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Game of Thrones: The Dance of Dragons (2015)
Season 5, Episode 9
It Was Worth It?
31 December 2018
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The most disturbing thing about this episode is Stannis burning her daughter alive for what he believes is the greater good, justifying himself with "If a man knows what he is and remains true to himself, the choice is not choice at all. He must fulfill his destiny and become who he is meant to be, however much he hate it." He believes he is the one true king and the one above the rest as a man with a great destiny upon him and with god backing him off. He will probably get disappointed after his god is a demon after all and all his plans are ruined. He will really regret doing the thing he did. At least the other players believe in themselves and not in some god that ask you to kill your daughter. And the mom regretted killing her own daughter at the last moment, she worried about her at the last correct moment. When all he did before was despising her.
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Game of Thrones: The Laws of Gods and Men (2014)
Season 4, Episode 6
A Dwarf... Is He?
28 December 2018
Oh my god! Peter Dinklage really shined here with his tone and speech. He shows guts and a fierce determination that could destroy everyone in his way. He might be small but he is a giant in every other aspect. We have tension, drama and betrayal. Amzing effects for a TV show, a lot of extras, good shots the final 3 minutes are almost perfect.
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Game of Thrones: The Rains of Castamere (2013)
Season 3, Episode 9
27 December 2018
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This episode is insane, killing off two major characters right off the bat and leaving only Bran, Sansa, Arya alive as Stark and Jon as the legacy of Ned. The betrayal of Walder Frey was a feast of blood. And now the Lannister will reign as the supreme leaders until Daenerys enter the picture or Stannis with his demons. Now I want to see what will be of Arya, Jon and Bran.
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Mercy, please...
27 December 2018
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Yggrite is consolidating herself with Snow. Orell is jealous and wants her. Tyrion is having problems with Shae because he will marry Sansa and they can't be together unless they escape but then Tyrion will be nothing. Daenerys wants to save the slaves from Yunkai and threats Razdal shielding in the Dragons. Gendry discovers that he is from noble blood of King Robert but a bastard. Arya escapes the brotherhood but Sandor captures her! Theon is still getting punished, now with the thing he most loves. And he lost that that he most appreciate. Bran wants to go beyond-the-wall to capture the three-eyed-raven but Osha refuses telling a story about how she had to kill her lover become in one of those monnsters of blue eyes that come back from life and wants to send him to Snow even tough Jojen said that he is not there. Jaime has revindicated some by saving Brienne and by forsake his vow and kill the King to protect thousands. And yet he tried to kill Bran instead of fight the consequences of their actions or be the triggered of Ned death or killing that boy and that guard to try to escape miserably. And yet he seems like a person that in honor to his name always pays his debts.
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Game of Thrones: Fire and Blood (2011)
Season 1, Episode 10
Dragons, Do They Exist?
24 December 2018
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Joffrey is being a merciless ruler to the people and Sansa while Tywin wants Tyrion to be the king's hand he trust him after all. Jon wants to go to be with his brother and kill King Joffrey but his friends stop him and bring him back. Arya wil go to the Night's Watch as an orphan with his brother. That would be awesome to watch in the next season but that will by until Jon return from his expedition to outer walls if he returns. The price to pay for three dragons was Rhaego and Khal. A new potential ruler has been born.
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Game of Thrones: Baelor (2011)
Season 1, Episode 9
Ruthless Prince? King?
