
133 Reviews
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Napoleon (2023)
Don't Bother... Get popcorn and run !
9 December 2023
I'm 75 years old and have been watching movies since I was five. I've seen over 500 movies in my years on earth. We called them pictures shows back then and on Saturday morning you could get in the theater for three bottle caps. My point being, I know a bad movie when I see one.

The lighting was absolutely atrocious throughout the movie. Even the outdoor scenes were dark. Why all the characters whispered ever line was puzzling.

If you are a history and movie buff like myself, you will do as we did, leave early. My wife fell asleep and I did math problems on my fingers. I also reorganized my wallet. One good thing though, I didn't have to worry about anyone seeing us there, it was just my wife and myself.

Please do not waste your time or money on this garbage. Wait 7 days and watch it on Netflix if you must.
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Eye for Eye (2022)
Scratch my eyes out!
11 July 2023
Lord how mercy sakes! This is just to clean. All the actors look as though they just came from a weekend at the local spa. The dialog sounds like a few middle schoolers got together and decided to figure out how to write a movie screenplay. Let us not forget the music score that sounds like it's from a '60's bikers movie. Someone should have noticed that when you shoot a lever action rifle and Jack the lever back, a shell casing ejects in the air. Director John Ford is rolling over in his grave.

All the outfits look like someone went to Walmart and spent a few dollars in clothing section.

I have been watching westerns for 65 years and this one needs to be removed from view. Even an old bored man like me, had to fast forward through it. It's also amazing that the log house had insulated glass windows. Cowboys didn't wear shirts with buttons. All I can say is, watch paint dry or bread bake, but skip this terrible attempt at acting, directing, writing and trying to read a cue card.
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Mad At The Writer...
12 June 2023
My goodness, great cinematography, costumes and pretty good acting. That's the end of all the good stuff. The fake beard on the monster is pretty bad. Why you folks insist on 600 characters is beyond me. You know dang well one could review this movie with only two words, very bad. A house in the middle of a forty acre field is not a very scary place. All the props were too clean and pretty. Looks like everything had just been painted and all the actors had just came back from the dentist having their teeth whitened. I guess I'm just too old and have watched too many John Ford westerns to appreciate this poor attempt to make a scary movie.
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Whelm (2019)
Watching Pair Dry!
7 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
To squeeze out 600 words to give a review on this slow moving movie will be a stretch. Only viewers under the age of 50 will be able to stay awake for this Quinten Tarantino want a be.

The actors as well as the directing is very well done. The cinematographer placed the right scenery at the right time, while the musical score was a piece of perfection. However, every scene is so dang slow it's hard to focus on the plot. Of which, is pretty predictable to anyone that is a fan of old detective movies with Sam Spade on TCM.

I, and this is no joke, fell asleep twice while waiting on the main character to die off. This guy had super survival skills. Shot point blank in the chest, beaten and shot in the back with a twelve gauge shotgun. Just too slow for this old Army Veteran.
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Western World (2017)
Can you say," Don't even start watching!!
9 May 2023
Wow! 600 words, to simply say, " Bad Movie!" Oh my goodness, are these people professional actors or did someone at this recreation of a western town just get drunk and yell out, " Hey! Let's get drunk, talk real funny and make a home video and call it a movie. We can get some fifth graders to write the script and have some rednecks teach us the dialogue.

