
9 Reviews
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Into the Night (II) (2020–2021)
Thrilling and Good!
11 May 2020
I really didn't care to watch it at first but my husband insisted and we started watching it. I was hooked from the first episode. It really takes off immediately and their struggle to survive is interesting because I've never seen something of this plot don't before. It was totally engaging each episode and would totally hope for a sequel. We did watch it French since my husband is French and I'm an intermediate speaker, but I did put subtitles in English to help. I recommend watching in original language since there's more than just French. I'm also not sure if the dubbing is good since I hardly ever dub films. Give it a try and you will be thrilled!
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The Upside (2017)
It's Okay, Not Bad, Not Good
15 January 2019
Well people are saying "Don't listen to the Bad reviews" and what not but this movie is not a 10/10 as some claim. I have seen the original French version which by far has a better plot and set of actors. Cranston and Hart have a mild chemistry compared to Cluzet and Sy but it isn't all bad. I'm no fan of Hart but I must admit some lines were pretty funny. Cranston was alright as quadriplegic. Kidman was meh and in no way did better than her French counter part Fleurot. While the core was the same it was overall pretty different. It's alright for the most part, there were a few scenes that seemed to drag on and it just needed to be trimmed. The ending of the original film had me in tears, this one not even close. Just watch the original "Intouchables"(2011) I'm the only one in my family who speaks decent enough French but they still saw it with me and all agreed it was a masterpiece. Just put subtitles(which I also needed) and you'll enjoy a much better version. This one isn't bad and watch it if you have nothing better to do. But if you want a masterpiece that is just as fun and funny watch Intouchables(2011).
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Bird Box (2018)
Not Really Scary
10 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really didn't know what to expect watching this film. All I knew is it had Sandra Bullock and it was getting popular. So to kill time in the afternoon I decided to give it a try. Now I get scared easy, like pretty easy, last horror film I watch was The Shining(1980) and it gave me nightmares that night(I know pathetic). The movie starts with Sandra Bullock getting an update of her pregnancy at the hospital and all hell breaks loose. The movie does a weird transition from the present moments and story of the very beginning of the apocalypse. Bullock's acting as always nailed it on point, she's very talented at what she does. Everyone else ehh not so much, and even Machine Gun Kelly is in it which is strange in itself(he's not good in the film either). The actual monster is never seen because it's invisable apparently, but you hear it's presence. It has to be the least scariest creature ever. It also ends very abruptly with lots of questions wanting to be answered about the creatures like: why does it turn some people insane to kill others, or why birds aren't affected by the creatures and why does it affect those watching video of it also? Not scary and a lot left to be desired.
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Aquaman (2018)
Very Cliché Movie
28 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First in for most I really didn't want to see this movie but friends invited me along and I thought why not everyone is raving about it. It opens up with a decent story about Altlanta who is discovered by a lighthouse keeper and they have a hybrid kid, Aquaman. Story goes from there to when he's older and eh it begins to fall. From the moment he is adult fighting the pirates in the submarine it's just a cliché of every superhero film you've seen before. Black Manta trying to get revenge on Aquaman to avenge his father, princess of Atlantis helps Aquaman overthrow the king,the two fall in love for having a journey together, Aquaman challenges king for throne and loses(wins later), mother turns out to be alive(even thought she was supposed to be dead), and so many many overused lines like "I've waited for this moment", and "They don't need a king, they need something greater, a hero". Sorry DC but the writing needs huge improvement, it's no wonder marvel has the upper hand. Wonder Woman still remains the only incredible DC film.
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Worst Film of the Year(2017) HANDS DOWN!!!