24 December 2018
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What's more important for you Eddard, your children or your honor? Catelyn makes a deal with Lord Walder a despicable man that rape young womans and have dozen of children. Arya won't be happy and for sure won't submit to it. Robb makes plan to attack the Lannister and Jon meets Aemon Targaryen. Khal falls of his horse and seems like the wound was worse than it seemed. It may be the healer fault maybe she was trying to kill him by infecting and irritating the wound, who knows. Daenerys wants the healer to sacrifice a horse and do magic to save Khal. Tyrion befriend a woman and tells she and Bronn about her failed relation when he was a boy. That's sad just like when "half man" makes his speech and is trampled and fall down unconscious without even starting the war. Robb captures Jaime at the cost of 2000 man. The price of war. And Eddard is about to face his "crimes" and he chooses his daughter instead of the honor. But that's not enough for the new illegitimate King. He take his head instead. Even after what Sansa and his mother said. People even throw him rocks when they don't even know the full story. "My mother wishes me to let Lord Eddard join the Night's Watch. Stripped of a titles and powers, he would serve the realm in permanent exile. And my Lady Sansa... Has begged mercy for her father. But they have the soft hearts of women. So long as I am your king... Treason shall never go unpunished. Ser Ilyn... Bring me his head!" Ruthless Prince-now-King.
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Game of Thrones: You Win or You Die (2011)
Season 1, Episode 7
Who do You Trust?
23 December 2018
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Tywin Lannister wants Jaime to be who he was meant to be. A ruler I suppose. "When you play the game of thornes, you win... Or you die. There's no middle ground." That's true and so far Cersei have played her cards better. Littlefinger confess his loyal love for Catelyn to Roz. While he can't win in a duel he have others means to play this game of thrones. Roberth is in the blink of the death for a boar that he couldn't finish because he was drunk. Daenerys walks with Jorah while he counsel her to have patience. While Jorah is doble-crossing Khalessi obtaining the royal pardon. A merchant is offering wine and is used to obtain Khalessi attention and then kill her. But he backs off and don't give her the glass of wine instead he gives her a barrel but then Jorah comes to picture regretting what he did at the last possible minute. Khal decides to make his son lord of the seven kingdoms. Meanwhile in the Night's Watch Jon isn't chosen as a ranger instead as a stewards for lord commander Mormont personal slave. Eddard decides that Baratheon Stannis older brother of Renly should be the next heir. Even if that means war. Just because he is the rightful heir. Eddard and his weird morals and honor is getting annoying. Even if it's mean war for the kingdom he chose that answer because is the honorable option. He is losing in the game of thrones. Littlefinger betrays Eddard like expected and says, "I did warn you not to trust me."
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Game of Thrones: A Golden Crown (2011)
Season 1, Episode 6
Real Dragon?
23 December 2018
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Daenerys put a Dragon's egg into the fire and then take it out with her hands but didn't get burn marks like Irri did when she was helping her. Robb had a discussion with Theon and he says to him that he is not from this house. After Bran is cornered by some thieves. Robb comes to his saving taking off one of them. But then his brother is taking hostage to which Theon kills him and not a single thanks from Robb. And where is everyone else? Shouldn't they be more guarded? Daenerys eats a heart and names his son Rhoan in honor to his uncle. Tyrion asks for an opportunity to confess his "crimes" to which he don't talk about trying to kill Bran, of course, he didn't do it. Instead he asks for a fight trial. And ask for someone to fight for him. Bronn fights for him and kill the man unhonorably. I knew he couldn't fight like he said so I suppose this should be what a man in his position should probably do. And yet asking for someone to him is asking for lady luck message because he can't know if the fighter will be capable or would sacrifice himself so he die. There should be other way, unless he had some sort of agreement with Bronn beforehand. Joffrey ask for forgivness to Sansa, she says that she doesn't need to apologize he for nothing and then he says that he will never be cruel or disrespect her again. And like a Disney movie they kiss. Except this is not a Disney world. Sansa is inside a fairy tale delusion and she might be used by the Lannister for their own benefit. And she will be caught in the cross fire. Eddard sees some old book about the Baratheon house lineage and all of them have black hair but Joffrey. And yet the data is too small and the mother genes are important too. So I get what they tried to do here and as such I will let it pass. Viserys has gone mad and now threats Daenerys unborn child to get a crown and so Khal accepts but is a crown made with fire. And so he dies at contact. And no real Dragon can die from fire. So he was not a Dragon. Daenerys is the real Dragon.
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Tyrion's Demise?
