
31 Reviews
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The Acolyte (2024– )
Another generic space show with a vague connection to Star Wars
8 June 2024
Remember in the late 70's and early 80's after the first two movies came out there was a slew of look-alike movies and tv shows to cash in? Some of them were good, many were not. This is what The Acolyte feels like to me. Just another generic copycat space show that happens to have Jedi in it.

If you cast your talent net far and wide and try to include everything and everyone in one catch, you end up with dozens of individual elements with no real connection to each other or their environment, including the storyline.

Directors and actors need to be smarter about their approach when promoting their shows. Trashing their core audience openly in interviews and other media will not work out well for anyone.

You hate us? Congratulations, now we hate you too.
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Very little to hold my interest
30 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I mentally switched off quite early with this. The retconning of the whole original trilogy into a VIDEO GAME was probably the worst idea they could have had. It got worse when they devoted an overly long scene where a group of game developers were discussing the creation of a Matrix 4 videogame. Is Wachowski pi**ing on her legacy?

Some of you might remember the days when studios would take 3 or so episodes of a TV show and re-edit them to make a movie length feature. It was done with Battlestar Galactica (1979), Space 1999 and more recently Clone Wars. The close similarity of scenes from the original, such as when Neo and Morpheus Kung Fu fighting, and the quick-cut flashbacks of Laurence Fishburne and Hugo Weaving gave the movie that kind of cut/paste disjointed feeling.

Keanu is at his most wooden.

Neil Patrick Harris and his cringe "oww" when his jaw was cracked open. This is not a sitcom. It's a shame when little things that are out of place stick with you after you've seen a movie, over the better scenes.
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Soldier (I) (1998)
Why weren't they recycling the junk on that planet?
6 November 2021
So much value on the planet, just junked!

I'm no greeny, but it distracted me from the movie.

Having said that, I'm a Kurt Russell fan, and this was pretty good!
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I like Gene Hackman, but this was ordinary.
9 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Lost me from the start when Sharon Stone spent the night with Leonardo. He looks like a baby in this movie.

I kept watching, and then it lost me the 2nd time when the camera showed Gene Hackman in the distance, as viewed through a hole in the head of Keith David. Just like the old intro's to Bond movies, known as the "gun barrel sequence." Ridiculous.

Maybe it was a good movie in 1995, but it was crap to watch for the first time in 2021.
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Lot's of fun. Easy to watch.
3 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure if it's a unique plot to send people from the past to the future to fight, but to me it's a new concept, and an interesting one.

The aliens reminded me of the aliens from Edge of Tomorrow, but more organic. Still managed to be scary! The scenes where they are swarming over the base walls, oil rigs, choppers and cruise ships was well done.

As to be expected, some plot holes - like being told early on that the aliens could only be killed from the neck and the belly, yet later on you see drones like HK's (from Terminator) shooting them from behind and above, clearly through the back. Maybe they had stronger guns?

Bit of a slow bit in the middle with the father/daughter bonding. Went on for a bit too long. It added to the story though, just could have been a bit shorter.

Great ending!! When it chewed off its arm to escape the toxin, HA! Great fake ending! I'm sure lot's of people saw that coming, I didn't! :)

The thing I disliked about this movie is the climate change message. Subtle as it was (lasted a few seconds, and was not explicitly referred to as such) I still feel like it's a cliche.
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Dull, low energy acting from everyone except Tilda
2 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Bill Murray, Steve Buscemi, Danny Glover. No energy or vitality from any of them. Are they supposed to be acting like old people stuck in small-town inertia? Was it on purpose? Flat and dull. No nuance at all.

Plenty of pointless characters. What was going on with the kids in detention? What about Selena Gomez and her two mates? Why have someone like Selena Gomez in such a pointless role? A distracting presence that led nowhere.

I'm not sure what Tilda is like in other roles, but in this movie she shone, which would not have been hard against the other performances. She exited the film stupidly.

The eye rolling conversation between Bill Murray and Adam Driver about seeing the script was just plain stupid and unfunny. Lucky for me it was almost over by that point.
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Epic Movie (2007)
I thought Crispin Glover was smarter than this ?
10 September 2021
I can't remember if I've called any other movie the worst I've ever seen, so I'll call this the second worst.

Actually, no. THIS is the worst movie I have ever seen.
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Brilliant short film
25 April 2021
A great little action short for the Squadrons game.

