
35 Reviews
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True Detective: Night Country: Part 1 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 1
What a decline in quality from the first series. Too long and like a poor episode of X Files. Terrible.
6 March 2024
I feel compelled to write a review to hopefully save other viewers time in watching this bizarre miss match of supernatural, save the earth, bad mining company, a little crime, in there... If my review is a little 'scrambled' maybe it is because I have wasted several hours of my life watching this series thinking it was going to get better and my mood nd is a little scrambled. What a waste of good acting talent. All atmosphere but confused writing and direction. It's like a substandard episode of X Files but very poorly done and WAY TOO LONG. This seems to be the way these days. Stretch out a flimsy bizarre plot over many hours. Terrible.
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What a delight! Excellent stories and characters with the right amount of subtle humour.
4 March 2024
What a delightful and enjoyable show this is. Came across this show by chance and am now a loyal fan. A combination of varied stories but delivered and presented in a unique manner that only the talented Kiwis can do. I'm an Aussie and love the NZ Kiwi subtle, understated and unique humour. The stories are well written, it is well directed, paced and the acting first rate. Enjoy the varied plots and storyline's that are varied and not too predictable. There are enough plot twists, interesting storyline's and likeable characters to maintain interest for the around hour and a half of most episodes. As mentioned the humour works well in the shows as well. Great show! Love it! Glad they are continuing to produce more episodes.
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Surprised they didn't title it, "Masters of the Universe"
10 February 2024
Like a lot of people, we were really looking forward to this. A seemingly great production team of Spielberg and Hanks. Advancements in CGI, a huge budget and some actors of note, so this certainly should be an epic series, right?

Unfortunately not! It's hard to put the finger on why this doesn't really work. Wooden acting? Stilted stereotypical cliched writing? The direction? Unfortunately we just don't care or have empathy for the characters, who aren't likeable. Maybe if you're American you'd love it, but the rest of the world doesn't buy your shtick sometimes. It's laid on too thick. The corny US saves the world yet again, while the silly, pompous, snobby Brits are cowardly blanket bombing the German citizens at night and want to mock their high morally superior US counterparts for strategic bombing during the day? No mention of other European, Australian, Kiwi and other nations pilots and contributions to the war. Surprised they didn't call it "U. S. A...Masters of the Universe, save the world yet again. Disappointing and a huge opportunity missed to tell an important story about the brave souls of World War 2.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Great movie! Brilliant!
12 November 2023
Fantastic movie. Wish there were more movies like this. Great script, good story, great acting and humour. The story telling is so well done. You don't know where it is going, but are happy to go along for the ride. Hope Guy Ritchie continues to make movies because they are bloody brilliant and good fun. Believe he has signed on to do at least another movie so can't wait for that. May have to revisit some of the Guy Ritchie movies like Lock, Stock and Two smoking barrels and Snatch. There is a style and humour to these movies that is first rate and great fun. Thank you and more please, Mr Ritchie! Brilliant!
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Biggest Mystery is Why? Why in God's Name make such a poor movie?
12 November 2023
Why, who and How? Why did someone think this was a good script? Why did they make it? Who thought it was a good idea? How did anyone dupe people sufficiently to get funding for this drivel? I would love to see the pitch. Maybe because we have the standard white people who are bad, the black people are good? Don't know and this will remain one of the great mysteries in life, that such an extravagant, yet terrible movie can still be made. More plot holes than I don't know what. Do yourself a very big favour and avoid wasting two or so hours of your life on this crap. We struggled. Two stars are generous!
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The ego has crash landed...
9 November 2023
What a self absorbed annoying pain to watch. What a struggle. Like and have been to Robbie Williams' Concerts and have enjoyed his music and humour. But by goodness, this serious is hard to get through. If I see another biography about how tough it is, was or whatever, I am going to scream. Self indulgent, narcissistic meglamania can start to wear a bit thin. Having to sit through 'Angels' two three times in the first episode was too much. Good luck to Robbie and his fortune and family, but I have seen enough to last a life time. I guess these very controlled bios are either a hit or miss. This is a huge miss. No thanks, Robbie. And... What the hell are all the interviews with him in his underpants? For Crying out loud!
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Holding (I) (2022)
Initially quirky.. but then just bad!!
26 September 2023
Like so many shows, started with some promise and appeared quirky and different, with nice scenery. Knew nothing about the story or production. We started watching it thinking is it a comedy, or a mystery or both? So many unlikeable characters. So much repetitive behaviour. It was like the same mundane boring dialogue and actions over and over. Half way through the second episode, we are giving up as we actually don't care! Who the victim was (if they were a victim), what happens to all the characters... who cares. This was pretty depressing, with no humour, likeable characters or plot. What was the point? Could have made a half hour show, but even that would have been a stretch. Terrible.
