
37 Reviews
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Birds of Prey (2020)
Aimed at MTV music video style/Insta Girl loving teen girls.
11 February 2020
The style of this movie is like a poor version of Suicide Squad/Kill Bill directed by a copycat Guy Richie. Its entertaining enough because of that combination of styles but there's no depth or emotional attachment to any of the characters, if that's what you're after. It's quite the shallow and bland action movie but because of its rollercoaster pace you won't be bored, i think. Oh and a couple of cheesy moments thrown in too.

I wasn't a fan of Suicide Squad but i can neither say this was better or worse than it.

I just couldn't see what they were trying to do with this film or where it fit, in the whole DCEU.

The story is like that of a straight to DVD action movies with the likes of Seagal/Van Damme/Snipes etc.

The film is definitely aimed at instagram girl/reality show/tictok/selfie loving young teen girls. And thats not meant to be an insult, its just plain to seen who its aimed at once you watch this.

It doesn't feel like a comic book movie at all, just a generic all-girl action movie.

Any engaging and exciting potential of all these characters seemed wasted here, except for Harley Quinn obviously, who the movie spends all of its time on. I wasn't taken in by her in Suicide Squad but i found her bearable in this, but Margo Robbie's performance was wasted in this movie.

The main reason i went to see this movie was because i read that the John Wick director came in did some of the action sequences, then I kept hearing from critics that the action was the big draw here and i have to say that's a bunch of nonsense. There's one decent fight section but even that wasn't even on par with any of the John Wick movies and they used lots of slo-mo. A great fight sequence is when you can't see the choreography of a fight. John Wick does it brilliantly, it feels real with the occasional arm waiting to be grabbed but Birds of prey is the opposite, arms and bodies waiting to be hit, grabbed etc. with the occasional realism. Id say watch any John Wick movies if you want action and cool visuals to boot.

The rotten tomatoes critics score shocks me at how high its rated.

This film feels like it could have been so different, so much better.

The many songs in this are what made this film more entertaining and fun for me.

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This was so hard to take seriously as a slasher movie,especially as a Black Christmas movie.
19 December 2019
It bares little resemblance to the previous Black Christmas movies.

Its was a very frustrating watch for a slasher movie as it barely has any murder or mayhem, the kills are a split second then off screen. Highly odd for Black Christmas if u judge it by the 2006 BC. Although i did read it that this one was initially an R-Rated movie but was cut to be a PG-13 and it REALLY shows in its final result.

The twist of the story which is different from the two previous films is not as effective for me. Seemed kinda ridiculous, especially if the result of the movie was different.

Its a very talky movie, more of a drama for the most part, female issues against men and certain men in the story. Takes up most of the movie.

The characters all make stupid decisions, which u can usually forgive as its the horror genre but this one is all the more frustrating since they presume they're all so intelligent and awesome. but they're just as dumb as potato. The men are portrayed as equally stoopid. It feels like a bad 80s's B-movie slasher you haven't heard of in that sense.

The final action sequence is pretty laughable and cringey, very far fetched and unbelievable.

Even with all the talky dramatic scenes, if there was just more action and suspense i'd definitely have rated it higher and wouldn't have seemed a waste of money.

Of all the movies i've seen at the cinema this year, this one would win the Razzie of the Year for me.
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Worse than the last one,which wasn't great either.But this one drags bad.
19 December 2019
The film dragged, felt way too long.

The characters moaned for half to three quarters of the movie which was annoying to hear. Didn't hear many laughs with the audience i watched it with.

The action was very few and far between, the movie was mainly all talk. Money seemed to be mostly spent on CGI animals, etc.

The few puzzles or problems they had to solve were way too simple and basic, all challenges we've seem before in other adventure movies, so was dull with no thought needed.

Overall, it felt and looked like a made-for-TV movie.

This is not as good as the last Jumanji film, that one felt more pacey. however, i wasn't a fan of that either which i gave 6/10.

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Joker (I) (2019)
An Oscar winning performance and a very Affecting big screen achievement.
7 October 2019
Such an interesting and unconventional direction for a DC movie, yet it still ties into that Universe in its own little ways, which were a delight to see for me.

It's a very effective and Affecting movie with its subject matter, just make sure you've taken your medication before you watch this lol.

Joaquin Phoenix gives an Oscar winning performance! You could easily see him as a very menacing and honest Joker for any future "dark" Batman movies and would definitely be a,if not THE highlight of those movies.

It's going to be interesting to see someone better Joaquin Phoenix's Joker as this is the best yet. Even coming close would also be amazing to watch.

Todd Philips and his team have done an fantastic and beautiful job of creating the world and vision that this Joker lives in.
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If TAKEN or JOHN WICK are your kinda movies then LAST BLOOD will be a treat for you!
24 September 2019
Finally another TAKEN type revenge movie of quality.

You will leave utterly satisfied and with that overwhelming sense at the end that justice was served like with TAKEN. The reason being, is because these 2 films in particular really set up their movies with a concise and meaningful and heartfelt introduction to the characters involved, which includes our John Rambo.

