
149 Reviews
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A young soundie
6 August 2022
While I agree with the other reviewer about most everything, I confess that I would have been disappointed if the film had had a shorter running time.

Granted, this film would never be on anyone's top 10 list.....but the older I get, the more I love these early talkies: the shootin' and drinkin' and budding romance. Oh sure, Bob Steele has had better actors than these in later films....but even with this one I found myself yearning for the good old movies of yesteryears.
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Bob and Marion
3 August 2022
I agree with a person who wrote a review of this film on Amazon: I just love the quick pace with which Bob and Marion struck a spark.

I've been watching some of his films on YouTube, and it's not exactly common to see Bob with a woman. I guess that's why I took to this one so easily. Sure, Marion isn't the end all and be all of actresses...but it just doesn't matter in this pic.

I love their budding romance. It really strikes a chord in me.

Oh yeah......and there were fisticuffs and shootouts!!! Almost forgot about that.
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Naked City: The Rydecker Case (1962)
Season 3, Episode 31
At last!
20 July 2022
I thought this episode was really excellent. After reading other reviews, I wasn't sure I would enjoy it....but was pleasantly surprised.

It's not necessary for me to cover all of the essentials in this story. For me, the highlight was due to the fact that-finally-Nancy Malone and Paul Burke had a meaty relationship story. In watching these two through so many episodes, there were few times for Malone and Burke to shine together. I loved the ending of the story especially.
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Dr. No (1962)
One of my favorites
17 July 2022
I have to agree with the fans who've chosen this as their favorite Bond film.....with the exception that I am tied between Dr. No and You Only Live Twice.

I also agree with those who choose Connery, hands down, as the best Bond; and I don't think he was ever better as Bond than in Dr. No.

I was all of 7 years old when we as a family went to the cinema to see this new film. We continued going out as a family to see each new Bond/Connery film.

After we saw Dr. No, my father would forever refer to Ursula Andress as Ursula Undress.
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The Avengers: Don't Look Behind You (1963)
Season 3, Episode 12
Better than the remake?
4 July 2022
I thought this was a wonderful job of Honor Blackman. I'm so pleased that she (instinctively) went against the directors idea and played it in the way she, as Mrs. Gale, would react.

Pity, that so many people have seen the Mrs. Peel remake so many times before seeing this original. I confess that I, too, have seen the remake several times....while only just now have viewed the original for the first time.

Both are wonderful. I'd say that Gale and Peel are tied. Or maybe...just maybe Honor Blackman's is just a touch more human?
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Have Gun - Will Travel: The Puppeteer (1960)
Season 4, Episode 15
Merry Christmas??
16 June 2022
Well, I can't say that this episode will be remembered as one of my favorite.

It was watchable...but I felt unsettled by seeing Denver Pyle in such a cauldron of a script. Yes, guilt and bitterness can certainly be a cauldron......but I just wish that Pyle's character had had a bit more time to flesh out his personality. Too one-dimensional for an actor such as Pyle.

Perhaps more than anything, I can't but wonder why the people at CBS chose to air this on Christmas Eve!
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The Real McCoys: The Good Will Tour (1962)
Season 6, Episode 5
Fritzell and Greenbaum save the day
12 June 2022
In general, I am highly disappointed with the 6th season of this venerable show (something I've covered in a review of an earlier episode).

The writers Fritzell and Greenbaum are especially famous for penning so many excellent episodes of the Andy Griffith Show. They also wrote some nice episodes for this series (especially during the 4th season). Given the state of other 6th season episodes, I'd have to say that their writing saved this one from being more boring.

It was workable and functional as a somewhat successful episode; but I still found myself saying, "so what?" at the end. I would not have given it 7 stars if other writers had presented this script.

Thank you Fritzell and Greenbaum for saving this one.
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Gunsmoke: Buffalo Man (1958)
Season 3, Episode 18
I love the gritty episodes like this one
2 June 2022
There's so much to like with a Gunsmoke episode. With this one, it was how well they told a very gritty story.

Brutal? Yes, but poignant too. In some ways, the brutal, gritty episodes are the most honest: there must have been many instances of this in the real Old West.

But poignant too: I don't think I've ever seen Patricia Smith so young. But she was wonderful (as always. I'm a big fan of hers) and brought love and self respect shining through.

This is one of my most favorite episodes in these first 3 seasons.
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Mission: Impossible: Elena (1966)
Season 1, Episode 13
One extra star for Barbara
28 May 2022
I am in agreement with the other two reviewers, who gave this episode 7 stars. At times it had my rapt attention; at others, I was almost yawning.

But bless Barbara Luna.... I always came back to her! Though she's done better work elsewhere, I still could not resist giving this episode one extra star for the leading lady.
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Naked City: A Run for the Money (1962)
Season 3, Episode 22
The Nettleton factor
18 May 2022
Thoroughly enjoyed this one.

