
75 Reviews
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The Magnificent 7 in Space...again.
7 May 2024
First The 7 Samuari, then the Magnificent 7, then Battle beyond the Stars, Rebel Moon, one and two are really just the same. But that doesn't make them bad films, quite the contrary, the story is familiar, and it lives up to it's predecessors. All the action you want, a great hissable baddie, heroes, heroines, even a robot with a conscience. Worth watching both parts, although hardly original, still, if action and battles are your thing then this is for you. Think Battle Beyond The Stars with a massive budget. Recommend you see part one before part two, even though they are stand alone movies, and if you can, give Battle beyond the Sars a look as well. The 6 score is overall for both films.
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Road House (2024)
Not totally unwatchable.
21 March 2024
If you haven't seen the original the three score is for you, if you've seen the original then I'm afraid it's a two. Wooden, pretty poor acting, and Jake is no Patrick Swayzee. Fight scene's predictable, oh, and has to tick all the diversity boxes. There's just no spark to it, it's just dare I say it boring, as for. Connor M.agregor, stick to the cage mate, you're probably the worst character in the film. Always a task to take a cult film and remake it, but this is pretty terrible, almost embarrassing. I'm going to watch the original now to pretty much wash the taste of this tripe away. Where's Sam Neil when you need him. One to miss,
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Wrong Place (2022)
Not Much Lower For Bruce To Sink
15 July 2022
This is a dreadful film. I've no idea what's happened to Willis but all his recent films have been rubbish. This is no exception. Poor acting, script, overdone idea, and even a touch of wokeness about it. No characters worth rooting for, bland and boring. What action there is. Is poorly executed bordering on amateur. Time to pack it in Bruce, time to watch Die Hard now out of respect for a great action hero.
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Below Average Bordering On Very Poor.
5 July 2022
Usual revenge story but not very well done. Macho woman verses big hard Scottish man, predictable result in a poor thriller. Usual cliche's for this genre. Give it a miss, get's a three because there is a lot of action in it, albeit predictable and poorly staged.
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Dakota (2022)
Watch Dog Or Ruby Instead.
15 June 2022
This is a poor film, having watched 'Dog' and 'Ruby' recently I thought this would be in the ball park. Wrong. Predictable, weak characters, poor story, and sickly sweet. The dog was good though, that's why it got three instead of two. I like dogs so I'm not going to say the dog was rubbish. Watch Ruby instead, far better film.
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A Decent Retelling For the 21st Century.
9 June 2022
The original film was 77 mins. This has been stretched out to five and a half hours. Keeps you interested even though you'll probably know the story. Kids are creepy and great, and who cares about the casting being reflected to show diversity, doesn't make it any less watchable. Far better than the Christopher Reeve version, stay with it and remember it's 2022 not 1957 when the book was written.
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Firestarter (2022)
An insult to the original
13 May 2022
Very poor, poor effects, poor story, cheesy, so disappointed with this. If you are going to remake a cult classic, then have a look at what made it a classic to start. This is just a lifeless boring sham. If you loved the original film, give this a miss, if you haven't seen the original, then it might just about keep you awake.
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Mediocre Thriller.
2 January 2022
I pretty much knew the way this was going to go from the opening scenes, yes, that predictable. That's why it got a 6 and maybe not a 7. Acting is very good, and Bullock looks really tortured throughout the film. Quite grim, as you would expect with the subject matter. But still very watchable. Some good scenes of what it's really like to be at the bottom of American society.
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The Slow Take down Of The Krays.
31 December 2021
Slow paced film about the investigation of the Krays. We have all seen other films about them but this differs because they aren't the main characters. Nipper Read and is team have to break through the wall of silence and fear that enabled the Krays to rule the underworld of the time with an iron fist. Assuming it's all true, it was a complex and clever plan, the face to face interviews were very good with a real air of menace. Well worth a watch if you like the history of the Krays. Well acted and the grim settings give you a sense of realism.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Yep, This Is Probably How It Would Go Down.
28 December 2021
Satire on the American way of life at it's best. From politics, to profit, social media, and tv. The American way. What a satirical ride. Jennifer Lawrence looking plain, Cate Blanchett looking lovely, Decaprio looking fat, and Meryl Streep hamming it up brilliantly. It's almost believable, it could've been called, 'How to sell the end of the world'. Probably a more accurate picture of America than anything you're likely to see. Very long without getting boring, so many funny moments and one liners. Worth seeing.
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Forget The Trilogy, View It As A Standalone.
26 December 2021
Lot of hate for this movie, don't really know why, maybe a little long, but they did need to explain the backdrop I suppose. Great action and stunts, all play their roles with ease, I suppose they'll be used to them by now. Forget the original movies and look at it as a stand alone and it's not really half bad. Neo and Trinity are older and wiser, and still kicking ass, Worth a six.
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Finch (2021)
Funny, Sad And Heartwarming.
30 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Really enjoyed this, basically a one man show, but it isn't. Tom Hank excels as a survivor who with is dog is all that we see until he creates Jeff. Or Geoff. Reminded me of the magic of the original 'Short Circuit' and Johnny 5, the same childhood like innocence and wonder. A wonderful bonding and lessons about life ensue as Jeff learns about his purpose for being created. A little of the 'Silent Running' theme, which is quite apparent from the start, all in all, a very good film. And the dog is wonderful.
