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Before We Go (I) (2014)
Gets stuck on the runway...
26 April 2024
Before we go has some moments that are genuinely relatable to anyone who's ever loved deeply, and lost the intimate connection before they were ready. Relationships are messy, they force us to grow up, to give of ourselves and to share our soul with someone who we hope we can trust. When those same feelings are expressed in return then we are able to be vulnerable.

There is a lot to like in Before We Go: Alice Eve is absolutely lovely and her portrayal is delightfully aloof, slightly insecure but also willingly open to the possibility of new things. Unfortunately, Chris Evans doesn't have the same on screen magic and tenderness that Alice has and it makes for an uneven chemistry between them.

The greatest Romantic Comedies are the ones whose characters/actors are uniquely and undeniably united by the significance of the small things. They teach us that love is a daily choice and that "no relationship is perfect. It's a struggle. You just need to choose who you want to struggle with." Before We Go is worth the watch but the lack of meaningful moments and magical chemistry keeps this film grounded... stuck on the runway. 63/100

Check out the movie "Once" if you're looking for something special.
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Good Behavior (2016–2017)
Briefly one of the best shows on cable...
22 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The first season was exceptional all around but apparently it either failed to get enough traction with viewers or it's more likely that viewers lacked the intelligence to gain traction with it themselves.

It's also possible, if not likely, that Good Behavior was just too explicit and mature for the basic cable audience.

Season One of Good Behavior is a uniquely original, darkly crafted and authentically entertaining character driven series. Other than the occasional hiccup in the writing, every other aspect is soundly delivered.

Michelle Dockery is an incredible actor and Letty's chemistry with Javier is both electric and significantly symbiotic. It's their deeply raw understanding and commonly shared experience with pain that makes them so perfectly paired.

So how can two deviously independent yet fiercely loyal individuals willingly sacrifice themselves for the greater purpose? By choosing love. As flawed and immoral as Javier and Letty may seem they're products of their environment. (Similar to Kim & Jimmy in Better Call Saul). It's the people we value the most that are also the people who hurt, challenge and develop us the most.

Good Behavior is an intelligent, under appreciated and unfortunately unfinished dramatic series (It's also for mature audiences). The mid 2000's until now has produced easily the greatest Dramatic TV Series' in history.

Among my favorites are Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, The Americans, Yellowstone, Mayor of Kingstown (almost any Taylor Sheridan project) The Terminal List, Person of Interest...and I would include Good Behavior.

Hopefully viewers will recognize the next great series before it gets axed. Until then, the above list is a definitive anthology.

My Score for Good Behavior is 80/100.
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Flat & Generic Dram-Com
29 February 2024
Our Idiot Brother was so close to being something special but fails to deliver any genuine lagniappe. The cast individually disappoints, simply because they could and should have been outstanding together.

First, here are the pros of Our Idiot Brother:

1) An excellent comedic ensemble of experienced and entertaining actors

2) A plot and storyline that started with a decent premise (good guys finish last and the truth hurts the people we love).

Now, the cons:

1) The script lacked any discernible heart, happiness or meaningful message of redemption.

2) The movie fails to balance the darkness and depressing realities of life with its surprising and brief moments of genuine bliss and significance.

3) So many missed opportunities by the Directors for authentic funny moments to happen organically (do multiple takes, actor ad libs, give deeper character back stories)

Bottom line is that the Director(s) of Our Idiot Brother were attempting to make a Wes Anderson, Nora Ephron or Woody Allen film instead of an original. It's watchable but unmemorable and unsatisfying.

If you want to see a Dramatic Comedy Film that will satiate all your thirst then check out "The Way Way Back." Nat Faxon is a very underrated comedic writer, director and actor. Our Idiot Brother gets a score of 50/100.
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Disappointing Sequel
22 December 2023
Patty Jenkins is undoubtedly a gifted Director but this follow up is sadly lacking in most respects. The only common denominator I can discern between the first (very entertaining) film and this (pile of nonsense) sequel is that she wrote it.

As is often the case with Hollywood movies and especially sequels these days, originality and plot lines regularly take a backseat to politics and agendas. This is undeniably true with the Big Budget Blockbuster Superhero Genre.

WW1 was enjoyable, true to its Comic Roots, engaging and very entertaining as a popcorn 🍿 flick. WW1984 is none of that.

