
73 Reviews
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Atlas (2024)
My god people are petty and small
25 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Reading the reviews is almost always a mistake, ironic as that is considering I'm writing one expecting people to eventually read it, but there you have it.

I read some of the reviews and as usual, people did not disappoint with the ridiculous vitriol and clueless takes:

1. Jennifer Lopez is NOT an old, washed up, emotionless terrible actor. She is in fact extremely good at portraying a wide range of emotions, has a good understanding of her physical body, facial expressions and motions, and controls everything quite well. She was excellent in this role, which was particularly challenging considering she's on screen almost the entire movie. She portrayed a deeply flawed human being with deep emotional scars, but also one who is uber intelligent, insightful and hypersensitive to her surroundings. Where she runs into trouble here is the writing and pace of the movie. Things were really rushed to the point of annoyance, and her character lacked the time to develop any further emotionally.

2. The CGI was brilliant. The only way someone could say otherwise would be if they were watching on a 30 year old tube TV with the cheapest internet connection money can buy....or their phone.

3. As stated earlier, the pace was rushed....a lot. Great action, amazing fight scenes, loads of explosions, very cool tech....but the actual story suffered by the pace. I needed a ton more back story to really get involved with the characters emotionally. The plot is nothing new whatsoever, so more background such as WHY Simu Liu decided to become Bender and suddenly 'kill all humans' would have been really nice. Would have really liked to see more of Lana Parrilla's character too, showing more of a connection to building the entire AI population before they turned on her.

C''est la vie. Fantastic Netflix ride, not made for the big theatre but for your living room. Not a 10. Solid 7 imo, but I'm giving it a 10 to offset the insanity of saying it's the worst movie ever.
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Unfrosted (2024)
Brilliant...but not for everyone
5 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. A comedy not made for millenials. How dare Jerry? How dare Jerry make a brilliant and hilarious spoof comedy for people 40+, or at least anyone who actually has a clue what the world was like before cellphones and facebook?

This movie should be avoided by people who don't know any history, or don't understand comedy using only clever words and concepts to push the plot. You can't appreciate how brilliant Bill Burr is as Kennedy if you don't know who Kennedy was in the 1st place. Anyone looking for special effects, CGI, explosions (actually there were explosions lol), an exciting superhero-laden climax, having the plot spoon fed to you like a bowl of Rice Crispies or whatever other ridiculous things i read from people who panned this should stick to Marvel.

This movie is simply clever and fun, family entertainment, with a ton of cameos from brilliant comedians and actors that kept me smiling the entire run time. If you thought it wasn't that's your prerogative, but i feel sorry for you.
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What a shame
14 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly...what a waste. I love Kevin Smith, but this is not for him. He has no place as writer/director of this franchise.

All the ingredients were there to do something special, but instead it feels like an even worse version of a DC animated special....which generally stink.

Motherboard? Really? Overblown nanotech taking over Skeletor and then possessing everyone else as the leading evil? How original. The plot is so incredibly weak, and most of the characters so badly written, I almost feel sorry for the actors (huge payday aside).

And someone please explain....this cast has some absolutely brilliant people involved: William Shatner, Mark Hamill, Liam Cunningham, Lena Headey, Keith David, John de Lancie...even Melissa Benoist. Why in gods name are the voices chosen for He-Man, Kringer and Orko so completely pathetic, without passion, feeling or any kind of emotion?? I love Stephen Root but his voice doesn't change when he becomes Battle Cat? The most powerful man in the universe still sounds like a weak hipster?? And why decide to speak "I Have the Power!!!" like you're having a casual conversation sitting in a coffee shop? Were they worried THAT would be the thing too cheesy? It wouldn't be top 20 in this show.

This series is just plain disappointing and awful. All these 10/10 reviews claiming it's the greatest thing on Netflix are....well...fake.
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Overwhelmingly average
26 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Overwhelmingly average, unoriginal and uninspiring.

Once again we have a 100lb woman beating the snot out of, flipping, grabbing, twisting and killing 300lb men. Quite the amazing display against physics but ok...sure...she's really well trained and experienced and knows all the angles and weight transfer techniques. The bigger problem is, she's not a good actor and her character wasn't written very well.

