
43 Reviews
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Jaw droppingly Inept Garbage
31 May 2023
Utter utter utter garbage. I watched this on the Legend channel this afternoon. Straight in to my top 10 of all time garbage films. Worst Film i have seen for ages and like i said top 10 worst films i have seen in well over 50 years of film watching. If you get the chance to see this, please don't you have been warned! What the hell was Dougray Scott doing in this? He has been in some decent films, he must have been really desperate for work. Did he read the script beforehand and still agree to do it? The train journey is supposedly from Charing Cross to Tunbridge Wells in the film it's like an all night journey to Fort William. My son tells me the journey is less than an hour, but that's the least of this film's howlers. How this gets a 5.7 rating is to me one of the most puzzling questions since the beginning of time! True rating should be--10,000,000,000./ 10. Avoid avoid, avoid or you will regret it.
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The Evil Within (I) (2017)
Interesting If Uneven Film
15 October 2017
If nothing else,this is an original from a tormented drug addicted director, whose only film this was.It is a cross between " Nightmare On Elm Street" and "Psycho". It's a disturbing film without showing you that much. The special effects are sparsely used but effective when they are. Michael Berryman is ideally cast but not in it that much. A truly original film about madness and torment, uneven in places and not exactly a masterpiece but probably will become a cult film.
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Pretty Good Start To The "Inner Sanctum" Film Series
1 October 2017
The first of the "Inner Sanctum" series of six films based on a popular radio show at the time. This is a well made, atmospheric almost film noir murder mystery. Good performances from Lon Chaney Jnr and J Carroll Naish , here cast in a good guy role. It's rather easy to guess who the guilty party is, but that's beside the point, this is a well made little film.
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First Snow (2006)
Solidly Indifferent.
24 August 2017
Intriguing but ultimately uneven film that has it's best moments when Guy Pearce and J K Simmons are on screen together. It does not work so much when they are not, which is the bigger part of the film of course.It is a bitty film and the biggest element against the film is the fact that, you don't care enough for Pearce's character.Not a bad film just very average.
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We Go On (2016)
Was i Watching the same film as other reviewers?
23 August 2017
Very low budget and extremely disappointing film that offers the premise of a good story but gives you precious little.Looks like it was shot on video. A complete waste of the talents of Annette O'Toole and especially John Glover.I wonder if i watched the same film that other reviewers praise here, because i can't see it. This is a poor film, not scary, not moving, not much of anything.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Hard To Describe without spoilers
22 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Credit to this one for a different approach and this is compelling, pretty much all the way through and has a sense of unease and growing hysteria. The revelation isn't quite up to par and heads to a violent climax, which is OK but you expect something a little better than what we get at the end. The film, up to a point is not about race as a character says in the film, but then again it is. Hard to explain without revealing spoilers. This has been compared to " The Stepford Wives"and there are similarities, i think it also has elements of the 1978 film " Coma", ultimately uneven but a good film and never less than fascinating.
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Yes, Thankfully this is better than the first film.
22 August 2017
This is a much better film, supposedly a prequel to the very bland 2014 film " Ouija", but quite honestly this could stand on it's own.There is nothing new here and it is prone to copying scenes from " The Exorcist"among other haunted house films.That said, it's capably done after a rather slow twenty minutes. Watchable but nothing more than that.
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The Visit (I) (2015)
Ugh! Why Do this Man's Films Keep Getting Released?
20 August 2017
M Night Shymalin does it again with another stupefying and weird film.Of this man's releases i like one and a half, " The Sixth Sense" was admittedly good though you need only see it once.I also against the grain quite liked at least half of " The Happening"a film of his that seems to get a lot of criticism.In my opinion though that flawed film is a masterpiece compared to this piece of crap " The Visit".Pointless, lazy and extremely annoying. Does not make an iota of sense, was it written by a five year old? One genuine surprise moment stops it being a complete disaster but even so complete garbage.How any one considers this a good film completely eludes me.
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A Pleasant Surprise
20 August 2017
This was a nice surprise, and an attempt at a different angle on the werewolf theme.The film's plot has flaws but it's well enough done, and Nick Damici is very good in the role as a blind Vietnam veteran.The werewolf effects could be better but are acceptable. Film is a little similar to " Silver Bullet" but better in my opinion.Overall, it's a good film that holds the attention.