That said, Gal is Exceptional as WW and still my favorite superhero next to Spiderman. Hopefully the next installment will be an authentic homage to the absolute power, beauty, ethics, honor and strength that has made Wonder Woman one of Marvel's Greatest.
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No more Red Tape...
8 December 2023
The Bourne Ultimatum is equivocal to or better than any other films in the series. It's both Action Packed and intensely laser focused on revealing the depth of the CIA's Clandestine rabbit holes.

While each episode is connected through Bourne's initiation, operation, evolution and eventual revelation; The Bourne Ultimatum is still watchable as a stand alone film for those capable of following and understanding the despicable truth.

These movies are nearly two decades old and the Ludlum books they're based on are at least twice that... yet the weight and gravity of the content is still neither comprehended nor grasped enough by American Citizens to facilitate or inspire change.

The Bourne Series may be fictional... but make no mistake, there's assets and there's expendables.
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Incredible. Original. Significant Film.
24 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My High School days were decades ago but I've never seen a Film depicting that era of adolescence with such authenticity and genuine affinity. If those years of your life were anything but awkward, chaotic and/or confusing then your teenage insecurity has grown into full blown delusion.

Every single character in the film plays a role that accurately depicts someone relatable to someone in the real world. Raw Emotions, uncomfortable conversations and traumatic moments that scar, satiate, stain and/or empower the rest of our lives.

I relate to Charlie and his passive, decisive, insecure, scarred and passionate heart. That's ultimately what I believe this incredible film is all about... "Heart." Our Hearts are the engine, the rudder and the inspiration of our entire universe. They're either hardened or softened with every moment and each decision 'we' make as well as the decisions 'they' make.

"The Perks of Being a Wildflower" are enjoyed only by the 'spectators' of Real Life and Genuine Love. Love demands action and sacrifice. In the Film, Charlie struggles with a lot of things (past, present, & future) but Love was not one of them.

TPOBW is a Relevant, Authentic, Poignant & Emotionally Relatable Classic.

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Very Good Film
3 November 2023
Very Entertaining, Engaging and Action Packed sequel. Having seen the original in theaters back in the 80's, then enduring the loss of the theater experience during Covid I was greatly anticipating the return of great filmmaking and big screen entertainment.

TG Maverick is one of the rare sequels that outdoes the original in almost every respect while remaining true to the original narrative. The characters were authentic and the actors were well cast. The sentimentality was perfectly executed without becoming sappy and the new storyline and writing was even better than the original.

Very well done film all around and easily some of the best action ever produced for the big screen. The final 45 minutes is a heart pounding thrill ride.

Get your popcorn 🍿 ready!

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Yellowstone: Watch 'Em Ride Away (2022)
Season 5, Episode 5
One of the best endings in the series...
22 September 2023
Wanted to hate this episode for the excessive & seemingly unnecessary dramatics but it was understandably necessary and fitting considering the characters involved.

Season 5 has been a well orchestrated Rodeo that's fleshed out some necessary details of one the most incredibly complex, challenging and endearing cast of characters ever assembled.

Taylor Sheridan knows people and while his own idiosyncrasies and personal assumptions occasionally bleed through with obvious bias, there's no denying that his characters are mostly authentic.

Sheridan is a modern day McMurtry but it's my opinion that his disdain for God, Faith and any notion of Divine Creation (at least by his Characters) is nonsense and reason enough for societies suffering.

Regardless of what you believe about anything. There's only one sad conclusion... Man is the cause of societies suffering...

John Dutton knows, Rainwater knows, Mo knows, but everyone is gonna is gonna learn.
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The Terminal List: Encoding (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Under appreciated and inauspiciously authentic
20 July 2023
This show and especially Chris Pratt are exactly why streaming entertainment is so timely and necessary. Hollywood lost all credibility decades ago when it elevated politics above honesty. It's not Bourne but it's asset level entertainment.

Truth is not relative and lies are prevalent.

As Steve Jobs so profoundly declared "The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller." Few people can discern the truth from the stories nowadays. If you're not a storyteller then you're a participant in their story.

As "The Terminal List" so incisively details throughout the entire first season, knowing your enemy IS the battle. This series has its flaws (Secondary Acting, Overly Dark and occasionally sloppy writing) but it's also disturbingly authentic and could very possibly be non-fiction.

Fairly sharp, very believable and satisfying story with a hero who's easy to root for.

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The Simpsons (1989– )
Hank Azaria is grossly under appreciated
29 June 2023
The influence of 'The Simpsons' on American Culture is unlikely to ever be fully acknowledged.

What other sitcom has impacted every aspect of American society and popular culture worldwide?

