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The Idol (2023)
How is anyone enjoying this?
18 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to seeing Dan Levy, Lily Rose and the Weekend in this tv show, but the anticipation died after the first 5 minutes. I have no idea what Johnny and Vanessa would be thinking but Lily don't do a second season. Firstly whether this is based on Britney or Miley, or any other star that struggling with fake Lily doesn't carry the role well she lacks character is monotone, numb, and needs to eat something. I know these stars have so much pressure to stay waif thin and why are they trying to make her look like Kate Moss?

The nipple scenes and masturbation wasn't necessary was it? The Weekend can't act, he's a super creep and after two episodes I'm done. Dan Levy is hardly in what I have seen, a star should have better management looking out for her. Jocelyn's assistant screwing the weekends assistant was a joke she should be sacked! What's with the last scene playing piano singing about family that actress was super creepy!

I like Hank Azaria but unfortunately this show is doomed! I am no prude but the lack of clothing, the self abuse and no character development makes it hard to relate to Jocelyn.
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The Dropout (2022)
It's only good because of the actors
29 January 2023
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Elizabeth Holmes is a con artist and a crook, she should remain behind bars for the rest of her days.

Not only has she got some weird obsession with Steve Jobs but she's just a weirdo.. is she an alien? Those creepy eyes that don't blink, the green juices, stupid puffer jackets and black high necks.. oh and that sudden deep man voice! This woman has irritated me since the first interview I saw her in. Everyone believed she was a genius, many lost fortunes and were misdiagnosed now she's trying to run off to Mexico as she just happened to get pregnant with her second child knowing prison was on the cards. Throw her in and let her give birth in prison! All along she knew it was a con and her and that creepy old guy kept fooling others. What gets me the most is how we're some of these wealthy people so damn naive and secondly how on earth did this freak of a woman land such a good looking husband when it all fell apart?

Amanda Seyfried played the role well, it actually mated me despise her so job well done. The facial expressions, crazy eyes and weird dances is exactly who Elizabeth is. She should not gain any royalties from anything as she is a criminal.
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Echo 3 (2022–2023)
Don't watch the last episode
15 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show was amazing I absolutely loved the characters the actors played, Michael Fuisman is easy on the eye and plays Ambers husband well. Her brother Luke Evans is also well played, both are desperate to save Amber when she is kidnapped and she's clearly got some ptsd from what she encounters, the husband and brother will go to any lengths to find her.

The female from Bourne Identity plays her friend that gets executed haven't seen that actress is ages and its a shame she couldn't escape.

All episodes but the last are great did the writers get lazy as her husband and brother sacrificed their lives to save her from execution then she leaves him? Wtf worst ending ever! Seriously I would have taken him in open arms and thanked him. So trust me and the others who say the last episode will upset you. It could have been a perfect ending..
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Easy-Bake Battle (2022– )
This show is rigged for Giselle
21 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry but this was such a good show until Giselle and her stupid dancing and manicured eyebrows entered the room. She's so painful and not even that talented, her ego outweighs her height and I found it difficult to watch.

She's apparently a luxury real estate agent.. if that's the case $75k isn't a lot of money to her.

There were so many better dishes made by other contestants yet she kept on winning.

The lady that made the Italian inspired food was was more talented so this show had to be rigged.

The host is humble compared to some chefs that are filled with arrogance so that was refreshing.

I just couldn't handle seeing that stupid dance and Botox face ruin the episodes.
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The Crown (2016–2023)
Season 5 disappoints
11 November 2022
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I had been looking so forward to season 5 only to be disappointed.

It was so boring compared to the previous seasons, Claire Foy played the best queen and did the middle aged queen.

Unfortunately season 5 the cast all but Diana don't look like the real life royals. Charles was miscast the actor is good, however they could have used some prosthetics for the big ears and nose. He was far too handsome compared to the real Charles, Camilla looks like Camilla, Philip doesn't resemble the real one either.

The actress that plays Diana tries a little too hard always with those doe eyes Diana was charming, sweet and charismatic.

It was interesting about the Tzars and seeing Diana visiting her brother and the breaks failing, knowing her phone was hacked.. they tackled some of the taboo subjects including Philips affair. I didn't know he called the Queen Cabbage she always did look so old even when young.