The movies pace is very well timed, just like the 2008 Rambo movie, it builds swiftly and dangerously with story and action right up to the big finale, which was the best desert to a very well made and tasty meal!

I would wholly recommend this movie to fans of the Rambo franchise, the Taken franchise and the John Wick Franchise, as this is on their levels of revenge movie, Rambo style brutal! When Rambo swings at a bad guy you feel his vengeance deep in your soul when he connects!

This is one awesome friggin' action movie!!
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Could have been so different, so much better! Trailer better than the movie.
5 August 2019
So looking forward to this cus i'm a fan of the F&F franchise but the trailer was better than the movie.

Since the Fast 5 it's the least favourite. With a decent narrative this could have been a lot better.

Was expecting a classier Mission Impossible version of the Fast & Furious for this spin-off but what i got was a trashy xXx version instead.

I loved the idea of Hobbs & Shaw but halfway through this movie i started to miss the team and family aspect of the original series.

The film felt thrown together, like most have critic'd story wise.

The four main players, who all had good screen time, The Rock, Vanessa Kirby and Idris Elba were ok but Statham delivered on the jokes and was the stand out in regards to the action/fighting scenes. If you've watched the movie SPY then you know Statham is very funny and he delivers here too.

Its more of a comedy actioner than an action comedy, they really throw out so many jokes that the tone of this is super light and breezy, even more so than the F&F movies before it, even though it has some serious moments with the Idris' bad guy, it just doesn't mesh well. The bad guy and the good guys felt like they were in 2 separate films. There were about 5 people in the IMAX screen i was in and i didn't hear anyone else laugh. I laughed a few times for what i mentioned above with Stathams dialog.

The 2 special guest/cameo's deadened the pace and took you even further out of the story and feel of an action movie, more than you're already feeling from such a lack of narrative and focus, structure wise. They really didn't do anything for the film. The first cameo scene was amusing though. The action set pieces weren't as gripping and unique, not as creative as in the the other Fast and Furious films, they felt more impressive in trailer form.

What i was expecting and would have been better for this spin-off in my opinion was to go with a slightly grittier, darker and more serious tone storywise and in spirit than the original series, especially considering the 2 leads are serious and darker in character than Toretto's team. But still with their sense of humour that they possessed in the original series. Hobbs & Shaw ended up WAAAAY more upbeat, zanny and joke driven, its strange to say but this was so much more unrealistic, unbelievable than the Fast and Furious films before it and that's not a good thing, for me anyway. But it works with the F&F originals.

This movie made me want the Toretto team franchise back asap, but with added Statham though.

The film was shot in an MTV music video style and tone which we've seen before but really didn't work here, was too glossy and out of sync with the type of characters involved.

I've Really enjoyed David Leitch's previous films, Atomic Blonde (8/10) and Deadpool 2 (9/10) and John Wick (10/10), so i was really looking forward to this mainly because of him being attached, his action sequences being very creative and impressive to watch combining cool character development and story but this doesn't feel anything like those films. It wasn't an awful film but i felt disappointed because i had high hopes for this because of what he has done before this and for my love of the F&F franchise and the talent involved in this one, plus those trailers were kick-ass!

The franchise did start to decrease in my ratings after F&F 6 with this being the worst.

After watching this the Hobbs and Shaw characters feel like they work better in the F&F Toretto series. If they make a Hobbs And Shaw sequel and its way better than this one then that's great.

With more of a cohesive narrative this could have been something better, more like a Fast 5 and 6 instead its more like Fast 8 but a little more empty, shallow and cliche. Its not an awful film but you really need to check your brain in at the door before you watch this.

As a comedy The Fast And Furious movies made me laugh out loud more.

It doesn't have the same DNA as the Fast And Furious series so it does separate itself from them, good or bad!

The end credit scenes felt pointless and forced, just more jokey scenes.

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Still a mediocre teen romance with action, 1 star better than Homecoming but still a poor entry in the MCU.
4 July 2019
If you love Spider-Man Homecoming then you'll probably love this one. I didn't like the last one much, i gave it a 5/10, was to much of a kids movie for me. This one is still a teen romance with action and tactical conversation scattered throughout. I gave it one star more than Homecoming because of a couple of action scenes being good.

It feels a lot like the Captain Marvel film, a significant but insignificant entry into the Universe. Significant just because they said-so, like they did with Captain Marvel, worth making but didn't turn out to be necessary like they made out.

The end credits weren't as interesting as they made out either. It's ones that you could youtube or be told and not miss anything, visually.

Peter Parker, Ned and Mysterio do their part real well as expected.

Nick Fury is too much of a caricature now, compared to everyone else on the screen, who seem grounded. He needs to be replaced as the leader of the Avengers now, with someone younger and who can contribute to the action and pace of these movies. he has co-starred in the worst single-character Marvel movies, Iron Man 2, Captain Marvel and now this.

Not the amazing movie that i've been led to believe, a poorer entry in the MCU, not that good especially for the final film in this Phase. Should have ended with Avengers: Endgame. This is the X-Men: Dark Phoenix of Marvel Phase 3.

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Solid and tight movie. Pacey, action-packed and well worth a watch on the big screen.
5 June 2019
If you like any of the previous X-Men movies you're going to want to see this one. Very enjoyable and the Jean Grey character is just awesome.

