
38 Reviews
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Funniest Christmas Movie Ever... for adults
7 December 2023
I adore the plot of this movie. Why not have a comedy Christmas movie revolving around the theme of avoiding your dysfunctional families during the holidays? There are a few legendary scenes in this movie that are totally realistic and hysterical.

Basically this movie is about rejection of societal expectations and pressures around the holidays. Vince Vaughn and Reece Witherspoon have outstanding performances and their chemistry is sizzling.

I'm wondering if all of the negative reviews were expecting a traditional holiday rom com movie or something? This movie cracks me up big time. It is on my must watch December holiday movie list.
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Started incredible and grew lazy and scattered
16 August 2023
Huge Danny McBride fan here. I loved this show for the first two seasons but season three definitely lost me. The other side of the family living at the compound, was just distracting and not funny at all. They should have been featured in a half of one episode.

The best characters are Baby Billy, the satan guy and the sister. I also feel like the complex storylines and different characters kind of take away from any type of cohesive quality and the suspense factor just wasn't there. I feel like the writing room acquired some different people and those people have made some bad decisions. I just read that it was renewed. I hope it is focused on the core characters and the church life.
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Dice (2016–2017)
Unknown comedy series. I want more episodes!
31 May 2023
Dice gives us a really great hybrid of the "Dice Man" and Andrew. I love how humble and mature Andrew Dice Clay has grown as an actor. He's still edgy and authentic to his character but it's cool how we see his family life side of his personality. The chemistry between him and Natasha is surprisingly super heavy. The cameo appearances are also awesome and the choice of cameo talent was cool. This reminds me of Curb Your Enthusiasm a little bit as far as pacing and writing. It's a different animal though, but REALLY GOOD! I would love this to resume. Like or hate Andrew Dice Clay, he's undeniably talented, funny to a ton of people, and has charisma. I can't believe I never knew about this series. That proves how much The Dice Man is on the naughty list. I'd love some more work from him soon.
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Gem of it's era
31 May 2023
Obviously this didn't age that well..but it's almost been long enough for it to serve as a time capsule/ time machine for 90s people. Andrew Dice Clay is actually a super talented guy. He was offensive to some who couldn't let loose and experience a character actor.

Ford Fairlane is a fun and obnoxious adventure film. It's not meant to be taken seriously. It's about a "rock and roll detective." It would be cool if they built this into a franchise and allow the viewer some background character footage that built his reputation and swagger as observed when watching the movie. I feel like they kind of just went full speed ahead with the plot as well. Either way, if you're a 90s pop culture/movie buff, this is a staple.
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Shrinking (2023– )
Solid engaging and worth it!
19 March 2023
This was a solid production and very unique storyline. The acting was terrific. I love how each character embraces their imperfections and shows vulnerability and employs humor to make spiritual growth.

Shrinking has a ton of heartfelt moments, awkward moments, mildly funny cute moments and laugh out loud moments. I hope they continue to make additional seasons of this because the character development warrants it.

Is it perfect? No. But neither are any of us. I think the overuse of profanity takes away from the overall power potential here. It's almost like the writers are forcefully making the show edgy. I personally don't think it needed it. That's why I gave it an 8. Definitely worth watching it.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Another zombie apocalypse movie/series? Really?
19 March 2023
I tried getting through the first episode because of the obvious inflated reviews of this. I couldn't finish it. The lack of originality was enough to make it seem like I've seen a million movies with the same plot.

Wait... Let me guess.. it's original because it's a fungus? How exactly does this receive a 9 rating? What is that score based on? This seemed to fall victim to the same curse of many sci Fi post apocalyptic genres... Too much dialogue and references to whacky terminology. My coworker recommended this to me and raves about this. So maybe I'm the odd one? I just classify this as a dime a dozen series. Save your time and watch something else.
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Meh... Dragging on Strangled with dialogue
18 March 2023
The acting is actually not that great, despite some of the reviews saying otherwise. I don't really know what exactly it is missing, but it's definitely lacking suspense.

This story had great potential to be developed in a compelling and intense way, but it just didn't. We never got any glimpses of Albert DeSalvo at his worst moments, therefore we weren't really angry enough and vengeful enough as an audience to crave his demise. Why not dig more into the crime scenes or the victims' stories also? Give us something!

