
32 Reviews
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Game of Thrones: The Lion and the Rose (2014)
Season 4, Episode 2
GOT Binge...
2 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Man. Theon's life has sure gone to hell since he back stabbed Robb. And it doesn't look like he is going to get much better. This Ramsay guy is a psychopath. Oh, he thinks he's going after Jon Snow. It's going to be awesome when Jon Snow fillets them like fish, all by himself.

Inbred rat still sucks. Sansa should have also left with the Hound, and Tyrion needs to be adopted or something. Just kicking the love of his life to the curb. Crazy Red Witch is killing people as a sacrifice to her imagination. And the king's wife is eating it up. Cults, man...

Inbred rat is marrying himself because he's such a control freak. Crazy grandma has to have a plan that involves killing him. YESSSSS!!!! SOMEBODY FINALLY DID IT!!! INBRED RAT KING IS DEAD!!

Ef you Cersei, you're just as psychotic as he was.
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Game of Thrones: Two Swords (2014)
Season 4, Episode 1
GOT Binge...
2 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
And we start of season four with some same sex attraction and a foreign people who apparently want to actually kill the Lannister's, finally. And Khaleesi is losing control of the dragons it looks like. Jon Snow has made some nice enemies it looks like, and these giant bald dudes seem pretty hardcore. Nice to see Jon Snow still running his own show, although I liked the idea of him leading 100,000 soldiers instead of going back to the bottom of the barrel with the people who are about to be overrun on the wall.

The inbred rat is so inbred his own dad hates him.

Arya seems pretty lucky to have ended up with the Hound of all people. It seems pretty nice to have a heartless killer on your side with the way things are going. And Arya is actually turning into one of those herself it seems.
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Game of Thrones: Mhysa (2013)
Season 3, Episode 10
GOT Binge...
2 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Inbred rat still doing his best to make sure he's the most hated person in the history of man-kind, and it makes me feel bad the Starks are the ones who have dwindled in numbers so fast. In fact now that I think about they seem to be the only ones taking major casualties. At least Tyrion is bashing the inbred right and left without regard for his position. He's the only one with brown hair. I hope he's a bastard as well.

I like how these people keep talking about the how the war is over now that Robb Stark is dead. Little to they know Khaleesi is on her way to wreck shiz. Theon is still getting tortured by this Robb Stark fanatic. They'll be disappointed when they here the news.

Jon Snow once again is building bridges without even knowing it, as Sam and Bran are now teamed up. ARYA THE KILLA! The Hound is proud. Jon Snow, getting all sentimental about his red head who literally is shooting him with arrows. He just hasn't realized he's in love with Khaleesi yet.

The inbred twins are finally back together, but hopefully the loss of Jaime's hand and the rat king help them realize they are freaking gross. Jon Snow is back with the night watch it seems.
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Game of Thrones: The Rains of Castamere (2013)
Season 3, Episode 9
GOT Binge...
1 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Robb asking his mom for advise, AND WE'RE GOING TO WAR AGAIN! Nice to see the Starks going back to being the aggressors. Too bad they have to deal with this crappy king. Daenerys is getting things rolling with this new mystery general and his army. I hope he really is committed and helps her, if not I hope Grey Worm cuts his head off. Sam's inbred lover is a dunce, but he likes her. Good for him.

Arya and the Hound are making their way to the wedding. They work well together, and hopefully she can turn him into something Jon Snow can use to become the rightful king. That is unless they kill each other first.

Speaking of Jon Snow, too bad he can't give birth to something that helps him not have to deal with people who try and oppose him. Also nice to see that Bran has some psychic powers kicking in. Jon's girlfriend is crazy. It just makes sense for him to ditch her for Daenerys. But you can bet your balls Jon is going to kill all these village idiots. Even going to do it while being attacked by an eagle of all things. At least he's on his own now and hopefully meeting up with Daenerys. Bran did see him and is going after him at least.

Man ef this king. I hope Robb goes ham on him. Or that the Hound rips him in half. Looks like Robb definitely wont be able to do it anymore. Or his mom. It's too bad the Starks, who seem to be the only decent people around, are losing the most.
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Game of Thrones: Second Sons (2013)
Season 3, Episode 8
GOT Binge...
1 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Daenerys needs to kill this dude and take his army. The Red Witch is also secretly running the show now too. Idk what would be better in battle, giving birth to dragons or giving birth to Satan. I hope we find out. Daenerys seems to have a way better army up to this point than the Red Witch, and the Red Witch is definitely a wacko.

