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Poor Janathan!
3 May 2023
I was not expecting to enjoy this movie as much as I did. This is what happens when you don't overdo your jokes and make your movie silly instead of fun(I'm talking to you Thor Love and Thunder).

The special effects were very nice with a subtle mix of practical effects. The sound of the movie was great not just the music.

The story was warm and heart warming and the characters were well realized. A good time was had watching this move.

Although I noticed some of the stuff in the trailers weren't present in the movie for some reason. But I'm also glad that the trailer didn't spoil pretty much anything from the movie.
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Samaritan (I) (2022)
It was so close to being an exceptional superhero movie
5 September 2022
With some very small tweaks to the story and a little more money and an R rating, it could've been an exceptional superhero movie.

The idea was so good and original, it didn't feel like other superhero movies which I appreciate.

And the actors, my god, they were all so freaking good! The kid and Stallone were definitely my favorite. I sometimes forget what a good actor Stallone is.

It's gonna feel too slow for a superhero movie for some people but I like that they took their time and took things slow. With the new generation of superhero movies they keep relying on hype and action scenes like they assume every audience has a short attention span and they need to keep them awake!
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Steven Universe: Cry for Help (2015)
Season 2, Episode 10
Even good people can make despicable mistakes.
14 August 2022
I think this is the message of this episode, and it's a beautiful message.

What pearl did was truly disturbing and bad but ultimately it was a mistake and everyone makes mistakes. A bad mistake should not destroy a person but it should make them better.

I love the fact that they didn't just fix everything by the end of the episode, somethings can't get fix by a mushy speech and the power of friendship, they also need time for everyone to calm down and be ready to forgive.

Another beautifully layered episode. Other TV shows should learn from this show that their good guys don't have to always be so good, making messed up mistakes like pearl did in this episode doesn't tarnish who she is, it only makes her relatable and human.
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Justice League Unlimited (2004–2006)
It is so good that it makes me upset about other superhero shows
26 June 2022
I used to think the original (Justice league Animated) was better than Unlimited, but re watching it now I realize unlimited has so much soul and better stories.

They shed the spotlight on so many other lesser known heroes while still making sure the stars of the show are the seven. It's such a nice balance.

The stories are so relatable, personal, and smart. From the messy relationship of hawkgirl, to the fear and hate of the JL super powers, or insecurities of the no super power heroes in the league. It's all just so well written.

As much as I love "Young Justice", it's just a little too serious and dark sometimes but this show doesn't even have that problem, it somehow found a perfect balance.

As a Marvel fan, it's so upsetting to me that of all the Marvel Animated shows out there(there's a lot of Marvel series) only "Spectacular Spider-Man" has this kind of writing and heart. None of the "Avengers" animated series feel like this. They all feel like a quick something to cash on the success of the MCU instead of doing something deep and meaningful.
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Justice League Unlimited: Ancient History (2006)
Season 3, Episode 11
I like the story but I don't like what it does to Hawkgirl's character
26 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This affair puts Hawk-girl and GL's past life in very bad light IMO. Cheating on your partner is something a good person would never do and this affair make them look very bad. This story line in my opinion is meant to be a scandalous revelation, but most people took it as a romantic love story.

It's a one sided love on Hawk-man's side and an illicit affair on Hawk-girl and past GL's side.

But here's the thing, I don't believe they are their past lives anyway. That's just the sad story of different people, not our GL or Hawk-girl or Hawk-man. Yes the memories of the broken device shows an eerie similarity to our characters but it could easily be because of the malfunction of the device(as Hawk-girl said in this episode and even the last episode).

Our Hawk-girl have done some mistakes, but I can't put the ancient Hawk-girl's mistake on her. The current messy relationship of GL and Hawk-girl is actually pretty interesting and realistic, real break ups and relationships are messy. Especially John's stubbornness in rejecting Hawk-girl and staying with Vixen is pretty much in line with his personality and stubborn nature.

