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What garbage. Watch The Disrupters instead *spoilers*
11 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I tried to watch this, but I was obsessed with why NO ONE NOTICED the typo of PSYCHOACTIVE (in the film, spelled PYSCHOACTIVE). I'm sorry, but HOW MANY PEOPLE were involved with this project and NOT ONE saw the typo? And why people should take their advice when they can't even catch a glaringly obvious mistake? From what I actually saw, and the reviews here confirm it, these people are saying that diet, exercise, schedules, etc will help your child succeed WITHOUT any rx, NOPE. Fact: I was eating healthy, worked out daily and took kickboxing 3x a week, took my vitamins....but I STILL was "spacy", "lazy", forgetful, tired, caffeine didn't work, etc. I just thought that this is how I was made. When I found out I had ADHD so late in life, I was relieved that I knew why I was like that. But then, I was v depressed because I realized that because of this condition, my life was HARDER than a 'normal' brained person. If you think your child has ADHD, don't deny them a "kind of normal" life with medication. It's a chemical imbalance in their brain, would you deny a diabetic insulin? Deny a poor sighted person glasses? No. And not all ADHD medication is a stimulant (not that there's ANYTHING wrong with a stimulant, it's how I can function instead of not doing simple things like laundry, grocery shopping, school pickups, etc.), some build up in your system and help with anxiety. Either way, if your child needs help and that means meds, HELP THEM. ALSO, look into PANDAS, it's a disorder that happens after a child gets the strep virus and causes a chemical change in their brain, totally related to ADHD..
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A Clüsterfünke Christmas (2021 TV Movie)
Essentially, a parody of A Christmas Inheritance.
17 December 2021
Ridiculously OTT, every single Christmas cliche in the book, done in a tongue and cheek way. The only think missing was the sudden Blizzard that strands the lead, Holly (OF COURSE her name is Holly! Lol).
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Hart to Hart: A Change of Hart (1983)
Season 4, Episode 19
To Julie Newmar... thanks for "nothin'" (Bad Brooklyn accent)
11 September 2020
This episode was SOOOOOOO BORING. Add to it Julie Newmar's stiff, wooden, TERRIBLE acting. I don't know which was worse, her puppet like acting, or that diabolically HORRIBLE accent that I think was meant to be Brooklyn. I vaguely recall seeing her in something else doing that abysmal accent, but I can't remember what. It's was like watching Sybil changing into other personalities!

Don't get me started on the rest of the cast, even Robert and Stephanie were just BAD, half the time they seemed to just stand around looking bewildered.
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Uncle Grandpa (2010–2017)
What drugs were taken to make this show??
4 September 2013
This is seriously the stupidest show I've EVER seen. And I have been subjected to Annoying Orange and that idiot Fred.

I'm not going to spoil it by telling you just how idiotic this show is, or how ridiculously annoying the title character is. You can gather that from the previews.

The only redeeming character is Pizza Steve, who I would rather watch than the moron Uncle Grandpa. I did think the tiger having pictures of boys was particularly odd.

If you have half a brain, you should avoid this asinine show like the plague! Unless you've had a lobotomy.

Come on Cartoon Network, get rid of this rubbish. I cannot think of one viable redeeming quality of this cartoon.
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Mad Men (2007–2015)
You'd be "mad" not to watch! (yeah, I know VERY BAD PUN)
9 September 2008
I started watching Mad Men last year, after I saw a blip about it on "On Demand". Well, I was really thrilled to find a TV show that wasn't like "CSI, Elevator Inspectors Unit", House, Cops, cops, and MORE cops!, Lipstick Gossip Mafia, etc. It's a show that takes you back in time, taps into the psyche of the people leaving the repressed 50's and going into the progressive 60's with a new outlook on life, the world, and themselves.

It's a story about a man (John Hamm)who can't stop himself from being a playboy and cheating on his wife at every turn, yet is insanely jealous if another man complements her (and she's GORGEOUS, played by January Jones).

It's about the misogynistic Madison Ave. men, and how they are forced to re-evaluate the way they treat women, each other, and their families.

It's a window into pop culture from behind the closed doors of the "boys club", and how they survive in the cut-throat game of advertising.

But don't take MY word for it, have a go and watch.
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Naniwa yuukyôden (1995 Video)
Maybe I need to be Japanese to get the humour...?
24 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I LOVE Takashi Miike's horror films. And I have seen a few Yakuza ones that I also like (Fudoh is one I LOVE), though not Family or Family II as they were too slow moving and not enough action for me (and too much gratuitous gay sex...not that there's anything wrong with that, I didn't expect to see gay Yakusa porn!).

But I digress.

Yes, I understand this is a comedy Yakuza film. I chuckled at a few things, like when they tried to hock the Kinsu badge and find out it's practically worthless, or the scene with the panties. And I loved the scenes in which Mr. Daimon running away from that . But I thought that this film was a bit too slapstick for me. That's just my opinion.

Gomennasai, Takashi-san.
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Camp Hollywood (2004 TV Movie)
I can't put a summary that does this justice...
25 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film, expecting a documentary that just followed actors to auditions. But Camp Hollywood is much more human and gritty than that. It profiles the people who live there, predominantly from Canada for some reason; and their trials and tribulations, relationships with each other, and shows their true personalities.