Before the internet, social media and instant communication we had to watch everything unfold on TV... before laughing, judging, questioning, or responding. Sunday night's after football we had The Simpsons.

Every episode and character paved the way for future boundary pushing TV shows, salacious characters and morally questionable themes. Comics, TV, Movies, Music, Politics, Duff Beer, Ha Ha, Cletus, Willie, Barney, SS Bob, Santa's Little Helper, Springfield, Cartoons and Video Games.

All were all inspired, influenced or inadvertently encouraged to go further than the FCC had previously regulated. The Simpsons are well established in the top 5 sitcoms worldwide of all time and it's very possibly the most significantly impactful weekly TV program in U. S. History.

If you have anything to add or if you disagree then please write your own thoughtful review and share it. The Simpsons are as much an American Standard as hot dogs, baseball and apple pie.
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Honey for the Soul
17 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Nat Faxon is easily one the most underrated artists in the entertainment industry. As hilarious as he is, his acting may be the least of his talents. His writing is as genuine, heartfelt and layered as a Musical Composition from Mozart. No doubt he's drawing from a deep well of honest life experience.

The Way Way Back is one of my favorite movies, and it satisfies like honey to the soul. It's thick with 1970's - 1980's nostalgia, filled with meaningful and authentic characters, conversations and interactions that are both challenging and relatable.

We don't get to choose the people who impact our lives (positive or negative) but we do get to choose how we respond, learn, grow and love those people. If you enjoyed this movie, are capable of comprehending its depth, and you're reading this review then you know that real relationships are messy but also necessary for everyone of us.

In the film, Duncans emergence and transformation during this summer at the beach is only facilitated by Trent's antagonism and insecurities. Brilliant writing, well developed and acted characters that deliver in every single scene.

Nat Faxon is in a league of his own writing, directing and producing. The world needs more comedic, dramatic and authentic compositions from him. Delightfully funny Classic that should be the standard in Hollywood. 85/100.
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The English (2022)
Spittoon Worthy Western
3 June 2023
Accurate and Honest Westerns are more rare than a great dog. Great Men are even more rare than a great dog. From the first line of dialogue "The English" has a contrived and awkward cadence in every conversation. To most viewers and even some fairly knowledgeable southerners this dialogue and delivery is both believable and entertaining.

As a lifelong Texan, who knows history, people and the art of conversation, I could see through this imaginary farce after only a few Hollywood minutes. I really wanted to believe and enjoy 'The English,' but Truth isn't relative and it's not up for interpretation.

The Western Film/Documentary/Biopic and even Western Fiction will always be defined by it's authenticity (as defined by those who know).

Genuine/authentic Western films are grim, gritty and often hard to stomach. 'The Unforgiven' 'The Homesman,' 'Hell or High Water,' Lonesome Dove,' '1883' and 'Dances with Wolves' are recent standards that accurately portray 19th century western life. And While I'll always be partial to the Hilarity of 'Blazing Saddles,' the absolute solace, desperation and bitterness of 'The Homesman' is under appreciated and misunderstood. Life isn't directed by Hollywood.

Don't accept or appreciate anything less than the painful truth. It's our hurts that help us relate and our honesty that heals our hearts.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Genuine Modern Day Masterpiece.
11 May 2023
While every single episode of this show could easily be a 10/10... I remain subjective and expectant that eventually, someday, miraculously, another Writer/Director/Producer will accomplish the perfection that Vince Gilligan has with BB & BCS.

The casting and acting are almost as fulfilling as the characters and stories themselves. I can think of no other TV show, and very few movies that develop characters to the depth, complexity and level of satisfaction that Better Call Saul does. Good & Bad, Black & White, Villain or Hero is completely objective.

Every single character and their motivations are allowed to be defined by the observer/viewer. Vince Gilligan has a knowledge of people, mastery of human communication and an ability to direct and deliver genuine drama on a tangible level of heartfelt reality. I've been able to relate to, or understand every single character in Better Call Saul more than any other entertainment program I've ever watched.

Everyone of us either settles for who we believe we are, or strives to be who we know we can be. Don't settle. 10/10 show.
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Better Call Saul: Nippy (2022)
Season 6, Episode 10
This Show is a Masterpiece
11 May 2023
While every single episode of this season could easily be a 10/10... I remain subjective and expectant that eventually, someday, miraculously, another Writer/Director/Producer will accomplish the perfection that Vince Gilligan has with BB & BCS.

