
27 Reviews
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Fast X (2023)
Is this the first AI movie?
9 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am a fan of this series. But I am convinced this was made by AI. The action sequences were tremendous, the plot made no sense, just a sequence of crowd pleasing scenes. The stunts are quite honestly unbelievable which is fine in this sort of movie but I was crying with laughter at them rather than going WOW!, and oh my god the dialogue! This had got to be the cheesiest script ever written, it is so laughable. And worst open ending since fellowship of the rings . There are random cameos from previous favourite characters for no reason. This is definitely what happens when AI makes a movie. That said I enjoyed it for the most part. It's incredibly fun. Just a shame that only Jason Mamoa put any effort in, he is by far the best thing in this. In short - fun and stupid.
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
Season 1 -8*, season 2- 4*
27 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What happened between season 1 and season 2? Is this another wiess-benioff attempt, where they had nothing to adapt after first book?

Season 1 was excellent, mix of Alive, the craft, the edge etc. Plane crash in the mountains, girls soccer team has to learn to survive, but there's something murky in the woods. Is it the girls hunger mentally manifesting, or is it something more sinister Blair witchy like? Modern story also, but not as, interesting, survivors trying to get on with their lives while living with the consequences of what went on in the mountains.

Season 2 - WTF?! Game of thrones season 8 in disguise, Ruined all the build up of the big bad in season 1, killed off any interesting plot threads started in season 1, killed off most interesting lead character, made the most interesting character in previous season as tedious and hateful as possible, not enough elijah wood who along with Christina ricci and Juliette Lewis are the only reasons to stick with modern story line as it's bloody awful. Characters jumping to conclusions somehow figuring stuff out, poor writing in general.

Get rid of yellowjackets version of benioff and weiss and go back to what made season 1 so enjoyable.

But more Walter and misty.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Just boring
27 September 2022
I've now watched up to episode 6, and I'm so bored. Up to now could have been covered in a star wars style pre crawl. Every episode is an hour longish and nothing happens! Now there is plenty of shows where this is also true but is full of tension and great character interactions that still push through the story. Not here. And that's not to take away from the performances, some of which are great (Rhys Ifans) and some (Matt Smith) which are being blown way out of proportion. I get world building, but guys, this is a spin off! World is built already! I thought after the first 5 episodes had established the story and we had the time jump and recast the characters things might start moving but no, still plodding away. Spending too much of the budget on pointless dragon scenes and none on the actual script doesn't make for a good show. And why some of the cast have been aged up and some of the excellent performers have been replaced entirely makes no sense, until you realise they spent too much on uneccessary cgi dragons that there was no funds left for the make up department. Extremely disappointed, especially as I was hoping this would help redeem GOT season 8.
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Me Time (2022)
Waste of me time
25 September 2022
To be honest I don't really need to review this just read the review title. I'm not Kevin Harts biggest fan but I have seen him be good in other movies such as The Upside. I also like Marky Mark and he's been great in films, and can carry himself in comedies. Regina Hall is a great actress and also has good comedy chops. However this comedy is not funny. I have a real issue just with the premise of this movie. Why does the dad need to be a househusband to need "me time". Plenty of of modern men are a major part of raising their families while holding full time jobs along with their full time working wife and would be even more in need of a "break". There, over 600 characters, you didn't need to read any of them just the title.
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Reacher (2022– )
Well done big man
7 February 2022
I have been waiting for this series for a long time, and not been let down, and following the various social media comments on who should play the titular Reacher. Alan Ritchison has done a great job, possibly more handsome and chiselled than the way I imagined the character however it is tv so to be expected and I can only hope there are more seasons for him to be more at home and develop the personality in the character, but he is a great choice. In general the series was a mostly faithful adaptation of the novel, with good performances from the main actors. Been a long time since we've seen a hero like this on tv, maybe since his namesake Jack Bauer, with his own moral code not of the general woke modern day audience, branding his own form of justice, and its very very welcome.
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12 November 2021
I'm sorry, but this was rubbish, acting was poor, nothing made any sense, nothimg original, not got much hope for next phase of marvel if this is anything to go by.
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Dune (2021)
19 October 2021
Cinematography is stunning, however movie is hard to follow and to be honest pretty boring, can't help but feel ive seen it all before. In parts Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and Tremors.