Nice again to see Tyrion back talk the inbred rat. Also nice to see this chill looking guy killed his lousy comrades and declare his army to Daenerys, who is becoming obnoxiously powerful. Also nice to see Tyrion stand up to his idiot superiors/family members and play by his own rules.

Sam gets some action!And on top of that he kills (defeats? Stuns?) the Winter Person, Baby Eater and is now even more of a hero to his new love interest, who apparently is really dumb (which also leads back to the inbred rat and a lack of genetic diversity).
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GOT Binge...
1 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Jaime finally seems to do be coming around a bit. Maybe it has to with Newton's law, his lover/sister/baby mamma has gotten so much worse. I just have to get off my chest that the bear fight was a little disappointing. Even to go as far to say that it was pathetic. Brienne could have given the bear a good run with the way it was acting, but the fact that the bear sat back and didn't do anything until charging like a bull as they were climbing out of the arena was a total waste of a bear fight. At least Jon Snow is now on the war path with little to stand in his way, thanks to the Winter People behind him and the idiots of the north circling around the inbred rat on the iron throne. He really needs to join forces with Daenerys, who is looking like she may in fact be unstoppable at the rate things are going by the time they actually do meet up.
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Game of Thrones: The Climb (2013)
Season 3, Episode 6
GOT Binge...
26 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Bran's new friend is having a hard time, but he now has a vision of Jon Snow so he is now comprehending the awesomeness that is about to happen. Like how Jon Snow is about to literally about to scale the wall and bring the ruckus.

Arya is about to meet the evil red devil witch. Hopefully she isn't pulled into the fire cult. Unless it can give her some dragons, then by all means.

Theon is definitely screwed. Both literally and figuratively. Old grandma is putting the Lannister father right in his place. And Jon Snow with the back breaking save of his love interest! Brief chance for a Daenerys setup to come into play, but the war is young.
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Game of Thrones: Kissed by Fire (2013)
Season 3, Episode 5
GOT Binge...
26 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
One eyed man has fire power like the red devil lady. OK. The Hound gives him too much to handle, that is until he used more Satan-fire magic to come back from the dead, and not be a frozen winter guy... Jon Snow ain't taken shiz from nobody. Especially Ygritte, who is getting in the way of the Snow/Daenerys world take over. Jaime apparently is trying to overcome a drug addiction as well, and refuses to take pain killers while his flesh is literally burned off his arm.

Tyrion may have met his match with mouthy grandma, Arya is running out of protectors. She needs to come to terms with The Hound and get him on the Snow train to the promised land. Robb Stark looks like he's well on his way to the same place. Along with the One Eyed Highlander.

This Lord of Light is also gaining quite the popularity. Crazy cult is now taking over where incest isn't rampant and Jon Snow isn't present. Speaking of incest, it looks like Jaime is looking to expand the gene pool with Brienne. Cersie is going to love that one.

Things are looking extremely well for Daenerys. Although last time this happened her husband went all Hulk-smash and died of infection while a witch cursed her baby, and she had to start against from square one...

Tension is definitely running high among the Lannister's. Must stem from lack of genetic diversity.
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Game of Thrones: And Now His Watch Is Ended (2013)
Season 3, Episode 4
GOT Binge...
26 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Poor ol' Sam. Too in love to see straight. And this dude rollin' with Bran is also crazy. Inbred rat is still just as psychotic, but this old grandma is definitely growing on me. Hopefully she has a good plan that gets this rat and his family killed.

Theon and his new boyfriend are sure bonding well. At least Theon now realizes he was a total idiot. Then he gets back stabbed and will likely die. Too bad.

Cersie misses her blood-shared, boy-toy, although him missing a hand could really dampen their gross relationship. And she also is trying to make a power move for self gratification. Grandmother is way ahead of her. Hopefully Sansa can finally get away through her.

Nightwatch is in shambles without Jon Snow. Crester is a sicko as well. I can't wait for Jon Snow to kill him. Just kidding, rangers are going to go ahead and self destruct in fear and hunger. Jon Snow made the right choice. But at least Sam finally gets the girl!