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Babylon (I) (2022)
Terrible. What were they thinking...?
23 September 2023
You have to wonder what executives and producers are thinking sometimes and what substances they are consuming. Understand that this film is about decadence and being over the top, but this is just a way over the top mess. I wonder what substances people are using to write and produce this confusing mish mash of an excuse of a movie. There are good actors in this show, however even they appear confused at where this is meant to be going. Started for a few minutes with an interesting beginning of an elephant being delivered... and then the wheels fall off. Surely a story of hedonism in Hollywood could have been told in a more entertaining manner. Dreadful!
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The Kominsky Method (2018–2021)
What a wonderful show!
14 September 2023
What an enjoyable and wonderful series! Different to lots of other offerings, this show has great acting, writing and story lines. Laughing out loud one moment, then tearing up the next. Not a weak link in this! Michael Douglas shows what great actor he is and we are reminded what a great talent and loss Alan Arkin is. Mind you even the support cast are really good. This show is one of those nice surprises, where we knew nothing about it and thought we would give it a go. And what a pleasant surprise. Okay, just trying to make up the silly 600 character minimum now. Almost there! Great show, anyway!
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Glass Onion (2022)
Terrible. Such a waste of acting talent. Embarrassing.
30 August 2023
You can see it now. Tthe writers pitching this movie to the producers. A successful original previous movie. Well known Hollywood actors. A clever, witty story? What could go wrong? Unfortunately it is not the case. The writers, directors and producers have served up a B Grade, sub standard very ordinary movie. I can see the writers sitting around, cracking themselves up at how clever, witty and hilarious the script is and how the big name actors will pull off a hit comedy mystery who done it. This was painful and embarrassing to watch. We were embarrassed for the actors. Terrible movie and a waste of such good actors.
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Interesting part of history, played a little too hammy and cheesy.
22 May 2023
Started with great promise in what is an historical interesting debacle of American Political dastardly behaviour. The two lead actors are okay but seem to be playing it all for cheap laughs. Guess it's not their fault, but the writing and direction. Don't know if it's just me, but Justin Theroux who is normally quite good, seems to overact in this. Way over done. Sometime the subtle route is best and the black comedy and absurdity of the whole situation would have spoken for itself, but anyway...

Starting to watch UK and French movies as the US seem to be churning out a lot of over the top, overacted and very average movies and series. This, And The last thing he told me was terrible and are a case in point. But then an excellent show like High Dessert appears, but that's another story...
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Why so long? Acting and writing very ordinary.
13 May 2023
Why was this so long? A story that would have been struggling to fill an hour and a half movie, yet this is into so many episodes. Don't know why but the acting, writing and direction seems really forced and formulaic. Terrible. I have to fill out the review to get to 600 characters, so here goes. Only reason I'm typing this is that I was forced to watch it by my misses. Jennifer Garner is so much better than this movie. To carry you through and maintain interest and attention in a show, you need to be invested in the characters, but honestly could not really give a continental about any of them. Very average show.
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Elvis (2022)
Starts off very interesting and then...
23 March 2023
What is it with Baz Luhrmann movies? All flash and bright lights but not much substance. Wanted to enjoy this movie, but after about 15 minutes, it is like a music video on repeat... except with that tedious narration throughout. And in that first 15 minutes we are advised that Elvis wore eye liner and make up? Really? The 960's in the American South Bible Belt and a young man is wearing make up. Come on, Baz? I understand we need to push the LGBQTI et all agenda in movies but this was an interesting push. Trying to pad out 600 characters now. Glad we didn't pay the admission price for this. Terrible. But good on you, Baz, giving actors a job, through a pandemic.
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Slow Horses (2022– )
Brilliant and engaging spy series.
1 January 2023
Brilliant series. Can't wait for the third series. This series was worth the admission price just to see an acting master class from Gary Oldman alone. He is brilliant in pretty much everything he has appeared in and clearly relishes this role. The story requires a bit of suspension of disbelief but generally the story and writing is interesting and engaging. Acting is excellent and the pace is good with plenty of laughs along the way. Enjoy how this British series doesn't spell everything out and requires you to concentrate on the story. Each episode keeps you engaged and looking forward to the next. Excellent!
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Disjointed and as dizzy as one of the divers
5 December 2022
The documentary starts with a well filmed overview of the site and appears as though it will be interesting. From there we seem to go all over the place. Back and forth, present day, historical, recent past... It just got a little confusing. Not sure if it was in the editing or the people in in it, but apart from Dave's wife, did not feel a real connection with some of the divers in it. Not saying the people weren't engaging or nice people, they just didn't come across engaging on the camera or documentary. There was another really well made doco with Scandinavian divers who retrieved a body from depth and that was compelling, interesting and gave a sense of the claustrophobic underwater surroundings but this just didn't have that same connection with the viewer. Shame really. And no disrespect to the lost divers.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
First series excellent but why didn't they leave it there... Sevond series, terrible!
