
12 Reviews
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Welcome to Wrexham: The Quiet Zone (2023)
Season 2, Episode 2
Season 2 is smashing it and this episode highlights the beauty of this story
20 September 2023
Even in season 1 this show has been about more than a sports team or overcoming extreme odds. It's a Human tale, the tale of life in a small community, those that live there and how a local football club brings hope and joy into their everyday lives.

This episode highlighted that for me, maybe more than any other episode they have shown us so far. How this team can be united with their community by more than just the game, but how we all share common struggles.

It's a tale that I believe we all need, after the "vid" and the world feeling more separated than every before, this small community in Wales is showing the world that we are connected, not just by a sports team but in the struggles we all share.

Go Wrexham!!! Go Albi and Go Millie!!!
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Foundation (2021– )
Season 2 has picked up its game
11 September 2023
If you have read the books you'll know this has become almost completely different than them, mixing storylines, timelines, changing characters, creating whole new storyline ...

But if you've read the books, you'll also understand that they kind of had too, the books would not translate well straight to TV.

Season 1 did feel lack lustier, but Season 2 has drawn me back in, decisions made in the story telling now make more sense and add suspense.

Their is one storyline that still makes no sense to me, but either the writers are now dedicated to it, or the reason for keeping it alive will come in time.
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Rick and Morty: Final DeSmithation (2022)
Season 6, Episode 5
Best episode in a long time
7 October 2022
This season has been bringing back more of what we love about rick and morty and this episode was definitely the best of them so far.

Absolutely crack up, random weirdness that makes absolutely no sense but makes you laugh regardless.

Reminded me of pickle rick, why ... because why not. Rick and Morty doesn't always need to make sense or have a deeper meaning for the characters , its free to just be ridiculous. Its what it was built on and should always keep too, even if only for a few episodes a season.

If it comes to it, I'll shoot her in the head. Oh yeah, the fortune didn't say if she was alive or dead.
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Welcome to Wrexham (2022– )
This show has real heart and the story makes you a club supporter
8 September 2022
Just finished episode 6 and enjoying this show more and more each week. The way they've been unfolding the story, sharing the history and the love from the community. To the touches of Ryan and Rob bringing in the Cinderella touch. Its just heart warming and beautiful. I love feel good sports movies, but this has something real about it that draws you in even more than the "Remember the Titans" or "Coach Carter" movies did.

I'm not even a football fan, I'll watch the world cup but thats about it. But this is making me wanna buy a Wrexham jersey and become a supporter.

,............................................... ............
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I don't understand the bad reviews. Its good so far.
3 September 2022
Only 2 episodes in so will wait till the end of season 1 to make a proper assessment. But its good so far, beautiful imagery, decently scripted, well acted, beautifully shot. Although it doesn't bother me, it seems people are annoyed it doesnt stay true to original lore of middle earth. So what, its not like "The Silmarillion" is an amazing story, its a bunch of mythology, so adapting that to your story is fair game. We do it with, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Japanese ... many many more mythologies all the time.

If they can pull together an exciting story over the whole season, i reckon it could be a banger deserving a higher score.
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The Orville: Midnight Blue (2022)
Season 3, Episode 8
6 August 2022
Really well done episode, but they have done this storyline again and again. They also left out any humour, this show is meant to be a comedy not a political drama.

That being said i did really enjoy the episode and thought it was really well written and portrayed.
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The Orville: From Unknown Graves (2022)
Season 3, Episode 7
One of their best episodes! And humour is back!!
16 July 2022
Great episode. Has kept that great deep and detailed story telling this season has shown so far, but they finally brought some humour back. Hopefully this is a sign for the future.
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The Orville: A Tale of Two Topas (2022)
Season 3, Episode 5
Decent episode, but wheres the comedy gone?
8 July 2022
Isn't this show meant to be a comedy? Has been no comedy this season and feeling the show is going in the wrong direction. Like doctor who did a couple of seasons backs.
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The Orville: Shadow Realms (2022)
Season 3, Episode 2
Bring back the comedy
10 June 2022
Slow turning from a awkward comedic drama (which i enjoyed) to just an awkward drama, which is becoming boring. If it keeps going this way, am sure people will slowly stop watching.
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Hustle (2022)
Heart felt feel good sports movie. Best one in years
8 June 2022
If you're like me and enjoy feel good sports movies you will enjoy this. Seems like years since anyone got one right. The way it ends is a little bit flat, but still enjoyable.

I know some bag on him, but I'm enjoying this new era Adam Sandler. He pulls it off.
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Halo: Inheritance (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
Don't know the game and enjoy the, but even i hated this episode.
8 May 2022
A side plot centred around a character everyone hates by an actress that we also can't stand. And after 2 fantastic episodes that were building to a great ending to the first season. This episode could be deleted and it would make the show better.
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Fleabag (2016–2019)
As a piece of Art. This show is flawless.
27 June 2021
Binged this the last two days and it just takes you. From the beginning to end, you feel like you're growing with the character. Phoebe is magnificent in her role and breaks the 4th wall without taking you away from the fiction of the story. I'm sadden theres not more, but guess that's also what makes it great. One of only 3 shows I've ever given a 10, 10s are for shows that couldn't be better than they are. And this definitely is perfect, every episode.
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