Hopefully season 6 is better as this was way too boring I lost interest in every episode.
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Mila welcome back..
8 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge fan of Mila Kunis and so happy she's back on the screen. Ashton is one lucky man to be married to this talented, naturally beautiful woman. This film speaks for many women who have been victim of bullying and sexual assault. Feeling broken, shattered and as she says a wind up doll that will tell you what you want to hear. Mila played this role perfectly this film keeps you guessing as to whether or not she was involved in the shooting. I think it's a shame she didn't end up with Luke but can understand that she despised him as he reminded her of the rapists, entitled through their wealth that they can basically get away with anything. I thought they had great chemistry and it would have been nice to see them marry. Ani was a broken woman and anyone who suffers such trauma is never really the same again. The scars are too deep. Therefore thank you Mila for your portrayal of Ani and for coming back to the screen.
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Blonde (2022)
Why oh why
3 October 2022
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I have been waiting to see this film and despite having my doubts about Ana a Cuban actress playing the iconic Marilyn I must say she did well. However Marilyn was known for her famous curves and despite the padding you can see they have tried to add curves and failed. If Ana really wanted to depict this icon then she should have done was other actresses have in the past like Charlize, in Monster, Renee in Bridget Jones and become the icon that Marilyn was.

Anyways I am just over an hour through it's my 4th or 5th attempt now and I feel sick.

This is fiction which really annoyed me. Marilyn's mum didn't try and drown her, then we see her raped over and over again, the threesome never happened that was just garbage and seeing the abortion scene was sickening. It went too far. I don't want to see the scene of JFK apparently forcing himself on her again there was never any proof of this and two try and destroy all these reputations is beyond belief. Allow the dead to Rest In Peace. This film was a huge let down. If you are going to make a film about Marilyn at least make it true, and cast an actress with curves someone like Bryce Dallas Howard would have been ideal. Oh and Kim K wearing Marilyn's dress.. the poor woman would be turning in her grave.
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By far one of the best films I have seen
17 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow finally a film that will be stamped on your heart for life. I have been waiting for a film that would pull at my heart strings, and warm my soul.

Reese Witherspoon congratulations on your talent producing this film! As for Daisy and the actor that plays Tate the two of you along with the supporting cast did an incredible job.

The heartbreaking struggles in the life of Kya had me in tears. At a young age her mother left, soon followed by her siblings leaving Kya as a child with her alcoholic abusive father. Eventually he too left and she was to fend for herself and survive with a home without electricity. Kya meets a boy when she's lost and it turns out he is her soulmate, the ever so handsome Tate. She's lost, broken, afraid and a recluse. He promised to come back and seeing her dressed up waiting on the beach watching the fireworks on the 4th of July I felt her pain. She meets Chase an arrogant violent man, he's found dead. We see her tragic life, her first love, then her relationship with this narcissist.

Kya publishes her first book and retains the 310 acres. The police arrest her and she goes to trial, thankfully she is found not guilty and marries Tate they grow old together.. kinda felt like the Notebook at the end. The chemistry between Kya and Tate was incredibly powerful. Daisy Edgar Jones is the next big thing you can see into her soul she keeps you engaged the entire film. This is a must see film.
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4 stars for Tom Hopper and Italy
3 September 2022
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The lease actress was so miscast zero chemists between them and Tom Hopper is left to carry the film. I love Italy and was looking forward to this film. The scenery is incredible but the lead actress ruined it, all those childish games just added to the boredom. Why didn't they case Emilia Clarke, Lily Collins or anyone else but her.

Tom should get more roles as a leading man and he's good eye Candy.. would even make a great James Bond.

If you have been to Italy give it a go if not don't bother.

