
41 Reviews
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Season 3 nowhere near as good as 1,2
24 May 2024
I enjoyed the first season, I loved the second season even more, third season was kind of boring, it go so boring I just read while it was running in the background.

I give Season One a 9. Season Two a 10 and Season Three like a 6.5 and I don't think the rest of the seaon will change my mind the way things are going.

The only thing that kept me interested was the delightfully subdued interactions between Francesca and John. I really enjoyed how their romance was so much different than the others, and not just a repeat of the same. I could see the chemistry in their interactions and how their love languages were so different to those around them, really refreshing.

As for the main story between Colin and Pen, BORING. It was like bad fan fiction. It was like there was no character development. I felt no chemistry between the actors. It was like they were just going through the motions to follow out a set outcome, and then they are just having sex in a carriage which would be scandalous for such a young woman.

I don't know what will happen in the rest of the season, but I seriously don't know how Colin could get over the utter betrayal of Pen being LW. It would be fan fiction bad writing to try and get out of that. If Pen gets found out for being a total life-destroying gossip who makes money of other people's suffering, and she gets a happy ending? I really don't know how it works out in the books, but this pushes my suspension of disbelief too far.
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Invincible (2021– )
Season 2, Wow!
4 April 2024
I loved the comics and was reluctant to start watching this given the track record of poor adaptions, but imagine my show an suprise how well this adaption was done.

Season 1 was great, and after watching Season 2, I think it was actually better because we saw more development of all the characters and a widening of the universe.

It is really interesting because in Season 1 I really hated the Amber character, I found her annoying and a really terrible person, but I found Season 2 developed her so much better.

I loved the different bits of added comedy and references to other pop-culture. I also liked how they changed some things from the comics, but also honored the source material which is always appreciated.

As always, the animation is great and the voice acting is incredible, with the cast they have. I look forward to next season.
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Reservation Dogs: Send It (2023)
Season 3, Episode 8
Great episode
15 September 2023
I'm just some random guy from New Zealand and really love this show. It's different and authentic.

It's funny with a dark humour that is common in minority communities in my country.

So many great episodes, but I think this is the only episode where I cried. I definitely consider this one of the better episodes because it is about reconciliation and setting aside past differences in the hopes of a better tomorrow.

I loved this season and how they linked in past characters and brought it all together. Really well thought out.

I know this show is very niche and probably won't go for more seasons, but it is definitely a special show.
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Needs better writers
28 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A klingon can't die with one stab. They have multiple organ redundancies. And certainly not to the point that either medical officer couldn't have helped. They chose not to help, forsaking oaths and comitting murder. Criminal negligence at least. Both getting away with it. Ridiculous.

And that pilot getting away with subordination on a warship, that's just crazy.

The captain letting people with PTSD have to talk to a war criminal. Bad captain.

Just seems like lazy writing to me.

Overall the episode was good, giving a perspective on the war with the Klingons. Really good acting from the two medical officers.
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Charades (2023)
Season 2, Episode 5
Racism isn't comedy.
15 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am really enjoying this show, but I was quick shocked with this episode.

Imagine using scenes of white people telling a black person how to act like a black person and trying to pass it off as comedy. And imaging that same black person That is this episode.

The episode actually started out great and could have been so much better, but it just turned to crap midway. Spock became human, he didn't turn into an idiot who forgot how anyone should act in public let alone how vulcans act. There are drugs that can mute emotions instead of putting up with ridiculous outbursts. Not to mention he spent his entire life learning techniques to suppress his emotions.

How ridiculous is it to have a bunch of NOT Vulcans telling a Vulcan how to act Vulcan. Instead the show tries to pass it off as funny.

Vulcans aren't human. They are aliens. They are not human. They think and feel completely differently to humans. Yet here you have humans telling Spock how he should act and what he should do and him just going along with everything like a prop or puppet.