23 December 2018
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Bran sees a three-eyed crow in his dream it might be a hint for something in the future who knows? Tyrion gives Bran an idea of something that even someon that can't walk can use to ride a horse. Tyrion might be aggressive, go directly to the point and push many buttons in the ones he talks. But he speaks the truth that no one dare to say even if is not welcomed. The character grows on me because even if he is too aggressive about things he had it hard. His father never liked him because he is a dwarf and yet he have a soft spot in his hearth that has grown in me. "You will marry a high lord and rule his castle. And your sons shall be knights and princess and lords. No. That's not me. " From Arya I am expectant about who will she become in the future. "I don't like high places. You can't fight. You can't see. You're afraid of heights and almost everything else probably. What are you doing here, Sam? On the morning of my 18th nameday, my father came to me. "You're almost a man now," he said. "But you're not worthy of my land and title. Tomorrow, you're going to take the black, forsake all claim to your inheritance and start north. If you do not," he said, "then we'll have a hunt and somewhere in these woods your horse will stumble and you'll be thrown from your saddle to die. Or so I'll tell your mother. Nothing would please me more." I hope he gets his vengeance not in form of blood. But becoming an important soldier of the Night's Watch. The King makes Jaime listen behind the door when he makes sex with his sisters and others. It seems like the Queen being Lannister didn't help them much. The horse war "destrier" tournament. The hound older brother killed a man by his throat. The reason the hound have half of a face burned is because his older brother burned him down when they were young. "I was also trained to kill my enemies, Your Grace. As was I." A direct threat by Ned to which Cercei reply. Which was practically a declaration of war. What a cliffhanger! Lady Stark should gad waited for more proof... This little man is innocent. I am expectant to see how he slip out of this.
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Game of Thrones: Lord Snow (2011)
Season 1, Episode 3
Winter is Coming
22 December 2018
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"It felt like justice. Is that what you tell yourself at night? You're a servant of justice? That you were avenging my father when you shoved your sword in Aerys Targaryen's back? Tell me, if I'd stabbed the mad king in the belly instead of the back, would you admire me more? You served him well... When serving was safe." Ned honor make him dislike Jaime actions, because he broke his vow. And yet I think he did what was right, even if he didn't had the best intentions. Joffrey is like how he is thanks to his mother and the ambient he live on. He expect to do whatever he pleases in the right moment like his mother says. "Everyone who isn't us ir our enemy." Arya is a promising character, negleting everything related to prince, Queen or King. It could be related with age but still. She doesn't want to be a princess and she doesn't follow normal traditions. Is like she is neglecting the world she lives on. I am intersted to see what is of her in some years. Peter Dinklage actuation is superb. I really like his tone that is charismatic and wise mixed up with some arrogance. The King doesn't particularly like the Lannister or the Kingslayer. Daenerys as the Khaleesi is growing up and even is now giving birth to a child. This 3rd epsiode is amazing starting from the scenery to the characters growing up slowly each chapter and I am especially waiting to see what "The winter is coming" Will bring to the table this next episodes.
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The Walking Dead: The Suicide King (2013)
Season 3, Episode 9
Daryl's Brother
21 December 2018
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Merle even if he is chatty and is normally an asshole he care about Daryl. After the fight Daryl decides to leave the group because they don't accept Merle, his brother. And as an honor man he is, He run off with him. Back in prison Beth recieves Rick with a kiss in the cheek and with a notice. Rick doesn't want to give an opportunity to Tyresse group and rightfully so, trusting other human in that world is not easy task. But Hershel say to start giving other people opportunities. And then he starts with his delusion of Lori. He is step by step closer to madness. Even after charging his baby he start losing it. He needs to recover from this quickly because a war is coming.
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The Walking Dead: Made to Suffer (2012)
Season 3, Episode 8
Governor's Daughter?