I just came back from a morning show in the U.K. and i have to say it was a very engaging movie. Great fun. A lot more action than i was expecting (i've just googled the budget and seen that its $200 million so that explains that lol) and quite gritty action at that. That opening scene was a surprise and left me open-mouthed in shock, you can say you knew something was going to happen but WOW i was shocked how real it felt.

Its very forward-moving in its storytelling, it doesn't slack once so you won't get bored, this film hits the ground running right from the opening scene..

Most main character's have issues and dilemmas in this which helps you connect with them pretty easily.

For a movie about a female with almost limitless SUPER powers it's definitely a lot better than Captain Marvel for me.

There's no end credit or post credit scene btw.

I've just seen the RT critics rating, don't listen to them, that score is an absolute joke. Leading up to this release they've come across as having their gun's cocked and ready to shoot this film down for a long while from their previous articles. So there was never going to be a good score from them and they've all jumped on the same bandwagon again with this one, no big surprise really lol no one wants to be left chasing the cart.

Solid 7.5/10.
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Hellboy (2019)
Hellboy is Really Good. If you liked Venom or Evil Dead 3 Army Of Darkness then this is for you.
17 April 2019
What you'd expect from a Hellboy movie written by the creator of the character and its world, A really good Hellboy movie, a cool and funny Hellboy, great action and mayhem, and a hero trying to understand his place in this human world.

Its pacey and fun, equally as good as the Del Toro Hellboy movies. Maybe slightly better for some especially considering the screenplay was by the Hellboy creator himself!

I would highly recommend this if you like your superhero movies pacey, fun, interesting and R-rated. Can be blood-gory in a few places just so you know.

This is a good mix of the Del Toro Hellboy's, Silent Hill and Resident Evl movies.

For a lower budget than the previous Hellboys there's a lot of action and impressive CGI and practical effects in it. They really squeezed every ounce of that budget for our viewing pleasure.

The soundtrack and song choices are really cool and work perfectly with the scenes and action sequences.

I've read a couple of critics reviews saying that think there's too much exposition, that's totally not true, there are a few to give you a brief backstory to some characters, which works well and at brief amount of time, 1-2 minutes each, so for a 2 hour movie does that seem like a LOT of exposition to you??! It's not noticeable in the whole scheme of things but very welcomed and a nice touch. The introduction to Hellboy is the longest of the few, obviously, which is about 2-3 minutes long, and its really cool as it adds a new ass-kicking character that the Del Toro version didn't have, who is badass and from the Hellboy Universe not previously seen before in the movies.

This is a great addition to the Hellboy movies and will definitely become a cult classic. I just wish it did well at the boxoffice so we could get a sequel. But unfortunately critics have a lot to answer for with this innocent film..maybe they just really want you to go and watch Shazam lol...for some reason!!!?? Critics have ruined another films boxoffice potential!

This is better than Captain Marvel and the child audience focused film Shazam.

And David Harbour is excellent as Hellboy, equal to Ron Pearlman's.
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Shazam! (2019)
Aquaman & Now This..DC's Bland and Clinche Versions Of A Marvel Movie.
8 April 2019
That's 2 very similar DC movies in a row now, boring, cliche and childish in nature, basically they are poorer versions of the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies .This one is similar to Captain Marvel which was their worst.

DC have gone all out for a kid audience with their last 2 entries. I really miss the mature world and story idea the Zack Snyder had built.

I can't believe Aquaman and Shazam! have garnered higher praise from critics than previous DCEU movies, its a sham and a shame, so they obviously prefer simplistic storytelling with no depth, fun or real danger in superhero movies.

This was such a basic story, a 15 year old boy gets superpowers and then needs to be responsible to defeat the bad guy and that's it, and in between is just filler, nothing more, kids arguing or getting bullied. Basically it's an imitation of the Spider-Man origin movies but waaaaay simpler and one dimensional, absolutely nothing in between besides kids stuff. I'm sure young children will enjoy this for that reason.

It's saving grace and relief came in the form of the action scenes, i'm not saying they were anything WOW but they were a well needed relief for me from all the bland kids stuff. The budget for Shazam! is the lowest of all the DC and Marvel.C.U movies so don't expect the action sequences to be anything better or original than all of those previous movies. Its a far cry from those films.

In my opinion if you want to watch a great and more fun kids action adventure with goodies and baddies then Goosebumps is so much better than this.

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Us (II) (2019)
Us is NOT the tone&pace the trailer has led you to believe you're buying a ticket for.. 2.5/10
27 March 2019
I get that this is a psychological horror but what this movie felt like was like watching nearly 2 hours worth of nothing.

It starts nowhere and it ends nowhere...and is filled with long drawn out confrontation in between. Don't get me wrong there are moments in the confrontations which are a relief from the slow pace of this film but they, unfortunately dragged these scenes out waaaaay too long which then loses your focus again. And be prepared to scream at the screen(with your inside voice of course) for some stupid decisions by certain characters.

Very much over hyped by the critics and promotions. This felt like a pretty tv movie til they meet their doppelgangers then it switches up a gear...but not for long.