Just as good as anything from the movies!
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The Project (2009– )
Needs to be removed from our screens
17 August 2020
If you're looking to get your fix of smart current affairs discussions, this is not the program for you.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
My thoughts for the people who have watched S2.
1 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A great opening on S2E1, watching the family all teleport into the same ally, but in different times spread across 3 years, then eventually catching up with each other and showing their progression across those times! If it had just been a teleport directly from S1 into S2, it would have been very dull and predictable. The first 10 minutes throws it all up in the air and we get to watch how it plays out and the season plot establishes a bit before they all come together.

There are some new characters - new hitmen are introduced, not as much character as Hazel and Cha Cha, but interesting nonetheless. They remind me of Terminators, or Smith from The Matrix. The family Vanya lives with, Crazy Lila, and a conspiracy theorist named Elliot.

There are a lot of reviewers mentioning the politic, racial, and sexual aspects of S2, and how it detracts from the show. I don't believe it does at all. The JFK assassination has some of the biggest conspiracy theories of all time attached to it, so it makes sense that the plot would attach itself to an event. Racial tensions were central to the times, so you can't avoid that topic.

Vanya's lesbian affair is predictable from E1, but I'm glad she gets that development. I think people forget that all the Hargreeves kids had very stunted emotional development, and the things they would have gone through in their teen years were stifled, and all the backed-up relationship scenarios are playing out now.

Lila is a great character. Love to see her play out the way she does. I do find it a bit odd that her parents dies when she was 4, she was raised by an American, but still has a British accent. Still, I think the accent compliments her character and personality.

Since when can Diego stop bullets? Is that new or was it always there and I just missed it?

What else could Klaus possibly be except a cult leader :) All the characters seem a lot more relaxed in general in this season. Some very funny moments. I'm not normally a fart joke guy, but the scene in the lift was hilarious! The Young and Old #5 scenes were pretty good.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Came back to TWD after a 2-3 year break. Worth it!
26 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was a big big TWD fan since the beginning. Watched everything up to season 7, religiously. Read the comics up to around #150. Had to stop in the first few episodes of season 8, it was just a shell of what it had been. Rick and Carl had become over-acted, under-explored, characters with a lot of the same story-lines, from one season to the next. The only things to change were the locations. I came back after the end of Season 10 (minus E16 - what's going on with that???) had aired and it was the best thing I could have done to bring back my interest in the show. I skipped the rest of season 8, and jumped straight into 9, and then 10. Binged both seasons in a week. No more Carl and Rick. A great decision. It gave other characters a chance to step up and develop. I love with they have done with Darryl. No longer reckless, but a grown father figure, brother figure, and almost-boyfriend to Connie. Speaking of Connie, what a great character and actress. Able to display so much meaning and emotion without using her voice. In E15, Princess makes her appearance. I hope they keep her on as a semiregular. She's interesting so far... Ok I'm not much of a reviewer, so I'll leave it there. If you've done what I've done and skipped it for a while, coming back and starting at Season 9 or 10 like I did might renew your interest in the show.
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Space Force (2020–2022)
Definitely worth a go. Good, but not great.
23 June 2020
Pretty solid. Funny enough to be worth a watch. It's not hilarious, but doesn't have to be to enjoy it. John M is fantastic in this, and the supporting cast overall is solid. The characters are predictable and stereotypical, but the overall ensemble works the way it's meant to.

Lots of nods (or shakes) to current politicians in this show. You'll enjoy it more if you can just go in with an open mind and not look for things to disagree with or be offended by.
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Grown Ups (I) (2010)
This is terrible
15 June 2020
There was one funny joke. I have no idea how they made sequels to it. Bad jokes. Bad jokes all the way.
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Bland Characters. Bland dialogue. Bland story-line. Bland Political Correctness.
8 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Snazzy jackets though.

It ended with a shiny metal suppository flying into a puckering anus on the underside of the spaceship and blowing up. Diarrhea-like debris flies everywhere. It was even green, like real life diarrhea.
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Alien Warfare (2019)
It was bad, yet I could not look away.
2 May 2020
There comes a point where a movie should be stamped "never to be released" and placed in a flammable cardboard box next to the fireproof safe where they store the good movies.

This movie reached that point fairly quickly.