19 November 2022
The first series was excellent, particularly with the hotel manager character, Murray, who pretty much carried the the whole series. The humour and charisma carried the series, even though most of the other characters were unlikeable, verging on despicable. With much anticipation, the second series arrived, but what a disappointment. Why do they do this? A good idea and story that is well received and then the producers feel compelled to try and follow up with another series. Not one likeable character. And it is if they are trying to shock with discussions and depictions of masturbating. Are they series. This stuff is verging on infantile and teenage immature depictions. Confused as to why they bothered. Money, I guess. Terrible!
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Initial war scene well done, then it's down hill all the way...
9 November 2022
Not quite sure what to make of this. Really like most of what Kenneth Branagh has acted in and directed previously, but this is a disaster. The opening few minutes of the First World War scenes were quite well done and we thought we were in for a really good movie. Read the ratings and could not understand the low ratings... until we watched the rest of the movie! The drawn out jazz club scenes, then the fake green screen scenes that are meant to be Egypt? My goodness! Some actors of note in it and sure it is trying to be a comedy but it is just all over the shop! The writing, pace, direction, production quality and values let it down dreadfully. This must have been a tax right off as it is a dreadful disappointment of a movie.
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Dark but mesmerising adventure from another time.
3 November 2022
Rather brilliant production although dark is mesmerising and captivating. The cinematography is amazing and interesting how the series was produced on location in the Arctic. The writing, acting and directIng first rate. It is an adventure although very dark from a different age. Found the story and series brilliant throughout. It was a little hard to understand dialogue at times but that added to the realism and rawness of the series. There are similarities with the Shackleton expedition although at different poles and similarities with The Revenant in terms of the harshness and story of survival against the elements, nature and fellow man. Great series.
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Father Stu (2022)
Great movie with an excellent story and actors.
10 October 2022
What a wonderful movie with the right amount of humour, pathos and uplifting emotion. After seeing the shorts (or trailers) for Father Stu, we both weren't sure what kind of a movie we would be in for. But the movie is a revelation! Well written, directed and the acting brilliant. It moves along at a good pace, without getting bogged down or having slow patches. You always know what you are getting with Mel Gibson and Jacki Weaver, but all the acting including support roles were brilliant. Mark Wahlberg gives an excellent performance and it was good to see Malcolm McDowell back on the big screen. Thoroughly recommend.
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Good actors but struggling with an overly long and a really poor script.
19 July 2022
Some legendary and iconic Australian actors in this and doing the best they can with a terrible long, boring, corny and forced script. (Apart from the struggling card board stiff female actor playing the ASIC investigator). A doco or show cut down to less than half the time would have helped. Then would have only wasted only half our time watching it. Shame really, as generally speaking, such a such a waste of talented actors.
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True Colours (2022– )
Great original series without the cliched stereotypes. Excellent series!
9 July 2022
What a fantastic original show. Did not know what to expect with this series, and expecting a trend of black fella good and white fella bad, but this was a really good depiction of reality and issues faced by indigenous people living in an white fella world. Original story that was not predictable and nice to see a show where the landscape speaks for itself and the scenes don't have to be filled with incessant dialogue. Great show! Can't wait for the second and further series to follow. Good to see strong female leads with out patronising and 'preaching' messages. Excellent series!
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What a wonderful movie.
19 March 2022
Wish there were movies like this. Funny, poignant, moving and just a really nice movie! The writing, acting, direction and pace are first rate. Brilliant!
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Bad Cop, Bad Cop (2002–2003)
Very funny and dark humour.
28 January 2022
This is dark humour and very funny that will not be for all, but if you are along for the ride it is good fun. The acting is first rate and pace good. Tongue is planted firmly in cheek and love it. A number of laugh out loud moments and really enjoyed this uniquely Australian series.
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What a wonderful, feel good movie!
14 January 2022
What a wonderful movie! I wish they made more movies like this. These are the type of movies that the world needs these days, yet they are few and far between. Great story, well acted, filmed, directed and the music is good. The humour is understated as is the writing. Love movies where the viewers are taken on a journey without being spoon fed. In the words of Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist, "more, please!"
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Starts off brilliantly and from there on, it is a slow descent down...
12 November 2021
Loved the premise and start of this movie. But it starts to lose it's way early to mid way through. Wanted to like this movie but struggled to make it to the end.
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