The casting and acting are almost as fulfilling as the characters and stories themselves. I can think of no other TV show, and very few movies that develop characters to the depth, complexity and level of satisfaction that Better Call Saul does. Good & Bad, Black & White, Villain or Hero is completely objective.

Every single character and their motivations are allowed to be defined by the observer/viewer. Vince Gilligan has a knowledge of people, mastery of human communication and an ability to direct and deliver genuine drama on a tangible level of heartfelt reality. I've been able to relate to, or understand every single character in Better Call Saul more than any other entertainment program I've ever watched.

Everyone of us either settles for who we believe we are, or strives to be who we know we can be. Don't settle. 10/10 show.
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
Over the Top, Rocky Mountain Hi-jinks
23 March 2023
Elizabeth Banks obviously had a vision. Wether or not she achieved it is anyone's guess. Violent, humorous, irreverent, excessive, obnoxious, engaging are some fitting descriptions. Here's a few more apt adjectives, uncomfortable, unsettling and unbelievable. I'm not sure if this was intended to be sarcastic, serious or satirical but it's all of the above.

Cocaine Bear is 'bearable' but it's occasionally over the top insanity. There's little truth to the way this movie plays out but it wasn't the worst fictional entertainment I've recently endured. Watch at your own discretion 50/100 and I'm being very generous.
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Love/Light > Hate/Dark
19 February 2023
Pleasant, understated film about the darkness and hate we all experience in our lives as well as the love & light that can lead us back to sanity and salvation.

Cinematography was rightly nominated by the Academy Awards but they somehow missed the achievements of Trent & Atticus for Musical Score. Beautifully original compositions that truly enrich the movie.

Empire of Light is well acted & directed as well. There's nothing absolutely exceptional about the movie, except for the Dreamland Cinema itself.

What a beautiful golden age cinematic gem on the coast that shines in every corner throughout every scene.

Olivia, Micheal & Toby all have their moments in the sun but everything about this film seems subtle and understated in the giant shadow of the Dreamland Cinema on the Coast.

Mendes' Ode to the Golden age of Cinema is satisfying for the true cinephile with a distinctive palette but will not appeal to the marvel majority. 70/100.
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The Terminal List: The Engram (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Exceptional opening episode
25 December 2022
The opening episode is absolutely outstanding in every respect. Chris Pratt is as intense and riveting as the opening sequence. As dark and disturbing as this episode is, it's also extremely credible. The plot, actors, emotions, settings and events are incredibly authentic.

I'm doubtful that The Terminal List can maintain such a high level of entertainment, but it's as explosive a beginning as any show I've ever seen. As far as series openings go I would rate this as higher than any of my previous favorites (Breaking Bad, Good Behavior, Yellowstone or The Americans). I'm not saying it's going to finish that highly but this first episode is unequivocal.

Similar to 'Reacher' but even sharper writing and acting. TTL is Brilliant, Believable and has a Bad Ass American Hero that's definitely worth rooting for. Bourne Identity level clandestine entertainment. Truth.
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Medieval (2022)
Research the Man before you see the Movie
14 September 2022
There's little effective pretense even though the movie attempts to give some backstory in the first few minutes. This movie will be much more substantial and meaningful to the informed viewers. I initially agreed that the graphic violence was excessive but after researching the man and his exploits on the battlefield, the gore could've gone even farther...

Foster gives a solid performance as Jan Zizka and Sophie Lowe was exceptional as the amiable, loyal and fiercely courageous, Princess Catherine. The Score and Cinematography are both beautifully revealed characters unto themselves.

Medieval isn't 'Gladiator' and doesn't try to be.

It's a stand alone Biographical Account of one of history's greatest military minds. The movie does well with slightly over 2 hours but could easily have been made into a miniseries or multi-part movie(only a small pivotal point of his life is conveyed in the movie). Some may disagree but as a fan of History this is a story that needed to be told, and told in its graphic realism.

There's a couple early hiccups in the dialogue but otherwise it's fairly well written and flows evenly after a lagging beginning. Medieval is a solid 70/100.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Entertaining Big Budget Bourne Knock-off
3 August 2022
First of all, any reviews below 6 are politically or socially motivated. This is an entertaining flick and well worth your time.

While entertaining AND satisfying, the Hollywood Showmanship got a bit excessive... Gray Man is a popcorn action flick but it falls short when its arrogance bites into its believability.

