
10 Reviews
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Friends: The One with the Blind Dates (2003)
Season 9, Episode 14
5 December 2022
You'd have to be the biggest joke snob not to have laughed multiple times during this episode. The character work and comedic chops were spot on in this one. The dialogue was full of wit and subtle humor and actually funny jokes. You can tell the writers didn't worry too much about moving the various arcs forward, and chose to focus on the scene work. My favorite was Phoebe and Joey kickin it in the kitchen while they hatched their plan. Also, the guest stars had great chemistry with the main characters. Lovitz was a great casting choice! Whole episode was thoroughly entertaining and is possibly one of my favorites of the entire series.
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Sex and the City: Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl... (2000)
Season 3, Episode 4
Actually not homo/biphobic.
12 September 2022
As a bisexual person, I have to disagree with the below reviewers. They kind of missed one of the main points of this episode which was to show how sexuality is a spectrum and the dialogue surrounding it (at the time). Many people and even gays didn't fully understand bisexuality - that doesn't automatically make them phobic (some definitely are though) So of course that dialogue is presented from the pov of these straight women. Carrie even talks about gender and constructs...though I agree that as a sex columnist, her character should've been the one to be less fazed by all of this. It is however established that she mostly just poses questions in her column, so it's not super realistic. And of course the creators and some of the writers of this show were part of the growing LGBTQ community. Think about that for a minute. The whole point was literally to show bisexuality.
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Top Notch Writing
6 May 2022
Let's be honest, while Yellowstone is a very compelling, beautifully shot and well acted series, the character choices and motivations are often unrealistic and pretty ridiculous. Plus, the most interesting character flaws and themes aren't always explored as deeply as they could be. Kinda subjective of course.

However, I would argue that this 4th season is actually the most well written and grounded of the series, despite filming difficulties. In fact, I thought this finale was one of the best of the series, mainly because it really explored the main characters' flaws in a very coherent way while moving the plot forward. Not to mention it had some of the most powerfully written scenes between them. It also didn't feel to me like there was difficulty juggling the various storylines, unlike most of the series. The pacing was excellent and the direction was some of the best I've seen in the series. It makes me wonder about and look forward to the next season.

Other thoughts: Piper Perabo's performance is outstanding, and Jennifer Landon's character work as Teeter is phenomenal.

I find Jimmy to be the most realistic and relatable main character in the series. Jefferson White is underrated and has given the most consistent yet evolving performance out of anyone in the show. He doesn't even look like he's acting; when he responds to what's happening around him, or when he has a realization, you can see him process information like a real life human being. His moments are some of the most powerful and I hope to see more of his journey.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: What Have I Done? (2021)
Season 11, Episode 8
16 December 2021
If you don't laugh out loud to this episode, you probably don't have pulse. Also, Tracy Ullman should win an award for her role as Irma. So good. The 1 star reviewer below sounds like they could be a disgruntled ex-writer. Haha. Yeah, ok buddy.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Watermelon (2021)
Season 11, Episode 4
20 November 2021
This episode is hilarious. Multiple storylines involving themes of culture, character, and racism all masterfully woven together. Blending storylines is of course what the show regularly does, but this episode does it in such a funny way, I can't even explain. Also, Woody Harrelson was really good in it. I hope they bring him back.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Set Up (2021)
Season 8, Episode 6
Loved this episode.
22 September 2021
Not sure what's up with the low rating, but I and everyone I know who watched this episode thought it was hilarious and one of the more solid episodes of the series. The writing and quick paced humor is excellent and the performances are on point. People have different expectations I guess, but honestly I love this season.
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Hacks: I Think She Will (2021)
Season 1, Episode 10
Great finale! These writers ain't hacks.
27 July 2021
Even when you're aware that something in the story is being saved for a dramatic and comedic hit at another moment, you're still hit in the gut when it does happen. And that's what the writers of Hacks are so good at. I'm not the best at articulating, but this episode and the whole series so far just works so well because if how it flows and how the scenes are acted. I mean, idk if it's perfect, but I give the show and especially this episode a 10 because it's fresh, captivating, effortless and very well acted and written.

Also, I think Kayla is a great character. She's essentially one of the things that throws a wrench in the other characters' plans, which then drives the plot while making it even funnier. Sometimes those types of characters can be a bit jarring but I think it works here and I hope the writers have more in store for her and continue to use her wisely. Looking forward to the next season.
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Lessons on the internet and mental illness.
22 February 2021
Actually a decent documentary that addresses mental illness and the problem of the internet jumping to conclusions. It seems the reviewers who complained about the internet sleuths didn't even finish the documentary or realize that what they're complaining about is exactly the point the series is making. And it is in fact respectful to the victim and her family. I rated it a bit higher to help offset the low ratings from these other reviewers who didn't really get the point.
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I See You (II) (2019)
Refreshing thriller.
22 September 2020
I'll admit I scored this a little higher than I normally would just to help offset the lower ratings (sorry idk if it even helps but whatever). Because I think this film deserves a higher score. Because this is genuinely was of the more creepy and original thrillers I've seen in recent years. There is some interesting misdirection (I think?) used here that makes for an interesting twist. Owen Teague is amazing in this, and he only shows up halfway through, I took notice of him ever since I saw him in the show Bloodline. Some of the other performances are really good too. Not everything is great, and I wasn't fully into it until almost halfway through, but I think the direction and more importantly the writing is really good. Devin Graye wrote this and I have a feeling he's going to create some really good stuff in the future.
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The Exorcist (2016–2018)
Are we watching the same show?
25 May 2020
I'm only a little over halfway through the first season but I have to disagree with almost all of the reviews here; Although interesting and entertaining, It's just not of the quality I was expecting. The writing and dialogue lacks subtlety. The pacing is ok but the show is not particularly scary. There are some genuinely creepy and horrific moments mostly coming from the over-arching story which I appreciate. Most of the main actors are acting with a capital "A" (just saw that phrase in a review for something else so I have to use it). Although, I have to give praise to Ben Daniels as Fr. Marcus (see what I did there?) who gives one of the only believable performances out of the main cast. Could be a directing issue too, idk. I actually had to stop watching for a minute so I could put these thoughts down, because the character of Fr. Tomás was bothering me that much. There is some very noticeable CGI, but the makeup and some of the special effects are pretty good. I guess I'm invested so I'll keep watching. I also want to add that as a Chicago actor I do appreciate the detail and all the hard work that goes into making a scripted show. It's still art and it's subjective for the most part. I just don't think the 8.1 rating is accurate.
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