Director has been pretty vocal in declaring his love for book and how he's always wanted to make a movie of it, I think he may have forgotten that some people may have not read book or seen previous iterations so hard to care about any of the characters even when they bravely sacrifice themselves.

It disappointed overall.
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The Stand: The Stand (2021)
Season 1, Episode 8
What was the point?
8 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure what the point of any of what went before was, if "the hand of god" could just appear and sort out flagg anyway. Could that not just have happened in episode 1 and saved us the time and energy watching up till now?
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24 (2001–2010)
This show made my morals
13 September 2020
This show has a real hero with no superpowers, that's a lie jack bauers superpower is his patriotism, he lives in a black and white world alongside politicians in grey. A real game changing to show which was one of the first to create a universe in tv alternate to ours but in line with our changing world along side a rising terrorist threat both in show and in real life all the while creating a real hero we could all relate to, if Captain America of marvel was a real person, he would be Jack Bauer.
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Try it!
13 September 2020
I watched this movie with no expectations and was pleasantly surprised, some great acting from all included turns generic horror tropes on there head for a genuine new take on comedy horror, really enjoyed this movie and it deserves more recognition.
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The Grudge (2019)
Just dont
13 September 2020
I loved the first grudge movie and ju on, the grudge 2 was also not bad, however this movie barely relates to those films at all, and apart from some terrible CGI, this movie could be any crap horror, how andrea riseborough who is a very good actress found herself in this nonsense is beyond me, the mixed up timeline confuses what is a pretty simple story line, the way they try and link it to the earlier movies is tenable, and in general it's just crap. Please don't waste your time, if like me you wanted to watch this movie because you likes the other grudge movies dont bother it does not add to that universe whatsoever and should be discounted as canon. 1 star for movie 2 for andrea riseborough equals 3.
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The Walking Dead: What We Become (2020)
Season 10, Episode 13
Michonne deserved better
23 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
None of this episode makes sense, none of it. So michonne thinks Rick is alive cause she finds a pair of boots? Ok the phones got a drawing of her and Carl so hes obviously alive? Virgil s previous story about his family and guns etc is just all lies so michonne goes to the boat to find these things, nonsense. And she just goes off on a quest to find rick without at least stopping off at Alexandria on the way to see her kids, utter, utter garbage in what world does any loving mother act like this? And dont get me started on the lsd hallucinations, this was one if the worse episodes of any show I've ever seen, it done nothing for the larger narrative except an excuse to set up some of story for future rick movies, it truly underserved a true walking dead legend and a very poor send off. Michonne deserved better.
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Avatar (2009)
Big budget Fern Gulley
17 February 2020
I do not know what all the fuss is with this film, I did not see it in the cinema so maybe the sfx dont translate to the small screen and blu ray. Felt like I was watching the scripted parts of a video game, and acting very mediocre. However biggest gripe I have is it's a blatant big budget version of Fern Gulley the Last Rain Forest, just swap the blue aliens for fairies and it's the same movie.
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The Stranger (I) (2020)
Richard Armitage 4 stars
31 January 2020
Harlan Cohen books are excellent, but his tv adaptations are all crap, inc this one, everything about this so far has been dire, the only reason I've kept watching up to ep 4 is Richard Armitage, however I am wavering, I'll keep to end as I've been promised a clear ending, no daft cliff hangers, on this form I doubt there will be a second season
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Knightfall (2017–2019)
Factually inaccurate but entertaining
4 January 2020
Group of knights templar get involved in the schemes and politics of the French court, while also on the hunt for the holy grail. Kind of a mix between arthurian legend and the 3 musketeers, nothing particularly original so far, I've seen up to ep 8 season 1, but it's been entertaining and I will keep on watching, however for a show made by the history channel I wish the makers put much more effort in to make it historically accurate, as its portrayal is very factually inaccurate.
