
22 Reviews
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An all time favorite
3 July 2023
I love this movie and have since I first saw it as a child. It's family friendly fare that was pretty typical of the time, and doesn't pretend to be anything else. If all you know of Lucille Ball is the old I Love Lucy series, you might be surprised to find that she was a pretty good actress, although there is one particular scene that does make the most of her fabulous comedic talents. She was 57 in this movie, but looks great and carries off a woman at least 10 years younger with no problem. She and Fonda have pretty good chemistry.

She plays a widow with 8 children who marries a widower with 10, and they go on to add one more. My own family history includes a similar story, and a total of 23 kids before they were done, so it's completely believable to me.

Of course this is light fare so you don't get any of the reality of raising a large family (all those kids would have had chores), just the comedy. But that's fine because who wants reality in a comedy? Watched it again recently and it holds up well to my memories.
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Good entertainment
25 May 2023
I enjoyed this sequel quite a lot. Of course in this one the ladies have moved on to a different phase of their lives, so no romantic subplots, although Candace Bergen's character has a fling. But I sometimes wonder if Jane Fonda has it in her contract that she is the only glamorous one. No, really I like Fonda and she's good in this, but they could have done better by Bergen, which they dis in the first movie, and Keaton and Steenburgen are no slouches either. Bergen does get a lot of great lines though, all the best comedic bits.

Anyway, less romance than the first but more adventures and of course gorgeous scenery. I laughed frequently. What especially struck me was the friendship dynamic. That felt very real, and you think they might all like each other off screen. But also because, adventures aside, it's very much the way women friends really relate, especially as you get older.

And I think that's a major point for me. I like a lot of different movies, even the superhero stuff and the action movies. I watch them all. But you do feel sometimes like Hollywood thinks nobody over the age of 27 watches movies. So it's refreshing to see a movie that is relatable and, bonus, has this amazing cast. Steenburgen and Keaton are two actresses I can't get enough of anyway but I think are also the most fun and they just chew up their scenes. And not to be forgotten, we get more of Don Johnson and Andy Garcia as well. But really this movie is about the ladies and friendship.
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Quantum Leap (2022–2024)
I want to like it but ...
28 November 2022
Admittedly as someone who loved the original, I am biased but I really did want the reboot to recapture some of the fun of the original. One thing they did right is not trying to pretend the old show had never happened. We are allowed and expected to know what Ben is getting into.

The problem is one that is common with reboots, so it's something they should have known to avoid: Too much backstory, too much angst and right in the first episode. It's no longer an adventure a week, and they don't bother to feed us information each week and let us get to know and care about the characters. It's a bit of a soap opera from the first episode as Ben (the new Sam) pledges his forever love and then goes off to leap. Meanwhile his forever love is also on the team and plays the advisory role made iconic in the original by Dean Stockwell, RIP. So it's a bit star crossed lovers from the get go, and that buddy aspect that made the original fun is definitely missing. Then back home there's an entire team working with Ziggy the computer. No criticism of any of these actors or the characters, some of which I like a lot and Ernie Hudson is always great; but it's frankly a distraction from Ben's adventures in time travel. When you bring in more characters, you have to give them lines. That's less time watching Ben figure out what he needs to do. They could ditch the love interest entirely and replace her with one of the other, and more interesting, characters easily. What that tells you is that the love interest was entirely unnecessary to the story. Any good writer knows that anything which doesn't move the plot needs to be cut.
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Suffers from too much ego
3 November 2022
Branagh has the clout and vision to make great movies, but his ego often gets in the way. I found that to be especially true with his version of MOTOE. Fabulous cinematography, stellar casting, but there were numerous unnecessary changes/additions that seemed more about serving his ego than the plot. Like the bit where he's walking on top of the train car in street shoes. First, not true to the character; second completely unnecessary to the story. Then there were the character changes from the original story, names changed or characters blended together. What purpose did it serve to make these changes? There were also unnecessary action scenes in what is really a psychological mystery.

I will say again that the casting is otherwise stellar. Lovely to see Jacobi and Dench who really showed why they are industry royalty,and I heard a rumor that they considered Jolie for the role that went to Pfeiffer and I think they dodged a bullet there if it's true.
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A very enjoyable movie for grown ups
6 August 2022
I had read the series when I was young and had pleasant memories of the story and characters. I was a little nervous that the movie version wouldn't respect the book, but they actually did a nice job of it. The flavor, for lack of a better word, is right and they hit all the important points in the movie while giving us a more upbeat ending than I remember from the book. That was a happy surprise.