This is not a film i would recommend to casual moviegoers, i would recommend this to people that love films by Terrance Malick and films like Hereditary and The Witch(2015).

Films i would recommend if you are in the mood for a great psychological horror are The Shining, Rosemary's Baby, Jacob's Ladder or In The Mouth Of Madness.

And i guessed the twist of this movie from the trailers. Yesssssss :)

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Not the usual well-rounded and fun Marvel entry.
20 March 2019
Unfortunately, this sits in my least favourite Marvel movies. I was a bit shocked while watching this because i had high hopes as with any new entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as they have always delivered great and well-rounded superhero action movies.

The first quarter of the movie was intriguing, action filled and engaging like typical Marvel flicks. Then Nick Fury appeared which was fine, but then he stayed and boyyyy did it drag with him in tow, became a bit boring and no fun which is usually Marvels quarenteed trademark. It was like when he kept appearing in Iron Man 2, which were the worst parts of that movie too and made it drag.

Then they both spent too much time with her old best friend and pilot buddy Maria Rambeau and her daughter, which made it even more boring and cheesy in parts.

Jade Law, Brie Larson(who seems like she has great potential moving forward as a part of the Marvel team), and Ben Mendelsohn were in fine form.

This Marvel entry was just missing the pace and fun of the previous entries. And it was certainly no where near as entertaining as Wonder Woman when it comes to female superhero entries.

The opening and ending of this movie were engaging, but in between is where it dragged, which is unlike Marvel movies.

After watching this i don't feel like it was a necessity to watch before heading into Avengers: Endgame. I would happily have waited to watch it on bluray or streaming. And any tiny Endgame info there was, i could have picked up on a youtube 'breakdown' video.

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Bumblebee (I) (2018)
Transformers has become a dull, cheesy young teen girl romantic drama with some robot scenes!
7 January 2019
I've really enjoyed the Transformers movies that preceded Bumblebee, they were tough, action packed, funny and never dull. The Last Knight which i still enjoyed was probably my least favourite of the lot but Bumblebee was trash by comparison. I'd heard great hype about this one so i was looking forward to it. This was not a Transformers movie, this was a teen romantic drama that happened to have some robots jotted throughout.

As this is basically a teen romantic drama then i'd recommend and and all of these cool movies over Bumblebee...Pretty In Pink, Sixteen Candles, Some Kind Of Wonderful, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, The Duff, The Edge Of Seventeen and The Diary Of A Teenage Girl. Bumblebee is a poor B-movie version of one of those classic movies.

You can see clearly that the budget is lower. The short opening scene is the best bit with the battle on Cybertron, and the alternative 80's tunes that they used in the first 30 minutes of the movie...the budget for music and licensing fees must have run out by that point of the movie lol.

After the battle on Cybertron it becomes a coming-of-age movie about a angsty teen girl. I really did try to enjoy it throughout as a fan of the previous series but this is not what i paid for, no way.

I found myself constantly frustrated while watching this, i just couldn't believe a Transformers movie could be dull, cheesy and humourless, with a story that centres on an old simplistic romantic drama formula aimed at teen girls or fathers with young daughters. They didn't do anything new with that formula besides add robots.

The military parts which came in randomly felt like they suddenly appeared from another movie lol, their dialog and performances were like it was taken from a cheap B-movie or some 80's comedy tv shows. It's not the actor's fault because those actors are great in other movies but it's what they were given to work with here. Unless they were paying homage to 80's tv shows i don't get it!

The action wasn't anything amazing like the hype machine has been feeding us, its definitely no better or worse than the previous ones.

So, if you want to see an unconvincing sulky girl with issues, shed a few tears in a few sad scenes about her father then this film will be right up your street. If you want a manly action film with humour and peril throughout then this film will leave you confused.

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My Least favourite Spider-Man movie. Definitely NOT what the critics led me to believe.
12 December 2018
99% critics rating on Rotten Tomatoes, which is the Highest rated DC and Marvel movie EVER! And an 8.6 IMDB i had high hopes going in, plus i love the previous Spider-Man movies but boy was this one average, below average actually hence my 4/10. I feel duped by the critics AGAIN. The critics scores for this movie are WAY too suspicious for this.

Let's get the animation out of the way first since they seem to be raving about it so much. Through watching many many animations we all know that nice visuals don't make for an entertaining film, especially if the other components of storytelling don't add up. The animation was as good as any good ones out there already, so i would say that it's not a good reason to go and spend loads on money at the cinema for that reason alone. This definitely can be watched at home. At random times throughout the film they do this kind of 3D visuals animation which give your eyes and head a funny turn tbh. If you've watched a 3D movie without glasses then you'll know what i mean.

The film was so haphazard editing and story wise that it really took you out of the flow of the story, so it made it difficult to stay connected to the characters and story. This made it feel like it was aimed at young children to stop them from losing interest. It almost just felt like constant random scenes which didn't flow smoothly story wise.

