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Chikatilo (2021–2022)
He kept the whole country at bay
19 April 2021
I wanted to watch the "Chikatilo", because the real story of the famous maniac made a lot of noise in the Soviet and post-Soviet eras. The real Andrey Chikatilo killed more than 50 people and was getting away with justice for more than 10 years...

Now all the details and facts of the investigation of that case are in our hands thanks to the director Sarik Andreasyan, who, in my opinion, shot his most interesting project in his entire career. And despite the fact that Andreasyan's filmography hasn't had dramatic crime thrillers before, he did his job perfectly.

The plot is conventionally divided into two parts. In the first one, there's an investigation by Colonel Kesaev and Captain Vitvitsky. In another one, we are introduced to Chikatilo himself. This guy looks modest and quiet, but it's just a superficial judgment. In fact, he is a real beast who must be judged with the utmost rigor.

This story is gripping from the very first episode. There is a well-developed plot, beautiful, authentic shooting, as well as strong acting. So, if possible, be sure to watch Chikatilo. You need to know the psychology of a maniac.
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The Courier (2020)
Impossible to stop watching
16 March 2021
As for me, the most important reference point for watching films is the cast. If I see interesting actors who select roles wisely and don't star in anything, it means that the novelties with their participation are mandatory to see. And since Benedict Cumberbatch starred in "Spy Games", such a movie can't be missed.

The storyline takes us back to the early 60s. The businessman Greville Wynne becomes a spy in the service of Her Majesty. While in Moscow, Neville gets instructions from a Russian colonel who has decided to go over to England's side, and who would have thought that very soon the stakes in the espionage game would become extremely high. The lives of millions of innocent people around the planet will depend on them.

Benedict Cumberbatch's performance is as good as ever. Once again I am convinced that he is one of the best actors of his generation and I can't remember a single bad film with his participation. And as for "The Courier", Cumberbatch drastically differs from Sherlock or Doctor Strange. He doesn't play a superhuman, capable of anything, but at the same time he bestows us strong emotions and we really worry about his hero.

In general, the film's worth seeing to understand its full dramatic and historical depth. The shot is interesting, there are no unnecessary moments, everything is in essence. These are the kind of films you need to watch and discuss!
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Dead Mountain (2020)
All secrets will be revealed
30 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's easier to say who or what had't been suspected to cause the death of the skiers' group led by Igor Dyatlov: fugitive criminals, UFOs, the Bigfoot, local aborigines- all of them seemed to be somehow connected with this mysterious tragedy. Nevertheless, the real truth is still not revealed. I liked an approach of BBC - when its journalists tried to logically justify the incident in their documentary film, partially blaming the death of Soviet students on weather conditions, but then it turned out again that nothing was that simple and straightforward. This understatement has tortured me for a very long time. I would like this case to be solved in every single detail. It is strange to expect the fiction series to cast the light of truth on the old classified case, but still I hoped to get at least some answers to the questions in my head. So, I started watching "Dead Mountain. The Dyatlov Pass Incident"

The series opens up with magnificent views of the snow-covered Northern Ural Mountains. We arrive in Sverdlovsk by helicopter with major Kostin, an elegant, stylish man who is in no hurry to talk about himself and generally asks his colleagues not to spread the news about his arrival. Kostin must investigate the case of Igor Dyatlov and find out the truth. But something about his acts and dark, Poker-style look suggests that it is quite possible that the purpose of his arrival in the Urals is not to find but rather to cover the truth forever. All in all, there are a lot of riddles and we have an opportunity to see how they will be handled.

If you have heard nothing about the structure of the series before, let me indicate the SPOILER ALERT to come. The second episode comes as a total surprise - as it brings up a different storyline. The second, fourth and each even episode is the hike itself with Igor Dyatlov as a central protagonist! And they have a completely different shooting stylistics, but I don't want to steal this "AWE"-factor from you completely. All I can say is that I really did not expect such a twist. In these episodes we are invited to become witnesses of a real reconstruction of the events that had taken place before and during the expedition. I consider both storylines equally fascinating, but still the story of Dyatlov and his friends on a ski trip evokes much more emotions in me.