Watch it when you're bored, it will make your life interesting by comparison.
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Willow (1988)
32 years later, this is still a cool movie.
26 April 2020
Enjoyed this. A good family film. Warwick Davis should have been a Hobbit.
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Robin Hood (2018)
What's with the strange headwear?
25 April 2020
The Robin and Marion romance at the very start was weak as dishwater.

How does a Moor, (who two years earlier the English were fighting to the death), manage to move freely about the city without arousing suspicion?

I'm sure some scenes were meant to be comedic, but I didn't laugh once.

Tim Minchin is a known atheist, maybe that's why they cast his as Friar Tuck, but it didn't sit well with me, especially with that ridiculous fisherman beanie.

The costumes were all over the place.

Every Robin Hood story I know of has a forest setting. This one seemed to be in a city, with an active mine.

I've seen Ben Mendelsohn in a heap of movies. In this, he basically plays the Sherrif the same way he played Krennic in Rogue One.

Maid Marion kept me watching, she's attractive, yet strangely sexless. I guess that's normal for Hollywood movies at the moment.

With all this, it sometimes made me wonder what story I was actually watching, and why I was watching it.
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You wouldn't think there'd be so much unrealistic stuff in a dinosaur movie, but there you go.
28 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I try not to get my hopes up with movies these days. I'm less disappointed, and I enjoy them more. Lot's of worn out plot points in this one. Lots....

Dinosaurs were excellent. Probably the best they've ever been! There was a good scene where they were trying to run away from volcanic ash, and falling off a cliff into water below. You saw them struggling to not drown. Cool scene, even though the human stupidity intertwined with it was ridiculous. Since when can humans run through volcanic ash and still have enough lung power to hold their breath underwater ? Spoiler - never. Anyway, CGI is very good!

I cried in the scene where the Brontosaurus died on the dock :( NO I DIDN'T I LAUGHED BAHAHAHAHAHHA!! Because it was ridiculous! Why didn't it just jump into the lagoon, like you would have expected it to do?? Every book we saw as kids showed Sauropods semi-submerged underwater, but this one couldn't hop a few feet into the lagoon to get away from molten lava and ash. They tried to make an emotional scene but who cares! I didn't know that dinosaur. I didn't see it be born and grow up. And who's going to relate to that in the real world? It's not a dog or a horse! And I don't care that it's not called a brontosaurus anymore. If it's good enough for Fred Flintstone it's good enough for me!

Anyway, now they've decided they're going to use Dinosaurs in combat, like they did with horses and elephants. WHAT COULD GO WRONG?! So they catch and sell the ones they got from the island, for next to nothing. I had a real Dr Evil moment when the Ankylosaur only sold for $10mil. The entire auction scene was ridiculous beyond words.

So the kids a clone, and they need the auction proceeds to finance their next endeavour, which would be to splice bits of animals together, with maybe a bit of human chucked in..... Maybe the kid will grow up to be the dino-whisperer. It's the next-level of stupid that this franchise will no doubt explore.
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I didn't want to see this based on reviews, but I'm glad I did!
18 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I personally didn't think it was as bad as it was made out to be. Yeah they killed off John Connor, yeah they made the heroes female. So what! It was fun to watch. I think people look for deep meanings in movies, and then get disappointed when the movie doesn't live up to their expectations. Sometimes you have to relax. It's not meant to be a serious topical drama, or a historical document. It wont pose any serious questions, nor answer any.

I'm not great at technical reviews, so here's some stuff in a list. You might agree. Or not.

There were some cringe moments -
  • "I keep my phone in a chip bag to block the signal"
  • Poor explanation of why John was killed.
  • Poor explanation of why Carl's wife hasn't questioned his Terminator-ship.
...but every movie has cringe or weak parts.

Cool stuff :
  • The resistance dropship with crazy 4 independent engines
  • "Octopus" terminators
  • Liquid metal over a metal endoskeleton that can split into two Terminators
  • Augmented human. Much better than the one in T4.
  • Carl. Great lines!! The drape conversation alone!!
  • The augmented Grace gave enough backstory of her future-self, to give relevance to her involvement in this story, and the future of mankind.
  • Slicing the fly. (yes, I'm easy to please)
  • Humvee driving underwater!!!