The other thing that made the film tiresome when trying to connect to the characters/story was the use of jokes/one-liners, they were relentless and was full of them. I love comedy in superhero films, the MCU do a great job of that and the previous Spider-Man movies too but this was like a kids animation style of non-stop but with adult humour, that i'm afraid i didn't laugh at once...and i usually laugh at nearly everything. Besides myself, there was only an adult and 2 children in the screen and i didn't hear them laugh either tbh.

The story was pretty standard, exactly what the trailer tells you but i did get restless and bored when there was no action.

Its my least favourite Spider-Man movie and as animations go its not good either, especially when you've got Pixar, Illuniation, Manga, etc delivering such epic and fun movies already.

Nicolas Cage was my favourite Spider-Man in this, even though he wasn't one of the central characters and didn't get much screen time. It would be great if they made a film just centered around his character sometime.

There were 2 or 3 short emotional scenes in this that i liked, i'm a sucker for that stuff lol.

There is a post-credits scene so stay til the very end.

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Things Are Starting To Get Very Very Interesting!!! That old Harry Potter Magic Is Back.
19 November 2018
The Crimes Of Grindelwald has really upped the ante for Fantastic Beasts. a race against time in stunningly created settings. The villain of the piece is an absolutely hypnotic presence, you hang on his every word. Its a fantastic and frightening set up for whats to come, and i for one cannot wait for the next instalments.

I loved the Harry Potter series, all received perfect 10's from me. Fantastic Beast & Where To Find Them, i gave an 8/10, it was still an absolute joy to watch but it almost felt like a stand-alone film, but now i see that it was an introduction to this new wizarding world and its characters. But The Crimes Of Grindelwald really takes flight, i loved it. It felt more in the realm of storytelling that we were accustomed to with the Harry Potter series, a great blend of drama, emotions, action, urgency and bucket loads of charm.

Johnny Depp is inspired casting as Grindelwald and you can see that there's A LOT more menace to come behind those steely eyes of his.

This one seems like its budget has been doubled from the previous film, FB: Where To Find Them, there are trips to various countries, each with there own beautiful scenery, architecture and the costumes, clothes are absolutely stunning. The whole world and its creatures and magic are a feast for the eyes.

The film is in constant motion and accurately so given the circumstances and urgency of what unfolds and what is to be done by all the characters involved.

If you loved the Harry Potter series then this will be a warm blanket of fun, charm, Awe and excitement that no other franchise can offer you. It's truly a magical world to be a part of.

I was lucky enough to watch it in IMAX and i'm glad i did.
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Overlord (2018)
High expectations cus of reviews and i love a good b-movie but this turned out to be a boring one.
16 November 2018
I really felt conned by the halfway point of this, from then on i kept thinking that i'd rather have waited for it to come to TV instead of wasting time and money on it.

From what i just watched, its not the "fun, original, scary, gory, inventive thrill-ride, maximum shock value, insane" film its been reviewed to be. Definitely NOT scary or gore filled, and with the $38 million budget you'd have expected A LOT more!

The opening 5-10 minutes the reviews have been raving about was ok, its not an opening that would warrant a cinema visit, it ain't no Saving Private Ryan, Edge Of Tomorrow, etc battle scene, as it's over in a flash, roughly 1 or 2 minutes of action, pretty much whats in the trailer and the rest is characters chatting! Then it quickly slows to its meandering pace, with been-there-done-that scenes with added cheese and cliche characters, which start to wear your hopes for a fun big budget B-movie way he f down. I just became bored and just hoped for an outstanding action filled and creative finale to win me over. But NO, the ending is just standard gun play, explosions and one fight that's over way too soon and that's your lot! I would have been satisfied if it had maybe matched an exciting Expendable's type finaly as it was a similar premise.

It's a film that never takes its idea's far enough, never too crazy or too gory but just a very controlled and safe 18 certificate B-movie. And it's a movie that mostly relies on the stupidity/naivety of its lead character to make the plot move forward. If you're after a subtle b-movie then this may be for you

I was really looking forward to this because i'd read really good things, and i missed Slaughterhouse Rulez cus of this.

An episode of the Walking Dead is more exciting, gripping, tense and fun.

Check it out and make up your own mind up but i've given you a heads up. I didn't expect the grindhouse style of Planet Terror with Overlord but Planet Terror was a great fun big budget B-movie!!
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Halloween (I) (2018)
Sadly,as average as any of the Halloween sequels,Not a patch on the original!
23 October 2018
It definitely feels over hyped, its an average slasher, no suspense like the original. Its like every other bog standard slasher flick that has tried to copy it since, but they just keep missing the core ingredients that made the original a masterpiece.

This film wasn't scary in the slightest, there are kills but its like the usual stuff from previous instalments, nothing new.

The performances and dialog are perfectly fine, everyone does a great job. The film just didn't draw me in and keep me there, i kept on being taken out of it because it just wasn't engaging and things were happening all over the place with so many different people. A big twist occurred and it was over before it could develop into something interesting. At times i was frustrated or bored.

The original felt realistic for this type of film, but this one had moments that made you want to scream at the screen for being so unrealistic, especially because i was expecting this to be more like the original and NOT like its campy sequels.

The finale had a few seconds that i loved but that's unfortunately all the excitement i felt in this.

