
42 Reviews
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Should have stuck to the formula
17 September 2023
This was written through the eyes of extreme bias, prejudice, and just plain oblivion to facts and reality.

So the story is a typical groundhog day premise, which to me is a fun journey, but they failed to follow the formula of a successful time loop flick. In this ridiculous adaptation of it, its written through the eyes of a child-mind who takes playing a victim to a whole notha level.

What is crazy is that even after so many repeating ground hog days, the guy living it does absolutely nothing to change the perceptions or outcome, meaning its just him acting entitled and unwilling to adapt or change.

Also there is no point to it, this production was just used as a way to push a message out, with no real intent to finish a story, just a boo hoo woah is me, im a victim type of story.

But the real reason for the low rating and where this fails, was the end credits where they scrolled a list of a bunch of names where they attempt to create victims, including the last name where they said he was just going to a grocery store, totally ignoring what was happening at that grocery story, what he was doing, who he was with, what happened and how he acted after, or his entire life leading up to this moment.

The bottom line is the consequences of ones actions is directly related to the behaviors that one exhibits leading up to it.

Although this is just a work of fiction, its presented as fact and reality, which is some aspects is true, but this production never teaches the lesson that needs to be taught, which is that in a civilized society one does not get to exist in some parallel and separate world, the rules and expectations of that society are to be followed by all.
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Unrealistic and ridiculous
30 April 2023
This was a heaping pile of stereotypical nonsense that promotes hate and prejudice.

The movie pretends to portray sophistication and refined class, but devolves to socioeconomic emotional ignorance, driven by the writers bias and bigoted viewpoint.

Watching this movie was just a painful journey of nothingness, really a lot of nothing!

They would have been best suited to portray the wife as bipolar off her meds or some other thing to justify the irrational illogical behavior, but the writing pushed a terrible agenda.

The irony is that the fact the main house is like a mansion, and the next door neighbors house is a shack complete with half eaten food on plates laying around, beer bottles strewn about, late notices lying all around, a laptop open and queued to play porn, and a smoke detector that needed a battery.

Again it just added to the far-fetched fantasy of ridiculousness this movie is.

Steer clear of this hate provoking garbage!
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Supercell (2023)
Boring, lazy and uninteresting
20 March 2023
This movie tries to portray itself with mystique and fantasy, but winds up just being boring and unrealistic.

Going into this movie I had no idea who was even in it, but soon into it I then realize the problematic it was to an already a slow-moving drag of a movie.

The script was really lame but worse, the acting was amateurish.

Anne Heche's acting in this movie was awful and failed to deliver lines clearly or believably. Her presence in this movie was very distracting.

Alec Baldwin equally did a pretty substandard job in being believable, I simply did not get the Indiana Jones type of persona he was trying to deliver, it did not fit the overall flavor of this movie and his performance detracted from the theme of the flick.

The movie score on the other hand, was pretty good, it seemed to fit an ET or Gremlins sort of feel, its kind of felt like they tried to build a movie around the music, but unfortunately the movie doesnt hold up to the soundtrack. Slow moving snoozer.
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Terrible movie ending sucked
19 February 2023
The first third of the movie was boring, a real snoozer that almost lead me to turn it off (wish I had of).

The second third of the movie on the ship was interesting and showed promise. Lots of character development, seemingly endless possibilities, then it started to drop like a rock from a skyscraper!

From there it got extremely unrealistic, there was no explanation for the mass puke and poop fest, and seemed like it was a food issue rather than a turbulent ocean issue, but they seemed to focus on the latter! Hard to follow.

Woody Haralson is in this, but as per usual, he's weird quirky and really adds so little to the movie!

Now we are in the final phase of this movie, the last third...this is when it just falls apart completely. The movie is fractured, the writing is lazy, the story is just dumb and impossible to follow.

The last five minutes are a total waste of time and close the loop on this colossal waste of time of a movie!

If you have not watched it and are reading reviews to make a determination, do yourself a massive favor and totally ignore the high review rating, filter to see the lower reviews... I promise you they are the only real ones!

Even the 4 star reviews are a bit questionable.
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Quantum Leap (2022–2024)
Don't believe the stellar reviews.
12 January 2023
I've said it before, and I'll say it again I am convinced that part of the advertising dollars that producers have for Hollywood shows includes paying people to use social media to promote.

Review sites prove that, when a mediocre production gets raving reviews.