Normally i love Charlie, but his irish accent was awful, and i was happy when he was (supposedly) killed. I say supposedly of course because despite showing people getting maimed, stabbed, shot and killed in graphic ways, Snyder chose to pan away just as the trigger was being pulled on the...spear gun??, so perhaps he'll make a return in the 2nd half of this mess.

All in all, there was almost nothing original about this plot or anything in the way it was presented. We've seen it all in Star Wars, 300, LOTR, Gladiator, Chronicals of Riddick et al, only done much better. The pacing left me not caring in the least bit what was happening, and while many of the actors have proven their depth and skills in other projects, they sadly have very little to work with here.

Will i watch the 2nd part anyway? Probably.... because I'm starved for new sci-fi...but my expectations will be on the ground.
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Pantheon (2022–2023)
Frighteningly good
2 December 2023
Chillingly, frighteningly, disturbingly, realistically, plausibly, believably brilliant and likely based on a true story to some degree.

Anyone not thinking this could 100% be a thing in the near future hasn't been paying attention to the history of humanity, specially the greed and hubris.

Perhaps the worst result of humanity turning from religion and belief in any form of all powerful creator, is the delusion a human being can instead attain omnipotent, god-like status through science.

Fwiw, the animation choices where, IMHO, perfect for this level of horrible topic. Despite using the same soft style as Avatar Legend of Korra and Troll Hunter for instance, the episode showing Chandra being murdered was simply horrific and still gives me chills. Animating such subject matter in a closer to live-action style would have given this an NC-17 or R rating, and frankly speaking, distracted from the message. This isn't meant to be a horror anime. It's a message everyone needed to see and hear, and hopefully they did.
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1899 (2022)
Complete bollox
26 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Why?? What was the point?

I spent 8 episodes listening to various characters saying "this can't be real" and "what is happening here?", only to find out it wasn't and ......who really cares?

As much as i loved Dark, that's how much i hate this garbage. Wonderful actors with so much potential completely wasted. The plot could have gone anywhere, and instead the writers/producers chose to go nowhere. Nothing that happened had any meaning at all.

A myriad of characters with different backgrounds, proclivities, languages, motivations...pointless.

A myriad of red herrings and imagery such as pyramids, scarabs, a mute boy dressed as Pugsley Addams, everyone screwing everyone else, class warfare, mutiny, hidden wormholes in the floor lined with black bath tiles and halls made of wires leading to.... absolutely pointless.

Is it your simulation? No it's yours. No it's yours. Tie everyone down to a chair in a psych ward and stab them in the neck with a magic 6 inch to forget and white to remember.....pointless trash.

Oh's all a crazy simulation concocted by somebodies sister, brother, father, husband, SPACE.

I gave it 3 stars because everyone but the writers did a wonderful job bringing this abomination of a script to the screen, but it's been cancelled for a very good reason.
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Big Bug (2022)
Start to finish brilliant
22 October 2023
Pay no attention to the low ratings. Understandably this movie isn't for movie is after all.

Those saying it isn't funny, or satirical, or whimsical, or intelligent or enjoyable in any way....simply didn't understand what they were watching. Can't appreciate unless you understand french culture? Nope. I watched the english dub and LOVED it (will go back and watch with subtitles another time to hear the actual voices).

I assume those who rated it low missed every subtle reference and easter egg to other dystopian works. They need to see brainless flashy explosions and action scenes, so something cerebral goes right over their heads...much like Yonyx's (sp) laser. The CGI and attention to detail in the set was brilliant, with a thoughtful mixture of believable futuristic tech and retro nostalgia. Loved the musical score and especially the subtle details like the obvious fake teeth of the androids which were highlighted over and over.

It's not meant to be taken seriously folks....or is it?
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See (2019–2022)
Absolute brilliance
15 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As usual, I spent (wasted) time reading some of the other comments before adding my own.

Seems the 1st bunch deemed it necessary to slag the entire program without watching more than 1 episode. Then there are those genuis' who are incapable of watching a fantasy program without applying their own sets of rules, boundaries and if they have any place in a completely fabricated world. Then there are those who complain about watching a brilliant actor deliver her lines with such incredible depth, that she transforms herself from a model in real life, into one of the ugliest and most hateful characters I've ever witnessed. I couldn't stand her and wanted her dead every second, which means she was absolutely brilliant with transforming her voice and facial expressions into the hateful character she was portraying.