I understand Netflix has a budget but they should stop wasting money on Meghan and Harry and invest more in to their films.
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Loved every minute of this film
17 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Very similar to Sliding Doors, this was even better.. as no matter what happens life has a way of working out. Loved all of the 3 leads, Lilli is absolutely stunning and looks a little like Britney Murphy. It's a light hearted feel good movie and I highly recommend it.
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Elvis (2022)
Baz find another job...
13 August 2022
I was looking so forward to seeing this, Austin and Tom are wonderful talented actors. This is a typical Baz film and it's a disappointment. Priscilla was wrongly cast I even read Lisa Marie wanted Lana Del Ray to play her she would have been a much better choice. Oliver Stone should have been involved. It's worth watching once just to see Austin's performance.
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Byron Baes (2022)
Utter crap
29 May 2022
How Netflix bought this show is beyond me, a bunch of pretentious stuck up wanna be insta famous shallow people in Byron. I watch it for a laugh. Makes Australia laughable what on earth were they thinking. Stop making crap!
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Ambulance (2022)
Finally a great action!
22 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My heart pounded from start to finish, I'm a huge fan of Jake and he never disappoints nor do the other actors in this film.

I haven't seen a great film for a long time, this has you literally biting your nails and on the edge of your seat. I turned my phone off so I could concentrate and I must say the actress that played the ambulance officer was incredible not only beautiful but she's strong and will undoubtedly get a lot of work now. The actor that plays Will is also amazing, I really enjoyed his softer side, Jake was crazy, handsome and entertaining to watch.

I just wish they got away in the end.

Do give this film a chance don't read any bad reviews you won't regret it.
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This had me on the edge of my seat..
18 April 2022
You never know what's coming next, Michelle and Sienna are incredibly talented naturally beautiful actors. So much suspense and twists!

I binge watched this show, I'm a huge fan of British tv shows and films. Trust me this is worth seeing.
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Pieces of Her (2022)
The daughter is so damn painful
2 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my gosh I hate the daughter in this show, she's got no talent and so stupid.

It ruined the show for me. They should have cast an actual actress and this show would have been much better.

Andie is in hiding, goes to a bar to get drunk and pick up a guy. She walks around with all that cash, she's just ridiculous.

Toni as always holds the show, along with her ex and the guy from Yellowstone.

Every time the daughter comes on to the screen I fast forward her annoying head.
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Outlander: Echoes (2022)
Season 6, Episode 1
Why the religion and new song?
27 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge fan of Outlander and think Sam should be the next James Bond, his performance is always outstanding and he's so good looking!

Anyways the beginning of this season was a little confusing but it shows this Christie character a former inmate with Jamie. He's really annoying. Super religious and it's painful every time he comes on to the screen, along with his kids. Why did they have to come in to the show?

Clare as always is amazing, as are Marsali and Fergus.. as for Brianna and Roger they are growing on me, she was painful last season.

Last comment, why did they change the song! It was perfect as it was and now it's annoying.. if it's not broke don't fix it People!
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This Is Us (2016–2022)
Love everything about this show except Kate
25 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my goodness why did they hire Chrissy Metz for this role? I get it, she's different from the norm but she is so damn annoying. I hate that she gets so much screen time and wears the victim card all the time.

She is morbidly obese, I keep seeing she's lost weight and it certainly doesn't look like it.

It is not healthy to be so overweight and it was nice to see Toby transform and continue to love her as she is. Her baby is blind and came early because of her weight. She still doesn't do anything about it, no wonder Toby worries that Jack will follow in her footsteps.

Apparently the cute teacher flirts with her, wtf I'm still single this is not real life... Mandy is amazing as always, as is Jack, love the Pearsons Randall and Kevin are my favourites and Beth is a supportive wonderful wife.

I just want Kevin to get back together with Sophie those two belong together.

Only a few episodes to go and it's all about Kate!

I hope it stops now, Toby has changed and needs to be with someone like him. Kate is just misery.

I'm not body shaming by any means but America has a huge issue with obesity and I don't think it should be looked at as it's ok to get to that size.
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Deep Water (I) (2022)
Four stars for Ben and 1 for Bunchy
19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking so forward to this film, and what a disappointment. Ben Affleck is the only one that keeps it interesting and I loved Bunchy in Ray Donovan so he gets my 5th star.

Basically this film is rubbish, as a woman I hated Anna's character she is basically a cheating wife who clearly has a sex addiction and likes to torment her husband. She continually rubs her lovers in his face and I actually wanted her to be killed off. Not a huge fan of Anna she's not the most talented actress.. just watch Knock Knock.

