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Social Anxiety as Horror
27 July 2022
I think if you've experienced social anxiety (which does not mean simply getting nervous in groups, it means debilitating and disabling fear of being embarrassed/humiliated and doing the wrong thing) you'll get the spirit behind this.

Social anxiety as a disorder is something that, at its core, twists your perceptions until you can't tell what's real or not. Everyone's watching you. Everyone's laughing at you. Everything you do is stupid. Everyone is talking behind your back about how stupid you are. You can no longer trust anyone else - or yourself.

You even gaslight yourself. It's a sort of unintended self-abuse really. I think this movie took all that and escalated it into a darkly comedic psychological thriller. The film didn't work for me, hence my so-so rating, but I love the concept. Mental illness IS a horror movie. This film can put you in the shoes of someone with mental illness, and for that alone it's worth a watch.
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The Twilight Zone: Not All Men (2019)
Season 1, Episode 7
Review from a woman
22 May 2022
Many of the women here are assuming that all the bad reviews are from "triggered" men who didn't like being called out. That's just not the case.

This was poor in every way. It said nothing new, the script was weak, the direction bland, the acting was alternately overwrought and underwhelming - exceptions being Farmiga and Seahorn, who always pull their weight and are very underrated actors.

I think we do need to be having conversations about this topic - which we are now, actually. I'm passionate about that. But this was bad TV. Not everyone here with a poor rating is a male who had his feelings hurt and it's very reductive to imply so. A very cringey bit of television.
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Reversing Roe (2018)
Had potential, but nothing new
25 April 2022
I'd first like to say this review is an actual FILM review, not a diatribe of my own opinions. Some users of this site seem to put their own viewpoints ahead of a real review, which is what IMDB is for. Although I expected as much. But there was so much nuance and complexity that could've been covered here; I'm disappointed yet unsurprised that it wasn't that sort of doc.

This film had potential. In the beginning I thought that it was perhaps showing both sides... Telling a story, as a film should, and letting the viewer make up their own mind. Allow both sides to gain some insights and compassion for each other. Allow nuance. I think it occasionally veered towards that, but ultimately it was still geared towards either swaying you to one POV or affirming you if you already had that take on the issue. And it left no side with any greater understanding of the other.

In reality there are far more people than you'd think who don't have a black and white viewpoint, who don't fit themselves into a choice-or-life box. Or aren't coming from the same place you might expect. I really would've love to see more of that covered. After all, I come to a documentary to learn, and a good doc should really make the viewer think.

For example, I once read a fascinating essay written by a feminist, athiest woman - who was pro-life. I've also seen those who are extremely religious, and just as staunchly pro-choice. Humans usually don't fit into neat little boxes. I would have loved to hear the stories and reasoning of people like that in this film.

Ideally, I would've like to see this film look outside of the typical, politically-based talking points, and look beyond the usual spokespeople of the two camps. It would have made for a very compelling and interesting documentary if they had interviewed feminist/atheist/secular pro-lifers, if they interviewed the extremely religious pro-choicers, if they spoke to those who could not pick a side, to those who had an "or/but" viewpoint, believing that sometimes abortion wasn't right and sometimes it was, or that some situations would allow for it. Something that would challenge us all, no matter where we stood on the topic.

I also would've loved to hear from more scientists, especially biologists. Evolutionary biologists would have been a fantastic resource in my opinion. There are many who hold the view that science backs up life human life beginning at conception. There are others who have the opposite viewpoint. Imagine if we could get a couple well-educated biologists in a room debating this fact politely and using reason, logic, and facts.

So, in the end this film fell short. It didn't provide new perspectives or give viewers anything to think about. And there are so many perspectives to be had. In pro-life and pro-choice camps, and with all the others in-between or undecided. In the end I felt like this documentary served a political purpose, and wasn't really an honest film. I'm still waiting for that film, the one that will simply tell a STORY and show all sides, and show all the gray areas.

We're all human beings. Documentaries can remind us of that. A great doc really can change societies (Blackfish being a prime example). Unfortunately this was not one of them.
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The Woodsman (2004)
Even a child sex abuse survivor can recommend this film...
20 January 2022
As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, you can imagine my trepidation and skepticism going into it. I found the film immensely powerful. It asks questions we don't want asked. It doesn't give us the answer - other than making it very clear that he has done disgusting vile things, and that he will likely fight that the rest of his life. As for the rest, it tells us to think. And I don't think we can change the rates of child sexual abuse unless we THINK about the hard stuff, as this films urges us.