The world building, lighting, pace and set direction was equally brilliant imo. Those complaining about fires being lit apparently forgot fire creates heat, not just light. Yes it's true that if 2 blind armies met in the middle of a battlefield it would be nigh impossible to discern friend from foe, which is why it never happened. Instead the 'good guys' lured the enemy into choke points, knowing full well how many allies were there compared to the number of enemies. They wore different materials which made different noises and differentiated friend from's not difficult to imagine if you open your mind.

In truth this is one of the best programs I've ever watched. The cast is epic and delivers a tour de force of performances like nothing I've ever seen, and it only gets better with each subsequent episode and season. The depth of emotions, from the highest highs to the lowest lows, from pure love and joy to absolute animalistic savagery, is delivered in such a believable way that I truly felt like a member of the family. Yes there were some questionable things i found difficult to understand how blind people could navigate, such as riding/guiding a horse, but overall the cast/writers created an extremely realistic and believable world for how hypersensitive blind people could have adapted to the world around them over 100s of years. The savage fighting style of Baba Vas et al was truly brilliant imo, using misdirection and one's hearing and other senses against them.

I do have 2 complaints...petty but still real for me: 1. I hate that Baba Vas died 2. Wasn't impressed with NY being the place all the sighted people gathered in the end...a little cheesy to me.

Otherwise worthy of 11/10...i wanted more!
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
10 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The April reviews on here could be called 'attack of the old trolls'. It's rather sad to read one old and bitter person after another immortalizing their age and bitterness in the comments section but, here we are.

To be clear, people are entitled to their opinions, no matter how convoluted, however the nature of these attacks are such that I find it hard to believe these people find anything pleasurable in life...truly sad.

For anyone berating the writers for bringing in Jack Black, Lizzo and the brilliant Christopher Lloyd to shine in one you remember Sir Alec Guinness? Pedro, Giancarlo, Katie aren't exactly no-names, so what does it matter if you recognize other actors? Oh no...the fantasy has been broken and you're brought back to reality and forced to think of School of Rock....puhlease. And oh no.... Favreau/Filoni decided to world-build instead of having a singular focus on Mando in every episode, line and action. How will your fragile mind be able to process such depth? And Sackoff haters? Sackoff.

I hope that anyone claiming S3 is a disaster, somehow manages to find happiness and peace in their lives despite the apparent devastating letdown to your existence. The show was written for the millions and millions of other people worldwide who loved every me.
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Florida Man (2023)
Don't believe the low rating clowns
16 April 2023
Incredible how many miserable people there are in the world who are incapable of getting over themselves long enough to enjoy something made to be enjoyed.

This isn't Shakespeare, season 1 of GoT nor Miami Vice level avant-garde material. It's a VERY fun romp meant to entertain and not be taken too seriously, because it doesn't take itself seriously.

The music, pace, humor, scenery, and excellent for what it is. I love old movies and TV. Did anyone give a crap when Sean Connery played a British secret agent with a Scottish accent? When did people start agonizing over irrelevant bs? Someone wrote the main guy doesn't have a 'true' Floridian accent so he can't watch the show. Really?

If you're firmly able to get over yourself long enough, this show is great for some laughs and surface level, old fashioned, easy entertainment. Enjoy!
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Bullet Train (2022)
17 January 2023
Maybe I was just in the mood. Maybe this movie came at the exact right time for me. Maybe it was actually perfect. All i know is...can't remember the last time I enjoyed anything this much.

Every detail meticulously thought out and executed to perfection. Not one wasted minute, or word, or scene.

Ironically i waited until now to watch because my initial thought good can yet another movie filmed on a train really be? Sure Brad Pitt and a brilliant cast, but i don't actually know the director and producers from other films...but I'll pay attention from now on.

The writing, pacing, direction, effects, humor, action, irony, pathos, philosophy and again...attention to detail...are simply the best I've seen in a long time. And this is the best Brad Pitt has been in many movies.

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Inside Man (II) (2022)
Missed opportunity
18 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I originally saw this Brillaint cast and immediately thought...this has the potential to be brilliant, but will unfortunately much more likely disappoint the heck outta me.