21 December 2018
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The Governor want to take control of the prision and kill everyone in there. Chaos has overun the community when Rick and the rest go save Maggie and Glenn. Michonne go to the Governor house and discovers the walker child Penny. The daughter of the Governor. The Governor begs for mercy but Michonne kilss the walker. This enrage the Governor who ends losing an eye. He is now furious with Merle too. So he put Daryl which was just captured and Merle in the arena as traitors and criminal respectively. It was an amazing episode with lots of action going on.
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Governor Ways
21 December 2018
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Michonne comes to the prison with an injury and tell the group about Maggie and Glenn. Marle interrogates Glenn but he refuses to talk and then Marle send a walker his way. He survived. To make Maggie talk the Governor assault Maggie without raping he. Making her undress. She won't talk either. The Governor put a gun in Glenn head instead and Maggie talks. Rick and the rest is trying to save them. The assault scene must had been hard for the actresses, feeling so vulnerable...
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The Walking Dead: Hounded (2012)
Season 3, Episode 6
Rick's Demons
21 December 2018
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Rick's fighting his own demons in form of phone calls. He finally come to terms with it and decides to hold the baby for the first time. Daryl discover Carol undernourished and weak. Andrea becomes closes to Phillip and Michonnes is wanted by Merle and his group to be killed and decapitated by orders of The Governor. Merle meet with Glenn and Maggie and threat them to say where is the prison. I liked how Rick had recieved some phone calls in a type of delusion of all the previous friends of him that died. They were in a better place that could be considered the heaven. Lori helps him to realize that he have two childs and the rest with him.
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The Walking Dead: Killer Within (2012)
Season 3, Episode 4
Lori's Demise
21 December 2018
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Lori's end was sad. They had to give birth to the child with a cesarean section, killing Lori in the road. All of this while Carl was watching and he was the one to kill her brains off. This will surely hit on Carl. T-dog dies saving Carol in the process. Rick is devastated and now he needs to raise Carl and the newborn as a single father. Without settling his differences with Lori.
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The Walking Dead: Walk with Me (2012)
Season 3, Episode 3
The Governor
21 December 2018
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We get to know The Governor and his community. Michonne doesn't trust him while Andrea is starting to believe in him and his plan of comunity. Then we get to see a darker version of the Governor killing the soldiers men for weapons and goods. Even tough they could serve a purpouse. It would seem like he wants to know more about Andrea group so he can kill them later and provide for the community. We also see the heads of walkers and the soldier that helped them locate the rest and that they saved to then kill him. The Governor is a leader that go to dark places to provide to the rest. Even tough it could be another way of doing things. That world made humanity evil.
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The Walking Dead: Beside the Dying Fire (2012)
Season 2, Episode 13
The Dictator
20 December 2018
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"But if you stay, let's keep something clear, this in not a democracy anymore." An helicopter run by who knows who led the walkers to the farm. The group escapes and split. Andrea runs by a mysterious woman with 2 walkers as slaves. The group reunites and Rick confess the group that everyone is infected whatever it is, everyone have it. And that he killed Shane. Lori can't see him even tough she practically said to him to kill him because he was a danger. And now Rick have officially become a dictator.
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The Walking Dead: Better Angels (2012)
Season 2, Episode 12
Shane's Demise
20 December 2018
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Shane have gone crazy and freed up the hostage so he could kill him and then hurt himself so he had make himself appears as the victim. Rick, Glenn and Daryl go out look for the guy. They split in two. Daryl and Glenn found out about how the hostage guy got converted in a walker and the blood on the tree, leading to Shane and Rick come up to his own conclusions but he doesn't want to fight with his friend in a battle of guns instead he waits for Shane to lower his guard to knife him out. Then Carl appears an kills a walker Shane with some wavering. Carl didn't question his father, maybe the next episode. Rick took the choice that kept him alive and along with his family. It wasn't a bad choice but it was evil just like what Shane wanted to do. This situation with walkers roaming around. It would make sense for people to lose their humanity and be near the devil.