The pacing of this film was just agonizing in my opinion. The Boston accent was once again misrepresented. Is it really that "haaaaahd to talk like ya from beantown?"
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The Offer (2022)
One of the best series in History
3 March 2023
This was absolutely pristine. A memorable experience and stacked with solid performances. This was a joy to watch a slow burn style drama series with heightened suspense that maintained a steady climb.

I'm not a Hollywood fanatic by any means. This series actually made me lose myself in the actors and it seems like everyone who participated in this chronicle were super committed to giving their all and it showed.

Any person who loves "The Godfather" will adore this series. I hope that they make a second season for part two, but the need the right cast. Another cool aspect of this is how they included strong female roles. It really added so much sincerity.
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I miss quality comedy like this! Great 70s funny vibes
11 October 2022
I've watched this film about twenty times. It's just well made in every aspect. As far as comedy ratings go, this is pretty much top notch. I didn't give it a ten because it's not earth shattering in any way.

Having said that, this film is packed with great cinematography, solid comedic acting with serious star power. All of these top comedic actors totally bought into their roles and ot definitely made this movie stand apart from the run of the mill goofy comedies. Snoop dog, Stiller, Wilson, Ferrell, Jason Bateman, Vince Vaughn, and Juliette Lewis all deliver.

Wild and fun from beginning to end, with a believable plot to boot. Solid.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Jumps, Stimuli galore and gore.. Marilyn Manson monster?
7 October 2022
Unnerving. The audio production on this film is probably the best experience since Bohemian Rhapsody. The sound effects and score were offensive and disturbing (which added to the terror).

The changes in chronology that happen are really cerebral and clever. I read other reviews saying that it's typical Hollywood horror and I really disagree. I felt that this film was unique. However, it does seem to fall flat compared to legendary horror films. The jump scares were also plentiful and when paired with the jarring sound effects, it was a genuine adrenaline rush for everyone in the theater.

The monster looks like Marilyn Manson and it absolutely killed the credibility of it. That's why it loses two stars.
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Barry Lyndon (1975)
Believe the hype! Hype well deserved. Hollywood take notes!
23 September 2022
I was born after this film was made, and I am absolutely blown away with the impact that the cinematography of this film delivers. People who are saying this is boring would never be invited to the salons and spas that are so accurately portrayed in the film.

Literally every scene could be freeze framed into a timeless visual masterpiece. The impression that it projects could NEVER be achieved with digital technology and should not ever be attempted to.

As far as the story goes, Barry is an opportunist and a soft spoken predator/ conqueror/ exploiter. The contrast of physical beauty and raw ugliness of the human tendency provide a contrast that is just mesmerizing. This was recommended to me by a history teacher and he described it perfectly as an accurate representation of the era. Believe the hype.
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Jaws 2 (1978)
Worth it. Retro. Funny with over acting.
5 September 2022
This is basically a funny horror film with awesome music and cinematography. The acting was pretty overwhelming and added opportunity for a chuckle. We just saw Jaws in IMAX so it led me here. Definitely a decent sequel for a lazy Sunday. A bit slow moving, but that's expected with a 70s pic.

Oddly enough the first shark from the original seemed scarier and more realistic. I did notice the drastically different color water in various scenes. They filmed some scenes in Massachusetts and some in Florida. You can totally tell.

Another wonderful aspect is the appreciation this movie brings to the unmistakable character of non digital movies. I want more new movies filmed on old or refurbished cameras that use actual film. It's a totally different and artistically superior experience.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Tries way too hard . Another Hollywood Fail
22 August 2022
Lots of blood and luke warm forced comedy. Tries so hard to be a legendary film and fails on multiple levels. Tangerine and lemon do not convince me that they're capable of killing anything other than believability. So many unrealistic cutesy scenes and dialogue. The plot is overly complicated and tries desperately to rival a Tarantino film. Dumb character names and poor plot. Can we please start making real , innovative films again? Lastly,that female tween villain is totally a miss as far as casting.
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Elvis (2022)
Wasn't Elvis an Alpha male, unapologetically? Revisions galore.
20 August 2022
I wanted to learn about Elvis. We had the very best actor to make him come alive. Then, a bunch of virtue signaling writers sucked the opportunity away and squashed the potential of this film to be great.

Easy on the eye makeup and entirely pink dominant wardrobe as well. What is the end game here? Did we want to expose a new generation to a feminine Elvis Presley? If so, why?