The southern accents sound nothing like Andy Griffin or Aunt Bee. I have 163 characters left in the 600 required so I guess I will have to think of something else to say about this terrible film. I can't think of any more words that would convince you to to never ever watch this mess.
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Savage State (2019)
French Western?
8 May 2023
John Wayne, Randolph Scott and Clint Eastwood are screaming, " Say what?" A bunch of women that have grand illusions of being sexy and tough all at once. The dresses they wear in the western scenes are completely out of place. All of them appear to have perfect teeth, something that would have been impossible for the time period. The hair styles would have never been possible for the wilderness location they were traveling. This is just a slow boring movie. I have been watching westerns for over 65 years and this is about as bad as it gets. The scenery and cinematography are well done but the actors come across as rich folks traveling on a dude Ranch cattle drive.
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Where is Mel Brooks?
8 May 2023
Wow! I don't know where to begin. I first thought this was a spoof movie. You know, a comedy. I feel sorry for the film editor, he or she must of had nightmares trying to find enough footage to make this attempt to be called a movie. The battle scenes were just pathetic and so fake. Yes, I know, all movies are fake but it's the job of the director to make one forget it is. Trying to write 600 words about this film is very difficult." When I find you... I will take your fingers." Will surely be a line that will go into many trivia contest at the local bar and grill somewhere in southern Montana.

Bad, bad, bad movie.
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Can't be good when the actors can't supply profile picture!
15 April 2023
I don't know exactly what to say! Doesn't anyone watch the daily film scenes. Mercy it's called a screening or review. Someone in the crew had to sitting there saying," man this is bad!" Rolling Rock! Please! Sucking out snake venom? Come on! Why do all C movies have a snake bite scene?

All the costumes are to clean and proper. Even the tac for the horses looks new. These guys are handcuffed together in a desert filled with trees. Despite the heat, their are no sweat marks under their arms.

No smokes or chewing tobacco, wow!

Big Ben... Big Ben? These two guys don't shoot off the handcuffs because in real life, a pistol round will not cut through the chain.

When they do decide to shoot the chain, it comes apart very easy. Why this page director requires 600 characters to review this movie is beyond me. Two words could some this movie up. Bad Movie!
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Redemption (2009)
It's a $60,000 dollar movie!
14 April 2023
Robert Conway, bless his heart, attempts to make another western. The casting director in his westerns should be given 52 weeks of vacation.

One would think he could find one decent actor to play a bad guy that was believable in his or her role.

After watching western movies for over 65 years, know a good one from a bad one and this is a bad one. I do have to give Mr. Conway credit for his efforts and would suggest he may want to think about letting someone else handle the writing and especially the casting. The actor that played the Captain is not and never will be a convincing actor, especially in a western.

I will give him credit for scenery and beautiful landscaping shots.
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Skinwalker (I) (2021)
No John or Clint in this one....
14 April 2023
Wow! As someone that has been watching Westerns for over 60 years, this has to be one of the worst I've ever watched. Goodness, the casting director obviously went to the local Community College and picked up a van load of drama students and just said, " pick the character you would like to portray." All the white and perfect teeth would never have existed in the 1800's. The three young ladies were all to clean and proper and so was the log cabin.

If you're a lover of the old western classics, The Searchers, War Wagon, Shane etc, don't even bother to start this terrible attempt to make a good western.
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Worst movie ever made
9 April 2023
Oh my! I'm 74 and a Vietnam Combat veteran and I can tell you I've seen at least 500 movies in my lifetime. This looked and sounded terrible. Everyone seemed to be reading off cue cards. It is such a terrible effort that I can't find six hundred bad words to fill out the required characters. I see you must use 600 words even though the other reviewers only used around 50. It appears the casting director went to a local highway rest area and recruited people right off the Greyhound buses or just went to the local Mall and picked up the first group of bass fishermen they could find. This movie proves that absolutely anyone can take an IPhone and get it on Prime Video.
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Wander (I) (2020)
To many flashbacks...
17 February 2023
Tommy Lee Jones looks as though he is trying to convince people he is now a bad actor. It appears he took this role as a favor to someone.

I would be shocked if the movie made any money for any of the investors. As a retired criminal investigator, I can you the skills of this man are novice at best.

The soundtrack makes one want scratch his/ her own eyes out. The red '55 Chevy in the garage is the only thing kept 2 seconds if my attention span To require 600 characters to condemn this movie is quite the stretch of one's imagination and I would suggest to the producers, never again try to pass the plot off as interesting.
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Wild Faith (2018)
Good family movie.... But?
16 February 2023
This movies is of the low budget variety but has some beautiful scenery. Everything and everyone one was just to clean and perfect. Perfect teeth, perfect hair, and perfect clothes. The buildings were obviously from some nearby historical park. The sheriff looked like had just came from the dry cleaners and appeared to be very wimpy in nature.