There are a few actors you will recognise from film and TV (like the man who played the father of Mozart in Amadeus), but I won't spoil things by listing them all. Most of them, however, are unknowns who will stay that way, like Clem (Clim?).

If you happen to catch this on Sundance, give it a go. The filmmaker tried to have a shot at comedy whilst he was in LA, but you don't see any footage pertaining to his attempt to make it in the business... which I would have liked to see.

I do like the montage at the close of the film, and the fact that he used Corey Hart's "Never Surrender" in the closing credits, very appropriate and a nod to a fellow Canadian.
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The Grudge 2 (2006)
Pointless waste of time. Don't bother if you've seen the original Ju-on series...
15 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this over the weekend, and I was very bored--and a little confused. The Hollywood treatment didn't do this film any favours, it just made it more confusing.

**********SPOILER (kind of)******** For example, in Ju-on 2, we knew that the schoolgirl who was holed up in her room wallpapering the windows with newspaper had entered the house with her two friends (who were killed by the spirit). We knew why she was so scared. But in the US version, this cloaked girl just *suddenly* shows up and acts weird; it didn't make a lot of sense to someone who had never seen the original version-or otherwise, nothing gives you a clue. And what was the whole point of the couple/family in Chicago? They had no real reason to be in the storyline. And the regurgitation of the milk--pointless weird nonsense. Sara Michelle Gellar DID NOT have a great performance as one reviewer had stated, it was just to tie up a loose end and overacted. And her sister cared when she died? Come on! She sobbed for 5 min, and moved on. Overall, this was a pretty shoddy remake. Maybe Hollywood should try and come up with their own ideas for a film instead of ripping off countless Asian films and not doing them any justice (I'd list them all, but who has the time or gives a toss?).

I'm sorry, but some films don't translate very well in Hollywood. Prime example.
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Idiocracy (2006)
Parody? Or our frightening future?
4 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am rating this an 8 because of the premise of the film. The acting was fine, there wasn't anyone that stood out as amazing or appalling. It is disturbingly true that intelligent people are having less and less children, or choose to have none at all...whereas dumb ass "W in '04" supporters are procreating like rabbits. And, though I don't believe the earth will actually exist in 500 years, I can see Mike Judge's parodied prophet coming to be, as life imitating art. The world is being run by idiots, and it will get worse as the intelligent free-thinking people become the minority and the "git 'er done" fans outnumber them. The proof is our farce of an election.

But I digress. If you are fortunate enough to have this playing in your city, go see it. I have paid my $7.50 plus popcorn to see FAR WORSE rubbish than this (Date Movie or Napoleon Dynamite anyone?). There are laughs, there are cringes, but overall this is entertaining. If you have half a brain, you will think to yourself how this movie, though funny, is spot on (accurate) and a *tiny* bit uncanny. I'm not surprised AT ALL that this movie is almost completely unknown, as Fox was the one distributing this, and they wouldn't want any of their sheep to see this and think "maybe I WILL read a book, and not watch 'Next', or 'Cheaters', or 'Ow my balls'." If our society doesn't stop the dumbing down of everything,and the bastardisation of the English language (ahem, Mr. Bush), then this really is where we are going.
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Old Dracula (1974)
Kitchy but kind of cool
27 March 2006
I caught this on cable, and found it quite amusing. Not laugh out loud, but still rather good. Granted, it's no masterpiece, but I enjoyed it for what it was, a kitchy cool retro film from the 70's. I love watching bad 60's and 70's films for the music, the clothes, the decor...and this was the perfect film. How can you deny seeing London at the end of the swingin' 60's? And the Playboy element, the swinging party...I don't know. I took this film for what it was, and I would definitely watch it again....

Maybe the fact that I watched it as a morning double feature with Vincent Price's "Scream and Scream Again" helped me get into the mood for this...
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Paint drying is more entertaining than this!
28 January 2006
I caught this film on AZN on cable. It sounded like it would be a good film, a Japanese "Green Card". I can't say I've ever disliked an Asian film, quite the contrary. Some of the most incredible horror films of all time are Japanese and Korean, and I am a HUGE fan of John Woo's Hong Kong films. I an not adverse to a light hearted films, like Tampopo or Chung King Express (two of my favourites), so I thought I would like this. Well, I would rather slit my wrists and drink my own blood than watch this laborious, badly acted film ever again.

I think the director Steven Okazaki must have spiked the water with Quaalude, because no one in this film had a personality. And when any of the characters DID try to act, as opposed to mumbling a line or two, their performance came across as forced and incredibly fake. I honestly did not think that anyone had ever acted before...the ONLY person who sounded genuine was Brenda Aoki.. I find it amazing that this is promoted as a comedy, because I didn't laugh once. Even MORE surprising is that CBS morning news called this "a refreshing breath of comedy". It was neither refreshing, nor a breath of comedy. And the ending was very predictable, the previous reviewer must be an idiot to think such things.

AVOID this film unless you want to see a boring predictable plot line and wooden acting. I actually think that "Spike of Bensonhurst" is a better acted film than this...and I walked out half way through that film!
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