I would say this is a movie you should go into with the mindset of watching a film that sits somewhere in the sequels, NOT with the original, and so you'll probably really enjoy it, if you really enjoyed those that is!

I'm such a HUGE Danny McBride fan and i really wanted this to showcase how awesome he is, i'm just glad he wasn't the only writer attached but i'm still happy he is a reason this film has broken box office records and will go on to be one of the highest grossing Horror movies of all time! Plus it looks like half the audience loved this movie so that's great, i'm happy. Maybe in a few years when i'm doing a Halloween movie marathon i'll enjoy it more amongst the whole catalogue.

The John Carpenter score to this was better than the movie, not as great as the one in the original Halloween, but I'll be buying the musical score to this film before i watch or buy the actual film for sure!

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Peppermint (2018)
For people who love Taken, Death Wish and John Wick. Quality film!!!
7 September 2018
What a great actioner, if you loved his other movie LONDON HAS FALLEN which i did then you won't be disappointed with this one.

If you look forward to a brutal revenge flicks like DEATH WISH or TAKEN then this is right up your street. A good pace and impressive action choreography.

Forget the overly negative criticism from the parasite critics that have an agenda with this film, its totally unfair what they are saying about this film, just remember that they did exactly the same with TAKEN and look how that turned out. The public are voicing their approval of this one aswel.
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Incredibles 2 (2018)
Not as GREAT as the critics have made out unfortunately.
16 July 2018
It was a good enough watch but as i was watching it i started to think that i would have preferred to have spent my cinema money and time on something else.

It doesn't have that same all-encompassing magic and energy of other great Pixar films, it wasn't as fun, funny or wowing. The critics have overhyped this one, for me!

It feels a bit lifeless at times cus it doesn't possess the originality of other Pixar greats in regards to story, character, dialog and scenery. There are a few action sequences which are cool but just not enough to rate it any higher.

The family scenes are cliched, all too familiar, except for when the baby sporadically displays his powers like in the trailers.

The reveal/twist at the end is predictable and lazy.

It is no where near as good as most Marvel films and It's hard not to compare considering how they are equal in scale but this just isn't as fun, funny, engrossing or exciting as those. And i love Pixar movies in general.

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Enjoyable, pacey, shallow origin story, let down by 4 characters/actors.
25 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm no Star Wars fan, just a general audience for that franchise, i really didn't like Force Awakens and Rogue One, i found them either slow, boring or aimed more for young children. I haven't watched Last Jedi yet but SOLO is the best of the bunch so far.

It's a nicely paced film which kept it entertaining.

Han Solo, Chewy, Woody Harrelson's Beckett, Thandie Newton's Val and Rio Durant stood out, were good fun to watch and they all carried the film really well.

SOLO is a very simple origin story, don't go in expecting depth because it's all on the surface.

I was enjoying the tone, characters, performances, action and pace of the film up until Lando Calrissian, L-3 and Han's girlfriend Qi'ra started getting more of the screen-time, pushing Woody Harrelson's cool, serious but funny Beckett into the sidelines which was a mistake! Even Han Solo took a back seat for a few minutes to accentuate Lando and L-3. That pair ruined the cool tone of the film that was established by all the previous characters.

Lando felt like his coolness was forced and ended up cringey. He even gets an introduction of how cool he's meant to be by Qi'ra, it was embarrassing and unnecessary.

L-3 felt like she belonged in a kids film and was annoyingly so out of place in this.

Emilia Clarke as Qi'ra, very unconvincing performance and cringey also.

I was shocked by the performance of the marauder character called Enfys Nest, OH WOW, i don't think i've ever seen such an amateur/emotionless performance by anyone in such a blockbuster before, it was like they'd just dragged someone off the street with no interest in acting and it showed!

Those four actors/characters really took me out of what was a decently toned film when they appeared. It would have been better if they had kept Thandie Newton's Val and Rio Durant throughout the film, instead of shoehorning Lando, L-3 and Qi'ra into the team/mission. Val and Rio had chemistry with the main cast and felt like they belonged in this world.

TBH even if they switched those characters it would still only get 7/10 max anyway(which is actually pretty good) because as an overall film it wasn't stretched to its full potential story wise.

Not really a film you need to watch at the cinema..unless you're a Star Wars fan that has enjoyed the past 3 movies!
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A Fun And Visually Stunning Luc Besson Sci-Fi Classic In The Making!
22 August 2017
I didn't know what to expect after seeing a bunch of lukewarm reviews but after watching it for myself i was pleasantly surprised. It definitely has a Luc Besson feel similar to that of The Fifth Element.

It certainly is a visual delight to see, the worlds, characters etc.

The 2 leads playing Valerian and Laureline had a pleasant and watchable chemistry.

Its pretty much non-stop in its pace with a few quirky and stylistic breaks between the action.

I agree like most reviews have claimed that this will become a cult classic.

I really wish it made a lot more money, it certainly deserved too considering how much fun it was because i'd love to see a sequel to this film.
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Shocked At How The Great Marvel Studio Has Made The Worst Spider-Man Movie!!
9 August 2017
I'm a fan of the previous 5 Spider-Man movies and as i'm a big fan of the Marvel Universe movies i was sooo sure of a great Marvel version with Spider-Man:Homecoming. Their movies have great stories teamed with outstanding action, a good sense of humour and great character development. I've only disliked one Marvel Universe movie which was one of the early ones and sadly this one joins it now.

