
11 Reviews
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Fitzcarraldo (1982)
They just don't make movies like this anymore...
16 February 2024
Requires viewing for any movie be enjoyed like sampling a very fine wine. . .this is right up there with Apocalypse Now and made in the same sort of fashion...on sight in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the Amazon for the actors to get the CGI and all original stuff..and totally uncompromising...

I love Werner Herzog movies...he said why waste your time going to school...just go out and take action and make films and you learn as you go.

The story behind how this movie was made was equally as insane as the movie itself...Mick Jagger was originally supposed to play the main character but through what turned out to be a fortunate mishap, Klaus Kinsky stepped in - who probably better suited for the role in the end anyway.

Highly underrated of the best of 1982 and perhaps Herzog's masterpiece...he did another film in the Amazon worth watching as well.
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Three-Body (2023– )
Refreshing, engaging, fantastic acting and cast. . .Would be given a 9 if English subtitles were easier to read
16 January 2023
I read Cixin Liu's series a couple of times in 2019 and 2020 and was blown away. . .so excited this show finally came out after the release date kept on getting delayed.

It's good that this show came out of a Chinese production company and captures the "feel" of the Cixin Liu's books very well so far. . .binge worthy watching all the episodes on WeTV.

The cast, acting and character development have been superb so far and the story has not been "watered down", "messed with" or "dumbed down" for the average viewer who hasn't read Cixin Liu's books. I would hate to see Netflix dissecting the story to dumb it down for the lowest common denominator (who have a hard time perhaps understanding the concepts in the stories) . . .and it will be interesting nonetheless with more of the characters not being Chinese in the Netflix version (to see if they can keep the "feel" of the story being told from a Chinese protagonist point of view . . . Time will tell.

The only problem I have with it is that the English subtitles flash by too quickly which some viewers will find off-putting and hard to catch. . .If they could hold the English subtitles on the screen longer, I would have given this a solid 9 for rating.
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I slept through part of it...
12 January 2023
I rarely sleep through movies but I slept through part of this one and was considering walking out of the theatre...wish I had but hope springs eternal thinking it would pick up and become more dynamic but it didn't...the visuals were incredible and surreal and perhaps the only reason it got somewhere between a 6 and 7 from me but the story and character development was...well...flat as a pancake...I knew it going in and expected that ... I sure hope James Cameron hires another screenwriter for the sequels after this one...and works on developing some depth and dimension to the characters otherwise I probably won't bother and maybe watch at home on the tv with my kid.
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Andor: One Way Out (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
15 November 2022
Best episode of a Star Wars series yet. . .more like this please if someone from Disney is reading this. . .you're back on the right track now. . .

If this doesn't win or least be nominated for an Emmy, I don't know what to say. . .

Nothing more I can add that hasn't been said already in the previous reviews except just go out and watch it for yourself.

Cast is superb with Diego Luna (from the series "Narcos"), Stellan Skarsgard (fabulous in Chernobyl) and Andy Serkis who I later realized was the voice of Gollum in the Lord of the Rings - all taking the show. . .other actors are great as well.

Just go and watch it. . .
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Vice (I) (2018)
They should have named the film - "The Woman Behind the Vice President"
27 May 2021
Lynne Cheney made Dick Cheney and shaped his destiny - along with what he accomplished while in power. Without her, Dick would never ever would have made it to the place he achieved or become anything and this is really obvious in the film. We like to point the finger and blame the man, but it's the women that run the entire show in the background and the guy takes the rap when things go sideways. . .although it's more fun having the men be the scapegoat. I'm pretty sure it would have been the same if we'd looked closely at the Obamas, Bushes, etc. . . Although certainly more obvious with Nancy Reagan pulling Ronald's strings. Very well acted all around with Christian Bale, Sam Rockwell, Steve Carroll and Amy Adams. Worthwhile watching.
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Joker (I) (2019)
It must be a reflection where society is at the fact this film is so popular
5 October 2019
Incredible acting by Phoenix for sure but very disturbingly dark and the movie seemed to be just one disturbing scene after another with the reflection of the inner workings of a madman. There is enough dark stuff out in the world right now and I was honestly wondering when I left the theatre why I put that stuff in my head. I didn't really see the point of the movie to be quite honest in the end...and I guess I stuck around hoping there might be some light at some point but there wasn't any to be had and it kept on getting darker throughout. I am thinking the lesson learned is make sure you don't run out of antipsychotic medication and maybe it is best to take better care of people around us so this sort of crap doesn't actually play out in the world. I think I will have to watch something uplifting after this to balance things out.