Firstly, Bacon's performance was brilliant. He's not a monster, though he has done monstrous things; at times even I, with my history, felt sympathetic towards him. Here's the thing - hardly any child sexual abuser is a "monster." They are humans, not bogeyman. They are your neighbors, your relatives, your coworkers, your friends - very few of them are sociopaths or psychopaths. Many genuinely feel shame over their actions or try to change. They are just as capable of loyal familial love as anyone else, just as capable as being compassionate friends, and yes - capable of being someone else's lover, and able to treat that person well. This film reminds us of that.

Hardly any film has examined the concept of "forgiveness" like The Woodsman does. And it gives us all the freedom in the world to make up own minds, which is actually quite hard for filmmakers to do. There is no right or wrong answer. Only victims get to decide if abusers are forgiven for their crimes. One cannot accept an apology for a crime that did not affect them personally. But societal forgiveness, by way of allowing them back into society, allowing them to live freely, the chance to prove they won't do it again - we all play our own role in that, regardless of how we each feel and act.

The sad truth is that historically child abusers struggle to really change. What made them capable of such a heinous act is still inside them. As exemplified by the park bench scene.

I have a family member who was a pedophile and molested dozens of girls (not me, I was abused by others). He could never change. He was the sort of man that every person should know is a pedophile, every parent should know his tricks and charms and methods and crimes. Maybe some abusers can change. I am of the opinion that we not give them the benefit of the doubt. It's simply not safe to ever let them be around children, and every single person in their neighborhood should know who they are and what they've done. Safety of innocent children MUST come before the comfort and convenience of a sexual predator.

Might we also consider they could change? Might we also consider that they deserve love, as long as it doesn't endanger children? Some of them are haunted by their crimes - such as Bacon's character. But their hauntings mean nothing when compared to the soul-death they inflicted on the most innocent and most helpless humans. Could we say that a lifetime sentence of never being truly "left alone" to live their life is just and right, as their victims will also never get to leave their past behind and will always be scarred because of it? Might this righteously balance the scales?

The Woodsman, if you let it, will challenge you to ask these questions and more. I was on high alert for any positive viewpoint of this charavter from the filmmakers. And other people might feel differently, but as a child sex abuse survivor I say that the movie is asking us to consider the most disgusting and vile parts of society, to see what we can learn - about ourselves, and others - and that this is highly important.

Child sexual abuse can't be changed if we never talk about it, openly. Brutally, honestly address it. This film is a step in the right direction. It is a powerful movie and I recommend it to anyone. Survivors might find it triggering, so they should be wary. But it's a great film and is a very important topic that is well-addressed.
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An uneven yet affecting drama
29 October 2021
Let me state from the beginning that I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness. There's so much complexity within that cult that I wish the film had gone into. When you're in it, the reasoning makes sense. Those who die are martyrs. There was actually a special issue of a magazine back in the 90s celebrating 20 children who had died refusing blood transfusions. Isn't that sick? But if you're raised in it, you'll have real empathy and see these aren't bad people.

Most Jehovahs Witnesses are good hearted people. That's why it's so easy to manipulate them. I spent 30+ years telling outsiders it wasn't a cult - until you look at a list from experts of the signs and realize it fits every definition.

So keeping in mind that it's a cult, it's easier to understand how JWs thinking gets so warped - we're controlled to such a degree that we even claim this is all our own choice - it's impossible to make a free choice as a JW, because you'll be shunned.

As was mentioned in the film, if Adam took the transfusion he'd likely be disfellowshipped and shunned - this means every friend, every relative, everyone he knows will treat him like he's dead. They won't even look him in the eye and say hello. If they saw him on the street they'd cross to the other side. And if he didn't live with his parents, even they would do the same. And if they DO associate with him, they'll also be shunned. How on earth can anyone make use of free will in that situation? They can't.

It's a shame they didn't get more into that, especially with his parents. Regardless Im happy to see this topic being covered.

