written (don't listen to the idiot who said the writing is terrible, he most probably thinks the avengers is well written) film with cracking dialogue, characters who are flawed yet well developed, superb cinematography and above all, a masterclass in acting.

The middle does drag slightly (as you might expect with just 5 actors) which means it doesn't get the full 10, but it's a really well made film.
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Da 5 Bloods (2020)
Enjoyable but messy
10 July 2023
There is no escaping it, this is a messy film which shoots for the stars and although it most probably misses, there is a lot of fun to be had on the way.

The actual story isn't really up to much (bunch of black vietnam vets try to find some lost gold) but it covers a lot of themes including the oppression of blacks in war, resentment of one's kids, guilt, love, brotherhood, bonds formed by war, greed as well as some others I'm sure.

The acting is great, sound track limited to Marvin Gaye's what's going on album (no bad thing) and some of the set pieces excellent.

Personally I'll always trust the reviews of the professionals over amateur hacks and that's true here, some of these reviews are laughable.
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Visually stunning but too long
10 June 2023
I think we all knew the reliance here would be on the visuals but if you are going to make a movie that is over 3 hours long, it needs a story and some character development. The way of water has neither. The main story is of a revenge flick with a secondary theme of how we murder animals for profit and for the running time it's not enough. The first movie has clichéd characters but there is enough development of them to keep us interested. Here, the main characters are given nothing to do and the kids who are given the most screen time are a series of clichés. Having said that, the visuals are truly stunning and need to be seen to be believed. In addition, kudos to Cameron for tackling what a bunch of a-holes humans are to animals, but I doubt it will make a difference. So overall, a mixed bag.
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22 July (2018)
Mostly a triumph
9 May 2023
There is little doubt that in anyone else's hands this most probably would have been a disaster. As it stands, with Paul Greengrass writing and directing this is mostly a triumph but there are a couple of obstacles he tries valiantly to overcome.

Greengrass, understandably goes for a chronological telling of the events and for the most part this works well and the running time gives the story room to breath, building character as well as letting the philosophical musings to naturally come to the fire. These include the debate on the race issue and the far right, the use of terrorism to get across different viewpoints, friendship, family love and goodness, ptsd and dealing with the aftermath of such events

I didn't care the actors spoke in English and I think this would widen the demographic of who would watch this.

However, there are issues. Having the film run chronologically means there are pacing issues With the high adrenaline start we then get a lull in pacing afterwards and then the tone shifts into drama for along part in the middle. The ending does feel slightly rushed though the philosophical points are made well enough.

So, overall I found this to be informative and effective despite some challenges.
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People, ahhhhhhhh
1 April 2023
The most popular reviews on imdb are low ratings, most of which are based on people watching one episode. Seriously, it shouldn't be allowed.

So let's discuss the criticisms first. 1) there is no sense of adventure. Seriously? Are these people mad. 2) it's got a black bloke I'm the lead. So what, Tennant is not English. You are racists 3) its not like the novel. Well it is, but what is the point of recreating a book that has been faithfully adapted many times before? Me, I feel sorry for these people that they find barriers to their own enjoyment.

This had great acting, was superbly paced, had great adventure, was funny and entertaining. Minus points? Ropey cgi and a slightly contrived ending and the inclusively was a bit heavy handed in the last episode.

I enjoyed this, and would recommend it. I look forward to getting lots of 'not helpfuls' from those stuck in the dark ages.
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The Big Bang Theory: The Stockholm Syndrome (2019)
Season 12, Episode 24
What happened?
14 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Although we were moving towards it, what happened? Everybody started to just be horrible to each other, and the whole badgering of penny to get pregnant and the she gets pregnant is not only misogynistic but also a terrible example to set.

It's obviously great that Sheldon and Amy won the Nobel but it is overhadowed by the other points. There is no question that this would have been better ending around series 10 which is a shame as it was great up until then. And now inhale reached my character limit....

I wonder if the screenwriters just ran out of ideas For the final series and episode which is obviously a real Shane.
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Nomadland (2020)
I didn't like it as much as the critics.
31 January 2023
This seemingly was loved by the critics but maybe the love for this film by them is not matched by the paying public.

Personally, I felt there was much to like here. America is shown in all its glory, with cinematography and a score which underpins the beauty and the wilderness. There is a seen with bat's which is truly stunning in particular. The acting is also good, with mcdormand giving as natural performance as you will likely ever see.

I hate the cliche that films would be better as a documentary but that would behard to argue here. Indeed this is filmed for the most part as though thus is a documentary. I wouldn't have an issue with that but I feel a good documentary says something or at least makes you feel something and I'm not sure this spoke to me enough. Still, it had some merit and was worth a watch.
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A sumptuous blend of history and art
16 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a fine marrying of history and art.

The team behind this have taken the story of Mary and Elizabeth in the 16th century and used this to purvey the dominance and treachery of men against women, a topic that is very relevant even today.

What we have is plotting, double crossing and treachery as a power play, where men cannot bear that women can rule with power.

The story plays out well, individual scenes are superb (there are too many to mention), the pacing is generally good, the cinematography wonderful and the performances are generally good with saoirise Ronan absolutely excelling.

I can't go without mentioning the relatively low imdb rating which seems to be based on xenophobia rather than the film.

There are some non white actors in this film but that is all they are. They are not representing their colour they are playing a part. Just in the same way that Ronin and Robbie are. Robin is Irish, playing a scotswoman and Robbie is an Australian playing the Queen of England.
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Six Feet Under (2001–2005)
In a minority
13 January 2023
It seems like I am in a minority of people who just didn't love this show. Going into it i really thought I would like it. Like with everything I watch, I did a bit of research; i read the reviews, understood the premise and what I might get out of it and the premise and the promise of dark humour and those wonderful reviews sold me on it. I got to near the end of the third season and found myself not watching anymore. I liked the first season, found it interesting, quirky and funny. I liked the family dynamic and the character growth and was looking forward to watching more. After watching the second series, I found myself feeling it was all very one dimensional, mainly the dimension of everyone just being narcissistic. I found the humour had gone, the characters were becoming pastiches of themselves and it was like watching an 18 rated soap opera. I found series 3 a bit better but honestly, I just ended up getting bored withbl it enough not to watch it again.

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Enjoyable but problematic
18 November 2022
Like flag of our fathers before it, Eastwood takes a stab at a real life story, focusing this time on an innocent man's persecution by the American government. Like the aforementioned film, Eastwood gets the tone completely wrong for me.

This is a story of at best an incompetent FBI and an immoral media which hounds an innocent man. The cast do their absolute best here in the main, to really bring across the issues that Eastwood is trying to convey but this is let down by a tone that dilutes the abhorrent nature of the whole story. In particular the cheesy score (all soft horns, making this sound like muzak youbhear in a lift) and the cartoon nature of the film agents, (John Hamms character in particular) almost ruin the story Eastwood is telling. Overall, this was entertaining but it should have been far better than it is.
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Forbrydelsen (2007–2012)
Mostly excellent
14 November 2022
This is a really good Danish police drama, it is in Danish with subtitles so if that's a problem for you, bear that in mind.

This is a multi-layered, detailed and complex story which cracks along at a very faced pace. It is really well written and it changes tact many times, in fact I had at least 3 people down to have done the crime at least twice.

The acting is really good and the use of the Danish winter as a backdrop to Goings on was a clever one as it added atmosphere and dread to proceedings.

However there are some things that some might find problematic; It is long (20 hours long) and there are more red herrings than in a fish stew and there were at least two false endings.

Overall, I thought this excellent but occasionally flawed. I'll be watching the second series soon.
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