Idk who this dude with the eye patch is, but he's hardcore. The Brotherhood without banners are ripe for Jon Snow's taking, as well as Daenerys and her dragons. Who now also have a pretty powerful army to back up the dragons...
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Game of Thrones: Dark Wings, Dark Words (2013)
Season 3, Episode 2
GOT Binge...
26 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Party at the wall I guess. Or there will be. I feel for Bran and his legs even more now. Stupid Jaime and Cersie and their incest. Joffrey's mother is also growing tired of his idiotic, inbred ways. Glad this old lady is seeing right through Sansa and she is finally opening up something about how rotten and terrible he is. And her mother has realized that she really messed shiz up when she made Jon Snow leave and treated him badly. If they could have him back now...

Arya gets picked up again. Tyrion even slips up a little bit with his love interest. Theon gets tortured. And Arya gets sold out again.

And we fightin'! Jamie and Brienne, throwing it down, and Brienne totally won before they got taken prisoner after refusing to kill a single traveler.
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Game of Thrones: Walk of Punishment (2013)
Season 3, Episode 3
GOT Binge...
25 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Tyrion gets hosed by his arrogant father. Brienne and Jaime are screwed, Arya is making trail again, and Hot Pie will probably never know a woman.

Jon Snow getting thrown right into the winter people fire! And also he is about to attack the Nightwatch on his first order from the King of the Wildlings, formerly of the Rangers.

Tyrion is still managing to run everything from even farther behind the scenes. Theon gets away before getting captured again. I have a hard time feeling sorry for him. Although this dude who saved him seems pretty awesome.

Jaime finally does something decent, but is still a d bag, who totally gets what is coming to him.
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Game of Thrones: Valar Dohaeris (2013)
Season 3, Episode 1
GOT Binge...
25 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Nice to see things are shaping up nicely for Jon Snow. For Tyrion and everyone else not so much. Littlefinger did figure out Arya's secret, and he is still hosing over Sansa, who should have just left with the hound.


Stannis is crazy, and the red witch lady is crazier. Cults, man. Messed up. Inbred rat king is in way over his head, finally. Hopefully his new love interest doesn't get her balls chopped off after he realizes hers are significantly larger in girth than his own.

Despite the dragons, things aren't getting any easier for Daenerys, but piece by piece she is setting herself up well. Definitely playing the long game. I'm still hopeful she crosses paths with Jon Snow and they join forces and absolutely wreck shiz.
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Game of Thrones: Valar Morghulis (2012)
Season 2, Episode 10
GOT Binge...
25 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently Sansa didn't take up The Hound on his offer, which makes me feel significantly less bad for her. Now she is just a piece to get Littlefinger laid by her mom. Joffrey has a massive army now, and Tyrion has been pushed back out of the main picture.

Daenyrus finds her dragons, who may be small, but have learned how to pack a punch, and suddenly she becomes a real contender to be the real winner at the end of all this.

Jon Snow proves his awesomeness as he kills one of the greatest rangers alive, after said ranger tried to back stab him, literally, like a jerk. Now the wildlings understand his level of awesome and it seems him taking over their massive army is inevitable.

Speaking of massive army, the winter people have also make their appearance and could seriously hurt Jon Snow's chances. It's too bad it looks like they're about to fight each other instead of bonding together against the inbred rat, like they should. Hopefully Daenyrus falls in love with Jon Snow and then he can have the dragons behind him (which would come in handy for people who only die with fire...).
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Game of Thrones: Blackwater (2012)
Season 2, Episode 9
GOT Binge...
24 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers


Joffrey needs to die in this war. He's an inbred psychopath. Tyrion is the man. Not quite Jon Snow, but it seems he has established himself as a close second. Especially with his excellent use of wildfire. Stannis is so crazy that it looks like Tyrion is going to go to town on him.

Cersie is doing her best to make sure Sansa has no interest in incest or her crazy ideals.

Apparently all bets are off in battle. The hound tells the inbred rat to ef off finally, and the inbred rat shows he was also born without a spine (still remains to be see if that is a genetic defect or if he is just a little girl, more evidence toward the ladder). Tyrion steps up to the plate gloriously, and The Hound gives Sansa a way out, finally. Joffrey's man tries to back stab Tyrion, but his trusted servant saves the day. And a third party comes in last minute and keeps the inbred on the throne for another day...
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Game of Thrones: The Prince of Winterfell (2012)
Season 2, Episode 8
GOT Binge...
24 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Red headed step child keeps Jon Snow alive, while he realizes that the Nightwatch men died coming back to find him, which will probably on fuel his awesomeness as he single handily destroys the wildlings.