The thing is that the casting director did a truly titanic job! It should have been so hard to choose the actors. They all look like they just came from old Soviet photos. The guys are smiling, full of hope, the whole world opens up to them, they have no time to be sad. If to believe parents, who grew up in the Soviet Union, back in time the youth was just like that: real, honest and cheerful. The authors of the series were trying to convey through the screen this long-gone spirit of that ambiguous, but at the same time alluring, nostalgic era. Honestly, it sometimes hurts follow the story of Igor Dyatlov because you know that everything will end tragically for them, but now on the screen they are all still alive and so overwhelmed with excitement, enthusiasm, and plans for the better future...

The first episodes of "Dyatlov Pass" keeps you on the edge of your seat. The project's greatest strengths include a tense, eventful plot, as well as an excellent selection of actors who become your family by the third series. I expect something unusual from the denouement, which can bring the 60 years of searching to the truth. For some reason, I have no doubt that the authors of "Dead Mountain. The Dyatlov Pass Incident " will surprise us. The investigation continues!
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Go to the very end
6 January 2020
Director Andrei Kravchuk has made so far such interesting films on historical subjects as "Admiral" and "Viking". Now he took up the Decembrist revolt in the film "Union of Salvation." Personally I think that in this impromptu trilogy, Kravchuk's latest work is the most powerful.

It tells us about young Russian officers who returned home after the war with Napoleon. Having managed to defeat such a dangerous enemy, our heroes decided to make their own country better. Now they need to change the existing monarchical order. Gradually, the plot fits the events on the Senate Square and it is worth seeing with your own eyes ...

Some of the scenes in the film scared me very much, others are admirable. And the most interesting thing is that most of the material was taken by the authors from documentary sources. There is no special fiction here.

It's not easy to watch such a movie. On the one hand, it's very beautiful, on the other hand, it describes complex historical moments, sacrifices and the collapse of hopes, but that's the life - you need to describe it as it is, or not start the movie at all. Fortunately, Andrei Kravchuk knows his business and gave us a unique opportunity to see on the screen what we previously could see only in books.

The Union of Salvation is worth watching. The film came out confident and ambitious. You may sense the hand of a master in it, and if you want to learn a little more about Russian history, then you should definitely take the "Salvation Union" into account.
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The Blackout (2019)
No retreat
25 November 2019
The release of ambitious and expensive film, directed by Yegor Baranov, called "Outpost" was announced several years ago. There was nothing like in Russian cinema history before, as it was necessary to show a global post-apocalypse with a huge amount of high-quality computer graphics, a strong script and perfectly chosen cast. That's why the creators worked on the Outpost for several years, but it was definitely worth it. The film turned out spectacular and keeps suspense from the beginning till the very end.

It takes place in the near future in Russia. You can see holographic ads in the dark streets, technologies have gone far ahead, but still it is the world we know and live in. Life goes on, nothing portends a catastrophe when all of a sudden something unpredictable happens and the connection with the whole civilized world disappears.

It becomes clear that some mysterious enemy attacked the Earth. Only a small part of Russian territory of remained intact while the rest of the civilized world doesn't show any signs of life. The surviving military must urgently organize an outpost of defense to fight the enemy back.

I liked the way the creators worked on the characters. But the best is of course that detailed world of the future. I may say that Outpost is a successful symbiosis of Blade Runner, Minority Report and Skyline. However, I don't mean by that Yegor Baranov and his colleagues stole other people's ideas and did not offer anything. The film has original features that at some point turn the whole story upside down. And this is the strongest moment of the film for me.

I recommend watching the "Outpost" and making sure that a high-quality spectacular blockbuster can be made not only in Hollywood but in other countries too. I advise you to get ready for a real battle, because there is no compromise.
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