It is interesting that Spock had basically no agency in this episode. It is all about Nurse Chapel taking action which is nice. But they spent so much time focusing on Spock who was doing nothing. They should have kept it all about Nurse Chapel taking action and not spending so much time on Spock being an prop in almost every scene.
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The Power (2023)
The interesting premise doesn't make sense.
31 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Will be interesting to see how this ends, but some of the more likely outcomes would be the end of human race or no change at all.

I think it seems rather true to the idea that men and women are the same. Give them power and they will be corrupted. We all know women are just as violent and vindictive and cruel as men, just looks different.

I only bothered to review because it is as if the author/writer never bothered to think realistically about what would happen next.

It's like they don't think humans can adapt or they have never heard of a faraday cage.

Violent women would just be shot dead or thrown in a metal cage that nullifies their powers. Military and security would just end up wearing faraday suits that harmlessely ground any electricity.

I'll change my rating depending on how interesting the characters are and how the series ends.
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Cobra Kai: Downward Spiral (2022)
Season 5, Episode 4
Why is Daniel getting dumber every episode
14 September 2022
Seriously.....What the heck happened with this episode????

I'm not understanding Daniel's motivations at all. Acting like a total idiot.....

I dont know if he has gotten worse each season, but I never noticed it so bad as this episode....

Like what the heck? How could he walk right into a total trap like a total idiot....

I am liking the villain this season, but I feel like all all the other elements of show are going downhill....

I'm really hoping that the season gets better from here. But I also hope they end the series well rather than drag in on too long after jumping the shark.

I guess time will tell.
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Underwhelming writing lets it down
4 September 2022
I really dont understand why any of the characters are really doing what they are doing. It's like the characters are just robots following random instructions. It is unclear and often makes zero sense. It's like things just happen because that is what the plot needs, even if it makes no sense in the context of the situation.

This is a sign of very poor writing which is really dissappointing. Hopefully they will improve over time.

Special affects are nice, costumes and locations are great, even if a little limited. We don't really see much except distant single shots.

I might increase my rating over time, but that remains to be seen.
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Stranger Things: Chapter Four: Dear Billy (2022)
Season 4, Episode 4
Holy Crap! I was going to give up after S3, but this is incredible!
28 May 2022
Just when I thought about giving up on this show last season, they give us a great new season.

And this episode.... damn.

I'm not sure how the rest of the season will pan out, but this episode was so well written, acted, paced, sound-tracked.

This is the type of televison that I long for and wish was more common. Well written and focused on character. I can put up with crap episodes as long as we get ones like this.

I don't even need to watch the rest of the season.

For me this was the best episode of the entire show.
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Superman & Lois: Anti-Hero (2022)
Season 2, Episode 7
What the heck?
9 March 2022
Overall I think this is a really good show, but...

The Lois in this show is a little bit crazy and a lot irrational and it seems to be getting worse over the course of the show.

She is meant to be one of the best investigative journalists in the world (or at least in the US) and she just keeps doing stupid things and saying stupid things. Just doing stuff that makes no sense whatsoever for the character.
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Star Trek: Picard: The Star Gazer (2022)
Season 2, Episode 1
So sad. Doesn't bode well.
4 March 2022
Starfleet really has gone down hill.

Still sending out 100 year old ships. Eventually at some point refits just arn't worth it.

Captains who don't even know that going to red alert already means you already raise shields.

Crews who completely ignore their captain's direct orders.

At least you can get whole fleets that turn up inexpliciably at a moments notice without even calling for them.

I threw in an extra two stars for the cameo.

The poor writing does not bode well for the rest of the season.
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The Last Duel (2021)
I felt totally betrayed
3 December 2021
I felt lied to by all the advertising & marketing. I go to movies to be entertained, not watch to watch the writer telling me stuff in a heavy handed way. If I knew that I was going to watch a lecture in feminism, I wouldn't have watched it. Having said that the movie probably deserves a 7 or 8, I just marked it down for false advertising.

I went in for an epic action movie and all I got was a 5min duel out of 150min. Talk about false advertising. Then we got the same story repeated three times in a row!