Well ffs, Catherine let Jaime go. Robb is even willing to throw his mom in jail. If it wasn't for Arya he would be the rightful heir to Stark's name.

Arya is playing with fire. Tyrion is being more clever than everyone else as usual, Robb Stark is trying to figure out everything that is happening to him. Looks like Tyrion is feeling overwhelmed as well, and he now knows about Daenerys and her dragons, although who knows at this point where the dragons are. Bran would make a great king. Too bad Jaime and the incest queen ruined his chances while they were being disgusting.
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Game of Thrones: A Man Without Honor (2012)
Season 2, Episode 7
GOT Binge...
24 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So Theon sucks. Arya is still flirting with death and Jon Snow is being led into death by a flirty wildling that is a red headed step child. Maybe the wildlings will fall in love with him too, then he can lead them all in battle as he takes his rightful place on the iron throne.

Nice to see Jaime is still hating life. And still a terrible human being. This undying, wizard-man is pretty crazy. He would also be nice to have in battle, especially if he was on the team with the dragons.

Tyrion trying to keep the kingdom alive.

Nice to the Catherine go after Jaime for talking bad about Jon Snow. Guess we'll have to wait and see the outcome. And Theon needs to get a fresh take of Robb Stark down his throat.
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Game of Thrones: The Old Gods and the New (2012)
Season 2, Episode 6
GOT Binge...
24 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Arya is flirting with death. Nice to see some Jon Snow action, until he can't bring himself to kill the red headed stepchild. Hopefully she is worth something.

Tyrion is moving quickly toward straight-boss status. Inbred rat king is still terrible and a royal d bag. Nice to see the people finally revolt against him. And nice to see Tyrion finally put the inbred in his place. He needs the hound on his side.

Dragons really need to grow up and help Daenerys wreck some shiz. Fat spice man is going to have a long thing coming once it happens. And back to Arya flirting with death with the Lannister dad. Hopefully she rats out the inbred pile of crap that killed Ned. Instead she just gets the man who catches her trying to help Rob killed. And looks like Rob is getting a love interest before he marries those lookers he was sworn to.

Jon Snow is getting a love interest as well...
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Game of Thrones: The Ghost of Harrenhal (2012)
Season 2, Episode 5
GOT Binge...
22 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
As predicted, Satan is a great killer to have in the battlefield. Tyrion figures out that his sister is even worse at war than she is at maintaining relationships with people who aren't blood related to her, and she is sitting on a mega silo of fire bombs to be launch at the enemy. Lesbian knight is pretty torn up over the gay king wannabe getting attacked by Satan and commits herself to lady Stark. The public seems to think that Tyrion is actually the one who is making their lives more terrible throw the king, but he doesn't seem to care all that much. Hopefully that doesn't come back and bite him in the butt later.

Looks like we're going to see Jon Snow in action soon. And Arya has found a new friend that is going to help her kill some people after she kept him from being burned alive. So that will be good.
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Game of Thrones: Garden of Bones (2012)
Season 2, Episode 4
GOT Binge...
21 June 2016
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A needed plot development episode. Some mindless torturing and killing that isn't really explained, but it works out for Arya as the patriarch of the Lannister's knows right from the beginning that she is a girl and makes her his servant. Maybe they will get close enough that Arya can tell her what Joffrey did to her father, and he can realized how terrible of a king he is, and how his daughter is an incest-driven psychopath. Speaking of Lannister's, the only one worth anything, Tyrion obviously, has done really well to control the and command a large part of the capital without many people realizing it, especially his sister or the inbred rat king.

Littlefinger was way to horny to think straight and even got shut down when he tried to manipulate his way out of it. Happens to the best of us. And I was a little surprised that the weird, red, religious freak was already full term, then I remembered that dragon-wizard-drogo baby developed pretty quickly as well. Much like what could have been with him, little red riding hood actually gave birth to Satan, who would actually be quite useful in battle up to this point.
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Game of Thrones: What Is Dead May Never Die (2012)
Season 2, Episode 3
GOT Binge...
20 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Well Cester sucks. Hopefully Sam triumphantly kills him as his goes back to claim his true love. And Bran would be pretty awesome if he could possess wolves and go to war. Still tough to beat a dragon I imagine.

Catelyn and Theon are having a tough time helping out Robb. Sansa sure got the raw end of this deal. It's too bad that Tyrion is a Lannister. Although he is pretty good at manipulating everyone and secretly running the show. I mostly like that he goes after Cersei all the time.