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The Walking Dead: Judge, Jury, Executioner (2012)
Season 2, Episode 11
Survival of the Fittest
20 December 2018
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The group is deciding what to do with the hostage. The rule of the majority against the minority. Dale wants to give the boy another chance. A chance to do good for the group, but everyone else is preoccupied of the survival of the group and not their humanity. While dale is concerned about the group sanity. Meanwhile Carl roam around the woods alone and found a walker that couldn't move. And so he plays with it and he free up his leg, Carl escapes. Rick decided to kill the hostage until Carl come there and says "Do it, dad." As a dad he couldn't kill him. Dale is injured by a walker. And guess what? Is the same that escapes because Carl. This will bite his conscience.
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The Walking Dead: 18 Miles Out (2012)
Season 2, Episode 10
Suicidal Beth
20 December 2018
Beth wants to kill herself. Andrea makes of devil and Maggie and Lori of the good side. Even if Andrea did wrong at letting a suicidal Beth free. She gave Beth a choice, she cross the line so she could make her decision. It's like with Shane actions. It look bad but are for the great good. And no one is strictly good or bad. They are just doing the best they can to survive. Making decision that could be seem bad or good. But they are made to survive. Shane and Rick have a fight. Rick tries to make Shane understand that its his family and not Shane's. When Shane tries to kill Rick walkers are freed. Afterwards Shane is overrun by walkers and it seems like Rick will leave him there because he was looking for that. But he sees two dead policemen and comes back and saves his friend.
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The Walking Dead: Triggerfinger (2012)
Season 2, Episode 9
Shane the Villain
20 December 2018
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Daryl is broken and put people aside, but Carol want him back and recieve every word punch directly. Shane is more and more obsessed with Lori and show an agressive personality that could end in violence. But keeps his cool. Andrea tells him that he should be the one to guide the group, his presentation is what's lacking. Meanwhile Lori talk Rick into making Shane the villian and a danger for her family and their relation. And as such she seems to expect Rick to kill Shane or setting things up with him.
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The Walking Dead: Pretty Much Dead Already (2011)
Season 2, Episode 7
The World of the Strongest
19 December 2018
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Walkers are dangerous but Hershel doesn't know he have lived outside that world. Even if they are considered humans gone crazy people they really aren't like Jenner said about the part of the brain that makes you human is dead. Shane had gone mad and now is being honest with what he think. He wants to protect the ones he care for but by the incorrect means. You could debate that in that era there isn't incorrect means. And so he free up the walkers instead of killing them upside and rejects everything the hoster thinks. Only taking action, the world of the strongest. Sophia appears but now as a walker, neglecting all effort Daryl put into saving the girl.
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The Walking Dead: Secrets (2011)
Season 2, Episode 6
19 December 2018
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Maggie look up for Glenn as a leader and more than a scapegoat for the walkers. Meanwhile Shane is coming to terms with his dark side more and more thanks to the fuel Dale gave to him. Lori breaks up and tells Rick about the baby and Shane. Rick have to come to terms with it. Amazing episode that covers a lot of ground.
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The Walking Dead: Chupacabra (2011)
Season 2, Episode 5
Daryl Against the World
19 December 2018
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Problems in paradise Glenn? Maggie seems indifferent to Glenn, while he is soo pure. Meanwhile Daryl found Sophia doll but before that he fall down of his horse to only have an arrow go through his body. He have hallucinations of Merle that tells him horrible things. Just when he got up and had gone back home Andrea shot him. Glenn finds out about the walkers Herchel kept in his farm, maybe the girl is there? Overall this episode have many intersting moments and Daryl development.
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The Walking Dead: Cherokee Rose (2011)
Season 2, Episode 4
Golden Heart Daryl and Glenn the Hero
19 December 2018
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The group found that a water well is infected by a walker so Glenn have to save the day by getting down and attaching the rope into the walker. Next thing he and Maggie need to look up for medical supplies, they hook up by loneliness. Daryl is searching for Sophia and founds a house with signs of someone living there. Daryl visits Carol and give her a beautiful speech about the flower he give to her. The chapter have intersting character development specially from Daryl.
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