The original show was fantastic, specifically how they managed the script, the timelines, the people...simplistically creating a lot with very little.

In this iteration is completely different, first of all hollywoke checked every box in this ridiculous nonsense, honestly what's with the dude in women's clothing at headquarters, and who are all the people they have there, the original just had Sam and Al going from adventure to adventure, this 2022 version tries way to hard to get under the hood of what the program is and who dies what behind the scenes, but... who cares, it's the journey that we all loved as simple as it was!

Lately anything Hollywood produces is pretty much garbage, perhaps that's why people have lost interest not to mention the force feeding of wokeness, 90% or more aren't interested.

This could have been a decent re-boot had they of not tried so hard to attempt to push unrealistic characters!
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Blacklight (2022)
High school film class production worthy
7 January 2023
This movie had all the flavor of a final project by a senior in high school in a film appreciation class, tasked with writing and producing a story about the corrupt mean FBI and the quest for good and evil, while broad-stroking it with a good dose of millennial virtue signaling.

The storyline was fragmented, the characters were weak, the casting was awful, and the director totally missed the mark with Neeson and his ability to connect with viewers and the reason he is popular with many.

Its definitely a movie you turn on then do other things and glance at once in a while, its not something I would want to pay to see at all.
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Outer Range (2022– )
Not buying the stellar reviews
2 January 2023
Studios budget for advertising and PR, which I believe is also spent on social media and review sites, meaning many realloy good reviews likely aren't legit.

That being said, I saw this today at about 8 this morning Jan 1 2023, missing Yellowstone I thought I would give this a whirl, since it seemed it may be similar, boy was I wrong.

Yellowstone gave a lot of promise and delivery for great things, Outer Range is a dry, slow paced, inexplicable, confusing mess of a show.

Every time you think something will be clear and/or explain something else, you realize its just more of the same hum-drum boring stuff.

The acting, writing, scenery, sets, costumes are all just meh. There is nothing that grabs you about any of the characters, and nothing that stands out as a WOW moment, and nothing gives any hope of it getting better.

I power watched the entire season today in one day, and I can honestly say, I should have stopped after the first episode. So know this, if you are just getting started, it doesn't get any better, and you dont get any satisfaction, do yourself a favor and reclaim your time and invest it in something else.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
It starts nowhere and ends nowhere
29 October 2022
Ever flush a toilet where the water swirls but never quite flushes, that's how I would describe this flick. You are hopeful it completes but you never quite get the satisfaction.

There is very little in the way of character development in this bland movie, the story never really goes anywhere and the premise or reasoning is never made clear.

Don't get me wrong, its not a total bomb it just seems like they could have done so much more with this!

And I gotta say, who thought casting a mediocre pop singer as one of the primary characters was a good idea? Harry Styles is very unconvincing in this movie.

The story writing is pretty weak in spots and doesn't make a lot of sense in certain parts of the story. I would say 3+ stars but I will nudge it to a 4 just because I made it all the way through.

I would say give it a try!
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Completely fell flat
17 September 2022
So much for the mystique, the excitement, the fantastical nature of finding a magical genie. Here we have a aging spinster of a woman sad about her lonely boring studious librarian type life, so when she has the world at her fingertips with magical hope, she does nothing with it.

The premise of this story is as irresponsible as making a super hero movie where the characters insist on being "regular folks" and never user their abilities. Like what's the point?

This movie could have played out exactly the same if it was just two boring nerds who awkwardly start talking in a coffee shop, it would have as much excitement, hope and outcome very much the same!

At the end of the day, this movie had promise for about the first 20-30 minutes, then quickly fell to a big nothing burger!

The high ratings are nonsense!
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Absolute garbage
10 September 2022
OMG this may be the worst MCU production to date.

Its silly, has bad humor, a terrible storyline, it incorporates unnecessary wokeness, its corny, and the list goes on and on.

The premise is difficult to believe, the story hard to warm up to, the characters are just terrible, and hey, these actors are getting old and its showing!

The viewer (unless blind or just a fannatic) gets robbed of their 2 hours and whatever money they spent on this disaster.

The MCU has run its course, the writers, developers, producers, and directors have failed the company, the brand and the shareholders!

I would not recommend this unless you are bored out of your skull!
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Pinocchio (I) (2022)
What a shame
10 September 2022
I am so saddened at the fact that Disney has cast such a dark cloud over their brand, its hard to see past.

