
2 Reviews
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Sirens (2014–2015)
Pretty Good
7 February 2016
As a young college student, I spend a lot of time on Netflix procrastinating. There has been many nights where I caught myself blowing off an assignment just because I was glued to what ever I was watching. Even if I am doing homework, I still have something playing in the background. When watching a show there has to be certain requirements for me to blow off an assignment for; it has to have chemistry among the cast, raunchiness, consistency, characters I can relate with, and entertaining stories. With the show Sirens, I find myself glued to whichever screen I am using.

CHEMISTRY AMONG CAST Kevin Daniels, Hank, and Michael Mosley, Tommy, make a hilarious duo, and Kevin Bigley as Brian, is the perfect actor to play an awkward man-child. Those three provide some incredibly entertaining material when they are together. RAUNCHINESS As a show that brings out the lighter side of being and EMT, this is not for the faint of heart. Foul language, things being stuck in people's butts, and gore are all things that are in this show, and each situation is made hilarious.

CONSISTENCY Every time that I start playing this show I know that I am going have at least three or four howling laughs before and episode ends. Each episode has it's own situation that the group is put into and it is guaranteed to be hilarious.

CHARACTERS YOU CAN RELATE WITH Each one of the characters you can relate with. Whether it's Brian's naive nature, Hank's common-sense, or Tommy's romanticism, you will find some part of each character you can relate with.

STORIES As I have stated before, this show provides many unique stories and each will have you laughing in the end. Sometimes you even catch a little bit of the feels when you suddenly feel something pull on your heart strings when something affects one of the characters,
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a great movie
31 January 2016
As somebody who grow up on watching movies with my family, I am always looking for great movies to add to my collection. In order for me to purchase a movie it has to have a great plot, interesting characters, believable actors, stand up to the hype, and with some crazy back story, for bonus points. I enjoyed Star Wars 7 so much I am going to buy it on Blu Ray.

PLOT: While basic, the plot of this movie is very enjoyable. The were times were I was rooting for characters, and other times I was hoping that they would fall off into an abyss, due to something that the plot made them do. This movie provides just enough action and character building to provide an interesting movie while not lulling me to sleep or feel like an eighties action movie. This movie has an event that even caught me off guard.

CHARACTERS: All of the characters are intriguing and experience major character development. I can honestly say that I do not know which one of the characters I liked the most.

ACTING: With J.J. Abrams directing this movie, excellent acting is almost a guarantee. Adam Driver does an amazing job as the brooding Kylo Ren. Daisy Ridley, as Rey, and John Boyega, as Finn, have amazing chemistry, and I am looking forward to see them working together in future films. The original actors from previous movies even returned to play their roles. With the next movie coming out roughly a year from now I am even more excited for it after seeing all of these actors in action.

THE HYPE: I know that there was an exceptionally large amount of hype surrounding this movie, so all I can say is this; This movie does more than live up to the hype of it's predecessors.

BACKSTORY: This is a fricking Star Wars sequel! If you didn't know about the legendary other Star Wars movies unfortunately this movie doesn't provide much insight, but it is entertaining even if you have no idea who some of the characters are.
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