Reminiscent of a 90's Arnold action flick (Eraser, True Lies), Ryan Gosling is the DRIVEr, Ana D is both likable & believable as a clandestine agent with loyalty & a heart. However, Captain America & Carmichael are weak (both writing & acting). Plot & action keep your attention but the story, writing and cinematography are at times unnecessarily flashy.

Gray Man is a solid 70 out of 100 for entertainment but it's far from "The Bourne Identity" (which definitely inspired GM).

The simplicity, intelligence & believability of Bourne is also its appeal. As well as its independent roots.

G Man is loose at times but solid overall.

If you're looking for entertainment and can see more shades than black & white then you'll enjoy the Gray.
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99 Homes (2014)
Pure. Hollywood. Fiction.
24 March 2022
This fictional drama was written, directed, produced, edited & delivered with excellent dramatic effect to achieve its desired purpose.

While the main character/actors and their intended affect are adequate & believable... the story and it's political agenda are evident to very few (unfortunately). If you watch this movie and think it's based in reality then you should question your sources.
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The Counselor (2013)
Very Incohesive...
8 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Counselor is ambitious but unfulfilling. It's a Hollywood production of real life drama that doesn't need embellishment. Overly wordy, with unnecessarily dramatic storytelling.

Sicario 1 & 2 tell so much more through so much less.

While watchable, The Counselor is contrived, lacking and under delivers in every facet. A couple great scenes, followed by a few decent but wordy character monologues, and finishing with several overtly graphic scenes as this turd swirls down the toilet. 5 stars is adequate for a one time watch but be warned, it's a bit too much.
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Interstellar (2014)
Love is the Most Powerful of All Forces...
6 January 2022
Interstellar is my all time favorite fictional movie. Absolutely Beautiful and Breathtaking imagery combined flawlessly with well developed, plausible characters & sharp screenwriting, all accompanied by a timeless score and thought provoking storyline. Christopher Nolan is a Master Artist and Interstellar stands as his unequivocal Masterpiece.

The importance of the main theme of the movie cannot be overstated. Love transcends space, time and every dimension. Love is tie that binds us all, moves and motivates us all, and it's the only force that stirs, empowers and inspires us all to unleash the greatness... Within. Us. All.

After half a dozen watches I'm still gleaning previously hidden nuggets of truth that will satisfy even the most savvy of movie miners. Interstellar is as brilliant, unique, engaging, sophisticated, significant, and as entertaining as any film ever made.

Epic, Legendary, Classic movie & movie making at its very best.

97/100 simply because the characters could have been fleshed out even more with extended scenes.
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The Unsinkable Josh Gates...
27 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I thoroughly enjoyed this episode so much I watched it two nights in a row.

In perhaps the EU Crews most extreme & extensive excursion to date, Josh proves why he's the most entertaining Archeologist in show business. This Expedition might as well have been on another planet considering just how unexplored and remote the Columbian Jungles are.

The Tairona Civilization may be one of the most intriguing, resourceful & least understood to have ever lived in South America. Upon reclamation of this entire ancient Metropolis it would be incredible to visit these beautiful sites which are surely no less spectacular than Machu Picchu.

I also loved the contrast of Josh's optimism and Santiago's realism as they trek on in search of the unknown yet share the common joy of this significant discovery.

It's a tragedy that understanding our past isn't as appreciated or well funded as other ventures.

Outstanding job done by all involved and your hard work is greatly appreciated.

Well done EU & Discovery!
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Still the best
7 March 2021
Still the best espionage action/drama I've ever seen. Outstanding Plot & Story (yes there's a difference), characters, action, choreography, writing, cinematography & score.

Acting is more than adequate. Just an absolutely masterful piece of work. Movie flows perfectly as characters fully develop with endearing flaws and genuine depth. Great movies are more rare than great actors.

Haven't read any Ludlum books but if this adaptation didn't honor his work then I doubt any other movie has.

A Masterpiece & Clandestine Classic that's easy to love.
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Anna (II) (2019)
Flawed but Fun
31 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Luc Besson knows how to make an entertaining flick. Few espionage movies will ever compare with the Bourne series but I enjoyed Anna more than Red Sparrow & Lucy. If you enjoyed Atomic Blonde then you like Anna.

Helen Mirren is great as usual and Luke & Cillian do well getting caught in super spy Anna's web. Car chases, well choreographed action, long legs & cigarette smoking seem to be the calling cards of a good Luc Besson flick. Anna wasn't great but it's definitely entertaining and worth the watch.

Helen Mirren as the head of the KGB would be a great movie in its own right.

I give Anna a 65/100 for its energy & entertainment value.
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