Disney used to start on high marks regardless of the production, there was almost a guarantee it was going to be amazing, and where it used to lack could be overlooked because Disney would make up for it in the next scene...sadly not the case any longer!

From the awful bald blue fairy whos CGI wings were disturbing and singing voice was cringy, to the octopus whale, it was so hard to connect with this version, or even give it much of a chance since Disney in recent months has been rife with controversy as of late.

The Disney CEO should immediately be fired, and the vast majority of executive staff and any subsequent followers kicked out of the company!

5 stars are 2 more than what it deserves, but im giving a 2 star bump for years of entertainment.
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Nope (2022)
The rating is unrealistic
27 August 2022
As part of the Hollywood budget for each production they invests a lot of money on PR, including advertisements, signage, junkets. Etc., equally I am convinced that significant dollars are spent to pay reviewers to hyperinflate rating scores to help push their projects.

I am 100% confident that this is how this movie got such a high rating.

The storyline was poorly written and unrealistic and I don't mean the plot itself, I am talking about the actors, the script and the directing!

The pace of the movie was excruciatingly slowww, nearly equivalent to waiting for water to boil, except the final outcome of the rapid boil of the liquid, is far more energetic and exciting.

Ill say this about Peele, he is as consistent in what he produces as Spike Lee is with his productions, in that you see one you basically have seen them all, very 2 dimensional and very predictable.

A few non-spoiler observations: -The flashback Gordy scene was better than the actual movie itself.

-The electronics guy should have had a bigger part, he at least gave hope to there being comedy.

-Love the actor Keith David, would have loved to have seen more of him.

Watch the movie or don't, it will not impact your world whatsoever in a positive or negative way, its just blahh.
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Warrior Nun (2020–2022)
Potential lost
23 July 2022
The second i see an Adams apple where it doesn't belong, all bets are off!

Hollywoke is destroying their own legacy by pushing out fringe garbage that effects such a small miniscule sect of people.

Mental illness is a very serious thing that has been increasingly getting worse each year since democrats defunded it back in the 1980's.

Now hollywoke is attempting to help mainstream it, perpetuating the problem.

Add to that the attack on the Christian faith kills this story, id like to see hollywoke try that with islam... that would get shutdown in 2 seconds flat, since islam is protected by wokeism... interestingly the profit Mohammed a primary center of what islam teachings is based around, married his 6 year old cousin ayisha, and impregnated her at 9...seems to me there is a trend with liberals and this type of thing.

At the end of the day this series is a sinker, and will likely get more ridiculous as time goes on.

3 stars for the little bit of action that is in there!
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Its a really well done series.
3 July 2022
StarTrek SNW is a really decent prequel to TOS, and keeps a lot of the "feel" of the original crew.

Ive watched 9 episodes and they are all great about 80% of the time. It keeps me coming back which is important.

The goods ---For the actors they picked a perfect Capt Pike, Spock is a good choice, nurse Chapple is another amazingly good choice, the character that is Number One is good but under utilized, Ohura is decent, I think the security office is a pretty good choice as well.

The special effects, the sets and the props were really amazing and did a great job of following the continuity and authenticity of the brand. The storyline often really good, sometimes slow, and on a couple of occasions not good at all, but not enough to chase me off.

The bads --- equally awful choices of characters and or character development is the Dr who seems to whisper whenever he talks, with the strong accent its nearly impossible to understand him (terribe), and Ortegas who in my opinion is the attempt to install the token woke role, its actually insulting that the writers felt they had to give this character a stereotypical hair style as an identifier, really small thinking in my opinion.

I like this series, and will continue watching until a time that the writers screw it up with trying to inject woke type messaging into the storyline.

Why the StarTrek brand had been around since the 60s and still loved by many, is the simplistic nature of the storylines and the great way they worked out each episode, without muddying it up with garbage.

Lets hope SNW doesnt end up like so many failed attempts to change the recipe that made people love the show!
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Aquaman (2018)
Was ridiculous on so many levels
8 May 2022
Im not going to post spoilers but all I can say is its so dumb how far they attempt to stretch ones imagination.

The underwater CGI crap was childish looking and really detracted from what seemed like a decent story line.

Anything in the water was so very unbelievable to the point of leaving you scratch your head.

The only realistic or believable land scene was at the beginning and the end, everything else was garbage.

The acting was so/so, but again anything in the water was just dumb, and the writing equally foolish.