Arya is at least being resourceful. Stark would be proud. She climbs to the top of the list of people alive who I want to kill Joffrey. Too bad it looks like she isn't going to make it north the meet up with Jon Snow anymore.
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Game of Thrones: The Night Lands (2012)
Season 2, Episode 2
GOT Binge...
20 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
King beyond the wall, Stannis is a king, Robb is a king, winter people have a king I'm guessing, Gentry should be the king, Daenerys wants to mix it up and be the queen, Joffrey sucks at being a king and they all want him dead.

Craster is giving a Cersie a run for the worst person alive not named Joffrey. Daenerys really needs these dragons to grow up fast. And we see a new land we have not seen yet, probably with more crazies.

Tyrion at least plays by his own rules. It's refreshing while everything is falling apart. Greyjoy definitely checks out as a crazy. I'm sure things will go under once he gets involved. And omg he's into incest too. At least he didn't know about it at the time.

At least Jon Snow is deep in the know for when he eventually becomes king. At least if there is anything good in this world.
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Game of Thrones: The North Remembers (2012)
Season 2, Episode 1
GOT Binge...
20 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Joffrey sucks. Right where Season 1 left off. And with the winter people apparently we are moving into winter. At least Tyrion is letting his sister know how terrible she is. Joffrey becomes king and the whole world goes to crap, except for Jon Snow and the winter people. Just stating the obvious.

This Craster dude is more messed up than Cersei. At least he informed Jon Snow about all the people that are going to attack them from all directions.

Stannis seems crazy, so he'll fit in just fine. Of course he has a crazy woman behind him. My money is on Robb Stark with the Jon Snow ace in his back pocket to win this one. At least Stannis let everyone know Joffrey is an inbred. Robb was at least raised well. And Arya is bound for Jon Snow if she can make it. Things are looking up for the Starks at least. Things were also looking up for Drogo as well.

Joffrey is on a power trip. He really needs to be killed.
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Game of Thrones: Fire and Blood (2011)
Season 1, Episode 10
GOT Binge...
20 June 2016
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I'm having a hard time figuring out who I want to kill the inbred king. Obviously have Drogo tear his head off would be nice. The dragon blood, Drogo made, wizard would be awesome. Robb, Bran, or Arya all have plenty of reason to do it. Jon Snow couldn't be less awesome. At least the people of the North realize that Robb is one of the best non-blood-king candidates to be king. Except for maybe fire- breathing baby.

Are kidding me, incest obsessed queen just keeps moving down the blood line.

Apparently dragon baby was actually a dragon baby. Witch lady turned out to be pretty evil (vengeful?). Looks liked Drogo won't be killing anytime soon. Jon Snow about to bring freakin justice to the inbred rat king. Too bad the night watch is pretty culty and convinced him otherwise.

Roberts bastard son going to wall with Jon Snow apparently, with Arya who is now pretending to actually be a boy. The winter people seem to be the real winners in all of this. They have to make it through Jon Snow first though.

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Game of Thrones: Baelor (2011)
Season 1, Episode 9
GOT Binge...
20 June 2016
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Sucks to see Drogo go down for being so hard core. Robb definitely put the kingdom first by agreeing to marry one of those chicks. I'm just ready for some freakin dragons.

Nice to see someone else finally realize how awesome Jon Snow is, but too bad he is stuck between a rock and a hard place. I hope he chooses to stay with the nightwatch because the rest of the kingdom is pretty effed already.

And apparently we have some witchcraft to save Drogo. It's cool as long as he cuts Joffrey's head off and has mortal combat with The Mountain. Looks like the dragon baby is going to be cursed from birth as well by witchcraft. A Drogo sized, dragon blood fueled, wizard would be pretty freakin awesome. Could give Jon Snow a run for his money. Ahh yeahh, Robb caught Jamie the sister banger. He may have passed Arya on the list of best sons of Stark.

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Game of Thrones: The Pointy End (2011)
Season 1, Episode 8
GOT Binge...
19 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So we have war it seems. Jon Snow just proves again that he is the best these people have going for them. Already 1-0 against the winter people, who look like nothing to mess with since they don't die, pretty much.

Robb is starting to show some promise. Still no Jon Snow by any means, but at least he is giving Arya a run for her money for the title of best Stark son.

Young King Inbred sucks quite a bit already. Not surprised really. Hopefully he dies eventually and Jon Snow takes the right to the throne. Or Drogo cuts his head off.
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