And in the end even Hawk-man realized he and Hawk-girl aren't meant to be together, because no one is "Meant" to be with anyone. He realized they just aren't a good match and he needs to move on. Honestly it's the right move, he shouldn't simp on a girl who's in love with someone else. Even if she started dating him, he'll always be number 2 in her heart and every man and woman deserve someone that loves them fully and not as a substitute.
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Yup, It had to be this cheesy!
21 March 2022
The episode was predictable from the start to the end! With the main characters making almost the worst decisions just to escalate the situation so they can eventually do some "cool" and cheesy stuff!

I just don't understand how can they mess up so badly after the last two episodes?!
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
Grandpa is still cool!
21 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
They should've cast a new actor for the role of Boba. Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that they went with the original actor, but in practice he just couldn't sell the role of a badass at his age! It was like grandpa was trying to look badass! I'm trying to not be bothered by it, but it's really hard to take Boba as a badass when I'm scared he's gonna break a hip if he fall!

And what's up with the color rangers? I've literally never seen anyone with the style and colors of the "recruits" in episode 3 in the whole star wars universe! Why do people still think hipster characters are cool! I guess they're trying to add young hip characters to connect with the younger audiences or something! Lol

The only good episodes of this series were 5 and 6 and they were mainly focused on the Mandalorian!

The new introduced characters are terrible and uninteresting, the flashback are annoying, the writing is so predictable and cheesy. Honestly I can't understand how can they fail so badly after the success of the Mandalorian!
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The funniest movie I've ever watched!
25 October 2021
My god, this movie was a joy to watch! My face hurts from laughing so much. I had to stop the movie multiple times cuz I was laughing uncontrollably and didn't want to miss anything!

It might be a little too silly for some people but I loved how dramatic and over the top everything was.
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Free Guy (2021)
What was this!
24 September 2021
As someone who plays video games and knows about AI in games and video game's structure, I think this was ridiculous!

At least in "Ready player one" it looked like the writers know a little about video games.

Here the writers have no idea about video game, NPC AI, coding. They just put whatever together as long as it serves to push the plot forward no matter how little sense it makes!

It has some nice or funny moment, I'll admit that. And Ryan Reynold did his best to save the movie both in his role in the movie and on the internet, but is that enough to redeem a 2 hour movie with a ridiculous plot and execution? Well, it depends, if you're like me and it's important for you to stay immersed in the story, then no, there's too many ridiculous inaccuracies in the movie to stay immersed. But if you just wanna enjoy a fun movie, then yeah, you'll like this!
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Blood Red Sky (2021)
One of the best Vampire movies I've seen in the last 20 years.
4 September 2021
In the past 20 years you'll barely find any good Vampire movies, they're all action, sparkles, and Hollywood. This movie was a down to earth vampire movie. It was what a vampire movie is supposed to be!

The idea behind this movie was so nice. It had enough action, good story, great characters, fantastic actors. It was a very enjoyable movie. Although some might find it scary, it really wasn't scary to me.

The first half of the movies is definitely the better part of the movie and the second half everything gets so chaotic which I still loved! Great ending.

Somethings bothered me in the movie though, mostly in the second half and near the end. But the overall enjoyment of the movie was so high for me that I can easily overlook them.
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Spider-Man (2017–2020)
Yeah, This show got issues!
1 September 2021
The fans are divided which spider-man show was the best, Ultimate or Spectacular? At least we're all united about the worst spider-man show. This one!

Every plot and story line in this show is superficial and shallow. All the relationships are strange and unbalanced, the drama is so underwhelming and forced it's almost like the head writer of the show is 14 years old!

For a show pretending to be about smart people, it seems like the writer have no about about the things they're writing about! It was so bad that after a couple of episodes they started to go easy on the whole "Everyone is a genius in our show" thing.

Also, why would you make everyone in the show a genius?! They're not smart, they're unrealistically geniuses! And they're completely unrelatable! The best part about spider-man was that he's such a relatable character but not here!

The characters are so predictably forced into their roles that there's no anticipation left! You never see a character grow or evolve, they're just pushed into it not even by the plot or the story!

All that 3D models used in the show are super weird too! None of the characters drawn in the show have any kind of highlight or shading(it's a stylistic choice to save money on the animation) but all the 3D models used have both highlights and shades!