26 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Words cannot even begin to explain this atrocity of a movie. In this day in age with 5 previous movies within the span of 15 years, you'd think Paul W.S. Anderson would finally learn to write a decent script or even the most basic of editing, but nope not even nearly so. I knew before hand it was going to be bad but the worst film I had no idea what I was in store for. Lets begin with the story remember Resident Evil Retribution? Well that's okay cause guess what, all characters in it are scrapped away and never to be seen again except for Alice(the main protagonist). That isn't even the half of it, remember in Resident Evil Apocalypse when it was stated that Dr. Ashford created the T-Virus in order to help his daughter's disease. Well don't worry about that either that idea is also scrapped. This entire movie, with a plot thinner than Calista Flockhart, contradicts it's own series. There were more plot holes than billions worms making holes in the ground. Next Up, the WORST EDITING I HAVE EVER SEEN! Honestly my heart goes out to those who saw this in 3D. I cannot even stress enough how bad it is. Imagine shaky cam but with extra shaky all over it, and the amount of cuts in the film, OH LORDY! Imagine this for Alice to reload her gun it takes about 15 cuts, I KID YOU NOT! It was so bad there was one seen I was told about that the editing was so bad in you couldn't even tell who had just died. When I saw it I can't even believe they had let that ridiculous cut in there. This FILM IS JUST BAD BAD BAD! AVOID AT ALL COSTS! not worth a penny and Im glad this horrific series is finally over!
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Not Bad, But the 2005 version is better
11 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I will not try to spoil any of the movie but I'll try to give you an idea of how its like and how it compares to the 2005 King Kong. The plot is about a scientist getting a military unit to come check out an island which lots of disappearances have occurred. They get there and realized why the disappearances have been happening and try to escape. There were a couple things that bothered me about the film and one of them was character development. The characters names were mentioned once and never again. There should not be a movie were I leave and not know at least one characters name. However Tom Hiddleston's character is very likable and his acting is just real good, as well for Brie Larson. Kong was real awesome he has a lot of action when he's on screen and it makes up for the lack of character development. How does it compare to the 2005 version? Its less dynamic and feels like its dragged a little too long because other than the 2 leads you don't care about anyone else. 05's was very well developed and most characters actually fitted well to plot, while here I think they had to many and very little to say about them. But don't let that stop you from watching the movie its alright but not as good as 2005 Kong.
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Deadpool (2016)
Overrated! Over-hyped!
30 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After hearing everyone raving about how funny and awesome this film was I just had to rent it. And I couldn't be anymore disappointed. The jokes were eh like looking into the camera and trying to crack a joke or hitting someone in the crotch or even taking one up the ass(you know what I mean if you seen it). As a fan of the X-men Film series this Colossus bugged me a lot. His accent was so annoying and his power isn't to stay full on metal the entire time. I did like his other mutant friend she was cliché but was decently funny. I will say Dead Pool's stunts are awesome and that's great but I felt the movie is no where near as good as the other X-men Films yes including The Last Stand but not including the Wolverine Origins. Its okay at best not the best movie of the year but not the worst. Give it a try but have low expectations.
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Hidden Masterpiece
30 November 2016
I didn't know about this film till my uncle introduce it to me 10 years later. I didn't know what to expect. After watching it I was just shocked how awesome this movie was. Its a comedy with a very nice story to go with it. The jokes are crude and slapstick which is awesome. Rob Schneider's character made me laugh so much as well as Sandler. I was surprised I never heard of this movie back then but not long after watching it, I had to own it. I can't imagine anyone hating on this film. Barrymore and Sandler are great actors with amazing roles in this movie. Its just laid back fun which no one should miss out on. Enjoy this Hidden Masterpiece!
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Whats with all the Hate? Its definitely not even Bad
21 July 2016
I believe all the negative reviews are from plain and simple BUTTHURT FANS of the original. I've seen the original and its awesome. I didn't know how this would go but its definitely not too much like original. Its a new group with a different story line. The group is actually funny and had a great chemistry together. I wasn't expecting to laugh but I actually ended laughing to many scenes. I heard someone say it is a feminist movement and I'm sorry that is total asinine. There is not ONE scene pertaining to the degrading of men or them asking for equality. This is a fun comedy the family will enjoy and you will recognize familiar faces of the original. I suggest you do go see this very underrated and over hated film.
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