It's a sweet little feel good movie that left a smile on my face.
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It was fun!
15 March 2022
If you want to be picky, you'll find things to pick at. But this movie is family fair and as much for the kiddies as the grownups, so it's not a deep meaningful cinematic experience. But it is fun and fast paced and has a lot of smart alecky humor and really cool fight scenes.
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It's not Agatha Christie.
29 January 2022
If you are unfamiliar with Christie and like shows that are dark and a bit depressing, you may well enjoy this. But you will still be unfamiliar with Agatha Christie. This series is only superficially similar to the book. It's well done for what it is, though.
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An incredible movie
10 January 2022
Just watched this movie again after many many years. Of course I know the end but oddly it didn't take anything away. I think it just helped me appreciate the subtle clues throughout the movie. But here's how you know it's a great movie- everyone takes great care not to give end away. Nobody wants to spoil it for the new audience.

There are many synopsis available so I won't bother here.

Everyone raves about Osment's performance, and it is superb, no argument. But more surprising is Bruce Willis who is not known for nuanced acting. But he turns in a great performance here. His scenes with Osment are so well done, so understated. It's really a shame he's mostly known for action flicks because he really can act.
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Fin characters and intricate puzzles
28 August 2021
Coming to this series for the first time and really enjoying it. It's a refreshing break from angsty anti hero stuff on tv these days. I enjoy the quirky characters and the intricate puzzles. This episode is interesting because it references the isolation COVID lock down. Only briefly, not lingering or beleaguering it; but they were obviously optimistic when filming this.
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Sahara (2005)
a fast paced adventure, lots of fun.
31 May 2021
A fast paced adventure, lots of fun. I've watched it a few times and always enjoy it. Good escapist stuff.

It does deviate from the book in some aspects, but in some ways it also improves on that as I think the pacing is better than the book. I liked McConaughey's Dirk Pitt and thought the character benefited from the lighter tone and was more believable, if that can be said of such an oversized character.
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Call My Agent! (2015–2020)
Really excellent. Well worth putting up with subtitles!
2 February 2021
I don't speak much French, and usually don't care for subtitles, but I stumbled onto this show and became addicted. It's largely a comedy, but with heart and depth. Very well written and a superb cast. And the subtitles are quite well done and convincing, not the usual awkward not quite right attempt at literal translation. I quickly adapted to following along and possibly have improved my French as well!

The premise is a talent agency in Paris with 4 partners and their staff who go above and beyond for clients. They are dedicated, but their personal lives usually suffer for it. In addition to the regular cast, most episodes include actors playing themselves as clients of the fictional agency. Those fictional subplots are often where some of the best comedic moments occur.
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Enola Holmes (2020)
Very enjoyable
24 September 2020
I'm an old adult, not a YA this movie is supposedly aimed at, but I enjoyed the movie immensely. Strict devotees of the Holmes canon will find plenty to criticize, and I admit they'd be right. This is not a Sherlock Holmes story. But stand it on its own feet and it's a very fun movie with a great cast.

My main issue is much the same as with many other movies - not enough attention paid to the sound quality of the dialog which should never be, but often is, second fiddle to background music and other Fx noise. This is a shame.
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Merlin (2008–2012)
Quite good fun
6 June 2020
I've only just discovered this show, but it is exactly the tonic I was looking for. In the spirit of those cheesy old Hercules and Xena shows, and maybe a touch of the old pirate movies I remember as a child, the series plays fast and loose with the Arthurian legends, but all in good fun with one adventure after another. In this telling, Merlin is a young boy, servant and friend to a youthful Arthur; but magic is outlawed from Camelot, so Merlin's power is a secret shared only with his mentor, a wise physician at court. Makes for interesting situations as Merlin does his best to protect Arthur and his friends without revealing his secret.

It could have been cheesy, but actually the acting is quite good and the settings gorgeous. The other saving graces are endearing characters and lots of humor. And unlike so many things on tv these days, you can watch this with the kids without worry.

If you take your legends seriously, this is not for you. But it is very entertaining and I've enjoyed watching it a great deal.
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The original cast of thousands comedy
23 September 2019
I just hope nobody ever tries to make a reboot, because they'll never recapture the magic. It doesn't matter that few today would know who most of the cast is. That's a fun extra perk for the rest of us, but it isn't necessary for the enjoyment of the movie. It's zany, madcap fun.
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Murder, She Wrote (1984–1996)
That rare thing that is perfectly what it sets out to be.
1 September 2019
Even all these years later, this series still entertains and delivers exactly what it promises. The plots were engaging and the guest stars always top notch. Lansbury and the writers crafted a cozy weekly who dunnit, something that has never really gone out of style, as proven by the legions of fans who span generations, many who weren't even around when the show aired originally. Clearly they knew what audiences wanted. Charming characters that you didn't mind inviting into your living room every week and a satisfying resolution to every episode. None of this anti hero serial drama stuff, which might be easier to write, but has a limited audience. Murder She Wrote could be watched by the whole family, from youngest child on up to the grandparents. You just don't see that quality today. And the standard was maintained for 12 years !
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Yesterday (III) (2019)
Very enjoyable
17 July 2019
This was a good, clean, fun and unpretentious movie. I enjoyed the music, of course, and appreciate the premise of the story - what if you woke up one day to discover that beloved cultural icons had never existed?