I am so happy Ben and Jennifer are back together, Anna is just so annoying that voice screaming at him was like nails down a chalkboard.

Melinda is clearly a broken souls who humiliated her husband any chance she can get, so one by one they start dying.

This movie makes me glad I'm single and I just don't understand why he doesn't divorce this narcissistic horrible woman.
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Why all the hate?
11 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was getting so sick of watching the same shows so I was relieved when I came across this show, I loved Margarita in Revenge so I gave it a go and ended up binging 5 episodes in one night until 1am!

Margarita is a former Russian Spy and has the ability to morph by touch someone. Margarita/Jenny is on holiday with her daughter Becca (who was wrongly cast and is a sociopath I can't stand it when she comes on the screen).

Margarita is the same age as me, she is a natural beauty and has so much talent.

I don't know why there is so much hate, yes many hate this because of what's happening in Russia/Ukraine but this is just a tv show and a damn good one. Really looking forward to season 2 and so on..
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House of Cards (2013–2018)
Kevin Spacey is House if Cards
6 March 2022
It's not the same without Kevin, he is one of the best actors out there and I'm so pleased to see he's got upcoming films coming out. This show is Kevin, unfortunately Robyn can't pull it off without him. A real shame too that the producers didn't back Kevin up.
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I thoroughly enjoyed it!
4 March 2022
I'm a huge fan of Leighton and I don't know why people are hating on this film. It had mystery, intrigue, twists, a good plot and being part Croatian seeing the beauty of the country brought back memories.

Make your own decision about this film without listening to the haters.
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Anna Chlumsky is soooo annoying
13 February 2022
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Great show, love Julie Garner as always she never disappoints. However Vivian is painful to watch, she's horrible to her husband, doesn't even seem excited about the birth of her baby, she's so animated and pulls the worst facial expressions, oh she was wrongly cast and ruined it for me.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Good to see Jonny and Daniel back together..
6 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I binged the latest season, Silver coming back is annoying two geriatrics and their Cobra Kai is painful to watch. I can't stop thinking get over it, retire, relax and move on!

Creese plays the villain well.

Love Amanda she's fair and tough like the glue that holds them together. Sam and Anthony are annoying she looks far too old and not in the right shape for Karate I'm not body shaming at all and others see it too. Anthony is a bully. That poor kids doesn't deserve to be bullied, love Robbie and Tory together there's something really hot about her she is a bad ass and trying to survive whilst showing vulnerability. It was great how she kicked Sams butt at Prom.

Miguel is ok. I think Jonny, Robbie, Daniel, Amanda and Tory steal the show.
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Women do it to men all the time.
3 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't the first or last time someone is ripped off and fed stories in order to con. The first woman is so caught up in her fairytale happy ending, talking about Beauty and The Beast she makes us all look bad.

Who goes on a plane with a guy on a first date? She stalked his social media saw he had money and went for it, the second woman was smarter she was more switched on than the first and i have an hour to go. At the end of the day, women are often gold diggers I have never googled or stalked any man's social media to see what he can offer me.. so it's her own fault for being so naive and gullible.
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Ozark: Sanctified (2022)
Season 4, Episode 7
Love Ruth and Wendy deserves a bullet
2 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ruth makes this show, her acting is superb and above everyone else's. Give this girl some awards as she's incredible and carried the show!

I hated Darlene in the beginning but the woman's got balls and I admire her tenacity. Marty would make an excellent real estate agent, I'm a huge fan of Jason.

The kids are annoying, Wyatt is a sweetheart and Wendy is an absolute cow! She should end up in the crematorium! The entire series she been dull, evasive towards her husband and so damn selfish.. like a bored housewife has the affair and then ends up working with the head of the cartel. Hasn't anyone notice they are so dysfunctional and should not be married.

I like Laura Linney as an actress but Wendy is so painful I nearly want to skip her scenes. Anyone who has their brother killed deserves the same fate so I hope that car accident in the beginning takes her and leaves the others alive. I actually think she's up there with one of the most hated characters on a show.

This could have had a season 5 but I see why people got tired of it so monotone! Robin Wright please get the second part of the season right, let Ruth get her revenge and her happy ending. Don't care much for the Byrds.
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