The fact that this movie is so highly rated is an interesting reflection of how crazed and on edge things are in the world right now. For those who are fans of really dark disturbing movies, you will probably love it... I wouldn't expect anything that will leave you feeling good in the end.
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Best to watch it for yourself, come up with your own opinion rather than reading reviews, articles about this or ads
28 July 2019
After seeing this I'm thinking that I might want to close my Facebook account. We live in a crazy world these days where people will do just about anything to survive wth using social media for data mining and anything. All part of the bigger design for us to see ourselves more clearly I'm starting to think and perhaps good for a reorganization of how we do things but it will probably get more crazier before it gets saner. I suggest rather than making an opinion to watch this title based on the reviews you see on imdb and Rotten Tomatoes, go watch it for yourself and come up with your own opinions. . .we now know that many reviews are put out by bots and paid writers so it's hard to get what's real these days. The only way is for one to start thinking for themselves rather than just believing what others say or social media says. You'll find all the answers inside.
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31 December 2018
Loved this documentary. I always like seeing the hidden messages in movies and documentaries and this was full of gems. If you can go beyond some of the subtle dogma in the film (where it gets into the whole anti-Semitic stuff that got brought up from a judgmental point of view, showing the film-maker's bias rather than just reporting on what happened as a slice of life and letting the viewers form their own opinions about it - which really wasn't necessary and probably the only thing that took away from the film), perhaps one of the best things that can be learned from watching came from what Szulalski had to say about sourcing your own unique genius in the world. . . don't listen to anyone else or model your life off of what someone else has already done, but rather discover the answers inside of yourself. The guy was a brilliant thinker . . .kind of reminded me a little of Buckminster Fuller in a way. We can see it led to a very challenging life as portrayed in the film (but then again, whose life isn't challenging in this regard and considering this - why not go for making the biggest bold statement as possible in the world). Definitely worth a watch.
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Preacher (2016– )
Brilliant and hilarious
20 August 2018
Ignore the bad reviews here. . .go watch this for yourself and come up with your own opinion. Some of the reviewers here obviously got triggered by the content of the show. . . yeah it's not for everyone but if you're a fan of the genre, it's terrific. Kind of feels like it has a Quentin Tarantino feel to it mixed with the bravado of characters from Evil Dead / Army of Darkness . . .Rogan's own feel to it. I love all the characters, even the antagonists - Satan, the All-Father, Killer of Saints, Jody, Hilter, Herr Starr, and the rest of the gang are all really well done. Non stop laughs and has kept on getting better in season 3. Has been a fun romp and looking forward to more episodes.
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Dirty Money (2018–2020)
Excellent. Another winner from Netflix
2 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I really like how these episodes show the other side of fame and fortune (and the other "costs" that people mostly suspend disbelief about). . .as well as getting into the minds of people that are running these big organization. . .seems that money is way more important than just taking care of people. One of the most telling scenes in one of the episodes was when they ask the president of a company who had an organization that intentionally deceived thousands of consumers and set up intentionally to break the laws - "are you a moral person". . .he takes a long pause and says "I'm a business person" and you can clearly see that he doesn't have the capacity for any sort of empathy towards others. . .a real trip! . . .and yet, that's what society celebrates. . .as long as someone is making money and successful (even if it destroys other people's lives), it must somehow be good. The last episode with Trump is a must watch . . .I am now so much more clear about the man he is ever than before. Keep it up Netflix!
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Coco (I) (2017)
25 November 2017
This will sure to be a classic. I enjoyed this as much as Wall-E and Up! Brilliant themes throughout around family relationships and death all to a stunning visuals. The only thing would have been for Pixar to have cut out the "highly lacking" Frozen mini-movie prior the main show. . . or at least paired it with a movie which wasn't as brilliant as Coco (which didn't help the image of the Frozen franchise at all. . .even my daughter was asking when the main move would start and she loves Frozen). Many people in the theater were ready to walk out on the Frozen movie thinking they had the wrong show . . .I was happy I stuck around to see the main event.
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