Sad to say I was right....hard to express how disappointing this is so far. The sheer unbelievability of it all...a vicar and his wife turn into scheming cold-blooded murderers, when the entire situation would be solved by turning in the mentally disturbed pedophile with the abusive mother. The vicar's wife questions why she can't find instructions on how to kill someone on the internet with the same alacrity as if she wanted to learn how to paint the kitchen.

It's the classic tale of an innocent priest defending a pedophile by claiming the usb drive full of filth was his, then throwing a math tutor down the stairs and handcuffing her in the cellar, then plotting to murder her, all to save the poor pedophile. Yup...i said all that.

I gave this pointless mess a 5 for 3 reasons.

#1 and 2 is David and Stanley #3. Stanley's character says 'Everyone is a murderer. You just have to meet the right person".

I truly believe every human is capable of great beauty, and great horror. It really does depend on who you meet, and who influences you the most.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
The bots are strong with this rating
30 October 2022
I'm writing this review in the middle of episode 10...because I'm bored beyond belief...though admittedly this is the most (only) interesting episode of the series (great dragon battle).

The beginning of episode 10 was laughably dominated watching and hearing yet another gruesome, screaming, blood and ooze filled birthing scene, as if that somehow passes for engaging television. It's as if the director knew how boring the program was, and had a list of "shocking" scenes to add in whenever the paint dried too much (dragons, birthing, beheading, sodomy...and random time jumps).

Throw in a few shots of the iconic map of the land, a few mentions of buzz words like Stark, Lannister and Baratheon and voila....some people apparently soak it up with the original brilliant theme song like a rag used to wipe up one of Rhaenyra's afterbirths. Maybe some people actually enjoyed this, but there's no way the real world rated this any higher than 6.
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Some people are impossible to please
17 October 2022
I can't for the life of me understand how anyone could have a problem with this program.

Actually that's wrong...I've read racists scream about (gasp) dark-skinned elves, dwarves and harfoots. I've seen people complain that the pace is too slow, as if they need the battle of helm's deep in every episode. I've read people complaining that the story isn't (Tolkien forbid) exactly/precisely/absolutely the same as the books...oh my! One would think that after reading all the books and watching 20 hours of epic movies following the canon as best as one could...that would be enough to satisfy their hunger to experience the exact same thing dogmatically.

Well...Sauron apparently introduced himself too late. Gandalf arrived too early. There is at least one dark-skinned elf, several dark-skinned dwarves, several dark-skinned harfoots and several dark-skinned humans as well...and all are important to the plot...sorry racists. Otherwise this show has been absolutely wonderful for me. All the magic and luster I grew to love from Peter Jackson was alive and well in the Rings of Power (yes i know he's not involved in this project). I loved the pacing, and found there was the perfect mixture of "humanity" (dwarfanity?, elfanity?) and gruesome battles. True the CGI was not, at times, up to the level of quality in the films (looking at you warg), but that's to be expected now isn't it? Mostly the effects were fantastic; fires looked real, Gandalf's powers looked real, carnage looked real, Numenor looked real etc.

So....enjoy it for what it is IMHO... An amazing adventure I haven't seen before, using characters similar to ones we've seen, in a world I happen to love, all to tell a story we know but never saw on screen before. The fact this show has received such a low rating so far is disgraceful and to paraphrase the Joker...'this crowd needs an enima'
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Want a realistic and unbiased synopsis? Read on...
21 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike most others here, My rating is based on the reality of watching only 1 episode. There's definite room for improvement, but making any global judgements about the entire series after 30 minutes of viewing is...well....projecting.

Anyone spouting how she-hulk is instantly better than Bruce at everything simply because she's female, clearly wasn't actually watching the episode. The only things She-Hulk does 'better' is she's instantly got the ability to control the change, and she keeps her personality. Otherwise she's half his size, strength, speed etc. Just because Bruce had to endure years of torment fighting off his alter ego, doesn't mean she has to as well. It's a fictional character....things can change. Deal with it. She got her powers differently than he did, and so hers work differently. She got all the benefits and none of the with it.

Anyone insisting this is yet another attempt at hollywood to emasculate men is also projecting. This is the hulk...up until this arc....hulk smash! How hard is it for she-hulk to master throwing a rock? She doesn't have the dual personality, and maybe that's because Bruce had that already before he was in the original gamma accident?? Or maybe who cares and why does it matter? That's the source material...take it up with Stan.