Having said that, once I got over being lied to, I didn't get bored through the film. That says a lot about the pacing, but then it let itself down in the end telling everyone the whole point of the film instead of letting the story do the work. The actors may as well just spoken directly to the camera. There were some plot holes which I found really annoying and put me off.

The actors were decent, can't complain about that. I was pleasantly surprised by Matt Damon.

My biggest problem with the film is trying to force modern ideas onto a culture that was totally alien to ours. It just doesn't fit at all. It is jarring.

Go in with no expectations and you will probably be somewhat entertained.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Kobayashi Maru (2021)
Season 4, Episode 1
Flame Machines on the Bridge!
19 November 2021
Such an incredible episode.

The Discovery bridge has two flame throwers that shoot out flames at regular intervals. So cool. That alone is worth 1 star.

Not sure why the heck they are there or what function they serve. Pretty much like every part of the plot and like every other character in the show other than Micky B who just saves everyone except when the writers have to make a point and explain it over to you multiple times.
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What If...?: What If... Zombies?! (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
9 September 2021
It was very poorly written compared to the others. That's about it. Nothing at all made any sense in this episode. So many illogical decisions from different characters. Nothing made any sense at all. Basically only the Cape was true to character.

4 Stars just for the Cape. That is all.
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Titans: Lady Vic (2021)
Season 3, Episode 6
Poor writing.
4 September 2021
Flashback to when Babs isn't even trained and still better than Robin in a fight?

A sniper rifle that makes it past Robins armor and a hole clean through him would have caused massive internal damage. And then he's fine the hours late. I don't have a problem with magic body armor, but magic healing body is stupid.

Chief of Police who blocks their best asset from doing their job.

Just let an serious enemy threat walk around the Bat Cave.

That's just stupid. It just got more stupid from there.
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The Republic of Sarah: Two Imposters (2021)
Season 1, Episode 12
This isn't supposed to be a fantasy show
31 August 2021
Fathers practically never get sole custody. So stupidly unrealistic with no basis in reality.

Technicians that just disappear at the most important part of an event without doing one of the most important things? What nonsense is that?

Poor writing to create unnecessary drama really ruined this episode. Could have been done better.
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Loki (2021–2023)
Silly Premise - Shows potential.
10 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Time travel always screws everything up.

Then you have a universe where there is no free will because everyone is fated to follow a certain path of actions.

Then you have some random organisation that just murders innocent people. An organisation that somehow gets things done by employing idiots.

Then you have a organisation that knows the future and still can't prevent stuff from happening.

Then to top it off the writers make this Loki stupid because they can't write smarter antagonists.

I'll continue to watch to see where things go, but this was a disappointing start.
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Why so stupid?
7 January 2021
Great show, great everything except stupid writing in this episode. Such poor writing. The entire episode was based on really poor writing. Really intelligent woman acting in a completely stupid way in order for the plot to work. It breaks the character of Zoey and it is really lazy writing. Really annoying.
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Zoey is stupid
7 January 2021
I like the show, but it's like they write Zoey as being a complete idiot sometimes. Like seriously stupid. She is supposed to be an intelligent woman, but then she repeatedly does really stupid stuff that make no sense. It's really annoying, really lazy writing, ruins the show and just puts me off.
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Motherland: Fort Salem (2020–2022)
Entertaining Story! Not perfect, but perfectly enjoyable.
7 December 2020
This review is for the 1st season only.

To be honest I was pleasantly surprised watching this. I was expecting to be annoyed from the start with with the same boring SJW Mary Sue characters we see in so many shows these days. This is coming from a guy who is very critical of those types of poorly-written stories.

Instead we get some compelling characters and I found myself binge watching the whole season. Right from the start we get a clear understanding of the motivations of the three main characters. We see them struggle and overcome obstacles or sometimes fail and live with the consequences. We see them grow and change over the course of the season. Genuine character arcs, irrelevant of the gender/race of the characters. This is good story-telling.

A really interesting premise that is done well through the prism of the three main characters.

Sure there are plenty of things I could complain about, but they are minor compared to the key aspects done well.