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Loved it
24 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So many bad reviews here, dont know why, yes it was a bit disjointed to start with but when it gets going it really gets going, and is a massive rollercoaster ride of action and emotion, we get to say goodbye to Leia (and carrie fisher)properly, chewie gets a medal at last, and the redemption of Ben solo was a much better emotional pay off than when Darth Vader eventually saw the light. Near perfect in my, and my children's eyes.
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Paranoid (2016)
So so
11 November 2019
Decent storyline, crap acting, I made it to the end but only just.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
16 August 2019
Really interesting plotline, but very soapy dialogue and soundtrack, some very questionable acting and some very annoying characters, I'll be changing my rating if this turns out to be another show that gets cancelled before answering the big question.
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12 August 2019
Cannot believe Netflix cancelled the oa but made this pile of crap, 2 stars instead of 1 as don't see enough of dennis haysbert but he really needs a new agent. Dire.
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What/If (2019)
21 June 2019
Terrible dialogue, plot that makes no sense, over dramatic soapy nonsense, terrible side plots that are just pointless, do yourself a favour and don't bother, stars for Renee zelleweger only and just only. Pure and utter drivel.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Like the telling the best joke ever but blowing the punchline
20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Some scenes still had bad cgi even tho most expensive budget, which would be forgivable of storytelling wins, but it doesn't, no story arcs have a fulfilling end, I get game of thrones has dramatic twists but bloody Bran stark as king?!, the art of story telling gives you a pay off at the end not a meh and shrug of the shoulders cause it ended in least pay off possible, your saviour being reunited with his dog after saving the world, twice! Is not good enough after all the build up and sacrifice, after watching ep 3 of this season I knew everything that had gone before would be ruined, I just wasn't expecting it on this scale, and these are the guys in charge of star wars next?! Bye bye another beloved franchise.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Have to say a tad disappointed by this episode, some strange descisions being made by battle hardened generals like sending the dothraki to certain death in the dark with no back up and just watching them get slaughtered (poor ghost), I was also expecting some big showdowns with the night kings generals against some of our faves like Jamie lannister and ser Brien, however all we got was faceless wights overrunning everyone, and no Jon v night king climactic sword fight, I'm absolutely gutted to be honest, seasons and seasons of promise and it was gone in a flash, it wasn't all bad the battle scenes were decent, as was the dragon fight, and I did enjoy Arya kicking ass and that final death however it did appear that so much more could have happened to give this story arc the ending it deserved.
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The Walking Dead: The Storm (2019)
Season 9, Episode 16
Poor way to end the season
1 April 2019
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Decent filler episode if midseason with some tension and some slight redemption for neagan, but very poor finale, no major excitement or cliff hanger, even the radio static at the end was just to hold the door open for Maggie's possible return next season or if Lauren Cohan decides to stay away, and who would blame her if this is the best they could come up with as a season finale, to introduce something else they'll just make up nearer the time. Very disappointed.
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Joke of a "movie"
8 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Seen better acting at a school pantomime, the acting was some of the worst I've seen, actor playing the wizard was absolutely terrible, the script is pathetic, cars and people appearing out to of nowhere to aid escape!, said escape taking a very long time when their supposedly in fear for their lives, stopping midway to free an elephant, I could go on, it's laughable anyone making this film thought it was fit for purpose. Watch the Disney cartoon instead, this movie is nonsense.
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Requiem (2018)
Hot fuzz?
24 February 2018
Promising start, due to unfortunate events a young musician goes in search of answers and ultimately her own identity in a rural village.

A wannabe Gothic horror quickly turned into parody with lead characters making unrealistic decisions and a cast of villagers straight out of hot fuzz but without the (intentional) laughs.
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