The relationship of Peter and Harry is the worst! It's so forced when they're friend and it's even more forced when they have drama! It's like the person who wrote their friendship didn't even know what is it like to have a best friend!

If you're a spider-man fan and you like good plot that makes sense or good character development, you'll find none of that here!

Also, what's with the skinny jeans? Literally everyone in this show wears skinny jeans! It looks so weird on the guys!
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This had issues!
22 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first half is pretty "meh" in terms of story and visuals.

The second half with the gender swap universe is so much more interesting but damn, why was Spider-Girl so sexist! Did the writers think that'll make her a strong female character?! The misandry in this second half was ridiculous! Imagine if Peter talked like that about girls and treated them like Spider-Girl treated guys!!!!
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The Most enjoyable superhero movie I've ever watched!
8 August 2021
  • It's dark and brutal, It's wholesome and sweet.

  • It's full and monsters and monstrous acts, It's full of human moments.

  • It's grim and unexpected, It's funny and witty.

  • It's full of bad people, It's full of good guys.

I don't know how they did it but somehow this is the perfect balance. I loved all the characters in this movie even the bad guys. This movie really knows how to have wholesome and emotional moments without ruining them by stupid cliches and uncalled for jokes. They surprised me the whole length of the movie!

Warner Bros should make James Gunn the godfather of DC cinematic universe and let him draw a roadmap for the future of the DC movies.
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So may things just don't match up!
28 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
  • The characters are so superficial, their drama is so shallow and forced. There's no well developed character in this movie.

  • The daughter character is just awful, she single-handedly can sink a movie. Like, what was her plan? What did she plan to do after finding the mother?

  • The guy at the end just walked out of a nuclear strike zone? He's immune to radiation poisoning? He was in the basement of a tower in a locked vault, how did he get out of the vault? How did he get out from under tons and tons rumble?

  • Why didn't the casino owner just give them the combination to the safe?

  • if the real mission was the sample of the smart zombies, why didn't they hire diehard mercenaries just to get the head of one of the zombies? What was the point of wasting so much effort into the "Heist"? Why did they have to get Bautista? He didn't even know anything about the new zombies! They already had a guide(lilly) to get them to the smart zombies!

  • why didn't they just fly in? The military was already behind this secret mission, they could just clear out the refugee camps one day sooner and fly in get the head and fly out using lilly as the guide. So the military couldn't do this to make sure the mission will succeed? And why was the casino owner was involved in the first place?!

  • Also, why did one of the zombies have metal skull?! The zombie that bite the YouTube guy(whatever his name was). Check it out 1:55:16, when he gets shot in the face he looks like a terminator!

  • why did some of the zombies have blue goop in their heads and eyes but some other zombies (Like the queen) didn't?

  • Why did it take seconds or minutes at most for the ones bitten to transform but the last guy went around for hours before showing symptoms?

  • of all the people in the planet they could hire, why is the seven hell did they hire an online celebrity?

  • why did the corpses in the basement looked just like the characters? On of them even had a key around her neck just like the key around the mechanic lady(I don't know her name) and one of the corpses had the exact shirt the pilot was wearing! I actually thought they might go somewhere with that!

  • the violence and gore in this movie was just there for shock factor. There was really no other point in it! For me it was the only entertaining thing about this movie! It was so absurd that I was enjoying it the same way I enjoy watching bad movies!

I guess 2-3 years later we're gonna get a 5 hours long "snyder-cut" that'll explain 1 or 2 of these contradictions!
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Disenchantment: Last Splash (2021)
Season 3, Episode 6
This is hard to watch anymore!
11 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Now I remember why I dropped this show right after finishing season one a couple of years ago!

Season 2 got me back in now but they screwed up with season 3 . . .

This show can't really take a direction and stick with it! If you wanna be a silly comedy then do it, but if you wanna make a smart emotional comedy then you have to stop the silly episodes! Every once in a while they make an sappy monologue and no substance and some simple people just eat it up and think it was a great episode!