The story - talented aspiring singer/songwriter and Beatles fan wakes up in a world where nobody has ever heard of The Beatles. Other cultural icons have also strangely disappeared, and those are interspersed throughout the movie for mild comic effect. So what do you do? Well if you are an aspiring songwriter, you pretend you wrote the songs and let it take you to fame and fortune. Except, of course, there is always the worry that someone, some day, will find you out. The main character remains likeable throughout the story, never quite resting easy and never completely forgetting about the people who believed in.

It's light comedy, and even lighter on the romance. Yes, there's a boy and a girl; and yes, you want them to get together. But the story is not entirely dependent on it, and there's a nice cast of supporting friends and family who add flavor.

And, of course, overlaying all of this is the great music from The Beatles, which the movie, very happily, does not stint on. The budget for the rights alone must have been huge. And our guy can actually sing and does John, Paul, George and Ringo proud.

It all makes for a lovely and entertaining afternoon at the movies, and that's more than I can say for a lot of movies these days.
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A must see movie.
29 January 2019
It's so well done on many levels and would stand alone as a really good movie regardless, but this story really happened, and in my lifetime. In fact not 30 miles from where I grew up, so it resonates on multiple levels. It's a snapshot of relatively recent history, and that makes it relevant for everyone. Some things should never be forgotten. But you can also enjoy it as just a good movie.
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The Saint (2017 TV Movie)
It's got problems but captures the right tone
9 December 2018
You gotta suspend some disbelief and overlook inaccuracies, such as tossing gold bullion around like LEGO's; but the show harks back to a less cynical time when spies were cool and viewers were less savvy, and captures the tone of the original well without being cheesy. So it does well with the nostalgia factor, and it's just fun. There's not enough fun in the world so I'm giving it points for that.
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Murphy Brown (1988–2018)
It got under the skin of a lot of people!!!
3 October 2018
I think it needs a few more episodes to find it's groove again, and probably a few of us are still adjusting to the reality that much time has passed for these characters (for us, too, but we are a lot slower to accept that!). When I read the negative comments I can't help but think that the show got off to a great start if it managed to needle so many people.
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Murphy Brown (1988–2018)
I watched it and I liked it.
3 October 2018
The chracters are back and in this first episode we get a lot of set up and toasting characters no longer with us. Since the first episode was all set up, we Haven't yet seen what the show can do.

What I hope for is Candace Bergen getting more comfortable back in the roll. She needs more edge, not just anger. And the other characters need To sink their teeth more.

But what I saw, it's going to work.
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MacGyver (2016–2021)
George Eads is great
1 August 2018
The synopsis given for this re-imagined version of the original is a bit laughable. The new MacGyver requires a whole back up team. They should have just given the role to George Eads, as his character at least embodies the sense of action and fun that the original show had. I suspect some bean counter thought he was too old for the role, but that just goes to show that they didn't understand what made the original show so great.

The new MacGyver has more angst than brains. And I can't help but notice that in the photo they are using, they put Eads in front of the title character. That's pretty telling.
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Ocean's Eight (2018)
19 June 2018
Fun characters, fun plot, what's not to like? It never pretends to be anything else.

In Ocean's 8, you get memorably characters, a team that's realistically diverse and interesting. Yet that is not belabored. Nobody tried to make this movie into Norma Rae or Thelma & Louise. They stuck to what makes these movies fun ... the heist and glamor. That's what makes this kind of movie click, and this one does.

I'm not sure why this movie is getting dissed. I suspect that if it were the same plot, but with Clooney & Co., it wouldn't be. In fact, this basically is the same as the other Ocean's movies, just played out with women and the heist is jewels instead of casinos. Bullock and Blanchett pull of the same buddy chemistry as Clooney and Pitt, their merry band of co-conspirators are just as smart and worthy, and certainly the casting is a lot more interesting. Let's be honest, with the earlier versions, do you actually remember any of the cast beyond Clooney and Pitt? Maybe the criticism is because the women get to dress better and in a fun twist walk away with their loot in plain site, which a male cast could not pulled off. It was more fun than revealing a bag of money.

You don't go to see this kind of movie for anything other than sheer entertainment, and this delivers.
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