
6 Reviews
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Sick and disgusting, but that's what makes it good.
6 June 2007
If you read any critic reviews for this film, I don't think you'll find any positive ones. One critic actually called this one of the worst movies ever made. I beg to differ. In fact, it is one of my favorites.

The story consists of Gord Brody (played by the infamous Tom Green) who is a basement dweller at his parents' home in Portland, Oregon. Gord wants nothing more in life to become "a famous animator." He travels to Hollywood to shop his animations, only to be rejected. The plot thickens as Gord's lunatic father (played by Rip Torn) constantly heckles him to "get his ass out that door looking for a job." There are some subplots to the film, but overall, the story focuses on Gord becoming an animator. Confused where the title comes into play here? It is revealed about half-way through the film, and one of the most memorable moments therein. There is even a surprise ending that I don't think anybody saw coming. But that's just typical Tom Green for you.

Here is a warning. This movie is not, I repeat, IS NOT for kids. The humor is disgusting and obviously based on Tom Green's intent of seeing how much he can shock and gross out his audience. In my opinion, he succeeded. But that's one quality I love in this movie. Watching this can bring out the crazy side in anyone. If you want some gross humor, watch this. If you're easily offended, watch it anyway. In my opinion, we need more people like Tom Green in the world.
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Nightbeast (1982)
Wow. . .
19 February 2007
OK, when I say "wow," I mean, "Jesus, please help me." I have an old VHS copy that was printed before Troma got a copy of the title. The movie is about an alien crash landing on Earth to terrorize us with a gun that blasts people into oblivion. WATCH OUT!!! And by that, I mean watch out for those special effects. There is an amazing number of mistakes. The acting is terrible, but I'd say the only one putting forth any effort would be the Sheriff. The film itself is really grainy and poorly lighted. In one particular scene, it is day outside and then the shot shows the Night Beast shooting his gun with night behind him. Then it shows day again. *Shakes head* I usually like low-budget horror films, but I had to force myself to finish it because I never watch a movie without finishing it. The only accomplishment this film achieved was an alien that wasn't stereotypical. So for that, and ONLY for that... I give it a 3 out of 10.

Don't watch this movie if you've had a bad day. You'll be even more depressed at the failed attempt this movie makes.
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Preacherman (1971)
Quite good considering it's out of print
23 January 2007
This is a rare one. So rare that as far as I've researched, Troma doesn't even package it anymore. It's a shame too. This movie was actually OK in my opinion.

The story isn't too original, but the way in which it was told is clever. The acting seems to come natural for some characters although the movie is loaded with stereotypes. The humor isn't the funniest I've ever seen, but it has its moments ("She has an unnatural hankerin for menfolk!"). The ending has a good twist to it as well. The title song just fits perfectly. For a rare Troma obscurity, this is a masterpiece.

It's no surprise there was a sequel, eh? I give this a 6. It's not the best I've ever seen, but it's certainly not trying to go for something it's not.

Rent this.
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So bad, it's good.
23 January 2007
I let a friend of mine borrow the VHS copy I have and when he handed it back, he said, "I've never seen such crap in my entire life." I would have to disagree. I'll be honest, though, the movie wasn't made with the best production and the acting is just short of overkill, but (and this is a good excuse), it's from Troma.

The plot follows that of a mop-boy named Melvin who is constantly teased by the regulars at the health club where he works. One day a harmless prank makes Melvin run scared and he accidentally falls into a vat of toxic chemical waste. He then turns into THE TOXIC AVENGER, going around town killing off various punks and gangsters ("now you're gonna know why they call me Cigar Face!").

This movie was one of those "so bad, it's good" movies. The graphics are almost funny to watch and the acting is pure hilarity. However, knowing it was directed by Lloyd Kaufman and Michael Herz, I have no doubt this was intentional. I give this movie a 7 out of 10. It is worth renting.
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Stuck on You! (1983)
Cheap and childish. . . that's why I love it!
1 January 2007
This was the second Troma film I have seen (the first being Toxic Avenger). After buying "Toxie" in a bulk sale VHS bin at Movie Gallery, I saw Stuck On You! and noticed it was from Troma. I knew I had to at least see it then. I watched it and I can honestly say I liked it. I was laughing throughout the whole movie. For example, when Bill walks out of the bathroom with razor cuts all over his face, "Honey, how many times have I told you not to use my razor when shaving your armpits?!" You can't get that in your average sex comedy. This movie is avant-garde on caffeine. I'd say it's a fun movie to watch, but I must warn you. It is unlike anything I've ever seen before. It is very cheap and has a very dynamic, almost cartoonish sense of humor. But if you're a fan of anything from Troma, they're known for that kind of sleaze that you just can't get enough of. I give this movie a five. You either love it and can't stop watching or cannot stand to sit through the first five minutes. Go out and rent it. It's worth a look.
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Ice Cream Man (1995)
OK Movie
2 August 2005
I bought this movie at a thrift store. Months before, my friend told me about it when we were talking about dumb movies we've seen. Once I spotted the cassette, I knew I had to have it. I watched it that night. I could tell it was going to be very cheesy and cheaply done. . . That's what drew me to it. I popped it in and I laughed the whole way through. I recognized Gregory (The Ice Cream Man), but I didn't recognize his name and I couldn't remember where I saw him. Later, while watching the Andy Griffith Show, Clint Howard (Ice Cream Man) was featured as an extra since he is Ron Howard (Opie Taylor)'s brother. I saw the credits and I gasped. I turned to my mom, who was also watching the show, and said, "That's the Ice Cream Man!!" She, too, gasped. This movie is great, but only for laughs and criticalness. It is the perfect example of a cheesy horror flick. If you feel like laughing as well as poking fun at low-budget movies, rent this video.
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