I would have given it 8 stars. However, with Lois Nettleton as part of the guest cast, I knew that I'd be enjoying at least one excellent performance. I wasn't disappointed. Sure, her role was rather slight.....but I just love her.

Guess I'm an old softie.
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The Real McCoys: Three Strikes and Out (1962)
Season 6, Episode 2
A sad state of affairs
14 May 2022
I can understand Kathy Nolan wanting more money for her to appear in the 6th season. However, since she couldn't achieve that, it made absolutely no sense to not retain Lydia Reed as Hassie.

This season desperately needs a McCoy woman to bring balance to a home of men. Things are just not the same anymore. The female angle...the female mind really has to be part of this family. It worked so well for 5 seasons.

This particular episode was far better than the previous one; but yet again it seemed stilted and sad.

Oh, and that kidde-sounding theme song is an embarrassment.
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The Real McCoys: The Raffle Ticket (1962)
Season 5, Episode 29
The unofficial last episode of a great series?
24 April 2022
Alas, with the passing of this episode The Real McCoys came to its first, most important end: after this episode it will never be the same.

But as regards this episode, it was well placed to finish the fifth (and sort of final) season. In fact, watching this episode recently I was struck how much this script seemed to bow to the finest actors on the show: Walter Brennan and Andy Clyde.

The plot was threadbare really, but it didn't matter. I sat back and just marveled at the connection these two old timers had together for 5 long years; and I really feel that the cast might not have known if there were to be another season. The script was atypical in a sense: I've seen many episodes where Amos and George quarrel or disagree; but those episodes also included the other adults to a greater degree.

This was a Brennan/Clyde affair all the way.

I rather wish this had become the official last episode. It was a wonderful farewell.
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Mission: Impossible: The Ransom (1966)
Season 1, Episode 8
A first season gem
23 April 2022
I'm a big fan of first season episodes of a classic old series: so often, an episode gets away with things/fails to adhere to the usual format.

In future years, these blips would happen less and less.

I love that they had no "mission" from on high.
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Have Gun - Will Travel: The Tender Gun (1960)
Season 4, Episode 7
An extra star for Jeanette
21 April 2022
I read the other reviews before viewing this episode again.

Actually, I thought this was a charming episode, thanks to the chemistry between the star and chief guest star. Sure, it wasn't a gritty, challenging plot....but i didn't care. Jeanette Nolan was superb!
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The last 2 stars are blushing
13 April 2022
While I was watching this episode last night, I was wondering how many stars I would bestow. Early on, I wasn't too "drawn in" to the I was thinking that 6 stars would be enough.

As the episode progressed, though, I did become more engaged, and thought I'd up the star count to 7.

Then Jennifer Billingsley came on the scene....and oh wow. That was one of THE most erotic roles I've ever experienced in television from that era (or really any era)

So yes......the final 2 stars are assuredly blushing.
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The Avengers: Warlock (1963)
Season 2, Episode 18
Top Notch early Avengers
21 March 2022
I agree with the reviewer who said this episode was ahead of its time.

The Steed/Mrs. Peel episodes were wonderful; but I really like the charm of these earlier seasons. This episode was simple but intriguing. I somehow think that the later years tinkered with scripts until they were too far out.

This episode was "far out" while keeping grounded in an earlier, bygone time (yes, the first Rigg season was like this)

These earlier episodes had humor and charm, as did the later ones; but these Steed/Gale episodes weren't laughing at themselves.
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Bewitched: A Bum Raps (1966)
Season 2, Episode 32
A 6 rating becomes an 8!
4 January 2022
When I was slated to watch this episode from my DVD collection, I thought I wouldn't enjoy it very much. I had more doubts after seeing that the writer and director were not Bewitched veterans.

And yes, the bulk of the episode did not move me much. I was just waiting for it to end. Of course, Sam and Darrin were as charming as ever. The prime guest stars left much to be desired.

But I should stop right here for a moment, and mention the second appearance of Mary Grace Canfield as Harriet Kravitz, Abner's sister. She was a standout, and HOW I wish they had signed her to a long contract rather than offer the role of Gladys Kravitz to Sandra Gould. But I digress.

Overall, yes, the episode was probably not worth more than 6 stars. Okay, 7 stars because of Mary Grace Canfield. But once again (from another so-so 2nd season episode), the ending had such an interesting, playful experience between Sam and Darrin: after the plot had been resolved, they both sat on the stairs mulling over the whole thing. Elizabeth Montgomery had such a playful expression while they talked. It seemed more of what Elizabeth Montgomery would do in real life. The way she used her eyes, her tongue.....just everything about her face while sitting on those stairs. It was a treasure to behold.