It made me really wish SONY had gone and made the sequel to Andrew Garfield's The Amazing Spider-Man 2!

The reasons my friend and i weren't keen on this Spidey movie were....

It felt rushed..

Story didn't flow smoothly..

It felt kinda pointless..

Scenes felt crowbarred, e.g. Iron Man scenes.

The "teen" scenes were long, kinda boring, weren't fun or funny like in all the other Marvel movies.

Aunt May felt like background, unnecessary.

Pointless teen characters like Zendaya's, as if someone said we need Ali Sheedey's character from Breakfast Club in this, unfortunately it was pointless in this.

The film was emotionless and felt nothing towards any of the characters, unlike the emotional progression and connections in the previous Spider-Man movies.

The villain had an underdeveloped screen presence, so his connection to Spider-Man felt threadbare.

Just a shallow and empty experience, and the action sequences couldn't save it sadly.

The whole film just felt like a wasted opportunity.

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Baby Driver (2017)
I Recommend That You Watch This At The Cinema To Fully Appreciate This Visual & Sound Spectacle As Intended!!
1 August 2017
Woooow what an experience!!

If you only watch one film at the cinema this year,so far,then this is definitely worth going for for that buzz you won't get from a home viewing i guarantee! The marrying of sound, songs and visuals is of an outstanding beauty and originality!

If like me you enjoy the unrelenting excitement of the recent batch of Fast And Furious films then you will love this film too. And this sprinkles a bit more viciousness on top from its characters as well. This film is just cool as F@$%!

The music chosen works brilliantly throughout.

The car action is jaw dropping. The performances from all the cast are great, the only change i would have made was having Griff(Jon Bernthal) play the Bats character instead of Jamie Foxx. I found Jon Bernthal to be way more menacing and threatening like the Bats role demanded, but thats not taking anything away from J.Foxx, he made it work too.

I highly recommend this film for people in search of adrenaline pumping car action sequences, some pumping gun battles, some badass criminal characters in that pulp style and for people who don't mind a hint of romance in the vein of films like True Romance, The Getaway, etc, as it works brilliantly in this too.

Highly original, never been done before and unless they do a sequel will never be done again i reckon, so do yourself a favour and go watch it.

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Dunkirk (2017)
A Decent Sunday Afternoon Movie Best Watched At Home.
23 July 2017
Firstly, i want to say i enjoyed the film, nothing amazing like the critics and Christopher Nolan fans have made out but i think he achieved what he set out to do, with all the parameters he set himself regards to the differences with actual Dunkirk history and the filmmaking style he wanted to use.

It certainly isn't one of the greatest war films ever made, far from it but it is a decent experiment in filmmaking, if your into that kind of thing.

Me and my friend both thought it was like a good film you watch at home on a Sunday afternoon. And having watched it on the big screen i would say that thats the best way to fully enjoy it too, at home, which i would rather have seen it at. You'll understand when you see it, its just one of those films.

If you watch this in Imax like i did, make sure you take a tissue because the sound becomes unbearably loud after a little while and you may need to plug your ears up, especially when the aircraft segments start and with the bigger explosions abit later on. Even with tissues in ears its pretty loud too but its nicely bearable.

So if you do go and watch it at the cinema then i wholeheartedly recommend watching it in the standard 2D screens, mainly because of the unbearably loud volume and bassy sounds in Imax, mixed with the other film soundtrack noises makes everything sound muffled. And also because it isn't such the big visual spectacle as they've lead us to believe. Nolans previous films and those of say Ridley Scott or Peter Jackson have given more scope and reason to watch their films in an Imax screen.

Overall though, i found the film enjoyable, JUST above average. It plods along nicely for a 95 minute feature, with 10 minutes of end credits also. There isn't a dull moment in this from my perspective. Nolan does make you feel sorry for the characters he wants you to feel sorry for, but for a war film it isn't a greatly emotional one. I don't understand why its been given such high ratings as the visuals, sound, story, character development and overall feel don't warrant such grand praise. I can understand why half the audience have really disliked it for the above reasons also, as there was no storyline and there's barely a character for the audience to attach themselves to. Plus there's a lot of difference in regards to the sheer numbers of aircraft's, boats and people not present here. I did feel the grandness of the peril these boys were actually in really missing because of this scaling down from Nolan, which was his conscious choice to leave out. I have to admit that adding CGI here and there really would have given this moment of history a more realistic vision of it's devastating scale.

I expected to see really amazing choreographed air combat sequences too but they were just OK, they did the job but nothing spectacular or exciting. There have been way better and breathtaking aircraft combat scenes from most other films, war or sci-fi!