To be honest, I couldn't make it through the entire movie but fully understood the family orientation of the theme. Unfortunately trying to make it family clean took away some of the message trying to be told. This movie would be great for a church social viewing event. However , you are not going to draw any John Wayne or Clint Eastwood viewer's into the fold.
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Speed Kills (2018)
Now this is a Bad Movie
2 August 2022
Everything about this true story is completely wasted by poor production and editing. John Travolta's hair looks painted on. Just a very bad effort by all involved.
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This is a Western?
4 December 2021
If you are a true lover of Western movies, this one is not for you. I have watched hundreds of western movies in my life( I'm 73) and this film has no relationship to any western ever made.

It is set in 1925 Montana but it's obvious it was shot somewhere else. You have this great big family wood mansion but their is not a tree within a thousand miles of the place.

No fights, no stagecoach robberies, not even a hanging. Slow terrible, horrible movie.
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Very Bad Western...
4 November 2021
The premiss of this movie is so far fetched even an old man like me that has been watching westerns for 65 years, could not give it a decent rating.

Taking in only $8,000.00 at the box office pretty much says it all.
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The Guilty (2021)
Terrible Movie
18 October 2021
It didn't take much of a budget to make this film. A few stand-ins and some lighting was about it. A one man show that carried very little substance.

However it did show the stress which is placed on all 911 workers and that made it worth watching..
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Slow, Slow,Slow
8 September 2021
Thank goodness for the Bear! Robert Redford is way past his stardom days but this feel good movie is great family viewing. After all, who doesn't want to hear Morgan Freeman speak his twenty five words.
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Talk , Talk and more talk..
27 August 2021
I love this show but it does have a lot of snail pace dialogue. It also has a lot of drinking wine and tea. It also has a lot of verbiage about killing ones self or asking to be killed by others.

It also wears out the phrase, I've been framed!" Other than that, it could be seen as a family show (no sex). The scenery is beautiful and all the characters have perfect teeth and skin tone. They also have plenty of crying and more crying.

If you like battle scenes, don't blink, only a few look real ( CGI?)
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Arthdal Chronicles (2019–2023)
Absolutely Wonderful!!!
16 August 2021
This is one the best foreign series I have ever watched. No flaws here. Great acting by a bunch of young men and women. The little girl is so talented at such a young age.
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Great viewing
26 July 2021
Loved this show but don't understand why they try and pass girls as men. Breast are hard to hide and voices are feminine... good family show.
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The Rise Of The Cry Babies...
13 July 2021
Lord how mercy! I thought the Turkish movies displayed the most crying in their shows and movies. This show is well produced and the sets are second to none. I never seen so many men cry in a single show. How are we supposed to believe the characters are so skilled in martial arts and so ruthless while crying about every little thing... Great show that is killed by writers and directors. Boo hoo!
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The Bad Batch (2016)
30 June 2021
This has to be right up there with the Thin Red Line and Heavens Gate as the worst film ever made. Thank God for fast forward. The gross receipts seem to prove it as well.
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Mr. Sunshine (2018)
No Flaws Here...
24 June 2021
It only takes one word to describe this series, Perfection... I don't even notice the subtitles. A must watch for the entire family. Enough said.
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Katla: From Under the Glacier (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
The ugliest place in the world to make a ugly movie
23 June 2021
Wow... this series is about as boring as you can get. Watching paint dry is much more entertaining. Just the word, Iceland, tells the whole plot. Ugly boring people working in and around a ugly volcano. The plot makes so sense and the director makes little effort to do so.

The only thing that gives it any scenic value is the Drone shots. I looked up, Traveling to Iceland? " Don't Go! " was the reply I received back. " Don't Watch!" Is my advice to you!
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