
18 Reviews
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Surreal and beautiful
2 May 2022
This movie verse-jumped straight to the top of my all time favorites. An absolute MUST see in my opinion. I laughed, I cried and I have never seen a cinema audience so completely enthralled by a film before.
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Bo Burnham: Inside (2021 TV Special)
Not really comedy, but that's okay
6 June 2021
First of all: Trigger Warning! This special deals heavily with topics like depression and suicide.

While still funny, I wouldn't call this a comedy special. It is much rather a documentation about the decline of mental health during the pandemic, wrapped in layers of comedy, but also depression, desperation and hopelessness. It might be exaggerated at points, but overall it perfectly captures the feeling of isolation everyone has experienced in 2020 and the visual presentation is amazing!

If anyone will ever ask me what the pandemic was like, I might just show them this.
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A fun movie!
2 February 2021
Honestly, so many things could have gone wrong doing a live action Pokémon adaptation but this movie did a great job of balancing the realistic and the whacky parts. The plot has a few holes, sure, but the performances we're charming, the Pokémon looked great and all in all it was just a fun movie to sit and enjoy. (Also it has Ryan Reynolds and if there are no green suits involved that is always a good time guarantee)
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Don't put a label on it!
26 October 2020
I was scared, I was anxious, I was happy, I cried. The Haunting of Hill House is an emotional rollercoaster all the way through and no matter if you like horror or not, if you like a good story, full of hope, love, loss and tragedy, this show is for you!
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Weird but super engaging!
23 October 2020
It takes a while to get used to and understand what is happening, but once you do you won't want to stop watching. Great character work, great writing alltogether and I loved every single performance, especially Hannah and Owen were amazingly portrayed. Yes it is more a drama/love story than a horror story, but I can still recommend it to everyone.
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Aliens (1986)
Less consequence means less tension
15 October 2020
Not a bad movie but the abundance of aliens and how easy to kill they seem in this film takes away a lot of the tension that the first movie so brilliantly built up. This is more of an action thriller than a horror movie and is less fun and thrilling to watch for me personally.
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Oceans X-Men 2
10 June 2020
I like magic, I like heist movies... And this one, much like the first one, is a combination of those two. I just wish it had a bit more interesting ideas. It's a fun movie, but very predictable and sometimes a bit disappointing. Also the twist at the end kind of ruined the entire film for me because it comes out of absolutely nowhere and makes zero sense when you think back to all the events of these movies, but everyone just acts like it's a normal tuesday night. With all that being said, I still had fun watching it and if you turn off your brain and just let the movie entertain you, it's fine.
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It's a mess
4 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this movie, but I just can't see past its many MANY flaws! The writing is one of the worst I've ever seen put on film. There is no meaningful dialogue in the entire movie, it is riddled with plot holes, the villains have weird to no motivation, Spider-Man has a total disregard for human life (also, why is there ALWAYS a crowd gathering around very dangerous situations like it's some sort of theme park attraction), at this point everybody knows that Gwen Stacy dies so there is no surprise in that, Harry Osborn is the worst representation of the character I've ever seen in any kind of media... I could keep going, but instead, I recommend The Cosmonaut Variety Hours video on YouTube discussing this movie. Watch that video and you'll know pretty much exactly how I feel about this film. 4/10, and that's generous, because I still love Spider-Man.
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Downright inspiring
2 June 2020
A heartfelt story about three women of color who would't let the status quo dictate what they could or couldn't be. The writing is quite good, even though a bit cheesy at points, the acting was wonderful and the story thrilling and emotionally engaging enough to keep the viewers on the edge of their seats. I really enjoyed this movie and its message, which is as important and as relevant today as it was in the 60s.
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Power Rangers (2017)
So over the top that you just have to love it
1 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, look, by all means, this movie should be bad. It's cheesy, over the top, with mediocre acting, a weird story and bad writing.

But I loved it.

It was so over the top in everything it does that I couldn't help but to enjoy myself the whole time. It genuinely made me laugh at points, sometimes intentional and sometimes just because I couldn't believe what was happening on screen. But when the Power Rangers literally b*tch slap Rita Repulsa out of the atmosphere in a giant morphed robot dinosaur, I knew that this movie knows exactly what it wants to be... And it's amazing.
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Everyone should watch this!
1 June 2020
I'm not joking, this movie is so facetted that it has something for everyone. It's cute, heartfelt, beautiful, tense, mysterious and just an all around joyride. My Neighbor Totoro will probably always be my favourite Gibli film. It might not be as story rich as other movies like it, but it's tone and emotional connection with the viewer are something special.
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Fun action film with references galore
1 June 2020
It doesn't quite capture the spirit of the book, but it's an enjoyable action flick. Sometimes the gaming references we're a bit on the nose and a bit too much, but all in all we shouldn't forget that Spielberg knows how to make good movies and this one, even though it's not one of my favourites, is no exception.
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Midsommar (2019)
Not for everyone
31 May 2020
Let me first say, this is not a "bad" movie. It utilizes creative camera work and cinematography to add to the narrative. But I personally still didn't like it. Its main goal in my opinion is to disturb the viewer as much as possible through the use of sound, gory visuals and the feeling of isolation and insanity. While I can see how this can speak to a certain audience, it didn't appeal to me and made me want to turn of the movie quite a few times. If you are into these kinds of films, definitely give this a try but if you, like me, enjoy being scared by a horror movie instead of weirded out and disturbed, this might not be for you.
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Bumblebee (I) (2018)
Oh my god where to start...
29 May 2020
The writing in this movie is comically bad, like a 12 year old might have written it, the acting didn't help much either. The movie had it's fun and enjoyable moments, but 90% of the time I was questioning my own sanity while watching this. The story itself isn't even that bad, but sadly, everything else is.
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Ragnarok (2020–2023)
I loved it!
26 February 2020
I didn't know what to expect from this show but I liked norse mythology for as long as I can remember and this show had me interested. Glad to say I wasn't disappointed! It's an exciting series with some really interesting characters and I hope there will be more of it in the near future.
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I still love Star Wars
22 December 2019
Let me say this... In no way is The Rise of Skywalker a perfect movie, it has its flaws. But that doesn't change the fact that I loved it. Yes it has tons of fan service. Yes most of the events were predictable. And still... It was everything I want Star Wars to be. Funny, exciting, a bit odd sometimes but with a group of loveable characters at it's core. Say what you will, but I loved Star Wars since I was 6 years old and this new movie just made me feel like a very happy kid again.
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I loved it.
12 July 2019
I can't say much more. It is a wonderfully light movie after the dark tone of Infinity War and Endgame. I love the slight awkwardness and goofyness of the characters and the story was more intriguing than I thought. The action was entertaining and just the right amount of over the top. AND... I'm so glad they got Myterio right. In my opinion, this is the best representation of any Marvel villain in a long time. I recommend this movie to absolutely everyone!
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The end of an era!
24 April 2019
There aren't many words to describe how this film made me feel, but it definitely was the perfect ending for the Infinity Saga and it makes me incredibly excited for what is yet to come.
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