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What did I just waste $4.99 on..
29 February 2024
If the God awful acting doesn't make you turn this off in the first 15 minutes, you have a much more optimism inside you than I do. Wow!

This movie was suggested to me on Amazon Prime, not surprisingly, as I'm a big true crime movie buff. Having said that, I figured I'd give this a whirl knowing good & well that it was going to be low budget, but still hoping it would be worth my time. Oh boy, I was so wrong!

The acting is cheesier than any lifetime movie you've ever seen, I promise you that. There's a fight scene in the first five minutes in which the sound effects used for punches literally made me laugh out loud, so I guess above all else, I got a laugh worth $4.99 out of this movie. Fifteen minutes in I was done and accepted my loss to Amazon's marketing strategy.

Amazon: 1 Me: 0.
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Crossroads (I) (2002)
Britney Spears & Taryn Manning!
27 January 2024
These two women are such underrated actresses! Is this a cheesy early 2000's teen movie? Of course it is.. however having just watched it again in 2024, it was a reminder that these movies really aren't made anymore and that's unfortunate. Despite the cheese and moments that could've been acted out better, these movies leave you having laughed, smiled, cried and everything in between. Britney truly could have had such a successful career in acting had she pursued it further after this. Just as well, I don't understand how Taryn Manning hasn't been more successful than she is. She's had a few successful characters over the years, however nothing close to what she deserves. Ultimately, this is one of my favorite early 2000's films and I'll stand by that firmly.
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A lot of build up, and then..
9 December 2023
I don't think there is anything I hate more than a really well made film, that leaves us with an incredibly weak ending. Leave The World Behind holds so much promise, and so much to desire, as it makes the viewer believe there is an answer to the chaos we're watching unfold, hanging in the balance, that is worth waiting 2 and a half hours for.. and then, while we do receive an answer, it just doesn't feel adequate.

The only way I would feel better about this film, is if there was a sequel to look forward to for more answers and depth, however I don't see that happening. Much like another review that I read, this film would have made a better series that continued after this ending.

Julia Roberts is my FAVORITE actress of all time, and she doesn't disappoint in this film.. but like I'm almost certain I've said five times now, I just felt cheated after that ending. Very meh, despite its attempt to be witty and full circle.
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The opening sequence alone was enough to make my jaw drop!
25 March 2023
As far as remakes go, Friday the 13th really takes the cake. I'm always weary going into these, as the nostalgia is what brings me to watch them, but I often leave disappointed. That wasn't the case with FT13th.

I remember seeing it in theaters, and the opening sequence before the title appears was in itself incredible. My jaw dropped when the title appeared on the screen, thinking to myself, wow.. that was just the opening?!

The rest of the movie has its quirks and things we would change, like any other movie, but overall it was fun and very well put together.. (no surprise being a Michael Bay film).

Will it be your favorite movie ever? Of course not. But you will enjoy it, and I guarantee down the road you'll think of it again and want to watch it.
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Fall (I) (2022)
Seriously uncomfortable to watch!
29 September 2022
I'm a HUGE movie buff, and I have to say, I've never seen a movie that made me this uncomfortable. I was literally out my skin for 75% of this movie. It probably didn't need to be as long as it was, however, they nailed it when it came to tense-nail biting scenes. I had to look away multiple times out of how uncomfortable the scene was, and coming from me, that's saying A-LOT! The acting was great, MOST of the cinematography was incredible, however there were a few scenes that weren't.. particularly in the begging of the film. All in all, if you're a dude trying to get your girl to lean into you for 100 minutes.. this is your movie!
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5 July 2022
Don't even waste your time. The first five minutes reminded me of home movies I used to make with my friends when I was 10 years old. Truly awful. The skateboarding scene on the roof is what did it for me. No thank youuuuu.
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Spencer (2021)
Kristen Stewart like we've never seen her before!
3 February 2022
I was genuinely impressed by Kristen Stewart's acting skills in this film. I've always been a fan of hers, despite the trend of people claiming her to be an awful actress. However in this film, she truly embodies princess diana and proved why her career is on the big screen. From her accent, to her eye contact, to her mannerisms.. I truly felt that she did incredible here. Aside from that, I enjoyed the cinematography in this film, however I felt that the plot was a bit dry and drug out. I would've preferred to see a movie that wasn't solely based on three days, and more on this time frame to her death. I believe Kristen could've accomplished that and this film would've had more success. None the less, good film and worth the watch if you're willing to pay full attention.
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Scream (I) (2022)
The reviews are NOT lying to you..
17 January 2022
Holy S***! I just left the theatre and WOW, this movie straight up delivers. If you're a fan of the franchise, you will love this. So many kills that I didn't expect, laughed over and over again, had to hold myself back from crying more than once.. it's a roller coaster of emotions and the performances are top notch! Spend the $10 and go see this movie - you will not be disappointed!
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Cinderella (I) (2021)
Pleasantly Surprised
7 September 2021
When I saw this advertised, I have to admit that I did an instant eye roll and thought to myself, "another Cinderella.. seriously.." However after just finishing the film, I'm here to tell you that I was pleasantly surprised!