The world-building is fun. An interesting take.

I think the biggest problem I have with the show is the lack of understanding of the motivations of the bad guys. It seems like the bad guys are just bad because they are bad and that's all we are shown. After watching the whole season I still have zero understanding of why the fighting is going on. It makes no sense and all we see is a 1-dimensional enemy. It dramatically reduces the complexity of the story if there zero empathy with the antagonist. We don't have to agree with the bad guys, but at least understand their motivations. Here we get nothing.

It fell apart in the final 2 episodes in terms of where the main story went in ways that didn't make sense which lets the show down. Mainly to do with the poor motivation of some important secondary characters. It's poor writing to make the plot happen.

The last episode unfortunately was just a bunch of exposition, telling not showing. It was a let down and a bit disappointing to the over-arcing story, and for the main characters as well. It ends with some interesting questions to dealt with
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Star Trek: Discovery: People of Earth (2020)
Season 3, Episode 3
New Wesley Crusher!
30 October 2020
Not sure where this season is going. Lots of silly things going on. Stupid things that don't make sense. So many poorly written things.

And yet there is a silver lining. This is the first episode in the entire series that reminds me of the older series and not some wannabe Star Wars show. Makes me hopeful.

P.S. The gender swap Wesley Crusher character seems interesting.
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Enola Holmes (2020)
It could have been so much more...
23 September 2020
Interesting premise, interesting setting, good actors, terrible writing. The plot is all over the place.

The main character verges on being a "perfect, but boring" character. Why are male characters belittled in order to elevate the female ones? Just write them all better instead of doing it this lazy way.

Events happen in ways that dont make sense and for no reason other than that the plot demands it.

I know this isn't a historical drama and I'm ok to suspend disbelief with a bit of artistic license, but the historical inaccuracies going on are so glaring it removes the viewer from the story entirely. It is made so much worse by sticking "modern-acting" characters in a society where such acts would be so out of place.

Nothing wrong with a theme of feminism, but it is poor writing to shove the theme in our face every minute. The theme should speak through the actions of the characters, not them telling it to your face while looking at the camera.
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Stupid ending.
10 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Am I supposed to believe all the teachers are just going to stand by while some guy hijacks the mic, abuses another student and physically assaults another. They would have shut it down within seconds.
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Propaganda in Advertising Works!
13 January 2020
This film is just one long advert paid for by the people being interviewed who mostly sell vegan products. Totally biased and 100% dishonest.

I totally support vegetarianism because it is a great lifestyle in so many ways. But this is pure propaganda in advert form. Just enough truthiness to sound true and fool the masses. Very little basis in science. Based on anecdotes. The 10/10 reviews are no doubt by people who don't understand science and don't understand the importance of reporting scientific facts. Personal anecdotes isn't science and proves nothing. The film does a great disservice to vegetarianism in the long run.

It could have been so much better.
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Supergirl: Event Horizon (2019)
Season 5, Episode 1
Character actions don't make any rational sense!
5 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I like the show, but this is just getting stupid.

Oh no! Someone kept a secret! Now I must become evil and learn to be a robot and suppress my emotions until they explode out at a later date!

Father gives company to daughter and she goes and suddenly buys a billion dollar money-losing news company as if she doesn't have enough stuff to do.

Billion dollar news company and building sold without a single top journalist realising. It's like office gossip doesn't even exist in this part of the world.

Employment contracts that auto-renew without warning.

Likely unenforceable non-compete clauses that can somehow magically apply globally and no top journalist realises it.

Quits job when you could just coast along and collect a paycheck from stupid new owner.

"Don't take glasses off because suit will appear" Minutes later, takes glasses off and nothing happens.

Superman's real spaceship just sitting around in a museum that non-kryptonian can fly away with.

São Paulo doesn't even have a beach.

The list goes on...

It's hard to write intelligent characters when the writers are obviously stupid.

1 star for new suit 1 star for new evil AI called Hope LOL 1 star for Brainy and Nia 1 star for T-Rex
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