Yeah Bean's monologues would make some sense if she wasn't one of the most self obsessed and terrible human beings in the whole show! I mean literally 10 second before starting her monologue she left Elfo in the middle of talking about how hurt he is! She's done that so many times it her signature move now!

Bean is a selfish, irresponsible, alcoholic, good for nothing human being and there's nothing wrong with that, it makes a great comedy but they just keep shifting gears and try to make us feel bad for her. By all logic, she's the rich kid who takes nothing seriously, hurts anyone as long as she gets what she wants, and constantly screws up while never ever ever taking any kind of responsibility. How am I supposed to feel bad for her? Are her actions acceptable just cuz she's a woman, or just cuz she might be gay(according to this episode they might want to flip her sexuality since that's what a lot of shows do about their female).

Honestly I wouldn't care about any of the terrible things she's done just like I don't care about any of the terrible things Homer Simpson has done but they just keep trying to make her sympathetic despise all of her actions! This is a pretty terrible character development, instead of actual growth, they just make a bunch of tropes and monologues and traits and expect us to feel for her "Pain"?! There are so many shows with much more horrible behaving characters that actually manage to create an emotional connection though proper growth and development, in those shows most of the terrible characters admit they are horrible people and they don't deserve to be happy but Bean is only interested in playing the role of "eternal victim" that doesn't deserve what she's got even with all the terrible things she's done.
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Modern Family: Goodnight Gracie (2013)
Season 4, Episode 24
Probably my favorite episode so far!
19 April 2021
This episode might not be as comedic as others but it's really touching and I appreciate that in comedy series. Especially when heartfelt moments are performed by great actors. Phil talking about his mom to the old lady actually made me cry. It was a simple speech but with good writing and great performance.
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wow, so people like this?
19 March 2021
I'm gonna start with what I liked about it.

I liked steppenwolf's new look. I didn't hate the old one but this one was just better.

Cyborg's story was fine, it wasn't necessary but I'm glad it was in the movie.

I liked wonder woman in this movie, she was very mature and wise which is one of the things I like about her.

and that's pretty much it!

This movie was bloated with unnecessary scenes. there's a reason it's 4 hours.

everyone at all times has to be so cool and super edgy and emo! Jeez. how about moderation!

what was up with the music?! it's so bad! they just start playing music at some weird unnecessary times that didn't even match the scene! it reminded me of Godzilla 1998 that just had too much music all the time!

have anyone noticed in all the wonder woman scenes instead of her theme music, they just play someone yelling! yeah, someone just yelling! go watch the amazon and wonder woman scenes and you'll see. they did it at least a dozen times!

what's up with all the slow motion scenes! people just walking(it's slow motion) coming out of the coffee shop(it's slow motion) looking at each other(it's slow motion) remembering stuff(it's slow motion) middle of the fight(it's slow motion) I think if you play all the slow motion scenes in this movie the normal speed the movie will be 3 hours, that's how much slow motion scenes it had!

oh god and the cringe! so so much cringe! why did they made this movie so cheesy and cringey!

the appearance of Darkseid in this movie was completely unnecessary. lets face it, his appearance was just fan service to make people excited! and they didn't even do a good job with it cuz it was so forced!

Pretty much everything about Aquaman was ruined here! his whole story line and conversations didn't make any sense! I admit I don't remember much about him from the first JL 2017 movie cuz that movie wasn't any good either, but I think he was better there. and all the times we had to look at Amber Fart's face just made me sick!

And that epilogue was so forced and cringey! just why did they make the epilogue? oh right, fan service!

Did the previous DCU movies brought people's standards for a good superhero movie so low that they're just losing their mind for this wreck!

for a good time watch the DC animated universe movies. those are some good superhero movies, start with "JL the Flashpoint paradox" and "Justice league War".