Why can't we just be historically accurate and informative without the strange stamp of our contemporary societal issues clogging up cinema? Bohemian Rhapsody was absolutely delightfully done. Mercury's life was told unapologetically, Queen music dominated accordingly. In Elvis, we have snippets of Elvis and a side order of TRAP MUSIC! What the heck is going on here? Tom Hanks fell off as well. Next time, put a warning label in the trailer if you're going to reinvent a cultural icon.
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Weak in almost every category
16 July 2022
Special effects were WORSE than the original. I'm not exaggerating at all. The dinosaurs were as unrealistic and forgettable as this entire cash grab. Chris Pratt is a cool guy but he should be more picky and decline movies like this. He literally wrangled green screen fake looking dinosaurs with his bare hands lol. There's so many holes to the plot and the entire movie seemed unrewarding and purposeless. The original Jurassic Park blows this away in every single metric. I really do want to love movies again!
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Emily in Paris (2020– )
Obnoxious ...Everything... Always.
15 July 2022
Omg. This show is one big (non-entertaining) pile of stereotypes. The dialogue is hollow and meaningless and the rating is absolutely misleading. This show was propped up by the Hollywood crowd so now I'm not surprised. I'm begging my wife to bail because I can't even stand hearing the audio from the other room.
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The Northman (2022)
Blood anger and devil music... The end
26 May 2022
And you wonder why society glorifies ruthlessness. This movie was depressing, overly sensational and just slow and confusing. The ratings are totally misleading. Cheap modern gore and nothing more.
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The Office: Dinner Party (2008)
Season 4, Episode 9
Timeless Hysteria
24 November 2021
Jan and Michael are so dreadfully dysfunctional and believable. The acting is so realistic and I've probably seen this episode about thirty times. We've all been trapped like this in a crappy party. I can't think of a more memorable tv comedy moment .
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You: Swing and a Miss (2021)
Season 3, Episode 8
Vulgar (because of the way it was done) Definitely a swing and a miss!
10 November 2021
That was the most cringey episode of any series I have ever seen. The foursome was totally forced and unrealistic. The benefits of how this turned out was to show how immoral and soulless people can be. It wasn't a good look for marriage in general. Love is an impossible character to like. Actually Sherry and the juice head have no redeeming qualities about them. Idk.. this episode just kinda lost me.
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Manifest (2018– )
I was hooked! Keyword = "Was"
23 September 2021
They had something promising.... Then it turned into a boring basic cable drama. It's so boring, scattered and quite frankly none of the characters are actually likeable. How many dull storylines can one fit into a single drama? This was like a clown car packed with no fun. I wasted six episodes. The only thing that "manifested" for me was the realization that this show sucks.
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Palm Springs (2020)
Artistic, romantic, believable, funny! A win!
2 September 2021
This is a rock-solid movie that actually impacted me. I was expecting another Groundhog Day ripoff but this was totally original and the chemistry between the two lead roles were totally heartfelt and heartwarming. The movie felt complete and satisfying by the end.

It's great to see a film of this magnitude and meaningfulness being produced. I'd love for movies to be good again.
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What did I just watch? Is this what people want?
12 August 2021
This film was a chaotic mess, lacking plot, character development and artistic film making. The positive reviews seem odd. The anti America subliminal messaging is par for the course. It's packed with violence, trashy contemporary cultural references and is just low brow. If this represents today's "box office smash" than I guess I'll stick to rewatching older movies. Ps. It's very boring.
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I wanted all the characters to die after the first 30 min.
12 August 2021
This was a movie that was super annoying. Everyone made these over-dramatic facial expressions and because of this, they over-acted every scene. The kids in the film were slow motion moving, mopey-faced creatures that just didn't carry the film.

The other thing that desperately needs to happen is some sort of explanation of what the heck is going on! Where are the aliens from? How widespread is this attack? Are they visiting or planning to take over? All we get is Emily Blunt making mopey, sweaty long faces and kids that try to be as charismatic as the Stranger Things cast. This movie was just another dud.
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Cruella (2021)
More Hollywood back-patting... Ugh..
11 July 2021
This is more of a self-congratulatory piece to feed egos than the various film award shows. The English accent has been officially exploited here by this Disney let down. The film is loud, forced, over-acted and down right boring. The only thing about it that's authentic is the soundtrack, which actually seems totally forced and juxtaposed in a bizarre way. Not impressed with Cruella AT ALL!
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The Campaign (2012)
What more do you want? Ferrell and Galafanakis are PERFECT in this.
27 April 2021
Totally ridiculous in a perfect way. I have no idea why this movie is rated mediocre. It's a top comedy. Great cast.
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