As for the rest of the film, it was decent. Emma Thompson never disappoints and Stanley Tucci was as solid as ever. Even if it veered into being a little over dramatic, it was never melodramatic. It was very restrained.

At the end, I couldn't help asking - what was the point? And not in a good way, like when a great film keeps you thinking and mulling it over long after you've seen it. Instead it felt like it didn't have a point.

It was still a decent film and if you're curious about JWs it gives you a small taste of it. What I highly recommend is the film Apostasy. It was made by an ex-JW so everything is spot on. It also covered the blood issue and disfellowshipping. In that film you'll get a much better idea of why Adam's parents could truly love him so much yet harm him greatly. If this film intrigued then that's a great follow up.
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Sea Fever (2019)
Better in concept than execution
3 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Man I woulda loved to like this film. And it wasn't bad. It was never the B-movie creature horror flick I had expected it to be - instead it was grounded and serious. It's just missing that special something.

I also feel like they made the theme of it a bit too obvious, in a way that comes off as preachy rather than profound. Specifically during her conversation with Omid where he says, "You would risk your life to save something that's trying to kill you?" It appears to be a parable about our planet's relationship with humans. I admire that they want to do that, it just wasn't done well. It wasn't affecting. Instead felt like they were knocking on my head and saying hello this is the theme! Hope you got this!!

Overall it's just meh. I wouldn't say that I wasted my time necessarily... But I do wish I had spent those two hours on a better film. The main actress was great though and she and Omid were the only reasons I kept watching really.
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Ode to Joy (I) (2019)
Special for its subject matter
20 August 2021
I thought this was going to be kinda dumb, and gimmicky, and it was, BUT as it turns out, as a disabled person myself, I rather enjoyed much of it.

I know what it's like to build your entire life, your every MOMENT, around your disease and its symptoms; and how hard it is to explain what that feels like to someone who hasn't lived the reality. I know what it's like when others need to accommodate you and how humiliating it can be. I know what it's like to have the acceptance and love of family, and the judgements of strangers. And I know what it's like to try to build and maintain a relationship when this disability is looming above you. Because you're asking someone else to, by proxy, be disabled as well. Because they will also need to change their lives, be aware every day of some disease that neither of you asked for, but must face nonetheless.

At the end of the day, it's an average rom-com. Nothing particularly special in terms of story beats, musical score, dialogue, etc. And our main character definitely makes some questionable choices. No one is particularly fleshed out here.

But what IS special is that it's about a disabled person. We don't get many - if any - romantic comedies about people like us. Whatever your disability is, it doesn't really matter, because you'll find something to relate to.

I won't give away spoilers but I will say this - the short scene that plays after some of the credits roll very well represented what it is like when you are in a long term relationship with one partner disabled and the other able-bodied.

Everyone deserves love. No one should feel they don't deserve it or can't have it because of conditions they can't control. And this film is a lovely little reminder of that.
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Oxygen (2021)
REAL sci-fi - Creative and exhilarating
13 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
My recommendation: avoid spoilers like the plague and don't even read many reviews. This film is best experienced as a wild ride.

I simply love how creative it was. Excellent filmmaking required to make a movie set 99% of the time in a cryogenic chamber riveting and suspenseful, though a huge amount of the credit for that goes to the lead actress. I've never seen her in anything before but she was simply phenomenal. Without her this could have gone a different way but if nothing else watch it for her performance.

This is what sci-fi is meant to be: exploring how our current and future technologies affect the human condition. The details of the science itself are certainly fascinating but what it gets right is showing what that means for humanity as a whole AND the individual, and what it means for our future. I see that lacking in a lot of sci-fi and so it's always refreshing to see.

I can understand where some of the negative reviews are coming from but in my (naturally subjective) opinion they simply don't outweigh the good and in many cases are wrong. If you love true sci-fi, give it a chance. I doubt you'll be disappointed in the lead actress's performance and it will make up for any doubts you may have on the rest of it.
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Tell Me When (2020)
A truly UNIQUE romcom
11 May 2021
I am incredibly shocked to see the low rating here. I expected the average rating to be in the 7s. If nothing else, please take from my review that you should give this a chance!