As for the actual's not great. I would have preferred a more sussed out back story than a 3 minute scene where 'alien ship tried to attack hulk jeep, then accident, then arm cut on door, then hulk blood mixes with cousin's blood who has same genetic predisposition to turning gamma radiation into hulk reaction', but that's what we got. Apparently the writers didn't think her back story was interesting enough to spend more time on it, and wanted the show to be about her exploits in court after the change. I don't pretend to know because...1 episode.

Anyone complaining about hulk being hulk and not Bruce the whole time....that's the source material. Once he controled it and became 'smart- hulk', he stayed huge and green most of the time because....why the hell wouldn't he?

Anyone complaining about blaspheming Capn America for being a virgin his whole life...get over yourself. He was...until he wasn't. It was a funny observation. Believe it or not, not all Marvel content has to be about epic world-saving battles, strife, death-defying stunts, anger/animosity and decades of emotional struggles and tragedy. Wanda-Vision was brilliant as a stand-alone concept, and this might end up being brilliant as well...or it might truly suck. Won't know until the whole series airs....which is exactly my point.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
NRA's wet dream. ..nobody elses
13 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently people have really low expectations of what deserves an 8. I had hope watching the 1st and even 2nd episodes...maybe a cool conspiracy; maybe some brainwashing ala interesting twist and a little creativity would have been amazing.

Instead, government and corporate baddies give experimental drug to platoon which gives them all brain tumors...because money. One lone wolf trained US navy seal survives, discovers the truth, kills a ton of people ala Rambo, despite hundreds of other equally trained military people + FBI chasing him. Add in a bunch of requisite flashback scenes of his murdered wife and daughter, a bunch of shallow "bad guys" in the military and business sector who do terrible things (with zero character development) because money, and you're left watching 8 episodes that really should have been a 2hr netflix movie.

Good for a binge....lots of action; lots of guns, killing, a little torture...everyone dies except Chris Pratt....who has a brain tumour but takes a bunch of pills and washes them down with a beer each time...and that's enough to keep him alive.

Wash, rinse, repeat. Could have been much better.
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Spriggan (2022)
10 to combat the ridiculous low ratings by some
25 July 2022
In truth i gave it an 8. It's actually not an original idea, as I found out after researching it, but the entire premise seems incredibly original when compared to so much trash being produced these days.

The show teaches, and uses ancient stories, mythology and artifacts to give the audience something to ponder. It makes you question what things like Noah's Ark really were in reality (assuming they really existed of course), unlike most brainless anime like Vinland Saga interested only in slaughter and battles.

It didn't reinvent the wheel, but it's at least something different to watch and enjoy. Also loved how each episode is 45 minutes. Really hoping for more seasons.
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Vinland Saga (2019–2023)
People really love Viking stuff
25 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I just don't get the insanity of comparing this to the GOAT animes like Death Note, PsychoPass, Steins Gate or even Attack on Titan.

It's decent...don't get me wrong...but i was supremely disappointed when Thors (sp) was killed early on and the anime became just another story about vikings killing, looting and pillaging, with some whiny/screaming brat tagging along wanting revenge.

Some of the fight scenes were very well done, and I enjoyed seeing how Askalad plotted and schemed his way to victory after victory. His character arc was the most intriguing with many secrets were revealed over time about his past and heritage, but he was the anti-hero all along killing everyone in his path (including his only friend just because).

I binged both seasons but was left wanting a ton more from the story. Again decent, but the best all time? Not even close.
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Clearly Not made for me
20 July 2022
Once you get past names like Dark Schneider and Princess Sheila, then the pedophilia, grooming, raping and incest, then the fact all women are smoking hot, emotionally stunted virgins who fold at the mere touch of the main character like a russian spy to James Bond, then the fact that there's a ton of sexually suggestive content but everyone looks like a barbie or ken doll when actually're left with a magic anime in which the characters yell out things like "Dave Mustain", "Def Leppard" and "Guns n Roses" before casting a spell.