I didn't get my hopes up for this movie and I was still disappointed!
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The Simpsons: Bart vs. Itchy & Scratchy (2019)
Season 30, Episode 18
What happened to Simpsons?!
9 February 2021
I remember the episode "homer's phobia" which was a controversial episode for the time and I remember how memorable and positive that episode was even though it was talking about a serious issue.

and now we've got this! what the hell? there was no redeeming quality in this episode. it's wasn't funny, it wasn't clever, it was pretty sexist something that this episode touched on and missed at the same time! the subject itself isn't even worth calling a women's issue.

they really need to make some changes in their writers. I feel like in every season there are some token "Woke" episodes. I'm fine with that concept but at least make em good like old times. It feels like the few woke writers just get an episode and the other writers just let them fill it however they want!!

they turned Lisa a character I always liked for her bravery and diversity, and just turned her into the biggest hypocrite in the show. someone who does the next woke thing blindly but when it comes to her own life just act like the most selfish and self righteous person in the whole show! at least when someone like Krusty does something selfish, he admits he's a piece of trash! but not goddess Lisa!! She used to have integrity.
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The Outsider (2020)
If you haven't read the book, you'll probably like this show.
4 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The outsider is a book by Stephen King, it's not one of his best books but it has a lot of good moments.

1- the issue of music; good music in a horror film should be subtle. it should support everything and create the right mood without us noticing the change. but here, the music is completely in our face, it's often too loud and has no subtlety. it changes noticeably before something's about to happen and gets loud(sometimes doesn't even stop after the scene changed) it draws too much attention to itself and takes us out of the scene.

2- the problem of casting; if you haven't read the book you'll probably be fine, but for me, the cast are either really good for the role or really bad! I understand Bateman had Cynthia Erivo in mind for the role of Holly from the start but she is my biggest issue! I'll get into that; she looks nothing like holly's description from the book(being very thin, almost anorexic) she's much younger than holly and I don't even have to say anything about her being black in the series! though it's not just her looks, holly from the book is very likable but this holly from the very first interaction we had with her doesn't come off very well! we meet her in the third episode, but in the book, she comes in almost halfway through the book. this makes me think Bateman was just focusing the show around this actress and his version of Holly. because the events of the first two episodes seem really rushed so we can get to holly! don't get me wrong, Holly was the savior of the book and the best character in it(especially considering she's one of the recurring characters in King's books) but here, she doesn't come in naturally and it feels really forced! and it's partly writers fault and partly Cynthia Erivo's fault. the way she plays Holly feels really forced, the first scene she's talking to Ralph and Alec doesn't feel natural at all, she's way too intense and trying too hard to play this character! I don't even understand why they had to rewrite Holly? Holly is one of the best characters King created.

3- another big problem with Bateman's version is the early appearances of the outsider; his early appearances in the book are really subtle and terrifying but in the series, he's just there, you can easily tell Bateman doesn't have much experience in horror. the scene with Hoskins in the barn should've been terrifying like in the book but here it's was just weird and rushed!

4- one of my complaints about the book was that it over-explained everything and King gave too many unnecessary details about everything in the first half of the book and tried to set the moods and emotions more than it was necessary. here in the series, they fell off the other side of the horse!!!

on the positive side; I like the changes they made and how they cut a lot of fat from the dull moments of the story(sometimes they cut too much tough) Bateman as Maitland did a great job. the cinematography isn't my favorite here but I actually appreciate it's style. it just needs more experienced people working with it.
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The Boys (2019– )
This is gold.
27 July 2019
I can't believe I binge watched this series in one sit, My eyes are burning but I'll try to write the review. the series is what you expect and what you'll want, It is an incredibly satisfying narrative and a new take on the super hero world, It's not really realistic, it leans a lot more toward the dark side of this world. the series deal with Issues like sexual assault and drugs in a very smart way that most shows and movies these days don't know how to do. the stories of each character is very nicely designed even the bad guys and the ending is very satisfying and will leave you wanting more. this show is a very well designed series and is very much worth your time.
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The Dragon Prince (2018– )
I did not expect this to be so GOOD !
15 September 2018
First of all i didn't expect this to be a 3D animation nor having an anime style ! i started watching this blindly and i was so ready to hate it, but the art was absolutely beautiful the animation wasn't smooth but somehow completely worked, the characters are very good from the starts, the story feels original and keeps surprising me and the comedy is getting better and better! I really hope to see many seasons of this show!
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