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Clifford Is A Kids Best Friend.
11 November 2021
Funny, cute adorable. That's about it really, cheesy plot, cheesy CGI, cheesy everything in fact, but your kids will love it. And most adults who aren't going to expect an Oscar winning arty film. Great fun with a little message at the end. Loved it.
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Habit (I) (2021)
Sister Act It Isn't.
15 September 2021
I thought this was going a fun movie. It wasn't. In fact it wasn't much of anything. It only got a look because I thought it was going to resemble a favourite film of my wife's. It's colourful, and that's as much good as I can say about it. One to seriously avoid.
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The J Team (2021)
The Kids Will Love It.
6 September 2021
So why is a sixty five year old bloke watching a kids dance film? Because my wife loves Jojo. This is actually entertaining and full of energy, full of quite catchy songs. A great film for the children, you know the story, you know how it's going to end, but it's a great fun feelgood movie. Not something I would normally give the time of day to, have a fun family day with it, the kids will love it.
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Sweet Girl (2021)
Worth the watch for the twist.
21 August 2021
Entertaining action with enough of a plot to keep you interested. Plenty of action for the fans and enough emotion to stop it going over the top. The two leads are very good and the twist is very original. Worth the watch for that alone. Well worth the watch.
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John Wick Has A S ex Change.
25 July 2021
Entertaining shoot em up with girls kicking ass to save a little girl. Karen Gillan playing very much a John Wick character with boobs. It's great fun with all the ladies great in their roles. Don't worry too much about the plot or even the script for that matter, the mayhem carries this film, and there's a lot of it. Totally over the top, but great fun, brain out of gear and enjoy the fun.
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Loud, Funny, Samuel L at His M/F best.
14 July 2021
Fast and bloody, but fun along the way with the Mayhem. Selma matches Samuel on the F bombs, but she's a joy to watch as his slightly unhinged wife. Fast paced with a bit of a plot in the mix somewhere, not that it matters, the action and the mayhem carry it from the start. A great brain out of gear and chill film.
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Cruella (2021)
Great fun and just a little over thretopness.
3 July 2021
This review should just read two words. Emma Thompson. Yes, she really does steal the show, not that Emma Stone is far behind, in fact all the cast do a great job in this movie. Reminded me of 'The Devil Wears Prada', only darker, a lot darker, and a lot funnier. The soundtrack is awesome and the doggies beautiful, cute and menacing at the same time. Probably a little to much for really young children, but everyone else a joy to watch. I see a remake of 101 Dalmatians in the pipeline, hopefully with the same cast and air of darkness and fun.
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Run (I) (2020)
Mother Knows Best...
10 June 2021
Excellent suspenseful thriller. Great performances from the two leads who take most of the screen time. Many edge of the seat moments and the terror is well projected. Final ten mins or so are a little predictable but it doesn't really detract from what is a great suspense thriller.
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The 2nd (2020)
Throwaway action, with the emphasis on throwaway.
4 June 2021
Pretty much the same as all the others of this type film. While not incredibly boring, it's cheesy and predictable with staged action scenes you can see coming a mile off. If you like cheesy action flicks then this will be right up your street, it's no Oscar winner, acting being just about acceptable and the less said about the script and plot the better. Plenty of flash, bang wallop though which just about keeps it watchable.
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Competent and very watchable thruller.
19 May 2021
I don't get all the hate for this film, and Amy Adams seems to have been given some grief for it on the internet. Firstly, it's not a new Idea, I remember James Stewart in 'Rear Window' way back when. Bur Adam's character is a sad lonely depressed woman may be a little loopy. The story is great, and Adams plays her part well, on screen for 90% of the film. Supporting cast all do their bit and the ending for once I never got within a million miles of it. Many twists and turns, how a good thriller should be. Ignore the purists, you can pick holes in any film if you want to, but this is very watchable.
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Unpleasant but necessary film making.
18 May 2021
An unpleasant subject matter turned into quite a good thriller/vigalante film. Inspired by true events and the shocking statistics in the end credits make for disturbing and grim reading. Well acted without falling into the buddy movie scenario, the bond between the leads becomes quite real rather than a scripted movie, you can feel the sadness in their hearts which governs and justifies their actions. A disturbing film, says quite a lot about the evil that is in the world today.
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Voyagers (2021)
Read Lord Of The Flies Instead.
7 May 2021
Started off as a great idea but descends into another teenage thug movie. Not really exciting Sci Fi, in fact if it wasn't for the beginning it could be set in a prison. Acting is ok and there is a genuine feeling of claustrophobia, but it's not really enough to make it a good film in my book.
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Long, Cheesy, And Boring.
7 April 2021
Well Terminator it isn't. Get's 4 instead of 3 because of the beautiful scenery. Every cliche in the book, and telegraphed. Quite long boring passages, I'm sure this would have been better if it was 40 minutes shorter. The machines look they were rejected from Terminator school, the fight scenes are a little dreadful between them. Script is almost like a fan movie, acting is just about acceptable. But on the whole, it's far too long and predictable. One to miss.
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