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Powerful Drama, Plays like a filmed play, a damn Good One
16 August 2017
Powerful, and i would say even more so, when it first came out drama. A ll the more remarkable in that for most of the time, it takes place on one set, a police station. Almost like a filmed play, which it was based upon.The acting from almost every one in the cast is good, especially Kirk Douglas who gives one of his ultimate trademark " Angry young man"portrayals and Eleanor Parker is nearly as good as his wife with a secret or two. I may be a little biased as i am a big Kirk Douglas fan, nobody could do the " simmering anger bubbling beneath the surface" part like him.A very under rated actor,a very good film, that can still pack a punch.
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Sleep Tight (2011)
Good, extremely Downbeat, slow moving and disturbing film.
15 August 2017
I like Jaume Balagueró films and this does nothing to change that.Slow moving, climatically downbeat Spanish thriller that gradually gets under your skin. All you can do is sit helplessly but enthralled at the despicable events unfolding in front of you.Good central performance from Luis Tosar whose character is a real twisted bastard. Some flaws in the plot but quite a bit of suspense. A good film that lingers in the mind after it's finished.
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Macabre (1958)
The One Castle " Chiller" that somehow Eluded Me.
15 August 2017
Gimmick Master William Castle's first "Chiller" except it's not, it's really a mystery and not a very good one.This is very much a lesser Castle entry with no sympathetic characters and a short running time of 67 minutes on DVD, so there is no time to develop characters. The flashbacks just flesh out the running time and don't really add anything to the plot.The one of William Castle's "Chiller" films that somehow always eluded me in watching, now i've seen it i feel i needn't have bothered. Average and forgettable.
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Godzilla (2014)
A Monster Mess
13 August 2017
I'll come straight out and mention no way am i a Godzilla fan, i like the original 1954 film and it's first sequel in 1955 but then they just become more juvenile and stupid with appalling effects. I thought the 1998 American version was OK but no more than that. This is an awful, incomprehensible blockbuster movie that has monsters as unconvincing as the cheap Japanese films of the 1960's and 70's that inspired it.People blast the 1998 " Godzilla" but that is a far, far better film than this overblown travesty of a movie. No sense, no feeling, no nothing. very poor. i liked " Kong: Skull Island" very much and that leaves this standing.
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The Gift (VI) (2015)
If this was a gift i wouldn't keep it.
12 August 2017
This film seems to get a lot of positive ratings,well everybody's different and entitled to their opinion. My opinion is that it is very contrived and a big fuss about nothing. When the plot is revealed, none of the characters are blameless. The Joel Edgerton character is creepy, the Jason Bateman character untrustworthy and the Rebecca Hall character annoying. People talk about the Hitchcock references but all they show for me is how superior Hitchcock films are to this uninviting and forgettable film. Didn't really do a lot for me.
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Straight into my top 10 worst films list
12 August 2017
Truly atrocious film, among the worst i have ever seen.The actual premise of an idea is OK, but it's just everything about the way it's carried out.Virtually no action,it's all described in spoken word and a lot of the scenes you can't see what's going on because of the fog that the creatures have supposedly created but is just there to hide the cheapness.The acting is appalling!How the hell was this bankrolled to be made?Actor, star and director Robert Hutton hold your head in shame!He also appeared in the clunker " The Vulture" (1967) and the meagre " They Came From Outer Space" (1967) is a masterpiece compared to this. Terrible.
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The One Brooks Film i hadn't got round To Seeing.
29 July 2017
The second film that Mel Brooks directed after " The Producers" (1968)and this is loved by some and scorned by others. Put me in the line of scorners.There are laughs here, but there is a long gap between them,and film just seems to run out of ideas.Cast can't save it and just resort in the end to shouting and making other stupid noises. A poor comedy, at least better things were to follow.
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Awful, simply awful.
29 July 2017
This , despite the title wasn't the first film about Sexton Blake, a cut price Sherlock Holmes.i'd never heard of this film and after watching it i realise why,it's an extremely hokey and hoary and outdated atrocity.There are many scenes supposedly set at night, so dark you can hardly see what's going on, there are in fairness a couple of intentional smiles but it's mostly embarrassing in it's ineptness. Plays like an old radio programme episode transferred to film.Terrible, avoid.