Perhaps the issue is that these viewers went into it expecting something different. It is a romantic comedy but it's more layered, intimate, and subtle than the average film in this genre. Where so many romcoms go wrong is that the entire focus is on the romance, which is very often based upon only a couple interactions, unrealistic.

Quite the opposite with this one: the secondary characters were fleshed out, the location and setting was well represented. And the couple ACTUALLY spent enough time together, in situations where they could genuinely get to know each other, that you could believe they could realistically fall in love, not just infatuation or sexual attraction.

I don't want to give away spoilers but I will say that I enjoyed the comparisons between the main characters grandfather and grandmother's romance, and how it related to his relationship with his new friend. And the inclusion of others in their love story which gives a hint that sometimes the road to lifelong love isn't one grand gesture, but taking things slow, really getting to know each other, and building upon a friendship first.

Any successful long-term marriage/relationship, in real life, is based on friendship. That's something that most romance movies forget. There were also some stylistic choices that I felt did a great job finding a creative way to express the feelings we all experience when it comes to love.

Give this film a chance, if you are the sort of person who wants to watch a different kind of romcom. You'd have to go into it knowing that it's going to be more subtle. Not boring, just subtle. If you go into that attitude and expectation I think you'll have a better time

A wonderful film, representing Mexican cinema making really well, and something that I think over time more people will "get" and might even become a cult classic.
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New Amsterdam: Safe Enough (2021)
Season 3, Episode 3
Best episode of the season so far
17 March 2021
I felt like this episode was so beautifully balanced. It showed the many ways that Covid has affected real people, not just because of people getting sick from the virus but all the other side effects. like people not getting medical treatment they need and getting sick or dying, or the isolation that batters our mental health and can even risk someone's life that way. The hard choices we make now that it's been a year and we all want it to be over, but we also know that we have to be safe. How do you balance "if I go out and do this thing can I risk someone else's life?" and "If I don't go out I'm going to lose my mind"? And especially how it has affected young people.

This episode weaved all of these aspects into the storyline. It all felt very natural and not forced, as some TV shows have done. Everything everyone said or did reminded me of real people who have said and done these things. Dr Helen said many things we have all felt at some point.

Excellent script, wonderful acting, and great direction! if episodes continue to be so strong then this might be the best season of the series.
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Disappointing yet intriguing
21 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Dissociative Identity Disorder has rarely been portrayed accurately in media so it's no big surprise that they fell into a lot of tropes. I expected that.

The best part of this episode is Cynthia Nixon. This is one of the best guest stars of the entire show in my opinion. Her slipping in and out of alters was done so well, amazing how in one second her entire expression and demeanor changed.

The positives in terms of representing DID: to a certain extent some of the characters show a lot of compassion, which is great. Dr Huang naturally is more understanding, that's his specialty. But Olivia in particular was very gentle with this woman, and that was refreshing. they were also correct that DID is almost always caused by long-term childhood sexual abuse. It's important to acknowledge that sufferers of this condition are viewed with sympathy. This is a mental illness that is the product of abuse, not some personality defect.


unfortunately, the last quarter of the episode ruins any good the rest of the episode had done. It was extremely disappointing that it turned out she was faking it. additionally, it played into the incredibly dangerous and stigmatizing myth that the mentally ill are dangerous.

The stats show it time and again: people with mental illness are most likely to hurt themselves, very rarely other people. They're about as much of a danger to society as the average person. L&O unfortunately chose the lazy route.

it's still an interesting episode and it's worth watching for Cynthia Nixon's performance. Just so long as you go into it knowing that this is not an accurate depiction of this brain disease, it's just a TV show. Don't expect facts from it.

if watching this episode makes you curious about the disorder, there are a lot of great resources online that will provide you with better information.
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27 June 2020
I love Eurovision. Such an amazing contest. This film was trash and it sucks that it is representing the contest. Not funny, too long, very very awkward and cringy. I hate to be mean but I think the people giving this high ratings don't have know what comedy is if they think this is funny.
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Permanent (2017)
Lovely movie
11 November 2018
I cannot comprehend the score here. This movie is sweet, funny, and well-done. Please give it a chance.