So yes, I will hoist the 8 STAR flag for this one.
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Gunsmoke: Jealousy (1957)
Season 2, Episode 39
Enjoyed it, though it wasn't the best
23 December 2021
I did enjoy the "jealousy" angles to this episode.

Am not sure it paid off too well though.

As I said, I did enjoy the emotional content in each of the 3 guest stars. In some way or another, each of the three expressed their own inner jealousy. For that reason, I gave it 7 stars for attempting that in a 30 minute episode.

It was a bit like some psycho drama played in the old West. I would have expected this drama in, say, the Twilight Zone rather than Gunsmoke.

But I give them kudos for trying.
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The Avengers: Traitor in Zebra (1962)
Season 2, Episode 11
My favorite Steed/Gale?
13 December 2021
I just love this episode.

As one reviewer wrote, the large cast does extremely well. My favorite is that of June Murphy as Maggie. She runs the pub with the greatest of ease. I had a crush on her the first time I watched this episode on my DVD, and would think of her every now and then over the course of a few years.

Then.....tonight i saw it again. Oh my.....I wish I were young again.

But all in all, it was a splendid episode!
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Bewitched: The Horse's Mouth (1966)
Season 2, Episode 25
Charming and with a real heart
27 November 2021
It's Patty Regan's episode! In lesser hands, it might not have succeeded as well.....but she made for a wonderful installment for the 2nd season.

I just love that Samantha and Darrin go with this piece of witchcraft. Both are on the side of Dolly and her dream.

It had been a long time since I'd seen this, and hoped that the plot would not be, um, pedestrian. I needn't have worried.
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Gunsmoke: Moon (1957)
Season 2, Episode 33
Not bad
28 October 2021
No, it wasn't one of the best episodes (of which there are many); but I've always enjoyed Phillip Pine's subtle nastiness.

It was especially on display with his complete disregard for the little girl of the woman/saloon girl Vint hopes to use. It was heartbreaking.

Nevertheless I feel fine giving this one 7 stars.
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Hill Street Blues: Mayo, Hold the Pickle (1984)
Season 5, Episode 1
By the numbers
27 August 2021
I dunno. I've been enjoying this show with my DVD player.

But when I watched this first episode of the 5th season.... I kept coming up with the same thought throughout the show: here were the characters acting by the familiar in their roles that they were now making one of the most common mistakes: becoming caricatures of themselves.

Maybe it was the script.....or the direction.....or both. I dunno. But I wondered if this was the beginning of the end. After all, too many shoes have become run down after 4 seasons.
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The Saint: The Ex-King of Diamonds (1969)
Season 6, Episode 17
More comedic than usual, but not bad
3 August 2021
RavenGlam clearly is not from the era in which The Saint (with Roger Moore) was born. I'm curious: has Raven ever seen another episode?

Yes, this is the 6th and last season.....and yes, some of these episodes are more tiring than others; and I suppose that the plots can start to seem repetitive.....

......But I still love them all (well, almost all). Prefer the black and white seasons most, but this Ex-King had me kicked back with a smile on my face......even with (or because of) the lack of any real excitement.

I love Moore's Saint, and don't believe I've seen more than or two that would necessitate as scathing a review as RavenGlam put forth.
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Bewitched: ...And Then I Wrote (1965)
Season 2, Episode 9
I was going to give this one 7 stars
26 July 2021
While watching this episode again after some time, I was none too thrilled with the plot. I'd pretty much settled on giving this episode no more than 7 stars.

Until the final segment of the episode. I can't be sure if Bewitched was the first sitcom to show husband and wife sleeping in the same bed. But I do remember that it was a big deal at the time. Also, the chemistry between Elizabeth Montgomery and Dick York was something special.....and the writers would, on occasion, show Samantha and Darrin to be getting a bit turned on with each other (all handled in the most discreet ways, of course).

With this closing sequence, there was a little loving banter between them....then Samantha climbed the stairs to the bedroom, while Darrin clearly showed what was on his mind.

I just loved that segment. I can't remember if they ever took it to that level again. It was sweet and warm and, well, realistic! For that closing segment, they earned an extra star!
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More Malone please!
24 July 2021
I agree with another reviewer who said that this episode wasn't great, but still worth watching. And was it the same reviewer who also noticed the beauty of the color in this episode? Sea.....the old fishing boat....the docks, etc. I agree: this was one instance where The Fugitive in Color really paid off.

I was sorry, though, to see Nancy Malone stuck in a very small role. Surprisingly, her budding relationship with Kimble was already going before Act I appeared. There just wasn't much for her to do. I know, I know: not every episode can have a strong romance factor; but I would have wished for more with Nancy Malone!
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