As of this writing, it seems one of the lead actors is a disgusting domestic abuser, which has been put on public display, i know an Aquaman2 is coming out shortly, it would not be good if they left the domestic abuser to remain in the movie.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
How can this go on for 9 seasons (9years)
17 April 2022
This should have been a movie with maybe a couple of sequels and done!

I am in season 1 episode 4 and im sitting here right now midway in this episode thinking, how could they of dragged this out for 9 seasons I will never know, but what is baffling is how boring ones life must be to hang on this show year after year.

Its like groundhog day.

Im reminded of the show 24 where each and every episode has to outdo the next in the end of the world scenario, and unrealistic turns and twists and of course final outcome.

Think about this, there are 180 episodes of continual end of the line, near death, end of the world, life altering massive FBI/CIA/DOD events all focused around 2 people, one a rookie agent the other a world class FBI most wanted international spy given carte blanche to do whatever.

Too far a stretch from even a slight bit of reality.
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A Teacher (2020)
Imposing the wrong point of view
5 April 2022
This story is an interesting concept , and starts out very well and maintains the draw, then turns into something it absolutely would never be.

This story from the boys perspective is spot on, until later on when it is clear to see a female writer is interjecting her own bias and female opinion about how boys and young men think.

To put this very simply, this is every typical boys desire from about the age of 13 forward. The hormones are raging continually, where a good breeze can be a good evening.

To apply a #metoo type of victimization to a boy with raging hormones' is ridiculous at best.

Grooming comes when something unnatural or unexpected is forced and is uncomfortable, in this case the guy was 18 and things appeared to naturally occur with no intimidation, force or coercion.

Final note on this, based strictly on this story from from the first episode to the last...the ending was a disaster, unrealistic and again plays into some female writers perspective on a completely different scenario than this story is portrayed as.
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Bel-Air (2022– )
They dropped the ball
19 March 2022
Conceptually this is a fantastic story, and episodes 1-3 and parts of 4, embrace that philosophy for the most part.

Sadly the the next few episodes sort of run on the fumes of the legacy of Fresh Prince and even Bel-air ep 1-3, but unfortunately this quickly devolved to something that epitomizes everything terrible that is hollywoke.

Most audiences related with and were entertained by Fresh Prince which had a lot of endearing qualities, and equally I think many find the early parts of Bel-Air relatable in some form or another. This is when the show starts to pigeonhole itself into this microscopic world of about every fringe group or isolated social issue out there, most of which the masses can't much relate to... its as if the production team, NBC, and Hollywoke, had a corporate goal to hit every ridiculous checkbox!

This show has always centered around Will Smith, but Bel-Air tries to branch out so much that its far too busy to keep latched onto and/or vested in.

--- Update: Now after completing all of the episodes in the 1st season, i can tell you that the acting and writing seems to get worse, the reality goes even further away from..."reality", and the stereotyping is really nonsensical and foolish.

What was sort of supposed to be a gritty edgy realistic version of fresh prince, ended up being so unrealistic, so unrelatable, and so very typical of (woke check-a-box) hollwood and the terrible writing teams they have.

There is a clear bait and switch in this show, where the first couple episodes lure all people in, then it turns into something for a very small specific demo of viewers.
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Naomi Watts is the clunker in this
5 March 2022
The story is terrible, the acting is worse.

This is unbelievable, far fetched, and the timing of the so called telephone calls are unrealistic.

Naomi Watts is dull and mundane, her voice is monotone and seems to drone on and on.

The directing is poor and the whoever thought this would work is a fool!
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Kimi (2022)
Typical 2020's Film Garbage
12 February 2022
This main character epitomizes everything that is messed up in todays times.

A powerless, weak, frail, nobody with KB warrior, entitled, participation award strength and skills.

Views the world with SJW eyes from atop of some factitious ivory tower, when in reality someone like this would be doing exactly the same but in their moms basement.

Character was hard to believe, but sadly the level of tech controlseemed likely and very reminiscent of what i am sure companies like google twitter FB amazon and other large tech conglomerates have in their efforts to manipulate, invade and even scrub data to fit narratives.

The storyline was not believable, and while some of the tech was realistic, there where other aspects that were so far fetched and laughable, like audio filtering, gps tracking, etc.

All in all it was an ok background noise movie when doing other things.
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Eternals (2021)
What a hodgepodge cast of charachters
15 January 2022
Whoever cast this project should be relived of duty never to cast another movie again.