This is a multi-layered coming of age story. We see all the characters go through changes, learning and growing and maturing. There is a scene near the end featuring a minor character that was absolutely wonderful. If you like indie movies that make you feel happy after, watch this!
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Doctor Who: The Tsuranga Conundrum (2018)
Season 11, Episode 5
Great episode
5 November 2018
I've only been "meh" about one episode so far and it was the second one. Besides from that I've been loving them all including this one. Jodie Whittaker IS the Doctor. She reminds me a bit of Matt Smith's Doctor: a sense of wonderment, joy, and humor.

The alien being this cute little creature made me chuckle. All the side characters were interesting and had compelling individual stories. I especially loved the pregnant man, and how Ryan and Graham deal with him. Very sweet.

Chris Chibnall is doing great, this is class Doctor material and I look forward to the rest of the season!
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19 October 2018
This series went above and beyond what you'd expect of Youtube. Shane Dawson (and Andrew who I know was incredibly important in his role) proved himself to be a true filmmaker, director, producer. This is TV-quality stuff. I had no interest in Jake Paul before this, and I loved going on this journey. This series deserves awards. Well done Shane!
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Excellent episode
20 April 2018
SVU is one of my favorite shows but in the last few seasons it has become evident that it has been on the air too long. No one wants a great show to end but when something is on for years and years, producers and executives sometimes resort to cheap tricks in the hopes of keeping it going, and in the process oftentimes force a show into "jumping the shark".

As SVU approaches 20 seasons, I'm hopeful they'll find a satisfying way to wrap it up. I'll keep watching regardless, waiting for gems like this episode. It's not perfect but it's the best this season and has so many elements of what made this show great in the first place.

The best episodes of all of the L&O franchise series are the ones that explore moral quandaries, the justice system's faults, and what law should be in the first place. Bringing Cabot back for this appearance was a delightful treat. She and Benson portray two characters who are good, honest people both trying to do what they hope is "right", even when it's opposite of what the other thinks. I won't spoil the episode but it is well worth the watch, as it makes you think without forcing any ideas upon you as a viewer.
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Blame (I) (2017)
So much better than this rating
15 April 2018
I'm gonna keep this spoiler-free as I really want to speak to potential viewers BUT I will mark clearly at the very end some spoilers so that you can avoid it. But I wanted to cover that bit a little.

So, I gave this a chance despite the low rating as I don't really trust IMDB ratings anymore. I'm really glad I did. This turned out to be a nuanced, complex, and interesting film. I only discovered afterwards that the 22 year old young woman who played the lead also co-wrote it, directed it, and produced and/or wrote most of the songs in it. She is someone to watch as it's so surprising to me that somebody so young could get across such complex ideas.

What I loved is there is no Bad Guy/Good Guy-everyone is just human, with good qualities and bad. I don't think the trailer conveyed that. It leaves a lot of questions unanswered which some have complained about, but I still find it satisfying as Miss Shephard gave us enough clues that we can fill it in. Many audiences today prefer not to have to think and ponder and use their imagination, they just want stories with simple plots that tell them everything. I found it wonderful. To wrap up, give this a chance!! Especially if you enjoy unusual indie movies.



I loved this ending, I really did. Those last few scenes weave together perfectly. The way it ended with her teacher was fantastic. He showed respect for her and it was obvious on her face that that meant the world to her. She felt valuable. And we are left reminded that even people who make very very poor choices, can have moments of maturity and kindness. Lovely film!
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Very enjoyable!
10 April 2018
I really enjoyed this. I'm a big fan of romantic comedies even though most provide many eyeroll moments. They can put a smile on my face, and this did. Very lighthearted. It plays into every romcom trope! From "we have to pretend to kiss" to "we have to share a bed", they had it all. Nothing is even close to realistic, and there's very little depth, hence 6/10 despite my enjoyment.

As an American, I took some time beforehand to read up on Basque country which really helped me get the jokes more. I would recommend this if you like romcoms, foreign films, and getting a taste of other cultures. (Really what WAS up with her hair though?!)
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The Carrie Diaries: Read Before Use (2013)
Season 1, Episode 3
Rape is no joke
12 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers

I have been really enjoying this show, in spite of its faults it is fun and light and sweet. But this episode astounded me. Apparently if you're a 15 year old BOY who gets raped by their teacher it's totally different than if a 15 year old GIRL was raped by their teacher. Everyone either looks askance at him, as though he was a complicit adult doing something wrong, or as Carrie says, they "admire him." The double-standard that media has when it comes to teacher-student statutory rape is disgusting and damaging to society as a whole. I can't believe these writers could be this clueless.
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Betrayed (1988)
Give this a chance. Haunting, beautiful.
9 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoilers marked at end* I'm a little puzzled by the low rating here. I gained some light by reading the more negative reviews and it seems that the points of the film may have been missed by some. Those who did get it and still didn't like it I can totally respect, but so many here just aren't getting it.