Did I mention Dark Schneider looks like InuYasha, and there's no actual metal music in the series? I wish someone had told me to avoid this like covid. Enjoy!
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Fargo (2014–2024)
S4 review for regular people
5 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you're able to get over yourself and simply watch a program as it's meant to be presented, season 4 is definitely for you. Is S4 different than the other 3? Sure...i guess.

However even deaths in this show are generally humorous and ironic in some fashion....even the heartwrenching way Rock's character dies. All the Coen bros humor is present...all the subtlety, irony, social commentary and masterful performances by talented actors are present. It's an entertaining and clever ride and oh deals with racism and inequality...a lot. It's 1950 Kansas, USA. The usual racist trash will complain the show was too woke, or pushing some BS agenda to rally everyone against white people...and they'd be tragically usual.

Season 4 told a brillliant story. It was rife with fantastic acting and I couldn't wait to watch the next episode...binged watched over 2 days in fact. I enjoyed it for what it was. You can too.
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The Porter (2022)
Savagely underappreciated
16 June 2022
How is this only rated 5.3? Some kind of historical inaccuracy I'm not aware of? People don't like watching a program about Canadians? Is it too clean? Too whitewashed?

I loved the acting, music and dancing. Plenty of realistic bigotry and hatred to set the scene, but coupled with a few karma killings of racists who deserved what they got...but probably wouldn't have in real life. Can't understand the low score.
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Tiger & Bunny (2011–2022)
What a shame
4 May 2022
Took a fantastic and entertaining season one, then castrated, lobotomized and PC principaled every inch of it to create the most pathetic buddy-buddy, cry-fest anime on the air in S2.

If you love watching 20/25 minutes of people talking about their feelings... S2 was written for you...enjoy!
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Started off brilliantly
6 February 2022
I'll start by saying that anyone who thinks there are not enough white people on the set, or a problem with all shapes and sizes of beings, or a problem with different orientations and sexualities being represented on screen, needs to go back to their cave and contemplate their miserable lives. You don't deserve to share our oxygen.

With regards to the actual show, i very much enjoyed the 1st 3 seasons. The originality was surprising but more than welcome in a series with source material that's already been beaten to death with reruns. The casting director has done a fantastic job finding actors capable of a wider array of emotions than are normally seen in a TV show, and the writers have brilliantly given the actors all they could handle.

Having said that...season 4 is a big disappointment so far. I couldn't stand Deep Space 9 because it was nothing but talk, psycho babble, personal relationships and boring drama. I'm sure the budgeting director for this season is ecstatic, because 25 minutes of 1 on 1 scenes talking about emotions don't cost much, however I'm falling asleep. Haven't watched the whole season yet, so I'm hoping it picks up again.
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A complete abomination
30 January 2022
Why was this made? The only answer can be money. Couldn't be to answer the unanswered, because it doesn't. Couldn't be to finish the unfinished, because it was already finished.

I'll admit...i wanted another Matrix. To see Neo et al fight again to free humanity. To see him do superhuman things amd fight in bullet time. To see what happened after he was reinserted. Did he die? Was humanity freed? Did anyone actually choose to be released? Were they even told the truth and given a choice?

Sadly the Wachowskis decided none of that was important. None of the lore mattered. None of the heart and soul that was created mattered. None of the original magic mattered. They literally turned it into a video game mockery of itself. They not only castrated Neo and took away all his power and intrigue, but also every world element they built in the 1st place.

There was nothing new, and they ruined everything old. The original trilogy was ripe with brilliant character acting and well thought out scripts for everyone. I actually cared about each character, both good and evil, and felt like I knew them. There was philosophy and thought provoking ideas to match the state of the art special effects ("Why do you persist?")

Resurrections was bereft of all of it, especially a soul, and i couldn't wait until it ended. Apparently the machines created this movie.

Shame on the Wachowskis.
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Simply brilliant
31 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Every second was brilliant. Still sucked that he was killed, but what an incredible sendoff. This rivaled Casino Royale as Craig's best Bond work. God only knows who will replace Craig, but they'll have huge shoes to fill.

Hopefully the next iteration will gift us with a better villain, as Malik didn't do it for me at all. The idea behind him killing off Spectre and Bloefeld with MI6's own weapon was well done, but his back story was weak and his characterization was as well imo.

And god please hire someone who can sing and someone who can write a song with passion for the next theme. Most uninspiring Bond song ever.
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