Selma Hayek and Angelina Jolie? Really?? Awful awful, who casts these two for anything, especially a superhero movie.

Harry Styles, Kumail Nanjiani, Lia McHugh, Don Lee etc... Most all a really bad mix, no chemistry and 100% not believable in this type of movie.

These movies should always be virtual unknowns and steer clear of the washed up has-beens' that dont fit or others who are simply not likable.

Thats my biggest issue of this movie, the casting (including the acting) a real downer.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
This is the "WISH" version of StarTrek
8 January 2022
The higher ratings are garbage from either Hollywood paid marketing firms or an intentional effort to push some stupid social messaging.

Here is the bottom line, ST is a formula, it was built on a formula, its survived on a formula and it exists because of the formula. This garbage deviates so far from the formula that its like some film students 3rd year attempt to reimagine it.

As another reviewer mentions, Star Trek was always a message of hope, it was bright, positive, and had encouraging messaging, this has a dark theme, underlying negativity, dreadful background music or effects constantly playing to bring the vibe down very low.

What worked so well with the earlier versions of ST is they allowed the audience to use their own imagination, they told a story and allowed viewers to interpret.

This tries to define each and every nuance, this tries to reinvent and lay it all out.

StarTrek did an excellent job of intermixing races genders species, and it was a show from the 1960's, so far ahead of its time but sent the proper messaging.

This version force-feeds some obnoxiously unrealistic version that appears to be written to appeal to an audience that is not the typical StarTrek fanbase, and its not winning any new fans!

At the end of the day, the people who watch StarTrek appreciate how it was created and how it flowed, what this is, is not that, and its boring enough to not draw in any new viewers.

Im calling this another fail by CBS and by Hollyweird who continue to try and push their foolishness on everyone!
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Bliss (I) (2021)
Not buying the good reviews
18 December 2021
I am a firm believer that hollywood as part of their marketing machine and advertising campaigns, sets dollars aside to hire people to hit up social media and review sites, to sort of hype their film through this type of forum. I always thought movie critics were paid off or at least rewarded to positive feedback, but with the power of a forum like this or places like google reviews or even a Yelp type site, with the use of paid bots they can get a manufactured rating elevation.

Just look at the BS reviews on this piece of scrambled garbage.

Ok now for this movie, the acting is mediocre (or less) an often difficult to understand or even believe these characters, the storyline is confused and bounces around, and most importantly, the premise is really stupid.

I am at the 50% mark and I am done with this, I only came here to see if I was missing the mark on my assessment.

I am a huge science fiction movie buff, i like the premise and idea of the possibilities of something more, but this thing, its a garbage drug induced crap packaged as sci-fi to mislead people to watch.

And Bill Nye portraying a scientist, yeah that's not to far a departure from reality, he pretends hes a scientist in real life too.

Hollywood is a mess, a bunch of woke storytellers that are just as annoying on film and in script, as they are in the public!
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These stellar reviews are a joke!
23 October 2021
The only ones rating this so high, must be the fanclub groupy types that would like anything wiht the Soprano name associated with it.

This is a real sleeper, I tried to watch and stay focused and ... nope!

Its dry, boring, and the story lacks, well storytelling...and ultimately, doesn't really keep your attention.

I found it pathetically predictable how they tried to interject "wokeness" into it, its the new hollyweird thing to do regardless of how unrealistic and lacking of historical continuity, not to mention it didn't fit the original sotryline in my opinion.

Some will like it just because...for me, it was not worth recommending.

And Michael Gandolfini, yeah i dont think hes long for Hollyweird.
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
Really well done!
18 July 2021
I just finished watching season 1 episode 12, and this show is top notch.

From the acting, the direction, the writing, and the music, it is all very good.

So many times we see something like this and it just is a giant pot of garbage stew that the writers cant think of anything new so they just keep jamming more and more junk int it until it becomes ridiculous and inedible.

At first I thought this series was going that way when they kept introducing new things into it, but they are rounding things out nicely.

There are 3 more episodes in this first season, and honestly they could have ended it after 12, but who knows whats next.

My concern is if they do a season 2 (and beyond)... that is when the original writers get bored, quit or just give up, and they let the "b" team come in and write, or they let the actors all take a turn at directing, and that's when you know a show has crashed and burned (aka jumped the shark).
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