This was a very different, modern take on an old fairytale. The soundtrack was fun, very musical based and it feels like a box was checked for every viewer out there. Well done!
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Better luck next time, Warrens.
5 June 2021
What sets this franchise apart from so many other horror films, is that it doesn't have to pick up where each previous film ends, (outside of The Warrens love story). Having said that, this installment had the opportunity to create and tell any story they wanted, and then we all see that this is the one that they chose. Talk about underwhelming.

I believe many of us can agree that among many other things, the distinct characteristic that made "The Conjuring" such an appealing horror film, was that it made you connect and feel sympathy towards those involved in the plot. Daytime horror, realistic reactions to unrealistic scenarios, etc. The sad truth is, you just don't feel that in this film.

On top of the above let downs, this film feels so Hollywood it's unbearable at times. It's really no surprise to me why this film was made available on both streaming services and in theaters. I think it must've been determined after the final cut was produced that this film was not going to do very well at the box office. Covid or not.

What can I say? Better luck next time, Warrens.
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The Tall Man (2012)
Something is missing here..
13 May 2021
Firstly, this is not an awful film. I thoroughly enjoyed the majority of it. I absolutely did not expect the ending, which is always a breath of fresh air! However I believe that many would agree, there's just something missing here. Do not let this keep you from watching this film, though. As I said, I very much enjoyed it!

On a side note, Jessica needs to be apart of more horror films! I've loved her ability to express frightened emotion since I watched her performance in TCM.
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Still Alice (2014)
If you've experienced it, you know.
24 April 2021
Wow. This movie really hits home for anyone that has experienced this illness with a loved one, and a must see for anyone who hasn't.

Having said that, this movie really hit home. Incredible acting, great flowing story line and a truly realistic look at what it's like to experience this disease. Kudos to the entire team that produced this film.
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The Cure (1995)
They don't make them like this anymore..
23 April 2021
A few weeks ago, I was trying to remember what the name of this movie was called, as I remembered seeing it when I was a child. Finally I was able to remember and found a copy on Amazon! The day it arrived, I rushed to the DVD player and hit play.

Wow! This movie is just as amazing as I remember it being. There I was, a 30 year old man at the ending credits of this film, crying like a little girl.

The acting abilities of these two young men, for one, are absolutely incredible. Everyone in the cast is spot on in their role, but these two young men were astounding. The message in this film is one that we all need, children and adults alike. The plot flowed like water, (see what I did there). It's just an incredible film that everyone should see at least once.

Honestly, they just don't make movies like this anymore.
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Not sure what "legacy" this leaves behind..
23 April 2021
I've never seen the lead actress in another film before, but let me start out by saying that I hope she doesn't stop with this film. She is one talented actress, and I hope she's able to use her gift in more reputable and respected films in the future.

I'm not going to bash this movie, because I don't want to sound like that 30 year old that can't let go of the decade he grew up in. However, I will say that if you grew up watching the original film, odds are you won't care for this one.

This version is very generationally focused, they hit every mark when it comes to inclusion, there's a bunch of weird magic effects, the plot was very all over the place - it just didn't sit right with me.

In closing, I do want to mention again that the lead actress was great! If I enjoyed anything about this film, it was her. I really do hope to see her in more!
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What a cast!
23 April 2021
The first episode had a very strong start, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this show can hold up the momentum. With a cast like this, I'm definitely expecting greatness.

This is an interesting character for Kate, and she executes it very well. I also see a lot of actors in this show that have played the mother, friend, or neighbor in other films. Small parts, slightly forgettable, until you see them again and realize how much you actually enjoy their face being on the screen.