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Madhouse (2004)
All In the Mind
27 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Truly weird and quite nightmarish and at times disturbing film. There are a lot of holes in the plot, like who in their right mind would decide to work in a Mental hospital like the one portrayed here? You wouldn't last five minutes in it. Is it all a dream or just inside the mind of an insane murderer? Film sort of answers that question. Interesting,fascinating but uneven.
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A Cheap Quickie but it keeps you watching.
25 July 2017
Cheap " B" western but that said, it's not that bad, it's quick at just over an hour and keeps you watching.Patricia Medina is fine and looks good, Mohr an interesting baddie even though he does look like Humphrey Bogart.Hank Worden is Hank Worden.Henry Hull the town's drunk doctor who still has a great love for his daughter.Fair western.
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I Can Understand Argento's Fans Anger At This.
25 July 2017
I am not the biggest Dario Argento film fan, my favourites of his are Tenabrae, Suspiria, and Opera. " Mother Of Tears" is the third chapter in his " Three Mother" films the other two being " Suspiria" and " Inferno" which i didn't like much. Mother Of Tears" has a bad reputation and quite simply it deserves it.An incoherent, amateur and often pathetic mess of a film with awful, embarrassing acting from everyone. A couple of moments work, the gore though just looks fake, film's effect is just a wide sheet of flatness, and that ending??? Easily the least of the series, and people moan how bad his later " Dracula " was, it is a masterpiece compared to this.A really too generous fair rating.
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The Robots Are the best thing in it.
23 July 2017
Awful, slipshod film another entry in the " Zombie Epidemic"genre but in this case and as various characters say a few times in the film, these are not zombies.They are infected, they can be killed by being shot anywhere, not just in the head or anyhow, stabbed, blown up etc, the only thing they have in common with zombies is they eat flesh.Film as you would expect " borrows" liberally from other films such as " World War Z" and "28 Days Later" both much better films than this.Even has the audacity to copy characters from "Day Of The Dead" and " Land Of The Dead".Dolph Lundgren looks old and bored and acts accordingly, and so will you be. The only interesting thing is the robots that walk around killing zombies, they are quite good. Poor film to say the least.
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A Mummy Film like many others
22 July 2017
Another unimpressive Paul Naschy Spanish horror film, this is pretty much like most other Mummy films, dull and predictable.The Mummy for me , is the least interesting of the Horror " Icons"and easily the best Mummy film is Hammer's 1959version with Christopher Lee playing the creature as it should be, strong, relentless and menacing.The Naschy film has some unconvincing gore effects,has low production values, but to be fair the print i saw was good for what it is.Paul Naschy has the double role of playing the Mummy and a mysterious Egyptian as Karloff did over 40 years before him and more convincingly. Fair.
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Truth or Dare (II) (2013)
Gruesome but Good.
22 July 2017
Brutal, vicious and gets nastier as it goes along thriller. Characters aren't that likable but most of them (not all)don't deserve their fate.This film surprised me as to how well it's done, Jessica Cameron co-wrote, stars and directs for the first time and does well. Intense and over the top and doesn't bear thinking about after, but when it's on it's good and gripping.
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Entertaining Sword And Sandal Yarn
22 July 2017
Well made, good looking " Sword And Sandal" fantasy with famed athlete Bob Mathias in his sole acting role and he gets to show off some of his athletic skills.Rosanna Schiaffino is lovely in both twin sister roles and for it's time and aimed as a family entertainment. it is at times quite violent.The actual monster itself, isn't seen fully until the film's last four minutes and although it does not have the Bull head as in the legend, it is a passable effect. Entertaining film.
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Strange Film and the cast know it
22 July 2017
What an odd film this is!A British made " Western"set in Mexico, but the cars and houses are very 1950's.Dirk Bogarde is a Mexican bandit but makes no attempt at an accent.John Mills is playing an Irish priest and does attempt an accent but forgets it half the time. Film with it's obvious homosexual overtones is ahead of it's time,but film does not on the whole come over as convincing.Fair,at best.
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