If you have any interest in the film, give it a chance, please. This is seriously underrated, as it is one of the most complex and mature films to come out of the 80s. Winger and Berenger both deserved Oscars, honestly. She is so underrated herself. Winger absolutely inhabits this role. She IS this woman. Her beautiful eyes are so expressive. She can convey everything we need to know just by her face. She carries this film through any faults it has.

Berenger is equally fantastic. No wonder this was his favorite role.


After he discovers that she's with the FBI, we see him laying in bed with her, tears falling silently on his pillow. In this moment we find the point of the film. People who do terrible things are still human. They are not monsters. Just people. They can be wicked and disgusting and twisted, but still have love and gentleness in their souls. In the film's last moments, this point is driven home in a bittersweet goodbye with her almost-stepdaughter Rachel. We can see the path Rachel is on, the same as her father. In just a few years she could behave just as wickedly as he did.

But there's a glimmer of hope that she will remember Winger's character, remember her words, and choose a different path. And so, how will we ever address these societal issues unless we can realize these are just people? That doesn't mean sympathize or excuse. But knowledge is required for true change.

Amazing film.
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Huppert is wonderful in this disturbing film
21 August 2016
This is the first time I've written a review here. I couldn't contain myself. This film made me feel so strongly...I can hardly write.

Let me give you a quick background on me. As a victim of years of childhood sexual abuse, I've found myself, at various times, watching movies that deal with the subject. You'd think it would be "triggering" and in some form it is. But for reasons I can't explain, it helps me cope and heal. I appreciate a well-done film that tackles the matter because when done right, it can show that these people are not mythical monsters, some frightening force on Law and Order: SVU. They are real human beings. When you see them that way, they lose all of their power. You see them as small, weak, pathetic. And that helps me cope with my past.

Returning to the film. I am STILL shocked this is a true story. And not because it happened. But because of the aftermath. What this woman inflicted on her daughter is horrific. But what fills me with vitriol, what is the most disgusting, is that she has never recognized that what she did was wrong. What a pathetic excuse for a human being. What world do we live in, that a woman can exploit her daughter and create child pornography, but claim that it's "art"?

I've seen the photographs. A quick Google search brings them up. Ionesco was actually a talented photographer. She had an opportunity to take some lovely, interesting photographs of her daughter. But, no. What shocks me is that you can Google these and see them! A fully nude photo on a German magazine when she was 12. Half nude photos of her at 10. And not only that, but in sexual poses and outfits. These are the sorts of photos that land people in jail for the rest of their lives.

You can't claim this as art. Imagine all the pedophiles who delight in the ability to freely access this pornography. These sick people can easily leer at perfectly innocent images of children, yes. BUT this is not some catalog photo of a child modeling a swimsuit. These are EROTIC. What. the. ****. This disgusting piece of trash should be in jail for the rest of her life. Instead, she gets to live her life, continuing to defend her "art" and even duping so many people into believing that this didn't damage her child. I feel as though I could write a book about how disgusted, appalled, and enraged I am by a weak, self- indulgent, abusive, absolutely worthless excuse for a human.

With all of that said, it is this background that makes me admire Huppert's portrayal. She's always had a dark presence. She's a powerhouse. I despised her in this. And that was the point. There were faults in the film, yes, and it's not perfect. But Huppert carries it, and her performance is worth the watch.

I've seen far too many films regarding abuse, rape, and sexual exploitation. And this is one of the worst I've ever seen. It will be hard to keep this from my mind over the next few days. I hope making this has helped Eva cope. I hope that this film can shed some light on how subtle sexual abuse can be, and if the public is more aware of it, perhaps we can stop damaging these innocent children.

Burn in hell, Ionesco.
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