Digging the plot, scores and overall set up here.. let's see how well it holds out!
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Sasquatch (2021)
A true crime documentary with no real answers.
23 April 2021
This wasn't anything too special, but it was decent. It seems like the trend in today's films and shows is to mislead us with trailers and titles, because I continue to watch things that aren't anything like what I'm expecting them to be.

You basically have a true crime documentary here, however you never really get your answer and a lot of the film is based around the same question, which again, is never really answered.

If you're looking to turn something on that can play in the background, while you scroll your social media, hoping to look up and be interested for 5-10 minutes at a time; congratulations, you found it!
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Them (2021– )
Episode Five. Enough Said!
22 April 2021
There are incredibly few films that have left my jaw on the floor, and this series did just that. However it didn't just cause me to do it once, but over, and over, again.

This series has a very "Antebellum" feel to it, in the sense that from the trailer, I was under the impression that it would be one thing, and it turned out to be something completely different. The first few minutes of episode one mentions that this is based on true events, and that's all I could think about as I started each episode. This country has seen some sickening moments in time, and to be frank, it wasn't that long ago. Episode five. Enough said!

Disturbing, edge of your seat, saddening, gut-wrenching horror. You're going to feel it all in this series. Highly recommend if you're looking for something that will take you on a crazy ride. 'Them' does just that, and more.
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Elliot Page is one underrated cookie..
7 April 2021
Let's begin by acknowledging that Kate Mara and Elliot Page are the on screen duo that I never knew I needed.

I first saw Kate Mara in "House of Cards", and I've been drawn to anything she plays in ever since. Very intelligent and calculated woman, it seems, and she portrays that well in her acting roles.

Elliot Page is such an underrated actress, however I think that's what I've learned to like about her. She tends to take on more "indie" style roles, and I'm rarely disappointed by them. Truly, one of the most believable actresses of our time.

My favorite part of this film is that it's original. So many of the films that Hollywood is putting out these days seems so polished and "politically correct", that it's hard to find a storyline in the chaos. This movie is far from that. It's a breath of fresh air to see real people, with real problems, and taking that journey with them.

My rating is based on the pace of the film, as I did feel it was a tad longer than it truly needed to be. It's not a "must see" film by any means, however it is the perfect flick to sit down and watch if you're looking to experience something fresh and original.
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Bates Motel (2013–2017)
How did I not find this until now?
8 February 2021
Between the acting, the story line, the cinematography and the musical scores - this show is an instant hit! It's incredibly rare that I'm comfortable with the ending of a multiple series show, much less satisfied. However, I was happy from start to finish.

I laughed, I cried, I sat on the edge of my seat and I even felt remorse for characters that on paper clearly didn't deserve it. The writers behind this show were brilliant and it was so beautifully executed by the cast.

I see that this will be pulled from Netflix this year, so I will undoubtedly be ordering the full series on Amazon - as I guarantee, this will be viewed in my house many more times in the future. Bravo!
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Passengers (I) (2016)
Incredibly underrated!
29 January 2021
This film was simply.. ugh, just amazing! Such an incredible story, filled with twists, turns and incredibly difficult decisions that force you to wonder "what would I do.." Honestly, the only thing I would have changed is the ending credits song. It wasn't strong enough for the ending of such an incredible films So, if that tells you anything..
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Antebellum (2020)
This film had a clear message!
29 January 2021
This film had a clear message, and I believe it's mediocre rating is solely because many people weren't ready to see it. Great plot twist, kept me interested, great acting, exceptional cinematography.. it's not necessarily a "must see", but it's definitely not as terrible as the majority of reviews make it out to be.
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Devil's Knot (2013)
Another case of poor directing..
27 January 2021
The cast was there, the storyline was there, this could have been a successful film.. however it's clearly evident that there was poor directing for this film. Hands down, one of Reese Witherspoons worst films.
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Visually, this is an incredible film..
30 June 2020
When it comes to cinematography, this film takes the cake. It's beautifully shot and mastered together, and I truly didn't hate the storyline either. Was the potential to do more there? Yes. Did that ruin the film that we did receive? No. My only real complaint would be the acting abilities of the young boys character. They could've done better in finding a more suitable child actor for his role, in my personal opinion. Other than that, this film is the perfect movie to watch on a rainy day snuggled up in bed.
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