Same old stuff :
  • truck vs car/bike for at least the 4th time
  • helicopters vs everything
  • "my power source"
  • the sacrifice

I thought it was pretty good.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 8: Redemption (2019)
Season 1, Episode 8
Incredible series finale! A list of things I thought were amazing!!
27 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Mando is the gift that keeps giving. There have been so many cool moments in this series! This is the TV show that I wish the movies could have been! I like the new Trilogy, and the new stand-alone movies too, but this show... is just amazing!!

I'm not good at reviews, so here's a list of cool stuff in this episode:
  • the Scout trooper banter, missing the target
  • IG-11 on a speeder bike, shooting anything in its way, with baby yoda in a backpack!
  • The speeder bike and the classic "whooo" noise from ROTJ
  • Pretty much any scene IG-11 is in
  • An atromech with arms and legs!!!!!
  • Darksaber
  • Mandalorian jetpacks en masse (not the first time, but it will never get old!)
  • new flametrooper armour

Season 2, in 2020 I hope!
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A list of things that will make you SMILE WITH JOY
23 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm lousy at writing reviews, but here's a list of stuff I found cool!

  • I was happy to see Rey back at the Lars Homestead. I thought it was a bit strange that her and BB8 ended up together. I thought BB8 was Poe's droid, but R2 was in Poe's X-Wing instead. It might have been a nice finish for C-3PO and R2 to return to the Homestead with Rey, where it (originally) began for them.

  • Chewie didn't get the Falcon. ????? Rey could have taken Luke's X-Wing with BB8 to Tatooine, and left the Falcon with Chewie. It's more his ship than hers..

  • Thought Connix might have been by Leia's bedside at her death, but it might have been "too much" for her to shoot those scenes. Why Maz though? I guess there was no-one else suitable except for that woman who had also been in GOT.

  • Rose barely in it. Woohoo. Still an annoying character. Sorry KMT.

  • Leia is suddenly "Master?" OK. I can handle it. The backstory with young Luke and Leia was excellent, and explains the Mary Poppins scene in TLJ.

  • Snoke in the cloning tank! Nice!

  • Wedge as a falcon gunner! Yes!

  • Hux enjoys a nice meal. Good for him!

  • Some backstory with Luke and Lando on a mission together. Good stuff!

  • Poe flying the Falcon like a madman. Love how he came in for that first crazy landing, and then jumped from planet to planet with the Tie's hyperspace tracking.

  • Naomi Ackie is hot!

  • Palpatine looks amazing.

  • The voices of Vader, Snoke, Mace, Qui Gon, Yoda, Anakin, The Obi-Wan(s), Miss Piggy.

  • Red 5 returns!

  • ALL THOSE STARSHIPS! But the battle could have been longer and deeper. I still think the space battles in ANH and R1 are unbeatable.

  • Rey's yellow blade, and the shape. New Rockstars YT vid shows the handle is the same shape as her staff. Their easter egg video is worth a watch.

  • spotted Nein Numb in the Blockade Runner cockpit, Nice job, hope they made it out
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Why do they hate Sydney, for the second movie in a row? ?
6 November 2019
Things I LOVED:
  • Massive monsters
  • Massive mechs
  • Large buildings and cities being smashed to bits
  • Ridiculous weapons
  • Complete disregard for science in general
  • John Boyega's natural accent
  • something Charlie Day does that will spoil it if I say it.

Stuff I hated
  • Kids saving the world
  • John Boyega's pre-pubescent moustache
  • "Yeah that's right, you better run!"
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Visually appealing, even though another "teenagers in space" story
1 November 2019
Lot's of interesting visuals. You can really feel the Luc. Both main characters are too young for their roles. They seem to be teenagers living in an adult world, making adult decisions, and it's implausible.
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After Earth (2013)
A phenomenally boring movie.
24 October 2019
Poorly executed, poorly acted. I'm sure there's a movie out there for these two to bond over, but I hope they don't try too many times to find it, because this was abysmal.
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IO (2019)
Pretty decent apocalypse movie
18 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm an odd sort of fellow, so these end-of-world scenarios always appeal to me. I like the idea of Sam, the main character, living up on a hill, in an old observatory, with her own kitchen garden and survival setup. There isn't a lot of action or dialogue for for large stretches, so if you can deal with a slower (yet interesting) storyline, you'll find this watchable. If Sam looks familiar to you, it's because Margaret Qualley is Andie McDowells daughter.
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