If you didn't know Christopher Nolan's intentions in his film as i've briefly alluded to above and are expecting to see an epic masterpiece of a war movie in the vein of films by directors like Stanley Kubrick, Michael Cimino, Brian De Palma, Oliver Stone, Ridley Scott, Francis Ford Coppola, Steven Spielberg or Mel Gibson, where the visuals mesh breathtakingly with story, characters and emotions then you may be disappointed with Dunkirk. Dunkirk feels more like a brief and confined moment of an evacuation, with small scale pockets of peril at its heart, and knowing that will help you appreciate this better, hopefully, but by how much i don't know, for me its a 6/10, just above average.

It's definitely not on the scale the critics and fanboys have sold it on, for a general audience! Even though i enjoyed it i still don't see how such high ratings are being thrown at this. And its a shame the film doesn't convey the epic grand scale feeling of terror that history has told us.
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2 Awful Alien Movies In A Row Now. Neill Blomkapt HEEEELP!!
18 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'll get this out of the way first, i really enjoyed 1979's Alien and loved 1986's Aliens but i very much disliked Ridley Scott's sleep inducing 2012 film Prometheus!

A couple of friends that loved Prometheus(ALARM BELLS) had assured me that this was nothing like that previous disaster. I also watched a fantastic documentary this week called Jodorowsky's Dune, about the making of a sci-fi movie called Dune that got cancelled by a nervous studio roughly a month before going into production in the mid 1970's. The script, storyboards, concept art, soundtrack collaborators and actors were all ready to go, on what seems like the most important project in Hollywood and film history, a real game changer! The visionary genius of Alejandro Jodorowsky assembled a team that was very against the typical Hollywood system of doing things and selected an bunch of leftfield creative artists to fulfil his vision for his sci-fi epic. I'm telling you this as it is HUGELY important to the Alien franchise and to science fiction cinema since. People should know that the reason Alien looks and feels the way it does is solely because of Jodorowsky's Dune project and so should be more commonly known and acknowledged. The team he put together, the storyboards and concept art that were created for Dune is basically what Alien, Blade Runner, Star Wars became. The studios were equally dazzled and scared about what Jodoowsky wanted to do with Dune and after it got cancelled the same studios hired HIS team to basically re- create(copy) what they had done with Dune for Alien and Blade Runner! Imagine if you will Alien and Blade Runner without that particular distinctive look and feel, it would have just looked and felt like any other 70s and early 80s sci-fi film and would possibly be forgotten like many of them now too.

So what did i think of Alien Covenant...i thought WHAT a waste of time! We have basically been given the exact same film as Alien and Prometheus, absolutely nothing new or fresh, same story, same structure. Spaceship full of crew, they wake up, land on a strange planet, aliens kill or infect a few on the land, then a few on the ship and that's it, the end! If you want to see that then just watch the 1979 Alien again! Roughly the first hour of Alien Covenant was pretty low key, giving you a chance to drift off and think about what to eat once you leave the cinema or whatever pops into your head. From then it shifts a gear away from that plodding Prometheus style(that film NEVER shifted from neutral unfortunately) but just wasn't enough and felt lifeless. One slightly exciting action sequence that shifted it into 2nd gear lasted about 5 minutes and really didn't warrant the effort of putting the clutch down, in the whole scheme of things! The film was predictable because you've seen this whole scenario before and in a million other similar type films. I started checking my phone halfway through to see how long i had left to endure of this which isn't good. Someone had told me the visuals in Alien Covenant were amazing and to be witnessed at the cinema, absolutely NOT True, there was nothing you haven't seen before with many big budget movies of the last 20 so years. The film was not scary as some have said and what action it did have was not inventive and definitely not worth a trip to cinema for. What we have with Alien Covenant is exactly the same story, structure and look as Ridley Scott's previous 2 Alien films. After the public polarization of Prometheus I expected him to tread new ground with this movie, especially because he acknowledged THAT issue and said changes will be made with this instalment. The only change made was upping the tempo, which still doesn't warrant watching it or it even being made. It felt like a poor attempt at a slasher film with even worse character development, a very shallow and forgettable crew. If i had to score it i'd give Alien Covenant a 1 out of 10, which is 1 more than what i gave Prometheus as it's basically a copy and paste job. It felt like a poor attempt at a slasher film. I would therefore recommend waiting to see this at home, hopefully for free if you are an Alien fan but if you're not then never bother, or just watch the original 1979 Alien and it's amazing 1986 action packed sequel directed by James Cameron, Aliens.

Ridley Scott should have stuck to his no-sequels policy because unfortunately he has done a MASSIVE smoking alien turd on his original 1979 film with Prometheus and now Alien Covenant. Leave the Alien franchise alone dude, it was doing much better without you. His last 4 films were equally bad or worse, besides Exodus which i enjoyed, so along with a bunch of his previous poor films it has led me to the conclusion that he was just at the right place at the right time with the 1979 Alien film. It was clearly the creative art department that the studio hired that truly made that film the visionary classic it became, along with Blade Runner, which btw also polarized its audience like Prometheus did with its storytelling, but was an undisputed classic in regards to its vision which we should all thank Alejandro Jodorowsky for! I would have preferred it if Ridley Scott had used the time spent making these 2 new Alien instalments making 2 original films instead. I'd rather have had a fresh take on another subject than 2 near identical re-runs of his first film!

Neill Blomkamp..HEEEEEELP!!
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